Wacky walked into Trauma Room one over at Wholberg County General. And heard the patient, David Foley, yelling out, “Hey, doctor, my chest hurts, badly. And I’m feeling, as though, I can’t get my breath, and am going to die. Hey, do something about it; this chest pain is driving me, crazy.”
David is feeling, as though, the walls are closing in around him. Also, to him, it seemed that the white walls of the room were spinning around him.
Then, Dr. Schmidt gave his patient, a shot of Haldol, as he, literally, was screaming in pain. And this shot didn’t seem to do much, right away, to calm him down. However, in about ten minutes, he turned quite groggy. And the room around him, no longer, seemed like it was spinning or closing in around him.
However, then, as Wacky walked into the room, he jus started telling the patient, some funny story about some other guy, he’d seen at that hospital.
Wacky was trying to settle the patient down as he has been complaining of having chest pains which were diagnosed by his doctor as one of the symptoms of an anxiety attack.
So, he told the patient, David, “You know something, my buddy? Do you know what this fellow did when he, also, felt the room, spinning around him, and closing in around him? Well, he talked right to the room, itself, as though, it had no control over him. He told the room to leave him, alone, and by gosh, he then, felt like a million dollars because of this.”
“I know, exactly, what you’re getting at. I know what he did next. He jus laughed his problems away. And before he knew it, he was
feeling, as though, his world was drifting away, and taking him away with it.”
“How did you guess this, my boy? Really, I’ve heard you tell this joke to another patient, sometime today.”
“Boy, you’re one smart fellow. Your life, actually, is a journey, not a destination.”
However, then, the patient jus stared at him, and said to Wacky, while he started to hallucinate and saw the walls turn green and move around him like they had a mind of their own, “You know something, doc? Something strange is going on around here. I’ve jus started hearing voices but can’t make out what any of them are saying to me.”
So, the doctor taking care of him, walked into the room after getting some coffee from a machine in the doctor’s lounge. Then, he jus happened to notice that for some odd reason, his patient, David Foley jus didn’t appear to look like himself.
Then, the patient said to the doctor, “All of a sudden, I’m starting to hear these strange voices around me in echoes. I can’t tell from where any of them are coming. And I can’t seem to make out what any of them are trying to tell me except for one.”
The doctor said to him, “What, exactly, is this one voice, saying to you?”
“He’s trying to tell me that I can’t stand being in a hospital room. And then, he jus is trying to talk me into going up in one of the hospital elevators. And that when I reach the top of the roof, the next thing, I should do is jump off the roof. That in doing this is the answer to all of my problems.”
“Whatever you do, don’t take this voice, seriously, now. Jus ignore this voice because it’s trying to become a part of you. And if you don’t try to wipe these thoughts out of your mind. That you’ll, actually, give into this voice. And then, the next thing, you know, you will be taking your own life.”
“Why is this voice, trying to tell me to jump off the roof of this building?”
“This voice seems to be coming from some fear inside you. You, probably, are afraid of elevators, and never realized this before until now. Don’t allow this fear to take you over because if you do, you’ll end up committing suicide. And it’s extending from a part of you which is psychotic.”
“Are you going to give me, some medicine for this? Because I jus don’t like being psychotic; I’ve jus realized that I have too much to live for like a have a wife and kids who, really, love me with all their heart.”
“Don’t worry about anything. I’ve jus ordered your doctor to put a big doze of Paxil down your IV. You’ll be relieved of all of your hallucinations in no time at all. Don’t try to get yourself all worked up over these voices. Jus try to relax and get some rest which will help the medication take effect, better and faster, too.”
Jus then, the head of the hospital, Dr. William Ross, was noticed by the doctor walking around on the first floor.
So, then, he walked into the Trauma One where the patient jus has been diagnosed as being schizophrenic and psychotic by his doctor. Jus after the doctor got the hospital head’s attention; the doctor said to him, “This patient needs another psychiatric counsel, badly. He keeps complaining about chest pains, and hearing really bad voices, so, he could be heading for a bad panic attack, and not even be aware of this.”
For the second time, Wacky came into the room; jus followed the doctor into the room. And they happened to notice, that and the patient was mumbling to himself. However, neither Wacky nor the doctor could make out what he was saying to himself.
And Wacky was jus about to give the patient, David Foley, another psychiatric counsel, when Dr. Ross noticed Wacky, grab onto some utensil on a metal tray inside the room. So, Dr. Ross, immediately, signaled the hospital head by waving his hand at him.
As the hospital head walked back into the room, Wacky, the psychiatric counsel, still, has the metal utensil in his hand; it was getting closer to his head.
