Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Wonder Why

If 1 in 5 people will have a mental illness at some point in their lifetime, why don't people see this as something that may or will, sooner or later, touch their family? Why aren't more people out there fighting for more than adequate care? My friend Jim McNulty once said, "Treatment works, if you can get it."

How many people who happen to have a mental illness can't get adequate care? Look at the Nebraska fiasco with such a high percentage of the kids being dumped, having a mental health diagnosis. Why do kids have to be abandoned to get treatment?

If, my friends are dying 25 years earlier than typical people then why don't people care enough to stop it? Are we a throw-away society?

Why if one of the primary reasons that we are dying 25 years earlier is that we are getting a disorder called metabolic syndrome, why aren't persons who happen to have a mental illness required to be tested for it in the very system where the problem is most portrayed, the Community Mental Health Systems?

Why aren't the people who happen to have a mental illness who are also often overmedicated and under treated otherwise, told which meds are most likely to cause weight gain and problems with metabolic syndrome?

If 44% of the cigarettes smoked (or 50-80% people smoking) are smoked by persons who happen to have a mental illness, then why aren't 44% of the tobacco settlement funds going to fund health, wellness and stop smoking programs? Or even on prevention programs?

Barring those funds, (in Michigan we are going to take a settlement on the settlement so the funds will be gone in three years), why can't 44% of the tobacco tax dollars go to helping people who happen to have a mental illness stop smoking?

Why, if smoking is proven to me more addictive for persons with ADHD and proven to have positive effects on persons who happen to have schizophrenia, why does the Michigan Department of Community Health (ttac anyone?) just put out stupid posters that say "quit", or say "you just have to quit", or give out community resources? Instead of dollars to actual assistance.

Recovery That Rocks

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


THANK you for the thoughtful letter you wrote to myself (Christine Campis),I cryed for awhile
I never had anyone cared for me what it said in the letter that what it said in the letter.Here I'll
share it with you.This is for you because you are..... Kind,Generous,Giving,Hard Working,Nice,


Happy Thanksgiving

That is what the card says with 25.oo gift card bought groceries,thank you to the bottom of my
heart. 11-25-08 Christine M. Campis

Thursday, November 20, 2008


B-Believe you can make a difference. I joined the Army directly out of college. I was on the fast track and my career was moving in a positive direction. However, I felt I was called for something else.
My calling was to stay in the business world showing business people how to create work environments that provide meaning and purpose to those who work there.
You {can} came a difference. Whether you drive a bus, raise children, teach Sunday School or a CEO of a Fortune 500 company, if this is what you {are called} to do—then be thankful. Each of us has a purpose and knowing that can make a powerful and meaningful difference.
E-Eliminate negative attitudes. I spent several years living in Puerto Rico and learned how to scuba dive. My intrsuctor was a retired Navy sailor wh had a positive attitude about life. When he weas in his 50's he decided to do something never done before—swim from St. Thomas to puerto Rich non-stop. Halfway through the swim a shark decided to make lunch out of his arm. The only thing that saved his arm was an underwater wristwatch, which prevented a bad situation {from} becoming terrible. Fortunately for Harry Hauck, he kept his arm and his positive attitude in tact.
Other people would have decided not to return to the ocean, but not Harry. After healing from his injuries and armed with a shark cage, Harry returned to his goal finishing the swim.
L'Live in the now. The word “live in the now” may should shallow, but each of us {was given} a mind and a pair of hands for a purpose. These marvelous gifts were given to us to use to help others, to create, teach and build.
We are fortunate to live in a time in history where there are so many opportunities to make a difference. What are you doing to make a difference?
I-Improve and encourage others. My mind holds many good memories. I remember Pat Prescott wh was one of my first Sunday School teachers. She touched me in tremendous way and helped me focus on what my life could become. She was authenic and touched all the people in her class with encouragement.
E-Execute an action plan. Sometimes the old nature fights change and refuses to give up bad attitudes. Negative attitudes develop over the years and become bad habits. The environment, family and friends influence these attitudes. Zig Ziguar calls this, “stinkin thinkin.”
An important face to realize is these attitudes don't have to be permanent. They are like clothing that can be taken off and thrown away. By developing an action plan we can change our negative thought patterns. When we substitute negative thoughts with positive thoughts our attitudes will improve. When I tried to change my attitude I read every positie thinking book I could get my hands on.
V-Visualize your destination. One of my favorite books is called, Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Viktor Frankl was both a physician and a prisoner in the Nazi concentration camp located at Auschwitz.
The horrific events and indescribable hardships surrounding his existence are impossible for most of us to imagine. Other prisoners like himself gave us all hope and died. Then there were those who choose a different attitude, faced the same hardships and survived. What was the difference?
In scientific objectively, Frankl analyzed and pinpointed the secret or survival. Words from his book said...”the sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision, and not the result of camp influences alone. Fundamentally, therefore, any man can, even under such circumstances, decide what shall become of him—mentally and spiritually.”
This was the place Frankl placed himself in. Instead of giving up he decided to force his mind to visualize being in a warm classroom lecturing to students about survival in a concentration camp. He substituted a painful reality of hopelessness with more powerful vision of the future. Even in this horrible place he was able to choose his attitude and find his purpose in life.
E-Enter into acceptance. Every race has a beginning and the end. Every project has a company date. We begin life as an infant and will this life much older. No matter where you are along this journey focus on the {positive}.
Gregory P. Smith


Light therapy, when combined with behavioral sleep therapy modalities, is an invaluable tool to track circadian rhythm disorders, sleep is as basic to holistic health as nutrition and exercise. Many articles have been written that tout sleep disorders, whether behaviorally, or physiologically medicated, affect every single individual, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity culture, social standing, educational level or health status. Unfortunately, many Americans consider sleep to be merely a quiet time of resting, a luxury, or comfort measure. , rather than a biologic necessity. In reality, sleep is a very active period of growth cell regeneration, memory consolidation, physiologic recuperation, hormonal regulation, and psychological re-grouping. Even with the knowledge gained in the sleep sciences over the past one half century, there is a epidemic of sleeplessness that adversely affects the physical, social and mental health of the afflicted and those around them. Contributing to this epidemic is a class of sleep disorders known as circadian rhythm sleep disorders treatments. For fortunately for patients affected these disorder treatment options are available including behavioral recommendations and light therapy.
Circadian rhythm disorders include variants that range from a time lined jet lag possibility noted only during an annual family vacation to life altering medical conditions that affect sleep-wake homeostasis on a daily basis. Year round jet lag disorder, shift work disorder, delayed sleep phase disorder and advanced sleep phase disorder are four of the best known disorders.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The Bisphosphonates
The bisphosphonates are a family of drugs used to prevent or treat osteoporosis in postmenpausal women. The are also used to treat men in certain cases. These medications are often the first choice of doctors and patients alike. This is because they reduce hip, wirst, and spinal fractures, and when they are taken properly they have few side effects. These strributes have made biphosphonates an attractive alternative to hormone therapy, which was once widely used for stemming bone loss but has fallen out of favor. The bisphosphonates typically prescribed for osteoporosis are Alendronate (Fosamax) and risedronate (Actonel). The FDA has also approved a newer medication called iabandronate (Boniva) for use in treating osteoporosis, but this drug isn't yet available as of the printing of this publication.
Like most of the medications approved for treating osteoporosis, bisphosphonates are antiresorptive, meaning that they reduce bone resorption or turnover. They slow bone loss and produce modest increases in bone density. Specifically, the bisphosphonates bind themselves to hydroxyapatite (the cement-like substance in bones) and interfere with bone-depleting osteoclasts, narrowing the gap between osteoclast activity and ostesoblast activity. As a result, osteoblsasts (which build bone) have an opportunity to fill in more of the tunnels left by osteoclasts.
The bisphosphonates don't seem to interact with other medications and are usually well tolerated. They can be hard to digest and may cause nausea, heartburn, or irritation of the stomach or esophagus, but these problems can be alleviated if the medications are taken properly. Another advantage to these medications is that they are available in weekly as well as daily dosages; taking weekly doses may further side effects.

