Friday, November 7, 2008


Lisa was back in Martin’s life, again, after having, mysteriously, survived the tornado storm because of the very fact she had been given, fullerenes, jus before she was taken to be buried in the cemetery. And these fullerenes had done something to her whole body, and the low temperature, these drugs had put her body in had made it, possible, for her to be, barely, alive in the cemetery for about a year. And these fullerenes had been given to her in the hospital jus before she was pronounced dead. So, it had been a possibility that whoever had come in contact with her jus before her so-called death. Must have put these fullerenes into her IV jus when he or she had found her to be starting to come out of her coma.
However, after having her life back for a few months, then, she ended up dying, again, jus because she wanted to kill herself with a knife upon finding out, that time. That Martin had been claiming not to be in love with her, anymore. And that she had found to hard to take and keep living. So, then, she had to end her life jus so she could get out of all that misery which Martin had caused her to be in. And he had, only, felt like he didn’t love her, anymore, jus because he, also, had been given some fullerenes while in the hospital after having survived that tornado storm, himself.
And another thing had been he had ended having to live in a wheelchair as a result of the tornado storm having had thrown him against some sharp rocks in a river in Asheville, North Carolina.
Martin, then, was, still, living in a wheelchair jus because has hasn’t been able to get back the full use of his legs. Although, he, faithfully, was going through physical therapy. This was because he thought he could defy all medicine, especially, those fullerenes, although, they had been taken out of his system, already, through some surgery. And he was going to keep fighting, every day, day and day out, until he was able to walk, again, jus because he believed it was possible for him to be able to do, again.
Martin and Cherry were fighting to the end to keep themselves, a couple. Although, she ended up having to become a live-in-nurse. Jus so that she could commit herself to his well-being. And this, mostly, was because the two loved each other, so dearly. And it was a miracle that jus in taking care of Martin, day in and day out, actually, brought the two closer and closer, together.
Then, one day, out of the blue, when he and Cherry were about to take their daily walk in the morning like they have been doing for months on end. He did, somehow, lose his balance, although, he has been using his walker for quite a long time after he survived the tornado storm. And he, now, was to the point, that he thought he could walk on the sidewalk with Cherry, holding, securely, onto his arm without his walker.
But the two didn’t make it even out the front door of the house where she, still, was living with Martin, when he, actually, lost his balance. And then, he ended up falling right onto the carpeted floor dear the front door. And as he was about to try to get himself off of the floor, he found he couldn’t do it even with Cherry’s help. Also, his whole body seemed to be feeling very limp, and he couldn’t even fight this feeling, either which he never has felt before.
Then, his body seemed to sink into the carpeted floor. And then, he wasn’t aware of himself, shaking at this time until he seemed to pass out and come to, right away, jus after falling on the floor. And his body was shaking, so bad, that he didn’t even try to get up off the floor, which shaking seemed to continue for, at least, a few minutes. And then, when the shaking, finally, stopped, Cherry was too scared to try and help him off of the floor
So, at this time, Cherry noticed that he was falling asleep right there on the floor. And she didn’t even know what to do being she could sense there was something wrong with him. And she couldn’t even pinpoint at this time, what, really, was wrong with him. Although, she’s a full-fledged live-in-nurse.
So, then, she jus told him, “You don’t try to get up, Martin. I’m afraid you’re going to fall down, again. And I can’t even attempt to lift you up off of the floor at this time. This is, although, you’ve stopped shaking. So, if you hear me, Martin, move your arm.”
So, he was able to move his whole body, however, he couldn’t seem to control his body movements at this time. So, then, he said to her, “My darling, what jus happened to me? All of a sudden, I lost my balance, and before I realized what was going on, I, then, passed out after shaking a lot.”
She said in a frantic voice to him, “I think that you’ve jus had a seizure. And I know for a fact that you never have had any seizures before in your life. Is that right, my dear Cherry?”
