Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Today, May 26, 2008, I went into the garage to check on the ferret.
And as shocking as it was to me,
I found the ferret, dead, with its neck caught underneath
One side of the cage, and it appeared
Like its neck was broken
And jus seeing the ferret
Lying there in its cage, motionless
It seemed to me that it was alive at first
I don’t know if I was seeing things
But to me, it looked like the ferret,
Was opening and closing at least one of its eyes
So, I thought it was jus in a coma at first
But checking on it later on
It still hadn’t moved at all
So I had to face the face
That the poor ferret must have been dead since last night
Last night, the guys who live in the group home
Where I am living at the present time
Must have, accidentally, set the cage edge
Over the ferret without realizing it
And thinking that, although, he tried to get out of the cage
That after positioning the cage over the box
Which the ferret used to sleep in
Which box was filled with shreds of paper?
And had turned out to be his favorite box
I know that one of the guys
Didn’t kill the ferret on purpose
But still it really hurts inside
That the ferret is gone
Although I know it is in animal Heaven
It still bothers me a lot
That he’s no longer alive even though it’s out of its suffering
I used to take care of the animal
And made sure it had food and water, every morning
Also, the animal always was as cuddly as a stuffed toy
I thought that he was a cute fellow
So I miss the poor animal jus like a baby
To me, he was like a member of the family
And now that he’s gone even though having been dead for hours
I jus don’t know what to do with myself
I have felt like I’ve been in mourning
That was ever since I noticed it dead, this afternoon
For one thing, I know he’s happy in animal Heaven
And that should be making me
Feel good inside all around in my inner being
But right now I am finding it hard
In trying to cope with the animal’s death
And on top of this, one of the cats, Mittens,
I’ve noticed, crying over the poor ferret’s death
I know she can sense he’s no longer alive
In fact, the cat spent the whole morning
Sleeping the day away
And one time when I walked over to her
Sitting in her favorite chair in the garage
I could tell that she was crying
She, actually, has been having tears in her eyes
And ever since I said some comforting words to her
She must have realized
I was trying to make her feel better
Because since that moment, I talked to her
She’s been walking around outside
Like she, usually, does on such a nice day
But I noticed her, walking over to one of the guys
I was sitting at the picnic table with
And she rubbed her body against his arm
And I’m sure she’s trying to tell him
That one of her favorite friends has hit the bucket

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