Acid Reflux Dieease and GERD

Whether you suspect you suffer from acid reflux disease (Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease – GERD) or you are newly diagnosed, you will want to know the symptoms, the causes, and treatments of GERD.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also referred to as acid reflux disease, occurs the the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), does not close properly and stomach contents reflux back up into the esophagus.
Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Heartburn and acid regurgitation are the main symptoms of GERD, thought some people with GERD don't experience any heartburn episodes. Symptoms of heartburn are the most common, and frequent, when someone suffers from acid reflux, other symptoms can be present as well. These include a chronic cough and hoarseness in the morning.
Diagnosing Acid Reflux Disease
Only a small percentage of patients will need the tests to diagnose GERD. The majority of doctors will prescribe a trial of acid-suppressive therapy, and make a diagnosis based on the patient's response to this.
For some patients, GERD can cause erosive esophagi tis, a condition that causes inflammation, swelling, or irritation of the esophagus. More than half of GERD patients, however, have a non-erosive type of GERD. With the non-erosive form of GERD, referred to as Non erosive Reflux Disease (NERD), patients experience a typical GERD symptoms caused by acid reflux, but they do not have visible esophageal injury.
There is a group of patients who continue to have symptoms of Gastroesophageal reflux despite a standard treatment with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They have what is known as Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Refractory GERD). Patients who experience refractory GERD usually fall into one of two groups: Those who need more aggressive treatment, and those who haver other causes of their reflux symptoms.
Treating/Preventing Acid Reflux
Your physician will usually suggest certain lifestyle modifications and dietary changes first. If you continue to have symptoms after these modifications, your physician will discuss with you the use of anti acids neutralize stomach acid (which includes Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, Tums, and Gaviscon), H2 blockers (which include Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, and Axid), and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) (which include Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Aciphex, and Protonix). If your physician and you decide a surgical option is needed, the most common surgical treatment for GERD is the fundoplications surgery. Another procedure sometimes used in the treatment of GERD is the radio frequency treatment.
Complications of Acid Reflux
-If acid reflux disease is not treated effectively, the constant acid reflux can irritate the lining of the esophagus, and serious complication can occur. These complications can include Barrett's esophagus, Erosive esophagi tis, esophageal cancer, and esophageal strictures. There are several steps you can take that can drastically reduce your chances of developing one of these complications. These include lifestyle modifications and dietary changes.

Acid Reflux Dieease and GERD

Whether you suspect you suffer from acid reflux disease (Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease – GERD) or you are newly diagnosed, you will want to know the symptoms, the causes, and treatments of GERD.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also referred to as acid reflux disease, occurs the the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), does not close properly and stomach contents reflux back up into the esophagus.
Symptoms of Acid Reflux
Heartburn and acid regurgitation are the main symptoms of GERD, thought some people with GERD don't experience any heartburn episodes. Symptoms of heartburn are the most common, and frequent, when someone suffers from acid reflux, other symptoms can be present as well. These include a chronic cough and hoarseness in the morning.
Diagnosing Acid Reflux Disease
Only a small percentage of patients will need the tests to diagnose GERD. The majority of doctors will prescribe a trial of acid-suppressive therapy, and make a diagnosis based on the patient's response to this.
For some patients, GERD can cause erosive esophagi tis, a condition that causes inflammation, swelling, or irritation of the esophagus. More than half of GERD patients, however, have a non-erosive type of GERD. With the non-erosive form of GERD, referred to as Non erosive Reflux Disease (NERD), patients experience a typical GERD symptoms caused by acid reflux, but they do not have visible esophageal injury.
There is a group of patients who continue to have symptoms of Gastroesophageal reflux despite a standard treatment with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). They have what is known as Refractory Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Refractory GERD). Patients who experience refractory GERD usually fall into one of two groups: Those who need more aggressive treatment, and those who haver other causes of their reflux symptoms.
Treating/Preventing Acid Reflux
Your physician will usually suggest certain lifestyle modifications and dietary changes first. If you continue to have symptoms after these modifications, your physician will discuss with you the use of anti acids neutralize stomach acid (which includes Rolaids, Maalox, Mylanta, Tums, and Gaviscon), H2 blockers (which include Tagamet, Pepcid, Zantac, and Axid), and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) (which include Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Aciphex, and Protonix). If your physician and you decide a surgical option is needed, the most common surgical treatment for GERD is the fundoplications surgery. Another procedure sometimes used in the treatment of GERD is the radio frequency treatment.
Complications of Acid Reflux
-If acid reflux disease is not treated effectively, the constant acid reflux can irritate the lining of the esophagus, and serious complication can occur. These complications can include Barrett's esophagus, Erosive esophagi tis, esophageal cancer, and esophageal strictures. There are several steps you can take that can drastically reduce your chances of developing one of these complications. These include lifestyle modifications and dietary changes.


On July 19, 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning of increased risk of serotonin syndrome as a result of comibining slective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs) with migraine headache medications called triptans.
Selective Serotinin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
It is believed that the brain contains several hundred different types of chemical messengers (neurotransmmitters) that act as communcation agents between different brain cells. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is important in regulating a variety of body functions and feelings. Low serotonin levels have been linked to depression and anxiety.
SSRIs inhibit the reuptake of serotinin in the brain. Reuptake is a process where neorotransmitters in the brain are reabsorbed and deactivated or recycled for future use. This causes an incrase of serotinin levels, resulting in improved mood, decreased anxiety and inhibition of panic. SSRIs are considered a first-line treatment for panic disorder and include:
Celexa (citalopram)
Luvox (fluvoxamine)
Prozac (flouxetine)
Paxil (paroxetine)
Zoloft (sertraline)
Selctive Serotinin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SSNRIs)
SSNRSs inhibit the reabsorption of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain Norepinephrine is chemical messenger in the brain that influences sleep and alertness. It is believed to be correlated to the fight-or-flight stress response.
SSNRIs include:
Cymbalta (duloxetine)
Effexor, Effexor XR (venlaxine)
Triptans are a class of drugs commonly used to treat migraine or cluster headaches. They act on serotonin receptors in the brain, thereby affecting serotonin levels.
Examples of triptans include:
Amerge (naratriptan)
Axert (amotriptan)
Frova (frovatriptan)
Imitreex (sumatriptan)
Maxalt and Maxalt-MLT (rizetriptan)
Relpax (eletriptan)
Zomig and Zomig ZMT (zolmitriptan)
In addition to the medications indentified in the FDA advisory, other drugs associated with alterations of serotonin levels in the brain, increasining the risk of serotonin syndrome.
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Tricyclic antidpressants (TCAs) are named after the drugs “three ringed” molecular structure. Prior to the introduction of SSRSs in the late 1980s, TCAs were the medication of choice for the treatment of major depressive disorder, panic disorder and other anxiety disorders. TCAs are also used to treat certain pain syndromes and nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting). It is believed that TCAs function to increase levels norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain.
Examples of TCAs include:
Elavil (amitriptyline)
Tofranil (Imipramine)
Sinequan (doxepin)
Anafranil (clomipramine)
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
MAOIs are a class of antidepressants believed to increase levels of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in the brain. They are effective for the treatment of a major depressive disorder, panic disorder and other anxiety disorders. Because of potentially dangerous interactions with certain foods, beverages, and other drugs, MAOIs are usually considered a last resort therapy.
Examples of MAOIs include:
Nardil (phenelzine)
Parnate (tranylcypromine)
Marplan (isocarboxazid)
Emsam (selegiline)
Other Antidepressants
Examples of other antidepressants include:
Wellbutrin (bupropion)
Desyrel (trazadone)
Other Psychiatric Medications
BuSpar (buspirone)
Eskalith (lithium)
Analgesics (Pain Killers)
Antibiotic/Antireetroviral Medications
Zyvox (linezolid)
Norvir (ritonavir)
Herbal Drugs (Dietary Supplements
Hypericum Perforatum (St. John's Wort)
Street Drugs
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide)
What is Serotonin Syndrome?
The human brain is believed to function in a xomplex chemical environment through various types of neurons and neurotransmitters. Neurons are brain cells, numbering in the billions, that are capable of instant communication with each other through chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. Serotonin is one of these chemical messengers. It plays a role in modulating anxiety, mood, sleep, appetite and sexuality. Serotonin is also produced in the digestive tract, playing a role in digestion and other bodily processes.
The antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are considered to be first-line agents in the treatment of panic disorder and other anxiety disorders. SSRIs increase the level of serotonin in the brain, resulting in decreased anxiety and inhibition of panic attacks. But, if serotinin levels increase too much, a serious medical condition may result.
Serotonin Syndrome
Serotonin syndrome, or serotonin toxicity, is a rare condition caused by dangerously high levels of serotonin in the brain. It can be potentially life-threatening. It is generally caused by mixing two or more medications that affect serotonin levels in the brain. SSRIs, SNRIs, tricyclic antidepressants, MAOIs and triptans are all classes of medications that have been implicated in the development of serotonin syndrome.
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of serotonin syndrome include:
Loss of coordination
Muscle rigidity
Extreme agitation
Flucutations in blood pressure
Heart palpitations
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Since serotonin synndrome can be potentially life-threatening, emergency medical treatment is necessary. Treatment beins with the withdrawal of the causative medications. The direct effects of serotonin syndrome tend to abate in 24 to 48 hours after the drugs affecting serotonin are stopped. However, some of the complications such as delirium and instability of heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and other functions of the autonomic nervous system may persist longer. Supportive measures and interventions in a hospital setting may be necessary and include:
Heart rate and blood pressure control. Medications to decrease heart rate and blood pressure (I.e., esmolol or nitroprusside( may be needed. Medications may also be given if blood pressure is too low.
Temperature Control. It may be necessary to treat fever symptoms with cooling blankets and bedside fans.
Sedation. Benzodiazepines may be used to help control muscle rigidity and extreme agitation.
Hydration. Intravenous fluids may be needed to address hydration needs.
Cyprohetadine is sometimes used to block serotonin production in the body. It has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing the severity of the symptoms associated with serotonin syndrome.
Tell your doctor about all medications you are currently taking. This includes prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and supplements.
If you are taking a medicaation that affects serotonin levels, talk to your doctor about your risks
for developing serotonin syndrome.
Seek immediate medical care if you are taking a medication that affects serotonin levels, and you develop any of the symptoms of serotonin syndrome.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Editor's Note: This article was written by a teen for teens, but the advice can also apply to anyone who is the situation of deciding whether to talk to a friend about having bipolar disease and choosing what to say. The following is the perspective of one person—symptoms of instability and the nature of the illness can vary. Also, what someone might choose to share with friends will vary as well.
Talking to your friends about bipolar disorder is often a difficult matter and is something that should be handled with great care. The first thing you need to do is assess your friendship with the person. How much do you trust the person? Can you trust the person with your emotions? Will this person spread your feelings around the school?
If you feel you can trust the person, your next step is to assess how much the person actually knows about bipolar disorder specifically and mental illness in general. You are best to assume they know nothing at all on this topic and you should tell them in simple terms.
Tell them you suffer from a lifelong disease called bipolar disorder that affects your moods. Express to them how your moods can change from depression to mania in a split second, and how your moods can move back and forth quite rapidly.
Tell them what depression is like—spending days in bed and having crying spells for no apparent reason. Then go on to describe how hours later you could be in a manic state—talking a mile a minute or putting holes in walls.
After you describe what it is like having this disorder, go on to describe the daily struggles of medication. Describe the battle of finding the right medications and the endless doctor appointments. Stress the importance of medication and therapy in your treatment and how this is a constant battle—the disease will never leave you.
You should make it clear to your friend that people with bipolar disorder can and do live successful lives. It is important they understand that you are still a normal teenager. You just have this disease that affects your brain. Stress that most of the time you will behave like every other normal teenager and blend in, but you will also have the mood episodes that come with having bipolar disorder.
Having friends who understand your disorder can be a great support system. They can be a terrific sounding board if they are capable of understanding what you go through and if you can trust them. Often, your friends can provide a level of support and point of view your parents, doctors and therapists are not able to provide.