“That I don’t know for sure, although, since, I’ve known you all this time. I think that you might have had one or two of these seizures in your sleep. This is because, lately, when I’ve been awakened by you, rocking the bed. I think that you might have had a seizure or two at those times. So, jus lay there on the floor, and don’t try to move. After having a seizure, you aren’t supposed to try to get up because you could lose your balance, again. And then, if you fell down, again, you could, easily, hurt yourself. So, jus lie there on the floor, and I’m going to get you a blanket to put over you and a pillow, too.”
So, then, Cherry, with a puzzled look on her face, walked into their bedroom. And as she arrived inside that room, she didn’t know what to do other than to try her best to keep herself, calm. And as she was trying hard to do so, she grabbed an extra red blanket, and one of the pillows off the waterbed. And then, she, quickly, walked back into the living room where he, still, was laying on the floor. And there was no doubt that he’s asleep. So, she jus allowed him to sleep for about an hour or so while she threw the blanket over him. And then, she jus slid the pillow underneath his head.
Jus after doing so, she, then, walked over to the phone on the Oakwood side table near the one side of the leather couch. And as she reached the phone, it seemed to her that there was a weird air about this room. It jus didn’t seem very friendly to her as if some robber was trying to get into the house or like if some ghost was around.
Upon her, picking up the phone, she, then, pressed 911 on the phone. And upon someone answering the phone on the other line, some woman answered the phone, and said to him, “Is there something I can help you with? Is there someone in deep trouble at this time, miss,” as she recognized Cherry’s voice as being a female voice?
“Yes, there’s, surely, something wrong, here. A good friend of mine, Martin, has jus fallen on the floor, and I think he’s had a seizure be cause he was shaking like a leaf jus a few minutes ago. And right now, he’s sound asleep which I know as being a live=in=nurse for him, is normal to occur right after someone has had a seizure. I, also, took his pulse, and vital signs which seem to be a little low. However, he seems to be very much alive.”
“Okay, jus relax, miss, and don’t be alarmed in any way. Now, what seems to be the matter? Start from the beginning, and be sure to include every little detail if you can remember all of them.””Well, my friend, Martin and I were jus about to take a walk when he fell down. Then, he went into a bad seizure, and is, still, asleep on the floor. His vital signs seemed to be a little low, however, I’ve jus taken them, again, and they all seem to be normal. I’m a live-in-nurse for him, and I know what’s going on with him, at least, that he’s been starting to have bad seizures. Should I wait ‘til the paramedics get here, or should I jus wait until he awakes. And then, get him to the emergency room.”
“What you should do is leave him, alone, and I’ll send an ambulance out to your house. Where do you live, by chance? Do you, still, live in St. Clair?”
“Yes, I do, I, still, live in that area. In fact, I live by the lake with him, and the hospital should have his records on file. And in one of his files, is our address and directions to get to our house. I’ll be sure to keep a good eye on him until the paramedics arrive here. Is there anything, I should be doing in the meanwhile, like trying to get him to eat or drink anything?”
“Yes, if he’s hungry and thirsty, and hasn’t had any food in a couple of hours, then, I suggest that you give him, some hot coffee. And also, make sure, he’s been taking his medication like he’s supposed to if he’s on any, right now. And give him, something to eat with a high fat content in it, like a sandwich with meat and cheese along with some butter or margarine on it. The high fat content will help keep him from having other seizures for awhile; at least, until the paramedics can get him on some medication witch will control seizures. And be sure to keep him warm because after a seizure, the body tends to have trouble, keeping warm due to the shivering which is possible.”
Then, upon hanging up the phone, she was a little puzzled at what to do first. However, she walked right into the kitchen, after checking up on him, making sure his vital signs, still, were normal.
Upon her, arriving inside the kitchen, then, she got some bread out of the bread bin. And then, she opened up the refrigerator, and grabbed some Gator Aid out of there. Then, before making up a sandwich for him, she poured a glass of Gator Aid for him. And then, she walked out back into the living room where he was, now, sitting up. However, he wasn’t attempting to get off of the floor. So, then, she laid a towel down in front of him, and then, gave him, the glass of Gator Aid, making sure, his arm was steady which it, finally, was.