So, the hospital head, then, said to Dr. Ross who was taking care of the patient in the room who was diagnosed as Schizophrenic, “Hey, doctor, wait here inside the room, I’ll be right back. I’m going to get security, and in the meantime, grabbed that utensil out of Wacky’s hand before he does something crazy to himself.”
And as the hospital head was doing so, Wacky turned violent and started pushing the guy around, trying to get the utensil back.
Another doctor, Dr. Schmidt, jus happened to race inside the Trauma room. And he along with Dr. Ross grabbed Wacky’s arms. And then, they dragged him over to the other bed inside the room, and strapped him down. Then, he, also, got a shot of Haldol from Dr. Schmidt.
So, then, security jus happened to walk into the room with puzzled looks on their faces as they jus happened to notice Wacky, strapped down to a bed, trying to squirm out of it,
One of them said to Dr. Ross, “What’s the matter, here? Is one of your patients acting up, big time? I see that he’s trying very hard to knock his bed over.”
“Yes, it looks like Wacky, the psychiatric counsel, has been living up to his name. He has jus become a patient of mine. That darn guy jus tried to kill him with one of the utensils over on that metal tray. Suddenly, I’ve gotten two Schizophrenic cases thrown on my shoulders. However, Wacky is the one, I’m, really, concerned about.”
As Wacky jus moved so hard that his bed has, almost, ended up onto the floor. He, somehow, has succeeded in getting the straps apart. So, then, the two security guards grabbed onto him. As they did, he said to them in a frantic voice, as his arms flailed all over the place.
“Hey, what’s going on here? I jus came into this room jus a few minutes ago to counsel this patient for the second time in a row jus because he’s Schizophrenic, and, apparently, also, have an anxiety disorder. And this is the thanks; I get for helping out Dr. Ross.”
So, Dr. Ross said to him, very sternly, “what you jus pulled, you call a reason to get thanks for taking care of my patient? I don’t know what kind of parents; you had to bring you up. However, I will not take your kind of behavior in this hospital. And you’re a real crazy suicide case at best. C’mon security, strap him down, again, and this time, very tightly, so, he won’t be able to move.”
Wacky couldn’t figure out what, really, was going on because he’s buried inside his own world. And he doesn’t seem to be aware of what’s going on around him being he’s so doped up with Haldol. So, he, literally, was starting to pass out from all the Haldol shots, he has been given by his doctor, since, he’s been forced onto a bed.
So, the paramedics rushed into the room, and then, quickly, wheeled Wacky down the hall, and out the doors, over to the ambulance.
Once, he’s inside the ambulance, suddenly, without warning, his mind started to pull tricks on him. He, actually, before his very eyes, saw that metal utensil which he had been fooling around with, flying off its metal tray while growing into a humongous size.
To him, it even seemed, that everything and everyone, as well as Dr. Ross, was getting bigger besides all of the metal cabinets above, closing in on him.
And this incident caused him to, almost, let out a scream which he couldn’t manage to do jus because he’s so doped up with Haldol. He couldn’t even let one word out as the ambulance was on its way to the mental hospital in Wholberg County General.
Wacky saw the utensil, flying at him while inside the ambulance, and moving through the air at great speed while he’s, also, moving through the air into the night.
This incident caused him to let out a scream, and at that, Dr. Ross placed some tape over his mouth. So, all that could come out, was a bunch of distorted mumbling. Also, he saw a needle, coming at his arm, another shot of medicine which seemed to calm him down, and stop him from hallucinating.
However, Wacky is feeling overanxious, and acting weird in laughing at the whole world. And at the same time, the night seemed to be so spooky to him, ever since, he experienced that feeling of flying into night.
Before Wacky realized what was going on, the paramedics were wheeling him, very fast, inside the Wholberg Mental Hospital. And two doctors were waiting for him right inside by the doors. And as soon as they noticed the paramedics, wheeling him inside the mental hospital, they followed him until they arrived inside one of the mental wards.
Wacky is lying in bed over at the mental hospital. And the colors of the wall in being a bright red, seemed to be lashing out at him. He’s jus been wheeled into a mental ward by some paramedics upon being found at Wholberg County General.
Supposedly, his admittance occurred trying to do his job as a psychiatrist. He gave one of the patients, David Foley, in Trauma One, a psychiatric counsel. This was because David’s doctor figured, his patient was having a lot of physical symptoms disguised as mental illness.
Once, one of the doctors, Dr. David Pauley arrived inside the mental ward, he said to the other doctor, Dr. Bill Preston, “Get a nurse over here to this bed. This patient has been admitted with one huge problem.”
“Do you want me to get a straight jacket for this guy?”