Nightmares also occur frequently in bipolar disorder. In The Reinterpretation of Dreams, the Authors write:
Bipolar patients often report bizarre dreams with death and injury themes before their shift to mania Beauchemin and Hays, 1995). Beauchemin and Hays (1996) found that dreams of bipolar depressed patients have more anxiety than those of unipolar patients. Dreams of bipolar patients, particularly those with rapid cycling, may show evidence of the subsequent shift prior to noticeable affective and behavioral changes (Frayn, 1991).
Bipolar children particularly suffer from nightmares. The July 2000 issue of “The Bipolar Child Newsletter” notes that for these children, dreams of explicit violence, gore and death are a common symptom. In the January 2000 issue of the same newsletter, authors Papolos and Papolos wrote, “Many of these children suffer night terrors or bad dream once in a while, many children with bipolar disorder are trapped through the night in hour after hour of night terrors (parents may not even realize it because often the children do not truly wake but seem in anesthetized states).”
Night terrors and such conditions as sleepwalking, restless leg syndrome, bruxism (teeth grinding) make up a group of arousal disorders called parasomnias. Night terrors do not occur during REM sleep and are not dreams, although they have nightmarish elements. They occur instead either during deep sleep or in a transitional state between deep and dreaming sleeping and are a form of confusional arousal disorder.
When a child is experiencing a night terror and actually remembers it, he or she later reports dreams that are extremely threatening. The content has to do with some predatory person or animal chasing them, or terrible fears of abandonment such as their parents being killed. Some adults who suffer them and seem to have a greater recall speak of ceilings and walls pushing down on them, and others report snakes and spiders slithering and crawling all over the bed or room” (Bipolar Child Newsletter, January 2000).
Night terrors are rare in adults, yet Papolos and Papolos cited a 1999 study by Dr. Maurice Ohayon which found that bipolar disorders and depression with anxiety were the most common factors associated with adults who reported night terrors.
In these episodes, people are known to appear to awaken, recognize no one, and exhibit symptoms of extreme fear, even screaming, thrashing around or running from the bedroom. In her article comparing nightmares with night terrors, Sleep Disorders Guide Florence Cardinal gives tips on how to help prevent and treat these conditions. Dr. Alan Greene suggests an interesting theory and treatment for a child with night terrors who is at potty-training age.
I do not have nightmares often; but in the morning, my last dream before waking might be so involved and detailed that it could take three or four full pages if I tried to write it all down. I could describe the colors and textures of a dinosaur-like creature's scales; I could tell you today 15 minutes of details about a dream I had five years ago where Bill Cosby was standing on our front lawn (I won't, though). The effect of bipolar disorder on dreams can be interesting and entertaining-or utterly terrifying. Http://


Have you ever had a “gut-wrenching” experience? Do certain situations “make you nauseous”? We use these expressions to describe emotional reactions because emotions often trigger symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract. Nerves, stresses, mental problems, and other psychological factors can wreak havoc in the gut. That's because the brain and the gastrointestinal system are intimately connected.
The entire journey of food through the 30-foot-long digestive tract is quarterbacked by a remarkable communication network known as the enteric nervous system (ENS). This intricate nerve complex is located in the gut wall and communicates with the brain via the spinal cord. In turn, hormones, neurotransmitters, and connections to the central nervous system that affect muscles, mucosa, and blood vessels in the digestive tract influence the ENS.
The ENS cells in the lining on the gut communicated with the brain, first via the sympathetic nerves that pass to and from the gut through transformers called sympathetic ganglia. These nerves connected to the spinal cord and then to the base of the brain. In addition, parasympathetic nerves link to the base of the brain via the vagus nerve from the upper gut or the sacral nerves from the colon. The gut and brain use chemicals called neurotransmitters to send electrochemical messages to one another by way of these nerves. Scientists say that this sophisticated “gut-brain” system is nearly equal in size and complexity to the body's central nervous system.


(CBS) This column, Other People's Money, is written by CNET's Decian McCullagh. It appears each Wednesday on
This story came from This is one viewpoint of course, everyone in Michigan hopes the fortunes of the “Big Three” Automakers turn around. A government bailout might help, it might not. Here is one side.
Detroit's problems aren't caused by a one time slump. They can't be fixed by another infusion of cash. One caused is that union labor and legacy costs are too high and make the so-called Big Three companies uncompetitive. Another is that their profitability is tied to large, heavy trucks and SUV's that Americans no longer want to buy, at least in such large numbers.
That's just common sense. Unfortunately, such a virtue is in short supply in Washington, D.C., where politicians are scurrying to find excuses for a handout.
The better solution is a simple one: Allow automakers to declare bankruptcy.
Contrary to popular belief, that will mean the end of a company such as GM, which has indicated it may run out of cash by the end of this year, Under Chapter 11, a bankruptcy judge will weight the different interests of GM's creditors., labor unions, shareholders, and so on, and the resulting company will emerge leaner and stronger. Many current customers of United Airlines, Texaco, Global Crossing, and Pacific Gas and Electric probably don't even know that those companies once filed for Chapter 11.
Chapter 11 also would let a judge alter gold-platted union contracts and benefits that have hamstrung the Big Three and crippled their ability to compete against Japanese and European car makers. Toyota, Honda, and other non-Big Three manufacturers that employ over 100,000 Americans, most in right-to-work states, have shown that they can make money building cars in the United States. The best to keep U.S. Auto workers employed in the future—Tens of thousands already have lost their jobs—is to make it profitable to keep them on the payoff.
One explanation for Washington's haste is that while bankruptcy would alter contracts, a bailout probably won't.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Are You Worrying Too Much?
It's normal to worry from time to time. Given life's unknowns and challenges, worry could be considered a natural response to many situations. But chronic and all-consuming worry can be troublesome and interfere with our ability to function freely ad calmly in our daily lives. More important, chronic worry can make your recovery from panic disorder, anxiety or agoraphobia more difficult.
How To Use Thought Stopping to Reduce Anxiety
One effective and quick technique to help you with the intrusive negative thoughts and worry that often accompany panic disorder, anxiety and agoraphobia is called “thought stopping.” The basic of this technique is that you consciously issue the command, “Stop!” when you experience repeated negative, unnecessary or distorted thoughts. You then replace the negative thought with some more positive and realistic.
What Is Thought Stopping and How Does It Work?
If you have panic disorder, anxiety or agoraphobia, your thoughts may be contributing to your symptoms. Many experts believe that our thoughts influence how we feel and how we behave. Thought stopping is an easy and effective way to regain control of your troubling thoughts and reduce your anxiety.
Tips to Reduce Morning Anxiety
Do you awaken filled with anxiety, feeling like you just want to curl up under the covers and not face the day ahead? If your answer is yes, then there are some things you can do to minimize your morning anxiety.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise
Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a stress and anxiety management technique. Learn how you can reduce anxiety by using this simple exercise.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Can Help You Reduce Anxiety and Prevent Panic
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a stress and anxiety management technique. If you have panic disorder, agoraphobia or another type of anxiety disorder, you may experience frequent muscle tension that may be contributing to your anxiety. In fact, chronic muscle tension may be so automatic that it seems normal, and you may have forgotten what it feels like when your muscles are completely relaxed. Learn what progressive muscle relaxation is and how it can help you.
Tips for Living With Panic Disorder
Living with panic disorder is not always easy. But, there are effective strategies you can use to reduce the anxiety and panic in your life.
Abdominal Breathing
Improper breathing can upset the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in your body and contribute to anxiety, panic attacks, fatigue and other physical and emotional disturbances.
Does Your Diet Contribute To Your Panic Attacks?
Learn about the foods and other substances that have been linked to increased anxiety and panic attacks.
Tips for a Good Night's Sleep
Poor sleep patterns and insomnia are known to cause a variety of psychological and physical complaints. These include headaches, decreased energy, poor concentration, short-memory problems, irritability and anxiety. By regulating your sleep patterns, you can reduce anxiety and improve your ability to carry out your da...
Anxiety Disorders in the Workplace
The Anxiety Disorders Association of America provides tips and other information about to deal with anxiety and panic in the workplace.