And upon him, taking the glass of Gator Aid from her, he, then, said to her, “Is an ambulance coming for me, Cherry? I know I’ve had seizures, and never have had such a bad one in all my life. And it’s been seeming that I’ve been feeling kind of weak and like I’m going to drop something which I know, I can’t at this time. And it’s because my hand and arm seems to be very steady at this time.”
“Yes, Martin, I have an ambulance, coming to get you. And when the paramedics get here, they will be taking care of you. Also, they will be sure to administer some medicine to you along with your other medicine to stop you from having any more seizures. And I am feeling scared for you, right now, be cause an unexpected seizure can indicate, that you’ve come down with a brain tumor. Now, don’t let me, scare you because I could very well be wrong about this.”
So, then, while Martin, still, was quiet being he has quieted down after what she jus told him, she, then, walked back into the kitchen right after she made sure. That he didn’t drop any of the Gator Aid on the floor, while he was drinking it.
As she reached the kitchen, again, she, then, buttered some bread which she has placed right in front of her on the counter. Then, she placed some meat and cheese inside the bread, and then, gave it to Martin in the living room.
She, then, walked back into the living room, and Martin, eagerly, was waiting for his sandwich along with a cup of coffee. So, he jus about gulped everything down, and jus as he was finishing eating, he started going into other seizures. So, jus at that time, he was lucky that the paramedics had arrived. And as soon as they walked inside the living room, immediately, one of them put an IV into his arm. And the other one got out some medicine, some Keppra and Dilantin. And then, he, quickly, administered it to Martin down through the IV.
And it seemed that almost as soon as the medication was administered to him. That he stopped shaking, although, he was feeling very weak, and couldn’t walk without any help. So, then, the paramedics helped him onto a stretcher. And as they walked out the front door, Cherry followed them. And she walked inside the ambulance jus as Martin was wheeled into the vehicle.
And before Cherry realized what was going on with Martin, the ambulance arrived over at the hospital. And there, quickly, the paramedics found Martin, a bed in the emergency room. And slid him onto the bed, and immediately, upon the paramedic telling the doctor in charge of Martin, “Martin has had two bad seizures, and me and the other paramedic have administered some Dilantin and Keppra to him,” the doctor, then, also, gave Martin, some Morphine through his IV, to help stop the pain which the seizures brought on in him as well as the weakness caused by those seizures in his body. Although, the Dilantin and Keppra were, mostly, responsible for bring keeping his seizures under control.
Then, the doctor asked Martin, some questions, and said to him, while a nurse examined him in the meanwhile, “When did you, first, start having these seizures, that you know of?”
“I, first, starting having one, a few hours ago, and at that time, I, also, was feeling like my face was twitching along with feeling a general weakness throughout my whole body. And also, I was feeling, as though, my arms went limp, and as though, I was about to drop something if I held it in one of my hands.”
“Those symptoms which you have been having are indicative of a brain tumor in your brain. However, we can’t, really, say it’s from that until you have gone through some tests. First of all, you have to go for a CT scan, and an MRI, to make sure that you don’t have any abnormal growth in your brain or anywhere else in your body. And if you do, it’s possible that you could have gotten these genes from your parents. And if you have a brain tumor, the accident you had back a couple of years ago, could have caused some damage in your brain. And that alone, can cause a brain tumor to grow inside your brain.”
“These facts aren’t certain at this time, are they, doctor?”
“No, none of them are certain. First of all, I have to rule out a possible brain tumor, and any other damage which could have been caused by you, having suffered all that turmoil. And this turmoil was brought on by you, getting caught in that tornado storm, back a couple of years ago. So, now, I’ll have a nurse take you to the room where the CT scan and also, the MRI are done. And once, we have the results of these tests. Then, through examine the pictures through a computer, the nurse and I can, then, determine what’s the cause of your seizures and weakness and also, the focal seizures which you have told me about.”
So, then, a nurse walked into the room, and said to him with an uncertain voice, “Now, Martin, I am going to take you right over to the room where the MRI and CAT scan are done. And through the test results, the doctor and I can confirm if you have a brain tumor or not. And what, exactly, is causing your seizures.”