“Yes, doctor, I need one right away. This patient is acting like he’s gone out of his head, and he thinks everything wrong with him is funny. And another thing, don’t forget the Haldol. This guy can’t seem to settle down, and is acting like he’s some nut case.”
In the meantime, Wacky has a surprised look in his eyes, as the last shot of Haldol is wearing off. And he, suddenly, is aware of being inside a mental hospital as a doctor is bringing the straight jacket over to the bed.
And a doctor is in the process of giving him, a shot of Haldol, as he, frantically, said to the other doctor, “This patient has been diagnosed as being Schizophrenic, however, check this one over, again. He seems to be acting pretty weird for a patient of his diagnoses. And another thing is that he, also, tried to kill himself with some pointed metal utensil from a metal tray in Trauma One at over at Wholberg County General Hospital.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that this guy is, also, psychotic. However, I can’t figure jus why he’s been joking around, ever since; he arrived here at the hospital.”
“I’m taking a look at his chart, here, in my right hand it seems unlikely he’ll ever be able to work ever again as a psychiatric counselor over at Wholeberg County General Hospital.”
“Why this patient with the nickname of Wacky, has turned into some nut case. This is, solely, because of his silly ways, he uses whenever he tried to counsel a patient. None of the doctors or nurses will take anything like that from some guy, who’s been trying to hold a job as a psychiatric counselor.”
“What is this, you’re trying to tell me, Wacky?”
“Well, I, certainly, can’t understand in any way why you doctors, suddenly, got the idea, I’m some kind of nut case jus because I like to use humor whenever I’m counseling a patient of mine.” “
“What I’m trying to get through to you, Wacky, is that what you’ve been doing all along...”
“What are you trying to tell me, that I’m some crazy person jus because I love using humor on the job?”
“What concerns me, right now, is how you’ve turned into some kind of suicide case. And right now, what you’ve been doing is putting all the patients, here, at this mental hospital, down. And that’s, certainly, acting very unsociable with the patients, too.”
“Since, when is being funny being unsociable with patients. In fact, what I’m trying to do is be sociable. And even though, I’ve been given a different label as bi-polar, I’m on medicine for it, and also, Schizophrenia, I’ll have you know.”
“What medicines are you on at the present, may I ask, Wacky?”
“Well, over at the hospital where I have been working as a counsel, I’ve been put on Haldol for one, along with Paxil for depression, and also, Stelazine. However, I’ve been told that Stelazine can cause one to have movements similar to that of one, having Parkinson’s disease. So, please, take me off of that Stelazine, and place me on something else.”
“Okay, Wacky, now I can understand jus why your legs and arms, move involuntarily. Also, I’ve noticed that whenever you talk, you, always, seem to move your tongue in and out which is not a normal symptom of being bi-polar or being Schizophrenic.”
“So, what other medicine or medicines are you going to try on me?”
“For one, Wacky, I am going to take you off of that Stelazine, and place you on Risperdal, and Haldol, which you, already, are on besides an anxiety medication, Ativan. And Ativan is known to control all types of anxiety as well as the attacks, themselves. I have other patients on that same medicine, and none of them have had another panic attack, since, they have been at this mental hospital.”
As Wacky is getting very jittery, and he’s playing with his tongue, immediately, he was given that shot of Haldol in addition to having a shot of Risperdal and Ativan. And he calmed down, immediately, and all uncontrolled movements of his arms, legs, and tongue, immediately, stopped.
“Thank you, Dr. Pauley; you are one nice doctor, who I am going to appreciate taking care of me. And by the way, I don’t know if my doctor has even told you this jus before leaving for the hospital at where he works. Over at that hospital, I was given the label, a suicide case. However, believe me; I don’t think that fits me. If you see me, doing anything psychotic, let me know about it.”
“For one thing,” the doctor said to him while he’s twiddling his fingers, “What’s in your report, here, is that while giving a counsel to a patient over at the hospital, you attempted to kill yourself with a metal utensil. So, that’s why you were brought here in the first place.”
“However, maybe it’s jus that I don’t remember doing that to myself. It’s like as if that incident doesn’t belong in my life right now. Or why the incident drove me to having that label of a suicide case. However, believe me, right now, I don’t have any urge inside me to kill myself. I have too much to live for, and believe that life is a journey, not a destination.”
So, then, because Dr. Pauley loved Wacky’s attitude about life in general, he then, walked over to another doctor, higher than him, who was in the mental ward, giving another patient, a medicine shot.
Upon approaching the other doctor, Dr. Hagedorn, he said to him, “You know something, doc, I never have seen a case as this one like Wacky’s, before in my life. He’s supposed to be a suicide case; yet, he doesn’t seem to be acting suicidal or psychotic, even, anymore. Here, come with me over to him, and I’ll show you what I mean. He’s in bed number two.”