Tired? Tired of being tired? You aren't alone. There are few human qualities more highly sought than energy. It determines our ability to enjoy life, to attract mates, to finish projects, to protect our families, to shape our bodies effectively, and so much more.
While there are endless specific suggestions about herbs, exercises, meditations, supplements, rest patterns and so forth that I could mention, the most important and over-arching components are relatively simple, and available to anyone with the willingness to begin.
Basically, your energy level will be controlled by one psychological and three physical factors.
A) Fitness. There are a variety of different things that contribute to the equality called “fitness”, but a few of them are specific to energy level.
Cardio-vascular fitness. A dead minimum of twenty minutes three times a week, just to stay in the game. If you want to create a swift, powerful change, try forty minutes four times a week. Walking is sufficiently intense, if you stay in the “aerobic zone” which can be described as a level of exertion where you can't sing, but you can still talk!
Body-mass index. Unneeded weight is like a sack of wet cement strapped to your back. It eats up energy like crazy. Regardless of what anyone says or implies, there is only one basic way to lose fat: to change the ratio of calories consumed to calories burned. In general, this requires discipline on BOTH ends. Fat loss is a two-headed snake. If you diet but don't exercise, your metabolism can slow down to a crawl, denying you success. And if you exercise but don't eat sensibly well, a pound of fat has about 3500 calories. An hour of running only burns about 350 calories. Do the math.
Flexibility. Often overlooked in the search for energy, flexibility is a measurement of tension in the body. A stiff body is like a car with its brakes on. Think of how much gas your car would waste! ! That gas is your energy, when you carry unnecessary tension. Most stretching activities are less a matter of “lengthening” muscles, tendons, or ligaments than learning how to communicate with your body, to learn how to breathe into tension.
Strength. Contrary to popular belief, strength is more in the mind than the body. It is a matter of leverage, concentration, and controlled excitation ever more than it is the “size” of muscles involved. On a physiological level, it is a matter of the percentage of your muscles fibers you can recruit at a given moment. Weight training, or body-weight exercises like Hindu Pushups and Hindu Squats, are great ways to increase strength, which makes physical tasks much easier and less fatiguing.
Controlling food intake. A critical factor. Note that I didn't say “diet.” At this point, we all pretty much understand that diets don't work-that any eating plan intended to have long term benefits must represent a change in lifestyle. A few pointers: 1) 3:2:1 ration of fresh fruits and vegetables to complex carbohydrates to lean proteins. Note that a lot of hunger and fatigue is a actually dehydration in disguise. Note: this means water, not beer, soda, or even milk, all of which contain various nutrients or chemicals which actually require water to process through the body. In other words, they use up as much water as they give you.
Eat six small meals a day. This helps keep your blood sugar levels even, which will keep your energy from crashing in the afternoon.
Eat today for how you want to FEEL tomorrow. Not for emotional reasons, or just for taste.
Rest. As a culture, we aren't getting enough sleep. The human body seems to need 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and if you're getting lest or more than this, you may be having stress reactions, and compromising your health as a result.
Find out what your ideal sleep pattern is, and stick to it.
Try to get to sleep before midnight. Folk wisdom says that every hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after.
Take naps during the day. A quick power nap for 10-20 minutes can renew your energy like magic.
Make your bedroom a place of rest, healing and recreation. Keep your stress in another room of the house. Your sleeping place should be a womb of comfort and pleasure, specially designed to lull you into the depths of dreamland.
Focus. In some ways, the most important tool for increasing energy. You need to know EXACTLY what you will do with the energy when you have it. This means written words delineated. It means being task-oriented, believing that if you can do A, B, and C, there will be pleasure and satisfaction on the other end. I know people who are AFRAID to have more energy, because they think their kids, mates, or boss will just exploit them further. You have to have PERMISSION to be energetic, alive, and sensually involved with life.
But if you will give yourself this permission, if on a daily basis you will move your body, eat responsibly, rest intelligently and write out your goals and steps to achieving them, you will begin to take control of your body/mind's energy-generation apparatus, and you'll be shocked at the energy that will flood into your life. It is your birthright. Own it!


TIME: 1:00 TO 5:00P.M.

story in progress-ROUGH ROAD IN MY LIFE BY CHERYL V.

Not long after Martin’s death, I found out that I skipped a period. And then, upon starting to come down with morning sickness which I didn’t, really, know was morning sickness at the time, I felt that I should be nice enough to my parents to give them, a call.

Since, I haven’t, lately, been keeping them, informed to what has been going on in my life. And then, I realized that I’ve, really, been starting to slip away from them. Ever since, my boyfriend died from his brain tumor. And haven’t been in contact with them, very much, ever since, he has been out of my life.

And I guess, the main reason, was because I’ve been feeling very lonely without him in my life. And I have jus been in so much sorrow. At this time, It’s jus that I’m feeling bad inside because I haven’t been confiding in my parents as much as I should be doing, to allow them to help me, get through my grieving period over his death. Ever since, to give my parents, a call to let them what was going on with my life.

After all they are the ones who are responsible for bring me up to be the person, I am, today. And so, I should be treating them, better, as my parents, than I have been doing.

So, I know it’s been rough in the morning in trying to get over my morning sickness. However, I can’t keep it, a secret, to my parents, any longer. So, don’t be shy, and why don’t give me, a call, while it’s on your mind? They, for once, could use a surprise phone call from me.

It jus happened that this particular morning when I did give into making that call to my parents. That both of them jus happened to not be, completely, with the world, that morning.

And when my mom happened to be the first one on the other line, in the background, it’s jus that I could hear my father, talking to himself because he wasn’t far away from the bedroom at that time. He jus happened to be in the bathroom at the time, refreshing himself. And at that time, my mom jus happened to have turned the phone to speaker. This was because before she answered my phone call, she, somehow, was able to sense all of my feelings.

Jus by chance, my parents knew, I would have the heart, that morning, to give both of them, a call. Jus so that I could let them know deep down inside even though, I couldn’t express it at this time. That they must have been sensing through some ESP.

I haven’t forgotten how much they have loved me, all my life, and more so, after I had lost Martin to a brain tumor, which, literally, took his life at such a young age.

And since, she happened to be in the bedroom, jus getting out of bed when the phone rang. She decided to lay down on their waterbed while she answered the phone. I guess that to her and dad, it turned out to be a big surprise jus when they happened to catch my voice at the other end of the phone. And she was very surprised when she found out that Cherry was on the phone.

The thing jus happened to be, when I did make an effort to call my parents. I, usually, don’t call, so early, in the morning, either. However, I figured, this morning was as good as any of a time, anyways, to talk to my parents. It’s jus that I didn’t want them to end up feeling like I didn’t care for either of them, anymore. After all, I, still, was their loving daughter. And I wanted my relationship with my parents to be renewed. So, that I could become closer with my parents, which has been a very thing for me to do. Ever since, I have lost my last boyfriend to an unfortunate death.

At the time of the phone call to my parents, it jus so happened it was, only, about eight o’clock in the morning. And being it was the middle of winter, the sun was jus starting to rise up into the sky.

And being the skies were so blue, this morning, as I happened to glance out a window, the sun happened to be so bright. That it, actually, seemed to blind me, and bring all these spots of light to my eyes for a few minutes.

Then, as I walked away from the window, it seemed that the spots of light disappeared as quickly, as they appeared in front of my eyes.

As mom answered the phone, I said to her with much curiosity, “Mom, I think that there is something, you should know. I’ve jus realized that I’ve skipped a period, and I think that I could be pregnant with Martin’s baby.”

So, she answered with much surprise in her voice, “Really, my dear, you, pregnant with his baby? I’m so glad to hear this good news, and so is your dad being he’s on the line while we have the phone on speaker phone.” “

I’m, still, really, thrilled about the whole situation, although, I’ve been finding it rough in trying to get over losing Martin to a brain tumor. And another thing is that time for me, has been so sorrowful in trying to get over losing him in my life being the two of us were very much in love at the time of his death.”

“I remember that at that time, the two of you were planning to get married, soon. This was, although, both of you knew that his brain tumor had been growing back, and that he wasn’t going to live much longer.”