So, then, the nurse and doctor slid him onto a stretcher, and then, the nurse wheeled him down the hall where he didn’t have to wait long for his tests to get done. And in the meantime, Martin’s feeling very scared, because if it turns out that he does have a brain tumor. Then, it’s possible that if it’s big, that even surgery won’t be able to remove the whole thing, although, he agreed to have surgery on his brain, if it will prolong his life.
So, during the MRI, Martin is having a hard time in relaxing because the thought of having a brain tumor, keeps going through his mind. And he’s nervous because he never has had an MRI done before on him, not even that time; he ended up in the hospital after being thrown against those sharp rocks in the river during that tornado storm.
So, he felt somewhat relieved as soon as the two tests were done on him. And as he lay out in the hall, he tried to sleep being that if he could get some sleep. This could help him, in coping with the results of his tests.
And about a half hour later, the nurse, finally, took him back to his spot in the emergency ward. And then, he was given, some more morphine, being he was in pain, yet, however wasn’t sure what, really, was bringing on the pain. For one thing, he has come down with a terrible headache which, seemingly, is causing his whole body to feel pain.
About an hour later, the doctor, finally, came into the area of the emergency ward where martin, still, was lying on his bed. And the doctor has to wake him up being he’s, still, feel quite sleepy from all that Morphine which the nurse has administered to him, since, he’s been in the emergency ward.
And as the doctor walked over to his bed, he jolted Martin, a little, which seemed to wake him up, finally. So, the doctor figured that now was a good of a time as ever to tell Martin, the bad news about his brain.
So, Doctor Rafferty said to him in a worried voice, “I have looked over the results of your tests and the MRI, clearly, shows this mass, growing in your brain. And I’m sorry to say, that you do have a brain tumor in your brain. But since, you have agreed to having surgery, today, the surgeons can operate on your brain. And the tumor isn’t big enough to cause any problems, once; it is removed through the surgery. So, do you, still, want surgery on your brain?”
“Yes, if it is going to make me, be able to live a normal and longer life, I, really, do want the surgery. I’ve read some pamphlets on the surgery while I’ve been waiting for you to give me, the results of the tests. And I, also, agree to be awake during the surgery. That way, I won’t get worried, easily, about what’s going on with the surgery.”
Then, at that time, one of the surgeons walked into the emergency ward jus as Martin was being wheeled into a room of his own. And the anesthesiologist was there with him to let him know about the anesthesia which he didn’t want unless it was necessary.
But the anesthesiologist told him, “You will need some anesthesia during the surgery, so, here’s a form for you to look over and sign. And once, you sign this form, then, I can give you, the anesthesia. And from that point, then, you can be taken down to the surgery room. And another thing is do you want Cherry to be with you during the surgery?”
“Yes, I do, doctor, please allow her to be with me to help keep me, as calm as possible. I, surely, don’t want to get upset over the whole operation.”
“Okay, then, now, that you have handed me the form, the doctors are here to take you to the surgery room on the next floor. And I will pray for you while you’re being operated on, in fact, Cherry knows about your surgery. So, she will be sure to pray for you, too, that the surgery goes well, and that the tumor won’t grow back after the operation which there is a slim chance of growing back. And in hour case, judging from the test pictures, there’s no way, it can grow back because we have excellent surgeons at this hospital. And never has there been a case in which the tumor has grown back after surgery.”
So, then, the surgeons, after the anesthesia was given to Martin, took him down the hall and into the elevator. And in no time at all, martin was inside the surgery room, although, he wasn’t aware of being there at the time. And he, definitely, was aware of Cherry, being there with him, though, because he could sense her, being in the room with him.
As soon as the anesthesia took effect on Martin, then, the surgeons started working on him. And first, one of them placed this weird looking circular ruler on his head which he could feel. And a surgeon jus told him that it was there so, that the surgeons could mark on his head where the tumor was to be taken out of his brain.
And from then on, he seemed to lose track of time, although, every so often, one of the surgeons was coining him on what was going on during the surgery. The surgery took about nine hours because it’s a delicate operation. However, after the operation was done, one of the surgeons told him with much confidence, “Hey, Martin, with Cherry’s and our prayers, your tumor has been, successfully, removed. So, you, now have a good chance of living a normal life like if you never had a tumor in your brain, in the first place.”