So, both doctors approached Wacky; he said to them, half laughing, “I’m not any of these labels which have been put on me. Neither am I, schizophrenic which means that a person, seemingly, hears voices from people that are ghosts or aliens in your life. Nor am I, bi-polar which means you’re from the cold era, complete with polar bears.”
Dr. Pauley said to Wacky, “Boy, I’ve never seen any case as yours before in my life. In fact, you’re the only person, I’ve ever seen before who can laugh at life and its problems.”
After a brief pause, trying to get his breath, Dr. Pauley, then, said to Dr. Hagedorn, “Please take that straight jacket off of Wacky because he, simply, doesn’t seem to need it, anymore. What I think is that he never needed it in the first place.”
As the doctor took the straight jacket off of Wacky, he, no longer, was fluttering his arms and legs all over the place. In fact, he, actually, has this happy look in his eyes, and they were sparkling as if the light was hitting his eyes.
And he may be balding but he said to both Dr. Pauley and Dr. Hagedorn, “I’m not, really, bald. I’ve jus got more head to deal with.”
Wacky was lying on his bed with his arms up in the air, and hitting the bed with his legs, doing these movements on purpose. So, Dr. Pauley thought what he’s doing with himself was very humorous.
So then, he said to Wacky, “You know something, my boy? All of these patients at this mental hospital need you, badly. You appear to be the type of man who can make anyone laugh, especially, a person who’s dying through giving him, a new outlook on life.”
So, Wacky replied, “Right now, with those green clothes, you’re wearing, my boy, and with your chest as broad as it is. You look like a toad in a blender because I know; you’re seeing blood, drooling before your eyes but are not psychotic in any way.”
So then, Dr. Pauley jus loved his humor, so much, that he allowed him to get out of bed. And then, he led his patient, Wacky; over to another ward where a patient thinks she has a life-threatening illness.
And the doctor introduced Wacky to her, “Wacky, this is one of my patients. She has been admitted a couple of weeks ago to this mental ward because she, always, thinks; her mental illness is life-threatening. Go do your thing, Wacky, and see what you can do to cheer her up.”
Then, Wacky said to Jackie, “Hi Jackie, my name is Wacky, however, this is not my real name. I earned this name over at Wholberg County General because all the doctors and nurses jus think, the way, I act is wacky. Also, they refer me as the wackiest doctor alive.”
“Okay, Wacky, I feel funny, calling you by that name. To me, it sounds kind of childish, so, what’s your real name?”
“My real name is Michael Adams; in fact, no one, absolutely, no one calls me, Michael.”
“Well, I think that what I have been facing for months now, is a life-threatening illness. And this illness which doctor, always, refer to as anxiety disorder, always, makes me, feel like I’m going to die whenever I come down with a panic attack. And ever since, I’ve been at this mental ward, whatever my doctor gave me for my panic attacks, is, really, working pretty well because I haven’t had one in hours. Although, I, still, get that feeling inside whenever I have a nightmare, that I’m going to die an early death.”
“Well, my woman,” Wacky replied, “Nightmares cannot take over your life unless you allow them to. And then if you do, they seem to haunt you, and make you feel like you’re living in a haunted house. So, you don’t want to feel you’re in a spooky mental ward, do you, my dear?”
“No, I don’t, my dear Wacky.”
“And I’m sure you don’t want the ghost, Spooky, from the movie of the same name, to fly into this mental ward, and make a spook out of you. Because if you allow him to do this, the next thing, you know, you will be flying around in a sheet instead of walking around the yard on nice day. You don’t want to become that ghost or any ghost for what matter, do you, my dear?”
“The thing is, though, Wacky, if this ghost makes a spook out of me, he’ll send me to my death bed. So, please do all in your power to not allow this ghost around me or even in this mental ward.”
“Will you stop concentrating on the thought, that you have a life-threatening illness, then, if not jus for me?”
“Yes, I want to, badly, but since, you’re, seemingly, playing psychiatrist, what are you doing, dancing around my bed? Is this something, you tend to do all the time whenever you’re giving anybody, a psychiatric counsel?”
“Yes, dancing is one of the things, I tend to do. I, also, dress up in a clown outfit whenever I have a patient over at the hospital to any patients who happen to be very young like girls and boys, for example. However, when my patients are in the older range, I, usually, wear my doctor’s coat along with appropriate loud clothing. And then, I’ll jus dance around like I jus did for you, and wear this certain crazy-looking top hat which I take off my head, and wave around.”
“You know something, Wacky; I don’t know how you happened to do it. However, you jus made me, feel a lot better, already. And as long as you’re around me in my life, I don’t have time to think of having a life-threatening illness.”