“I’ve never suspected myself, being pregnant before. What do you think; I should do about the situation? I’ve been getting morning sickness for a few mornings, now, and I think it could be a sign. And to me, this sign seems to be letting me know. Well, as the odds seem to be going, it’s very possible for me to be pregnant at this time. However, the morning sickness, which I think, it, really, has been, jus seems to go away as fast as it seems to come around. Do you think I could have the flu and not even know it?”

“No, my dear, I don’t think that if it was a bug, that it would go away that fast. When you get the flu, you, usually, have a big, that seems to stick around for some time about a week’s time. Also, when you feel sick from the bug, another thing is that if the sick feeling goes away. Then, you seem to develop cold-like symptoms which seem to linger for a week or longer.”

“So, mom, what do you think, I should do about the situation. If I, really, am pregnant, I think I should see a doctor, right away, to find if I, really, am. And then, if I am pregnant, then, I’ll so whatever the doctor says to do throughout my whole pregnancy. However, I, then, will need yours and dad’s help in getting through the whole thing, all nine months of it.”

“I’ll tell you what, my dear, since, you should get a pregnancy test done, right away, to make sure you are pregnant, jus stay put. And as soon as I and your dad have a chance to have some breakfast, I’ll take you down to the clinic. And there, because a pregnancy test doesn’t cost anything, it’s the best place to go to have it done. You get ready, yourself, and I’ll try to be over there within the next hour. And if I don’t show up within the hour, don’t panic, and if you’re nervous by then, please call over here to make sure, I’ve left to go get you, my dear.”

So, then, as soon as I was through talking with my parents, after hanging up the phone, I, suddenly, am having this feeling, creep up on me. And it’s making me, feel like my body’s, so alien, to me at this time. It’s jus that I’m not used to having morning sickness, and possibly, being pregnant. So, I jus have been feeling so wired inside for about a week’s time, now.

So, I, then, walked right over to the kitchen because I’m feeling so starved inside. That I could eat breakfast and all of my other meals for two people. Surely, I’ll be gaining some weight, soon, if I keep thinking on that line.

Upon arriving inside the kitchen, the air about me seemed so strange. However, because of this feeling, I wasn’t about to leave the room. So, I jus got myself, busy, and opened up the refrigerator. And then, I grabbed a bag of frozen bagels, not, really, knowing at this time, what I, really, wanted to put into my stomach. So, then, I jus allowed my will to guide me to the bagels. However, right now, I seem to have a taste for some pickles and ice cream. However, I knew that having something like that in the morning, jus doesn’t seem to be a good choice for me.

So, then, I walked over to the other side of the kitchen, still, not being organized. And as I did, the sun seemed to be shining through the windows, so brightly. However, I tried to ignore the sunlight. However, it seemed to follow me across the room as I, again, proceeded over to the refrigerator.

And then, I grabbed the eggs from the refrigerator, and jus threw a couple of them right into this plastic cup, setting on the counter. Upon crashing the eggs, open, then, I threw them into a wad of butter in a Teflon pan on the stove.

I have one of these old-looking stoves inside my apartment. And the stove seems to be so old that it runs by gas rather than being electric. So, every time, I turn the stove on, I have to be very careful. So, that I don’t get anything too close to the flame after the stove is lit up. Or else, if that happens, gas will, definitely, spread right through the whole apartment. And then, I could end up in the hospital from inhaling gas fumes. And then, who knows what inhaling the gas could do to my baby if I find out, I’m pregnant.

As soon as the eggs were cooked, then, I, literally, threw them on a plate near the stove on the counter next to it along with a buttered bagel. I, still, didn’t think that was enough food for me. So, then, I took the strawberry jelly and peanut butter out of their respected places. Then, smeared both of them on my bagel.

When I felt I had enough jelly and peanut butter on it, I then, decided to sit down to eat at the oak wood table in the dining room. And then, jus as I was gulping down my bagel and eggs, I happened to hear someone at the door. So, then, I jus grabbed my plate and coffee cup which I had some very strong coffee inside.

At this time, as she, I, literally, threw my plate and coffee cup into the sink, I heard the doorbell ringing.

And as I, then, started heading towards the door, I seemed to be having some daydream. These were thoughts of, me, having a baby kitten, which seemed to her to be absurd, when her baby was born.

That‘s if I, really, was pregnant, and wasn’t having what is called a fake pregnancy. And that was the last thing; I wanted to be going through.

I, once, had a friend in St. Clair, who, actually, went through nine months of having one. And not until her baby was to be due, did her doctor discover that nothing has been showing up on her ultrasounds, which was quite distressing for her to find out, then.

And then, as I arrived at the door, I, suddenly, am having this feeling grab me inside, as if something was keeping me, from opening up the door.

Then, before me, came forth this vision of my baby, ending up being born with a brain tumor or some sort of disability. Then, I, suddenly, realized this vision as being of Martin, not a future baby, if it, really, was Martin’s baby inside of her.

Although, someone, still, was waiting at the door for me, I, still, in talking out loud, have to reassure myself. That if I, really, ended up having a baby by him. Then, it would end up being as normal as any other baby in the apartment building because a few other friends of hers from the building, also, were pregnant with baby. And even one of them, her favorite neighbor, was going to be having a set of twins. It was obvious, every time, they seemed to bump into each other because her tummy has, really, been growing fast.

Then, I happened to look out the peak hole on the door, and there wasn’t anyone, there, yet, like her mom who was supposed to pick her up, today, to take her to a clinic.

So, then, being I was glad, there wasn’t anyone, here, at the apartment, yet, I, literally, ran into my bedroom. And once, arriving inside, I, quickly, changed her clothes, and then, ran over to the bathroom where I was able to refresh her jus in time as I overheard the doorbell, ringing, again.

And while it’s seemed like I have, actually, been waiting a few minutes for mom to show up, she was there at the apartment in which seemed like no time at all to me. And while I was in the bathroom, I have been thinking, being twins were on my side of the family. That I could end up having twins, even if I were pregnant at this time. And then, I was trying to think what it would be like if I had some twins for the first time in having a baby in my life. For one thing, though, I knew that I wouldn’t be the one to try taking care of twins or any baby by myself.

I jus hoped by the time, I was due to have a baby. That I would have found another guy in my life by then, to be a father to her baby when it was born. Although, the real father of the baby jus wasn’t around, anymore. And she didn’t like thinking about even having a baby, grow up without its original father or with no father at all.

Before I realized what was going on, I overheard a third knock on the door. So, then, she ran over to the door jus realizing that she has been daydreaming of what it would be like to have a baby or even twins at that.

So, I wasn’t a bit surprised when I opened up the door after looking through the peak hole in the door. And that it was my mom at the door, being I have been expected her to come over to the apartment to be with me when I have my pregnancy test done.

Now, I was very surprised to see her with a gleaming look in her eyes, like she, really, sensed, that I, really, was pregnant, this time. However, I was even more surprised being that I hadn’t answered the door, right away. And while having been daydreaming for a few minutes, didn’t think she would have been patient enough to wait for me to open up the door.

For one thing, since, I and my parents’ jus haven’t been communicating much, since, Martin’s death. I’m very surprised that, all of a sudden, my mom seemed to be, really, interested in my well-being.

It has seemed that all that time I have lived at a house when my boyfriend was alive and living with me. It, always, seemed that neither of my parents wanted anything to do with me. At least, that’s the way they seemed to present an unloving air to me.

And they never ever took the time, half the time, to make an effort to come over and visit my boyfriend and me, when he was, still, alive, but very sickly. So, I had figured that it was like this jus so neither of my parents could face the fact. That when he was alive, he, still, was as much of a person as he was before the brain tumor jus because they couldn’t face him, having one.

They, always, seemed to have acted like his brain tumor had made him, turn into some alien, who they didn’t even want any part of in their lives. And then, it became much unlike they were to me and him; back when both of us, had been living with my parents.

Back flash

My last boyfriend, Martin, who I, originally, had met just by accident, one time, when he had jus moved into the house across the street. And at the time, he and his family had been good neighbors of my parents and me.

At first, Martin had decided to move in with me and my parents’ jus because they had sensed jus after he and I met each other, that the two of us had been starting to become like peas and carrots.

And although, the two of, always, seemed to get along good together, in him, living with my parents, Lisa had tried to act sly and had tried to break us, apart. However it had turned out to be a good thing, she had never succeeded in doing so, because I and Martin jus ended up becoming closer and closer, together.

It had been very unfortunate for me, that he had ended up coming down with a brain tumor after a near fatal accident in which we both had been in as a result of having, almost, been killed during a tornado storm. And this tornado storm had caused him to end up, spending most of the rest of his life in a wheelchair, while I, nearly, died after having been a coma for about a week’s time.

And this coma, which I had been in after my accident, nearly, had caused me to have some bad brain damage. This which I found out, later on, I, miraculously, escaped, except for having memory loss right after the accident. And that I jus, only, had to have a metal plate placed in my head upon having a closed head injury. miraculously, escaped having.