“Is there going to be any side effects from the operation or anesthesia?”
“No, you don’t have to worry about side effects because any patient, who we have had in this surgery room for a removal of a brain tumor, never has reported any side effects other than grogginess and maybe a headache or two which, always, have been mild. So, we are going to give you, some more Morphine, or would you like to have some other pain medication for your headaches, should one come up?”
“Yes, I would like to have some other medication for any headaches, which pop up. And I seem to be having one now, so please jus go ahead, and give me, some Morphine. And after that wears off, jus give me, some Motrin or Tylenol for any more which come up. And another thing is that I, no longer, feel any weakness or any other symptoms which I was having, prior, being taken to the hospital after my seizures. And another thing is, am I prone to any more seizures?”
“The answer is yes because you have been through a lot of turmoil from that tornado storm. So, the doctor is going to keep you on that Ativan and along with Dilantin and Keppra because it could kill you if you are taken off any of the medications. It’s not gong to happen to you because we won’t’ take you off these medications for any reason, whatsoever. You could have epilepsy, which didn’t show on the ex=rays, too. So, that’s why you are going to be kept on these meds.”
So, then, upon two doctors wheeling him down the elevator and over to a private room which, now, was ready for him. Cherry, then, stayed with him for about an hour or so, to make sure, he was doing alright, now. She didn’t want him to be alone after had some brain surgery which was a tough one for him to go through.
After about a week in the hospital, he was ready to go back home. So, then, that morning, the doctor handed him, his discharge papers. And Cherry was there over at the hospital in no time at all.
Upon Cherry looking over the discharge papers, she, then, followed the intern as he wheeled Martin in a wheelchair over to where Cherry’s red Impala was at in the parking lot. And then, as soon as they all reached the car, then, the intern helped Martin into the front seat of the car, and closed the door for him.
And then, Cherry hopped into the front seat beside Martin. And as she pulled out of the parking lot after turning the ignition, she was surprised what a nice day, it was outside. It didn’t take long for them to reach their house in St. Clair.
And once, they reached the house, then, Cherry parked the car in the driveway. And then, she helped Martin out of the car, and made sure, that she held onto his hand as they walked through the side door of the house.
As soon as they were inside the house, Martin was kind of hungry and wanted something to eat and drink. As Cherry wouldn’t allow him to get what he wanted, himself, being he needed as much rest as he could get now after having a serious brain operation. Then, Cherry had him lie down on the black leather couch in the living room. And then, she walked into the kitchen, and got him, some coffee along with of his favorite pie which of course, was a diet pie.
So, then, Cherry opened up the refrigerator, and reached inside. And upon her, pulling out his diet apple pie being it’s artificially sweetened. Then, she set the pie on a paper plate for him. And then, she reached into the cupboard, and pulled out some instant coffee. And getting some coffee out of the container, she, then, put a teaspoonful into his favorite mug which was black with a picture of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle on it. He collected mugs and shirts and things with Harley-Davidson insignias on them.
So, after pouring some very hot water into the mug from the faucet, she, then, placed some creamer and artificial sweetener into the mug. Then, after stirring the coffee and creamer and sweetener inside the mug, she, then, carefully, carried the hot coffee and pie on its plate right into the living room where he has opened up a white tray with pictures of red and purple flowers on it.
Then, right after she placed the coffee and pie onto his tray, she, then, sat down right next to him while he ate his pie and sipped on his coffee. And while the two were sitting there on the black leather couch, she, then, said to him upon hearing a knock on the door, “I wonder who in the world could be at the front door. I’m not expecting anyone here at the house, and I know you aren’t either.”
So, then, she jus walked over to the front door, and peaked out the peak hole. And upon looking out the hole in the door, she couldn’t believe her eyes. She has no idea how in the world, Lisa managed to find out where she and Martin were living in St. Clair. And another thing was that how did she get to the house when she lived in a foster home where the owners were forbidding her to come over to the house where she, Cherry, and Martin are living.