“Oh, my doctor is here to see me. Do you work here now, or are you jus a patient like me at this mental hospital?” “
Actually, I was a mental patient, and admitted about a month ago, however, whatever medication, that they have been giving me, has been helping, greatly. This is because I don’t get all those hallucinations which I was having, and that Haldol has, really, been doing something for me. I, originally, was diagnosed as schizophrenia and bi-polar, however today, my doctor let me know, that all of my mental illnesses are on the road to recovery.”
So, then, Jackie’s doctor asked her, “how are you doing? Is the advice that Wacky jus gave you, has it given you, a feeling, you have been lifted up inside?”
“I know it’s time for my shot. However, Wacky, here, beside my bed, has jus made me, feel like I could fly away, so joyfully. And Wacky, really, there is something about him which, really, hits me deep inside. And, already, I’m feeling like my mental illness is, no longer, life-threatening.”
“That’s so good, my dear. By the way, follow me and I’ll take you over to my office. There I’m afraid you will have to go through the card bit, again. And as I hold the cards up to you, jus tell me like before what you see.”
As Jackie and her doctor arrived inside his office, he said to her, “Okay my dear, make yourself comfortable, and after you do so, I’ll start showing you, the cards.”
And about a half hour later, after the doctor was through showing Jackie, the cards, he said to her, “Well, my dear, you did pretty well, this time. In fact, I’ve jus noticed that you have a high intelligence, that of a genius.”
It is a nice day outside, and since, all the doctors want their patients to go for a walk around the area outside, so, then, Wacky said to Jackie in a loving way, “C’mon my dear, how are you feeling, now? Are you up to taking a walk outside with me, today? I’ll be here, probably, for another month, depending on how well I progress.”
“By the way, Wacky, since, you seem like a nice person, I’ll, gladly, go for a walk with you.”
As Wacky tried to take her hand as they were walking out of the mental ward, and heading for the main doors, leading to the backyard, she didn’t even try to resist his hand. In fact, in him, taking her hand, made her, feel like she was being carried by some wind which seemed to come to her from nowhere, she thought.
However, jus as soon as the two reached the main doors, she realized that the wind, probably, has been coming over to her from some opened windows.
As they reached the backyard which was surrounded by barbed wire fences, Wacky, then, pleaded with her.
“Whatever you do, please don’t try to get fresh with me. It’s not that I don’t like kisses; it’s, mostly, that I have a wife and three kids. And it doesn’t seem appropriate to me to be given a kiss whether by someone else I know or even a stranger like you are to me. However, for some uncanny reason, you, no longer, seem like a stranger to me. Have I met you, some place before other than here at the mental hospital?”
“I’m very surprised that you don’t remember bumping into me over at the Wholberg County General. There, I jus started working, lately, as a med student.”
“My wife and kids drop by some times over at the hospital. Have you ever met any of them before? My wife’s name is Cherry, and the three kids are all teenagers. There names are: Jason, Brent, and Chris. I don’t have any daughters to my name, and I’m engaged to be married.”
“How come you have three kids, already, and are jus engaged to be married, may I ask?”
My three kids are from a different marriage. In fact, Cherry is, still, my wife, although, the two of us have separated. However, the way, she’s been talking to me, lately, how she’s been mentioning, that she can’t seem to be without me, anymore.”
“What about all of this, she’s been saying to you?”
“Cherry and I were separated jus after she had our last boy. And it seems to me, that she’s trying to win my heart, again. So, the two of us have become engaged, again, however, we haven’t set a date for the marriage ceremony, yet?”
“What’s holding you back from getting remarried, right away? Aren’t you afraid that someone else may steal her away from you?”
“I know she hasn’t been looking for any other guy in her life. Also, she hasn’t had a boyfriend, since, the two of us separated.”
“What made the two of you, get separated in the first place?”
“How we got separated, really, isn’t any of your business. It’s not like you and I know each other, yet. We are jus getting acquainted, and here, you’re trying to get me to reveal all of my personal life to you. It’s not like we’ve known each other for a long time.”
“The thing is, we’ve known each other, ever since, I got my job over at the hospital, and you don’t realize it. However, the two of us have gone on dates right after our hospital shifts, sometimes. And the reason you, probably, don’t recognize me, is that I have changed my hairdo, and have dyed my hair, blond instead of brown.”
“So what you’re saying to me is that we have met over at Wholberg County General.”
“So, how long have you and Cherry been engaged to be married?”
“It’ll be about a year and a half, very soon. And tonight, she is meeting me over at the mental hospital. And since, I’ve been released from this mental hospital, today, she’s picking up tonight in her red Charger.”
“Are you leaving here, for good, Wacky? I thought you, still, have a month or so to go before you can be released, yet?”