And not jus the accident, he had suffered as a result of the tornado storm caused the brain tumor in him. Also, in having the genes passed down to him from his parents, made it impossible for him to keep the brain tumor out of his brain. And then, although, he ended up having surgery for the removal of the brain tumor, because he had the genes for one inside his blood, this had caused the brain tumor to grow again.

And in the end, it ended up taking his life jus when he and I had been planning to get married, right away, to preserve our love for each other. However, he ended up dying the very night on which he and I decided to go ahead and get married before his brain tumor killed him. However, the two of us never were able to go ahead with their marriage plans because the brain tumor had killed him, too quickly.

For one thing, though, although, he’s out of my life, I’ll never stop loving him.

Since, I happened to jus find out through a pregnancy test over at the clinic that I am pregnant, and two months along, I, suddenly, turned ecstatic about the whole thing. And I then, decided I wanted to travel, somewhere, jus not to get away from it all. However, it was, partly, to celebrate being pregnant with my first baby.

What was foremost on my mind at this time besides not being able to forget how loving my last boyfriend was to me, was that I had to think of somewhere to go on a trip. So, that, I, possibly, would be able to find another guy to be a boyfriend to me. And if I, really, could succeed in finding another boyfriend, but a long-lasting one for life, along the way, maybe this would mean I wouldn’t have to worry about my baby, growing up without a father if he was more than willing to be one to my baby.

So, it jus happened that what came to my mind, was a place which, mostly, was open in the warmer weather. And since, it was fall at this time, although, I was living on a lake, which was a sheet of ice, I wanted to go somewhere where the temperatures tended to be a lot warmer.

So, then, I went ahead, and packed whatever I felt, I needed for this special trip because it was back to North Carolina for me. And North Carolina, here, we come right back from where I started from. And when I did arrive, there, hopefully, I was hoping that I would be able to find an apartment or cabin to live in, down there. So, one day, I could settle down there in North Carolina. And hopefully, through going to this special place which I have read about on the internet under North Carolina. I would end up finding another guy to come into my life who could, possibly, end up being a boyfriend to me.

It jus so happened that I left late in the morning for North Carolina. And the trip end up taking me, quite a few hours, although, I have been, there, before, and knew that embarking on such a trip would end up being a real long one for me. She, really, didn’t want to wait until the next morning to leave for her trip.

So, then, upon hopping into my Chevy Impala over at my apartment, which I jus moved into, lately, jus because that house, I was living in jus would keep reminding me of my late boyfriend. I, then, upon setting my suitcase and water and other things, which I needed for the trip. I, then, hopped into my car, and was off for North Carolina.

A few hours later, upon reaching Kentucky, I was planning on stopping, somewhere, to eat a late lunch. And upon pulling off the freeway, I happened to come upon a place where I could sit outside on a picnic bench.
And since, I was in a state where the temperatures were much warmer than back where she lived; this would be a good place for me to get some sun.

However, it was supposed to rain, that afternoon. So, then, I jus walked inside McDonalds being it was so overcast outside, all of a sudden. And upon getting myself, a big Chef’s salad with all the trimmings along with a chocolate milkshake being chocolate was my favorite flavor, I sat down at one of the booths not paying attention to the nice looking guy, sitting at the booth right across from me.

At this time, I was more concerned at getting to North Carolina before dusk, so, that’s why the guy didn’t seem to obtain my interest. Although, he appeared to have that look on his face, like he needed some company at this time, and was feeling lonely like I was.

So, then, I ate my lunch in a hurry, not savoring every mouth of that milkshake like I, usually, did whenever I happened to stop at a fast food place to eat.

So, then, I, actually, ran outside and over to my car being it was starting to pour like cats and dogs outside. And then, I was on my way, again, to North Carolina in a Chevy Impala, which red color jus seemed to glisten with every rain drop which hit it.

And when I arrived in North Carolina, right in the heart of the mountains, a few hours later, I, then, came across a cabin right in Asheville which has a for sale sign right in front of the cabin. Really, I was very surprised to find that it was up for sale because right here in North Carolina in the city, I, always, figured that cabins were, always, far few in between to come by. Upon not thinking twice about it, I went ahead and bought the cabin right on the spot as a second home to go to whenever I wished to get away from it all. Or whenever it was too cold back in St. Clair to get around and enjoy the night life.

Although, I paid the realtor, a good price for that cabin. However, I thought it as being worth the money, every penny, I put into that cabin. This was because I figured that North Carolina was a good state for finding a boyfriend, especially, jus because the Blue Ridge Mountains was the Kellermans’ resort.

And I was very surprised that upon getting inside the cabin, that upon making a call over to that place. That at this time of year, the place, already, was open to visitors from every walk of life and, especially, me, because I happened to talk to Mr. Kellerman. And right over the phone, he let me know, I would be a welcome guest, there, if I came over to his resort.

So, the very next morning, after I woke up and got myself refreshed and dressed in a cowboy outfit, I hurried up and had some breakfast of a bagel and cream cheese. This was jus because I was feeling so thrilled to get over there to the resort, that morning.

And it wasn’t raining, either; it turned out to be such a beautiful day around the mountains jus as I was leaving my cabin. And the sunlight jus seemed to make all that fog, seem to disappear around the mountains. All that fog seemed to fade away into nothingness, leaving the beautiful mountains in view with the bluish haze on top of the mountains. And the mountains seemed to be loaded with tress, making them, seem like they were jus decorated with trees, everywhere, amongst an immense line of forests.
So, now, after hopping into my Chevy Impala, I was, happily, on my way over to the Kellerman’s resort, not having any idea what I would come upon on the way of entertainment. And not even knowing when and how I would end up finding a boyfriend of my own at that place. The foremost on my mind at this time was to hurry up and get over there and see what happened from there.

And when I arrived over there at the resort about a half hour later after getting stuck for a few minutes or more in heavy traffic, I have my mind set on wanting to try to do some boyfriend hunting while over there at the resort. And then, I have no idea, exactly, how long I am going to end up spending over there, enjoying whatever they have to offer. I even wanted to try out hiking if they had trails for it over there. However, at this time, to me, hiking was beside the point.

However, once there, and meeting Mr. Kellerman, myself, over at the main house, he, personally, led me over to the restaurant, which to me, seemed like much of a homey place to be at. Also, he let me know, I was considered a special guest over at the resort. And this was jus because I was appearing to be so pretty to his nephew, who upon meeting her over at the restaurant because he was a waiter, there, thought that she was the perfect girl for his cousin to meet.

So, then, Mr. Kellerman, upon introducing me to his nephew, Mike, he allowed him to take her on a date. So, he, then, let him off the hook, and some other guy took over his job for him for the rest of the afternoon for his shift, jus so he could get to know me, some.

And then, as soon as Mr. Kellerman seated both me and Mike, he told the waiter to allow us to eat for free, that afternoon. And the money for today was on him. I was very surprised that Mr. Kellerman would go out of his way do such a nice thing for me and Mike. This was although, his nephew was so polite to me, and even offered to pay for the meals which, apparently, was against Mr. Kellerman at this time. And he wouldn’t allow Mike to do so, either.

However, his uncle, Mr. Kellerman, then, even offered to tip the waiter for them. So, that they would be sure to receive free, even the drinks for that luncheon, too, jus because his nephew agreed to take up his uncle’s offer to take me on a date, that afternoon for a starter at that resort.

And after our orders were taken by the waiter, there was so much food, served to us, that luncheon. That I had to have the rest of the food sent over to Africa for all the undernourished people, there.

And after the two were done eating, and because when he wasn’t on shift for the luncheons, he was one of the main dancers over at the main house over at the resort, he, then, let me go my way for now while he, then, proceeded over to the main house. So, he could go over there, and teach some of the guests to dance. Also, his main job was to do some dancing of his own with his regular dance partner, jus to make and keep the guests happy althea while he was supposed to be on the dance floor.

Then, it seemed like I jus wasn’t allowed to associate with him on those terms jus at any time unless his uncle approved of it, jus because his uncle has told him and the other workers over there. This was, although, he had allowed his nephew to go on a date with me, that afternoon.

So, then, later on, I was getting to stay at my own cabin jus because Mr. Kellerman has been having me over at the resort as his special guest. And this, only, was because he jus happened to know my parents.

The thing was that they used to work for him over at the resort, a few years ago. However, when Martin moved in with them, they decided to quit their job over there. Jus so that they would be able to spend more time with me and get Martin, broken over there at the house as a member of the family.

Later, I got very interested to what was going on over at the main house. So, then, I decided to go over there to see what’s happening with the guys. So, then, I ran out of the cabin, and practically, fell down the steps jus because I was so eager to get over there, because the steps are all made out of concrete.

However, tonight, the weather seemed to be so glorious. And upon reaching the main house of the resort, there was a lot going on over there. There was a lot of couples, apparently, having a good time over there doing some dirty dancing. So, then, I decided to be a joiner, that night, for my first night over at the resort. I, badly, wanted to learn how to do that dirty dancing. However, I didn’t even have a partner for doing this dancing. So, then, being Rob was dancing with his dancing partner at this time. He was too busy to dance with her at this time.

