A guy with black hair and a good build was in bed with his wife, Cherry, and, suddenly, she was awakened in the middle of the night. Since, she jumped right out of bed; this woke up her husband, Bill.
So, then, he asked her what the matter was, and she couldn’t seem to explain to him, right away, what was wrong. But, then, as he gave her, a curious look, he noticed, she was crying that night with many tears in her eyes. So, then, she was trying to explain to him, what the matter was, and she told him all about her, seeing this weird figure in her nightmare. So, he tried to get her to explain to him, what she was seeing in her sleep, however, all she could tell him, was that she was seeing all these things, flashing before her eyes. So, she came to believe she was seeing things in her sleep all the time, and she couldn’t fall back to sleep at night, whenever she kept having all of these nightmares.
So, being that she kept having these weird headaches, and thought that she something, definitely, was wrong with her all the time, which seemed to put her under a lot of distress, she started trying to write everything down on paper, which didn’t seem to help her. This, only, made matters worse, so, she started trying to draw whatever she was seeing in her sleep and during the day, flashing before her eyes, when she, at least, e expect it to happen. And she ended up spending many a time, drawing these figures, which she never told him about, because it was too much for her to let him, know what was going on, because she thought, that he would be led to believe that she was going insane.
However, he couldn’t stand to bear what his wife was going through, because it, also, seemed to make him, feel bad inside that she kept going through all this distress, in seeing things before her eyes, and keep having nightmares, partly, because it wasn’t helping him, fall asleep at night. He got to the point, that he couldn’t sleep at night, because he could sense, that she would be awake at all hours of the night, afraid to go to sleep, jus because she couldn’t bear seeing this moth man before her eyes and in her nightmares, too.
So, he, finally, got to the point, where he had to take her to get checked out by a specialist, be cause she jus wasn’t being herself, anymore, and then, because she kept having these weird headaches and flashes before her eyes, which seemed to be interrupting her life to the point, that she couldn’t even go to her job during the day of being a teacher. And this seemed to, greatly, be consuming her life to the point, that the moth man seemed to be taking over her mind and brain.
When he took her to the hospital to get checked out, first, a doctor thought, she could be going crazy be because she told him, that she kept seeing things before her eyes. However, he was concerned about these blinding headaches she was having along with hearing screeching voices, so inhuman to her, that she was sure, that even though, she wasn’t aware of a moth man around her, she only thought she was seeing ghosts in her life, especially, in the bedroom where her and her husband slept, every night. And because she was having all these nightmares, they were, along with flashes before her eyes, and having these weird seizures along with hearing screeching inhuman voices, that the doctor, finally, referred her to a specialist.
And then, he put her through various tests, and the first one was an MRI along with a series of brain x-rays through another ultramodern machine. And jus after her MRI, as the doctor was looking along with specialist at her x-ray, he noticed this weird mass on her brain, and as he, carefully, was looking at it, he, really, couldn’t help notice that through the computer, it revealed this big mass in her brain, this huge amorism in her x-rays, which he thought was ready to burst.
So, then, he had to tell her, she needed brain surgery, and this was hard for her husband to take, because it was suggestive of a brain tumor in her head. And neither one was aware at any time, of having the symptoms of a brain tumor, like focal seizures, and passing out on the floor at any time. However, although, the brain surgeons operated on her brain, they weren’t able to remove all of her brain tumor.
So, shortly, after that, one night she had a bad seizure, and upon being taken to the emergency room of the hospital, she never seemed to pull out of her seizure, and went into a coma, which she never came out of. And all during this time, her husband, Bill, stayed at her side, hoping she would come to, which she never did, and she had been on oxygen all during the time, while she was in the hospital. And all during this time, she couldn’t even tell him, how she was feeling about that moth man, haunting her in her dreams and sleep. And the moth man pulled a spell on her, which caused her to go into a coma, too, and die shortly thereafter.