“The thing is that I have to get my release papers from this place. However, I should be getting those papers, very soon, because today, my doctor told me, I, no longer, have to stay cooped up inside a mental ward.”
“Why is that, Wacky? Why doesn’t he want you in a mental ward, anymore? I have been at this mental ward for a few weeks, and, still, they won’t release me.”
“In fact, my doctor let me know, that I shouldn’t have been admitted to a mental ward to begin with. He thinks that a person with my intelligence doesn’t belong inside one. He put on some medication which I have been on for at least a month, now. And, now, my condition has stabilized; as long as I stay on my medication, I’ll be able to stay out of the mental ward.”
“What else are the doctors, going to do for you? I know you haven’t been working over at the hospital, and that the doctors and nurses, there, think you don’t belong, there, as a psychiatrist, anymore. So, I know for a fact, that, since, they have strict rules over there that they, most likely, won’t be taking you back on the job. So what do you plan to do with your life, now?”
“Today, Dr. Pauley has a big surprise for me, and already, I’ve overheard from another doctor in the ward, that the doctors who have been taking care of you, want to send you and me to school.”
As the two, Wacky and Jackie were walking hand in hand back inside the mental ward, Dr. Pauley approached Wacky. And then, Dr. Pauley said to Wacky, “Well, Wacky, before I can give you, your discharge papers, I have to, first, have you go through those cards, again, at least, one more time. So, the two of you can both come to my office if you want to jus sit there, and watch us, Jackie.”
“I’ve, only, met him, a few times, however, I won’t mind if I sit in the session with you and Wacky.”
“Okay, Wacky, you two jus follow me to my office, and first, before I do the session with Wacky, I have something to tell both of you. Since, I’ve heard that you, already, know Wacky, Jackie, this concerns you as well as him.”
And as Wacky and Jackie walked into his office, and made themselves as comfortable as possible, the two sat in these orange covered chairs. And as they sat down, then, Dr. Pauley addressed both of them.
“Okay, Wacky and Jackie, since, both of you have improved, greatly, with medicine. And you, Jackie, have been having a new outlook on life, ever since; Wacky’s been around you with his humor.”
So then, Wacky said to Dr. Pauley, “What’s next in line for the two of us? Are we both being discharged today from the mental hospital?”
“Yes, you both are to be discharged from this place, this evening? I know that your wife, Cherry, is picking you up tonight, Wacky. Do you think she’ll mind if she takes Jackie back home, too?”
“I guess that I have no other choice in this case, do I, doctor?”
“It’s, really, up to your wife, Cherry, however the thing is, that Jackie hasn’t been able to get a hold of her mother or anyone else in her family for that matter. So, I suggest you call up your wife, Cherry, before you, Wacky decide to have your wife take the two of you home. I want to make sure, it’s alright with her being that I know you and Cherry have gotten back together, again. Also, I’m aware that she wants to marry you in the future.”
There happened to be a phone with in his reach, so, then, Wacky said to him, “Is it alright if I use your phone, here? I’ll give you, some money for the phone call, since, Cherry lives a little ways from here.”
“That’s nice of you, Wacky, since, I am the main doctor around here, who has been working on getting you back onto your feet, again. And I know it’s going to be like a new life to you, once, you get out of this mental ward. So, go ahead and use my phone if you like?”
In the meantime, while he’s on the phone with Cherry, Dr. Pauley took Jackie into another room, and started her on the card thing which Wacky, soon, would be doing too because it’s a requirement before being released from the mental hospital.
As Cherry answered the phone, Wacky said to her, “Hi Cherry, I’ve, really, been missing you and the kids all this time. It has seemed like it has been forever all this time, I’ve been in the mental ward.”
“How are you doing, Wacky,” Cherry replied, “Are you jus about ready to be picked up, or do you have to wait for your discharge papers, yet?”
“The thing is right now, that I have to go for one more card session and after that is over with, and then, if I did well, I’ll be given my discharge papers. So, will you be home for awhile, Cherry?”
“Yes, I will jus for you and the kids, Wacky. In fact, I’ll jus stick around the house, tonight, until I hear again from you.”
“I have something to tell you, Cherry, and don’t get the wrong idea because I love you with all my heart. The thing is that Jackie, a woman, I’ve run into over here at the mental hospital, I, also, know from over at Wholberg County General. I’ve gotten her well, again, mostly, through my humor. She, no longer, is a threat to herself or anyone else for that matter. So, would you mind picking the two of us up if we can get our discharge papers by tonight?”
“I never met Jackie before in my life, however, I can trust you to not pull anything on me. I’ve known you; ever since, high school, so, I know you is a trustworthy person. So, I agree to take the two of you back home if she doesn’t live far from the mental hospital. By the way, what city does she live in?”