And one of the rules of the resort was that he wasn’t supposed to dance with me unless I put forth, some money, for him, teaching me, dancing. However, I didn’t know this at the time, so, then, I couldn’t dance with him unless he offered to dance with me, which could put his job in jeopardy.

And it was his job to be sure and keeps all of the guests, happy, too, while he was on the job as a dancing partner.

Lateran, while I was jus standing, there, watching the couples all dance, and have a good time, that night, Rob, a good-looking guy with curly brown hair, decided that he wanted to get to know me. So, then, since, I, still, wanted to be a joiner, again. And upon seeing him, going over to the main house, I wanted to go there with him. So, then, he jus let her know not to go over there. Anyways, then, he liked her a lot and knew this his cousin, Rob, really, has taken a liking to her.

So, then, on the way over there to the main house, Mike said to her, “When you arrive over at the main house with me, if Rob asks what you are doing there at the main house, jus say that I wanted to get to know you. And that you came over there with me. And then, he won’t mind, having you there. However, I hope, you’re ready to do some dirty dancing because he jus might ask you to join him, in some dirty dancing.”

However, I seemed to feel so shy around Mike for some odd reason, that I didn’t say any words back to him. However, I went ahead, and followed him over to the main house.

And when we arrived inside the main house, a bunch of couples were doing jus that what he, Rob, expected to find them, doing, some dirty dancing as it was called.

So Mike explained to me, because I wondered where all these couples, learned to dance like they were doing, he jus said to me in a curious voice, “Well, these boys and girls jus happened to learn their dancing in their basements back home, I guess. I don’t know where else, they would get such sexy dancing from.”

So, then, I said to him in a curious way, “By the way, who’s that guy over there, dancing with that pretty girl? Is he the one, who’s trying to keep all the guests, happy?”

“Yes, he is the one, my girl, by the way, Rob, Cherry, here, came over here with me because I figured you, already, have taken a liking to her.”

However, Rob didn’t say a word to her because he was too busy dancing with his girl in the middle of the dance floor. So, then, she watched him, dance with his girl. However, because Mr. Kellerman had, already, told him, that he wasn’t supposed to get involved with any of the girls over at the rest, then, he was taking a chance in wanting to get to know Cherry.

So, then, after Mr. Kellerman wanted him to stop dancing with his girl, and to start dancing with some of the guests, there, at the main house, then, he motioned Cherry to come over there to him.

So, she, shyly, walked over to him, and before he realized what was going on between them, he then, showed her how to do some dirty dancing. And then, it seemed that every day, she spent over at the resort. That he wanted to get together with her, especially, when he was done entertaining the guest during the day. Or whenever he happened to get a break from doing his dancing and teaching other woman how to dance.

So, then, Cherry was very surprised when she found out, that he wanted her to come over to his cabin at night. She was kind of shy of doing this, at first, however, since, she, still, has a cabin by herself, she kind of sneaked over there during the night after the sun went down. This was so that Mr. Kellerman wouldn’t be around to catch her in being with his son, Rob. Because if he ever found the two together, off would be their heads, which would mean that he would lose his job, thee, at the resort, and then, never, again, be allowed to be one of the main dancers, ever again, over at the resort. Nor would, he, then, ever even be allowed to be at the resort, either, ever again.

So, that night as Cherry went to the door of his cabin, he was very surprised when he allowed her to come inside his cabin. And there, the two started spending nights, there, together, and with his dance girl, teaching Cherry how to dirty dancing and doing regular dancing to be on stage with him when the entertainment night, the special one, happened to come up, that winter.

Although, the water was a bit cold, the two, also, spend some time, learning to dance, together, on the grass, and also, in the water. They even went as far as to try to learn how to dance and balance themselves at the same time across a big tree log which stretched some great distance. And whenever they would practice, there, they were surprised. That neither one ever fell into the water upon trying to be daring on top of a tree log.

One time, Mr. Kellerman suspected that someone was stealing wallets. And because his son got blamed for doing it, he wasn’t going to allow his son to even see Cherry, anymore. However, luckily, the old couple who were stealing the wallets got caught. And then, the blame got taken off of Cherry’s new boyfriend, Rob.

One night, when Cherry walked down the steps and over to Rob’s cabin, he allowed her to come inside and dance with him. And when the dancing was starting to become too much for them because she ended up, almost, killing his back. Then, the two took off out of the cabin and over to his black and white 57 Chevy, although, it was pouring cats and dogs, that night.

However, upon the two reaching his car, he found he left his keys inside his car. So, then, he got a white wooden stick out of the ground. And she couldn’t believe that he, actually, busted one of the windows, in order, to get at his keys. However, this seemed to work for him, anyways.

And before they realized, really, what was going on between them, they both hopped into the car. And then, they were off down the muddy roads, and out into the night. And being that the main entertainment, the special night, was that night, they ended up over at another building in the resort.

Upon the two arriving, there, at the building, there, already, was a big crowd of people, there. And jus as Rob and Cherry got on stage to do the dance of the season, the miranga, Cherry couldn’t believe her eyes, how many people showed up for the entertainment night. And the two, really, danced their feet off that night, although, she was pregnant and four months along, already.

However, the next morning, upon awaking in the morning, she felt a weird sensation in her stomach. And although, she knew something could be wrong with the baby, she walked over near the main building where the food was kept for the main dancers of the resort.

Upon walking inside, some other woman with brown hair and brown eyes, jus happened to notice Cherry. And she was crying right by the refrigerator because she has tears in her eyes.

So, then, someone went got a doctor, who jus happened to be, there, at the resort for the season. And upon this woman, walking into the cabin where he happened to be sleeping at the time, she was embarrassed to do this. However, she had to awake him and tell him that there was some lady in the building where the snacks are kept for the dancers.

So, upon the doctor following her over to that building, Cherry, Still, was in pain. And she couldn’t help all that crying because she was in obvious pain. So, then, the doctor looked her over, and also, gave her, some medicine for the pain and to stop the miscarriage, she was about to have.

After the doctor left, she was alright, again, and then, she wasn’t able to do any dancing, anymore for about a month. At least, that was what the doctor told her to do. However, being she felt fine, now, she was not going to allow the incident, she had interfered with her dancing.

So, then, the two, Cherry and Rob kept meeting over at his cabin. And one time, when the two happened to be through rehearsing for another entertainment night, then, the two started crawling on the floor towards each other. Then, Cherry dared him to come towards her, and he, finally, did. When the two got near each other, then, the fresh stuff started.

The two started dancing together, again, and this time, it, really, got into some dirty dancing. As the two danced, together, he, slowly, took off her clothes, and then, did some dirtier dancing with her as their bodies touched, so intimately.

And then, before the two realized what was going on between them, the two found themselves in his bed. And then, the two got into making love, and it was jus glorious for them to feel so secure with each other.

However, the next morning, a sudden awareness came to him that it was, almost, the end of the season. And then, he didn’t know if he ever would see her, again. So, then, he was accused of stealing something else, again, and then, he had to leave the resort right away. Or then, he never would be allowed ever again to have his dancing job over at the resort.

However, jus after he said goodbye to her, and then, took off in his Chevy, about an hour later, he was back at the main house where she was hoping, he would show up for the last dance.

To her surprise, jus when she was about to take off back home, he came running through the main doors of the building. And someone else was ready to do the last dance of the season without Rob. However, then, he walked over to Mr. Kellerman, and then, to the crowd of people, gathered inside the building for the final entertainment, he said to them, “I’ve come back because I, always, do the last dance of the season with my girl. And it’s not surprising, that she’s, been, here, at least, an hour, waiting for me to come back for that dance. And I, always, do the miranga with her, however because this season, the crowd needs to see a new dance, I’m not going to do a new one. The crowd has loved me and my partner, here, doing the miranga, every season end. So, since, my original partner couldn’t make it, tonight, because she had to leave the resort upon having been pregnant, and losing her baby, her doctor won’t allow her to do any more dancing.”

So, with a brief pause, and a big look from the crowd, he then, said, “Since, my new girl, here, at the resort, is in this building. And because she’s one who’s been waiting for me, the two of are going to do the miranga. So, come here, my girl, and let’s start dancing and keep the guests happy to the very end of the season which is now.”

So, then, Cherry came running up to him, and upon him, taking her by the hand, she wasn’t about to let go. And then, upon the band, starting the music for the miranga, during the whole dance, the crowd was cheering Rob and Cherry.

And right after the dance ended, then, as usual, he motioned her to come running over to him, again. And before the two knew it, they were joining in with all the guests for that evening. And the two danced with other guests until they felt, they had enough for the evening.

And since, all the guests, including Cherry and also, Rob, would be leaving for home, tomorrow morning, then, Cherry and Rob took each other’s hand. And then, the two walked over into the night over to his cabin. And upon the two arriving, there, they, quickly, got into their usual dirty dancing, being so intimate with their bodies, and rubbing against each other.

And at the end of their dirty dancing as it came to a halt, the two found themselves in his bed. And since, this was the last night of the season; the two didn’t hurry into making love. They both wanted to make their love for each other last, and hope that the next morning, when they both left for home. That they would remember to do something about their relationship before leaving for home, or whatever plans they had by the morning.