She, Cherry and Martin jus had gotten back together after the brain surgery because jus before Cherry and Martin went into the hospital; the two weren’t speaking to each other. And this was because Cherry had suspected that Martin had come down with a brain tumor which she knew at the time, could shorten their lives, together. And then, she didn’t know at the time, how the two could love each other being that a brain tumor could have, greatly, shortened his life.
Cherry and Martin were in true love at this time, and after that brain operation which Martin has gone through, she knew she has to stand by his side all the way even if it happens that his brain tumor, ever, grows back, again. And upon knowing this, Martin was feeling bad for her and also, for himself. And this made him, lose some confidence in himself because he jus knew that in having a brain tumor could have caused him to end up in a wheelchair. And at this time, he was using his wheelchair because he has to make sure that he doesn’t have any more seizures. And that the brain tumor doesn’t grow back, and cause him, any more problems in life.
When Cherry and her parents had been forced into taking care of him, then, both of her parents along with Cherry, had, originally, taken a live-in-nurse course. And they all had their certificates, jus in case; they had to keep taking care of Martin. And being he was back in his wheelchair, partly, because he has jus had a brain operation; this could turn out to be very trying for both Cherry and her parents.
However, since, now, Cherry felt she could take care of Martin, all by herself, then, her parents did, however, call at the house, at least, once, a week. This was, especially, because they had to know how Martin was getting along after his brain surgery which Cherry had told them about upon arriving back at the house, again.
Cherry and her parents were all finished with the live-in-nurse course. So, they all could pitch in taking care of Martin if that ever happened to be true, again. And Cherry knew at this time, that she didn’t her parents, again, to take care of Martin, unless he started having seizures, again, which he hasn’t been getting anymore because he’s on medication for them right now. And he has been staying on his medications like he’s supposed to do.
At this time, Cherry, really, couldn’t understand how Lisa got over at the house. And she wasn’t about to let her inside because she could do anything to try to get Martin back into her life. So, because she even considered letting her inside, then, Cherry said to Martin, “Guess who I jus saw outside, and thought that she had committed suicide. I saw Lisa outside and I don’t know if I should let her inside this house. What do you think I should do at this time? Do you think I could be imagining this, martin?”
“Yes, I do, Cherry, and if she’s really there, I don’t want you to let her inside because I jus don’t trust her, anymore. After that time on which she was supposed to have committed suicide, she jus might come after one of us. So, at this time, it’s too dangerous to let her inside this house.”
So, then, Lisa waited about a half hour to see if one of them would let her inside. But in seeing that neither one would let hr inside, then, she was about to leave the house. So, in another half hour, after she knocked on the door, very hard, she, then, got mad. And then, she left for the foster home and on her way, there, she, then, came across the cemetery. In feeling so distraught inside, she then, started flying into the air, and before she knew it, she has landed near her grave.
Then, she walked into her grave, in not being aware of what she was doing. And then, about a week later, on Halloween night, she, then, noticed that Cherry and Martin never believed that she showed up that one night. And both of them were visiting her grave inside the cemetery. And she was inside the grave at that time. But then, some ghosts and goblins started running through the cemetery. And Cherry and Martin were about to leave when they noticed her, walking out of her grave.
They couldn’t believe their eyes. The grave has jus opened up, and another thing is that dirt has jus blown out of her grave through some eerie wind which has stirred up inside the cemetery.
As Martin and Cherry walked up to her grave, and waited for her to say something to them, when she didn’t, they, then, left the cemetery, that night after saying some prayers for Lisa upon realizing, she was back inside the grave. However, jus as they were leaving, Cherry and Martin, Lisa started following them to their car, the red Chevy Impala. And jus after Cherry and Martin got inside the car, then, Lisa hopped into the trunk which opened up by it.
And all the way back to the house, Cherry’s and Martin’s place, Lisa seemed to live inside the trunk all that time. And as they all arrived at the house, jus as Cherry and Martin walked out of the car, Lisa seemed to be making noise inside the trunk of the car.
So, in thinking she was hearing things, at first, she, Cherry, then, opened up the truck, only, to find Lisa inside. They didn’t know what to do at first. But then, they helped her out of the trunk, and then, she followed them into their house. They didn’t want her to follow her inside; however, Cherry and Martin couldn’t do anything else to keep her outside. So, then, upon Lisa, following them inside, they, then, allowed her to sit down on the leather couch for now. And then, Lisa kept bugging Martin to talk to her because she wanted him, badly, back into her life.