“She lives in the same city as we do, in the heart of Chicago, and she’s given me, the directions to her apartment. So, I’ll call you right back as soon as I know what’s going on. Bye, my dear, the doctor’s back inside the office. I have to go now; talk to you, later.”
Dr. Pauley said to Wacky as he sat down at his desk, and was twiddling his fingers because he saw Wacky starting up, “Now, Jackie has passed the card test, and now it’s your turn to take it. I wish you well, Wacky.”
So, as Wacky was taken to another room, nearby, by the doctor, he started the card thing with him. And he came up with a name, quickly, for every card; he was shown by the doctor. And he finished with flying colors.
So, upon the two approaching the office, again, Jackie was sitting there, patiently. And then, Dr. Pauley said to both of them as he handed them both their papers.
“Well, the two of you did pretty good in the card test. And I’ve included special papers for the two of you. I’m going to send you both to medical school, so that the two of you can get into the hang of the medical world, again.”
Jackie tried to kiss Wacky in knowing he’s engaged, however he drew his head away. And then, she backed off of him.
However the two were assigned to the same university and also, the same coed unit. Neither one would be starting med school until both of them were done with their community work over at the mental hospital. This idea of them being assigned to the same coed unit, Wacky didn’t like very well being he, really, didn’t know Jackie that well.
However, Jackie took this as a chance to steal him away from Cherry. And she was going to do all she could to get Wacky to come onto her like she tried when the two were taking walks outside, lately, over at the mental hospital.
Then, later on during the night, Cherry jus happened to pull up over at the mental hospital and honked her horn.
And soon, both Wacky and Jackie walked over to Cherry’s car which was parked in front of the emergency entrance.
And as Wacky got into the front seat with Cherry, Jackie jus glared at the two of them before getting into the back of the car. Jackie was jealous of Wacky being in the front seat beside Cherry. So, she, actually, grabbed a hold of Wacky’s arm. And as she pulled him out of the car, she hopped into the front seat, herself.
So, jus as Wacky was getting into the back of the car, he frantically said to Jackie, “Hey, what do you think, you’re doing? You don’t have any control over my and Cherry’s relationship. In fact, I don’t even know you that well, and, already, you’re acting as if you own me.”
Cherry was so angry at Jackie, that she didn’t get a word out.
So, Cherry tried to make Jackie get out of her car, and take a bus or hospital van back home. And she succeeded in getting Jackie to get out of the front seat of the car.
So, then, the two got into a big fight right there in the parking lot, and in the meanwhile, while Wacky was trying to break up the fight, they all, almost, got hit by a car.
Jus then, security walked outside, and noticing the two girls, fighting, he said to both of them, “Now, there’s no fighting allowed on the premises. In fact, you, Jackie, have lost your privilege to ride home with Cherry. You, Jackie, come over here, and let us check you out. We want to make sure, that you don’t have any street drugs on yourself because those kinds of drugs, usually, make one, prone to fighting with another whether it be a gal or a guy.”
However, she held an angry look on her face as security was checking out her pockets. However, security couldn’t find any street drugs, alcohol, or anything else illegal on her.
In the meanwhile, Cherry ran over to her car. And she, then, raced out of the parking lot, and took Wacky back home to her apartment.
Jackie, then, has to take the hospital van back home.
However, her doctor came outside in the meantime. Upon noticing that she was out of breath, he knew that she and Cherry have been fighting. This is because he has that feeling inside of him.
So, then, he made Jackie forfeit her ride from Cherry. And then, she has to wait an hour for the hospital van to come to the hospital.
Once, the hospital van pulled up in front of the hospital, Jackie has been waiting for it with an angry look on her face. Upon him, noticing that look on her face, the driver got out of the van. However, he didn’t attempt to fight with Jackie.
Since, her doctor, still, was outside to make sure, she didn’t get into any brawls; again, he had the driver take her by the arms. Then, he and the doctor dragged her over to the van, since, she wouldn’t, willingly, get into the van.
And once, she was inside the van, she hopped out of the van, again. So, then, the driver of the van, then, jus got out of the van. Then, he walked over to his car and drove himself back home to his family.
In the meantime, security jus dragged Jackie back into the mental hospital, and back over to her mental ward.
And as they arrived with her, there, quickly, a nurse brought a straight jacket over to her. And she let out a scream as the straight jacket was fastened over her. And then, while the doctors were fastening the straps over her, too, one of the doctors gave her, a big shot of Haldol which seemed to calm her down.
In seeing that she’s passing out from the Haldol, then, the doctors allowed her to sleep for the rest of the night. And her privilege of getting some warm milk and crackers before going to bed was taken away from her for at least, that night.