So, the two, slowly, got into kissing, French kissing, sliding their tongues all over each other mouth. And then, there was all that fire, building up inside them, like it has never affected them before. Tonight, all that love, the two have between them never will keep the two, apart. And tonight, was all that sweet touching and lovemaking like the two have ever felt before tonight. And when they were done making love, the two, then, didn’t want to leave each other.

So, then, the two fell asleep beside each other like they have never attempted to do before tonight. And all night long, she was lying beside him with her head, curled into his arms while the two slept beside each other.

In the morning, after the two have awakened, and then, he was serving her, some breakfast, right inside his cabin which she, really, liked him doing for her.

And right after the two were through eating their bagels all slathered with cream cheese, the two felt that they had to have a big discussion, together. This was because they, somehow, had to plan out their near future, together, if they were to stay a couple from now on.

So, then, he was the first to talk to her, so, he said to her in a sexy voice, “Honey, I’ve got to tell you. That all this time, we have been together, here, at the resort, this season. Well, I’ve got to let you know, that I love you, dearly, although, usually, I’m too shy to tell anyone, my feelings. I hope you feel the same because I can’t live without you, my dear.”

“I’ve got to say to you that I love you straight from my heart, although, it hasn’t turned into deep love, yet. So, then, I, also, care for you, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. And another thing is that since, I am going to have a baby in the future, will you agree to be its father, since, the real father isn’t living, and has died of a brain tumor?”

“Yes, I love you enough that I am going to be a father to your baby. And how much along are you, right now, my dear, Cherry?”

“I am, at least, five months along, and I, really, am looking forward to having you as part of the family. Will you agree to be part of the family, and agree to marry me in the future, my Rob?”

“I love you so much, my dear, that I can’t turn down the opportunity to be a big part of your life in the future. When you go into labor, I even want to take Lamaze classes with you before you have your baby. That way, I can be there at your side to help you through your labor. Another thing is that I, really, and truly, want to get married to you, some day in the near future. However, first I want to get to know you better. So, what do you plan to do since, you are living in St. Clair at this time?”

“Since, I, already, have bought a cabin down here in North Carolina in Asheville; I am planning to move down, here, pretty soon. And this is, mostly, my decision because I know we both are in love with each other. And I never want to get separated from you at any time. This is because I, really, love you, and have fallen in love with you at first sight, ever since, the first day, I met you, here, at the resort on our date over at the restaurant for that luncheon.”

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fifty-four Americans – roughly 1 in 6 – personally experience some from of disability. In 2006, working-age Americans with disabilities were almost three times more likely to live below the poverty line than those without disabliities. While the average annual household income of individuals in the United States without disabilities was $65,000 in 2006, the average annual household income for people with disabilities was $36, 300. And the employment rate for persons with disabilities in 2006 was at least 40 points lower than the employment rate of working-age individuals without disabilities.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden have a four-part plan to provide Americans with disabilities with the greatest possible access to the same opportunities as those without disabilities: (1) providing Americans with disabilities the educational opportunities they need to succeed; (2) ending discrimination and promoting equal opportunity and (3) increasing the employment rate of workers with disabilities; and (4) supportuing independent, community-based living for Americans with disabilities.


Fifty-four Americans – roughly 1 in 6 – personally experience some from of disability. In 2006, working-age Americans with disabilities were almost three times more likely to live below the poverty line than those without disabliities. While the average annual household income of individuals in the United States without disabilities was $65,000 in 2006, the average annual household income for people with disabilities was $36, 300. And the employment rate for persons with disabilities in 2006 was at least 40 points lower than the employment rate of working-age individuals without disabilities.
Barack Obama and Joe Biden have a four-part plan to provide Americans with disabilities with the greatest possible access to the same opportunities as those without disabilities: (1) providing Americans with disabilities the educational opportunities they need to succeed; (2) ending discrimination and promoting equal opportunity and (3) increasing the employment rate of workers with disabilities; and (4) supportuing independent, community-based living for Americans with disabilities.



President-elect Obama

Looking over the information available on people groups of minority status in relation to Obama, the future looks pretty bright. That good news includes people with disabilities. According to Obama's website, people with disabilities make up about 1/6 of the U.S. Population.
The entire plan of Obama and Biden can be found at
regarding people with disabilities for the exact language of the plan, see some excerpts in our article on the Obama transition.
Not only folks with disabilities, but minority groups stand to benefit. One of our members belongs to the Human Rights Campaign and the Triangle Pride Political Action Committee.
Both groups sent out enthusiastic e-mails about the new opportunities President-elect Obama affords gay + lesbian and trans-gender people groups. Of course, people of various race and ethnic backgrounds have embraced Obama as well.

President-elect Obama

Looking over the information available on people groups of minority status in relation to Obama, the future looks pretty bright. That good news includes people with disabilities. According to Obama's website, people with disabilities make up about 1/6 of the U.S. Population.
The entire plan of Obama and Biden can be found at
regarding people with disabilities for the exact language of the plan, see some excerpts in our article on the Obama transition.
Not only folks with disabilities, but minority groups stand to benefit. One of our members belongs to the Human Rights Campaign and the Triangle Pride Political Action Committee.
Both groups sent out enthusiastic e-mails about the new opportunities President-elect Obama affords gay + lesbian and trans-gender people groups. Of course, people of various race and ethnic backgrounds have embraced Obama as well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


The clubhouse go's to different meetings and conferences ( about different sorts of subjects; with
class, or with groups of people, work-shops all included).Some clubhouse people and staff go far distances to travel to conferences to learn about clubhouse stuff.So,therefore;the clubhouse stay
overnight in a hotel when they go far distance traveling from their business properties.There are
special speakers about each different subject speaking and explaining all about the subject classrooms/workshop rooms to the clubhouse members and others; who are inside each speaker's room. There are also meals/dinners with non-alcohol beverages being offered/
served,to all of the conference members!That's where/how lot of information about "CLUB
HOUSES" can get gathered together; by going to conferences about those types of places!!

merry christmas

This is the season to be ful of joy to your family and friends. thanks to my cmh worker for cheering me up, also for having good friends at clubhouse they also cheer me up and the's good to have family and friend's they cheer you up,some times give you good advice,but also if you don't have family or their busy it's alway's nice to have friends over for the holidays.I my self find that my friend family and are family always get together for the hoilday's it just work's that way.So have happy hoildays.

From Christine 11-13-08

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One of our members belongs to Triangle Pride. PAC (Political Action Committee) and the Human Rights campaign. The following comes from newsletters e-mailed to our members as she is a member of these organizations.
While the definition of marriage was overturned most notably in California, the election of Obama and other socially-minded Democrats gave these two groups, hope.
“A new dawn of American leadership is at hand.”
These words were spoken by Barack Obama, who was elected the 44th President of the United States last night in this historic election. As leaders in the movement seeking equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans, we celebrate the election of an LGBT-friend President who believes that the United States Constitution applies to ALL Americans.
In Washington
Michigan will be sending several Triangle Pride PAC endorsed candidates to the Capitol in 2009! Our pro-quality delegation includes Carl Levin for the U.S. Senate as well as Bart Stupak, Mark Schauer, and Gary Peters for the House of Representatives. In a stunning victory, Gary Peters defeated Republican incumbent Joe Knollenberg, who represented Michigan's 9th District for the past 16 years. The Democrats took a 56-40 lead over the Republicans in the U.S. Senate and a 2240-156 lead in the House of Representatives!
A New Supreme Court
Perhaps the most significant upset of the night occurred when Judge Diane Marie Hathaway unseated Clifford Taylor on the Michigan Supreme Court, marking the first time an incumbent was unseated since 1984! The impact of Judge Hathaway's victory is immeasurable, considering Judge Taylor's longstanding opposition to LGBT equality.
What a night.
Historians will point to this election as a turning point in the long struggle for civil rights. Eight years of White House hostility toward LGBT Americans are finally over.
Here's what we know right now.
We will finally have an LGBT-friendly White House: President Barack Obama and Vice
President Joe Biden.
The Losses
Sadly, we report that Hamtramck no longer has a comprehensive anti-discrimination policy. Additionally, marriage equality suffered devastating blows in California, Florida, Arizona and Arkansas. As we remember President-elect Obama's acceptance speech and his acknowledgement of our community, we remain hopeful that this new President will bring the values of inclusion and equality to our broken nation and help us in the continuing journey on the road to equality.
Unfortunate news has dimmed the exhilatatiion of this historic, life-changing election.
I am deeply disappointed to report anti-LGBT bans passed in Florida and Arizona, and in Arkansas voters voted to bar all unmarried people, LGBT or straight, from adopting children or serving as foster parents.
On Tuesday night, our community felt the emotions of electing a pro-equality President and expanding our numbers in Congress and state houses across the country, but the next morning our hearts were broken as the dust settled and it was clear we lost the marriage ballot measures in California, Florida and Arizona. I will certainly provide you with further insight in the coming days to how we effectively organized and motivated LGBT voters in elections throughout the country, but today, as we find ourselves in this agonizing intersect ion of victory and defeat, I felt it was important to try and give some perspective about our losses.