And since, Cherry wouldn’t go for this, any longer, she, then, told Lisa, “What are you doing at the house, now? WE didn’t invite you over to our house. What’s the matter, here; did you, by chance, come out of your grave, again?”
“I don’t know how it happened. But I came back TO LIFE AFTER HAVE been in my grave, all this time. And I jus came back to life, again, or never was completely dead to begin with. And this has been haunting me, today, ever since; I came out of my grave through sleepwalking. Do you mind, Cherry, if I have something to eat and drink? I’m very hungry and thirsty for being in that grave, all this time.”
“I think that you should go to a hospital, and get checked out by a doctor, now, Lisa. I can’t allow you to stay here with us because you might, then, interfere with our relationship. So, both Martin and I are going to take you there, and one of us, at least, will stay with you until we find out what’s going on, if you, really, are alive or not. Or if you jus came back from dead being that it’s Halloween, tonight. What I am saying I that you could just be ghost of Halloween, and none of us even know this.”
She didn’t want to go to so hospital; again, however, Cherry talked her into going there. And so, then, Cherry and Martin led her back to their car. And once, more they all were off to the hospital which Martin, really, didn’t dig being he has jus come home from there from having his brain operation.
So, upon them all arriving over at the hospital, the doctors checked Lisa over. And she was alright except that she needed fluids and some food in her stomach. So, then, she was hooked up to an IV, and she was, also, given vitamins because some blood tests showed, that she was dehydrated along with being close to having a blood condition which she could die from if she isn’t treated for it, right away.
So, then, Cherry and Martin didn’t have any choice, however, but to stay with Lisa for a couple of hours. And then, they ended up staying there, overnight, and didn’t dig doing so because Martin is supposed to be getting much needed rest.
However, in the morning, Cherry and Martin jus finished breakfast when they found out, that Lisa could be discharged from the hospital. So, then, Lisa took her own papers, and then, Cherry dropped her off at the foster care home where she was living. And no one would even answer the door, at first, but then, A woman in her fifties, went to the front door of a house which has, really, seen its’ years. And then, she took Lisa inside, and fed her while Martin and Cherry left in the Impala back to their house.
Now, that Lisa knows where Martin and Cherry are living, that very night, when everyone was sleeping. She, daringly, snuck out a bedroom window, and did so through sliding some rope out a window. And then, she sneakily slid down the rope, and then, she hitchhiked somehow over to the house, where Cherry and Martin were living.
Cherry and Martin jus were ready to crawl into the bed, and then, they heard someone knocking on the front door. And neither of them wanted to get up at first, however, in not knowing who could be there, Cherry walked over to the front door. And then, in seeing that it was Lisa, there, she didn’t want to let her inside the house. And neither did Martin because he wasn’t in love with her, anymore. At least, he was feeling that way at the time.
So, then, she crawled through a window which was open, and then, upon walking inside the bedroom, she scared both Martin and Cherry. Neither of them knew what to do so then, one of them called over at the foster home. And then, the woman, there, wouldn’t take Lisa in, anymore, at the house. So, now, Martin and Cherry were stuck with Lisa, and didn’t know where to drop her off as her parents were living in North Carolina.
Then, Cherry was so tired, that she ended up sleeping in the bedroom all by herself. And then, Martin walked into the living room, and he made Lisa, sleep on one of the couches which were not made out of leather. He took the leather couch for himself, and as he was to lie down on it, Lisa, then, said to him, trying to bug him with Cherry, overhearing her in the bedroom.
“Now, my Martin, if you have ever said that you’re in true love with Cherry, doesn’t believe a word, she says. This is because there’s no way, you two can be in true love; it’s the kinds of love which is only brotherly and sisterly love. You, Martin, have been lying about being in true love with Cherry. Cherry even told me this last time, I was over at the house. Me, Lisa, am the one, who’s in love with you, not Cherry; get this through your thick skull, for one thing.”

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