The two doctors went back to their offices. When both of their shifts were over with, then, they jus fell asleep on the cots inside their offices for the night.
When the morning came around, Jackie has some difficulty, waking up in the morning. And at first, when she opened up her eyes, she thought the room was spinning around her. And she started screaming in terror of this happening to her.
So, upon hearing her, screaming all the way to his office, Dr. Pauley walked right over to Jackie’s bed.
And then, he gave her, her usual medicine along with Ativan to get her out of her panic attack. And while the doctor was administering her medicine to her, it was done through a big needle which she didn’t appreciate at all.
And once, she was given all her medicine, then, the doctors, finally, took her out of her straight jacket, an hour later.
And at that time, a nurse set a metal tray of mush in front her jus after taking the straps off of her, and helping her up in her bed. And the nurse stayed at her side, and had to feed her through helping her out in feeding her with her spoon. And as soon as she was done eating, then, the nurse forced some coffee down her throat.
And finally, she was able to remember jus where she was at, and upon realizing this, she then, was confronted by one of the doctors. And jus as Dr. Pauley walked up to her, he then, with the nurse’s help, helped her out of bed.
And then, they both grabbed her hands, and led her down to the doctor’s office where she had to go through that card thing, again, jus as she had to last night. When she was done with the card thing, then, the doctor took her back to her bed.
To her surprise when she arrived back in her mental ward, and was helped into bed, who came along was Wacky. She couldn’t believe that he was back to see her.
However, what she didn’t know was that to go to the university, he had to counsel some patients, first, in doing some community work for the mental hospital.
So, as he approached her, she leaned over, and gave him, a hug, which he didn’t seem to mind. This was because he didn’t think, she was trying to get fresh with him at this time. At this time, a hug from a patient to him was acceptable.
He, then, said to her, “Don’t you ever, again, attack my future wife like you did, last night. Because if you ever do this, ever again, I’ll stop giving you, my counsel. And also, then, you’ll have to stay here cooped up in this mental ward for a long time, and you won’t like it, either.”
So, with tears in her eyes, she said to him, “Wacky, please forgive me, as to what I pulled on you, last night because I wasn’t in my right mind when it happened. I’m not the type who would attack some other girl or even a guy. Its part of my mental illness; and the doctor gave me, some new medicine. So, that I won’t have any more panic attacks like I did, last night. Now, do you forgive me, Wacky?”
“Since, you, personally, jus asked for my forgiveness, you can have it, my dear. Now, let me tell you something, my dear. Panic attacks aren’t life-threatening. And it’s true, that they can’t take over your life if you don’t allow them to do so. Now, panic attacks are some form of ghost which alienates it from you. And I have a feeling, that during your last one, you had seen the room, spinning around you.”
“What do you mean by saying a panic attack is some form of a ghost?”
“What I really mean, is that that type of ghost, which is really an alien from Mars, can’t go on hurting you. You have to tell these aliens when you’re about to have a panic attack, to go away and back to Mars when they came from. These aliens are supposed to leave you, alone; however, I’ve seen cases in my practice as a counsel. And these cases, what I mean, is that they are, always, green with envy.”
“So, what do I have to do next to send these creatures away to back where they came from?”
“In your mind, you have to picture green, taking control of you. Then, you shout out loud, “Green monster, go away and go back to your own home. You can’t overcome my life, and give me, any life-threatening illness because you are that illness to begin with.”
“Thank you, Wacky, there’s something about you that I can’t explain. However, I feel like a different person. Now, do those hats dance for me, and I’m sure, you’ll be able to get me to laugh at you.”
So, then, Wacky performed some magic on her, and before she realized what’s going on, she, suddenly, saw a top hat in his hand. Also, he was doing this certain dance like a clown does, hopping around her bed.
And when he was done, he said, “Now, my dear, that’s the way to do it. You’re, actually, laughing at me, and so is everyone else inside this mental ward. I must go, now, and help out some other patient who is in need of my counsel.”
“Hey, wait, Wacky, before you leave me, will you meet me at lunchtime, and go for a walk with me?”
“Now, that you have asked me, certainly, I’ll be back. Also, I’ll take you to the cafeteria, and eat lunch with you. How does that sound?”
“That’s fine with me, my love. See you then, at lunchtime, and meet me at my bed, will you?”
“Sure I will, see you then, my dear.”
He didn’t realize that in him, using the words, “my dear”, like he was he’s drawing her to him.
And in due time, his wife, Cherry, isn’t going to like this either.
However, Wacky doesn’t realize what is going on between him and Jackie, yet.
Monday, August 11, 2008
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