Then, Bill couldn’t bear living without her, and after her death, he happened to find pictures of her drawings of this moth man. And a psychiatrist couldn’t even picture such a thing as being true, as of her, having actually seen this thing when she was alive. And another thing was, since, he, the woman’s husband, Bill, was a reporter for the New York Post, he, really, needed to be back on the job, again, and couldn’t do this, because he had to be the next one, haunted by the moth man, through seeing flashes before his eyes.
And when his wife had seen flashes before her eyes, jus before ending up in the hospital in a coma, her husband had foreseen her, getting into an accident, which was caused through the moth man, flashing before her eyes while she had been driving. And after the accident, she was half dead, and couldn’t even come alive, again, jus because the moth man had put this spell on her, which caused her to crash into a semi-truck. And upon doing so, she had died instantly, even though, in a coma at the hospital, is what the doctors thought, she was going through.
So, then, after her husband, one night, while by her side, realized she was dead, then, he, actually, did come across her drawings of the moth man at home. And even though, some scientist or other reporter, he worked with and the police saw these drawings, they couldn’t comprehend how these drawings, this moth man, could have caused his wife’s death like he had.
Then, it happened over at the hospital, that in trying to find his wife’s files on her visit to the hospital after the accident, they couldn’t even find any evidence of her, having been in any coma or even having a brain tumor. So, this meant that the moth man played some tricks on her, and caused her death, and had caused this amorism in her brain to show up when it did, but not to have any trace of this when the doctors, again, looked at her x-rays, which seemed very uncanny to have happened to both the doctors and Bill, the woman’s husband, the woman, who had been shown to have a brain tumor in her head before dying, which wasn’t physically true and of no evidence to judge her death, either.
Then, after her death, Bill, then, couldn’t find his way back to his job, where he was a reporter for the New York Post. And although, the manager didn’t know what he was up to in New Pleasant, Virginia, he hoped Bill would finish whatever he was doing, and get back to his job as soon as he could, although, bill, only, was wandering around New Pleasant, not knowing where he was going half the time, to try to find evidence to support the findings, which he, himself, was going through over at a motel in the area.
His weirder behavior caused by the moth man in his life, now, started making him, drive many miles back to this guy’s house, and trying to cause trouble in his life, although, he never seemed to be able to recall any of these events in his life, which were being caused by the moth man, pulling this spell on him. The moth man kept flashing lights and blackness before him, especially, keeping him on the go at night, driving around, pestering people, which one neighbor in new Pleasant started investigating after being handed these drawings of the moth man by Bill, and especially, beefcake she, the cop, was kept on the go, jus because numerous people, every day and night, would call over at the cop station reporting hearing screeching voices, so inhuman along with seeing things which none of them could explain into words, words which would make sense, or simply jus didn’t tell the cops what was going on, be cause they were afraid of being called insane, and afraid that the cops wouldn’t believe, what the people of New Pleasant have been seeing every so often around outside in that particular city.
So, then, it started happening, that the moth man tracked Bill down over at the motel, and every night, he would call over at the motel in someone else’s voice, and at the same time, those voices not, actually, coming from the person, so, it was the moth man disguising himself as these persons, especially, friends of Bills’, too. And every time, early in the morning, when Bill would hear these screeching inhuman voices, he kept recording these voices, and the police would investigate these tapes, but on computer, these voices were so screechy, that all of these voices, which Bill was hearing early in the morning upon being awakened out of bed, that on the computer, the voices were seen as being not of any human, talking in these voices. And at first, the police had no knowledge as to where these voices were coming from, either, but knew they were happening and believing they were happening to Bill, judging from his recordings of these voices. And since, these voices kept haunting Bill’s life, it got so then, this moth man pulled another thing like making Bill, think, his wife, actually, was alive when she was known to be dead a couple years ago, and that she had come back to life through the moth man.
What the moth man was doing was making Bill, see his wife, walking the city, like passing by him, and what he was seeing was the moth man in disguise of his wife. And another thing, he was doing, was giving a policeman, an idea, that tapes of Bill’s wife voices were being reported by other residents in the city. And this, actually, was, again, the moth man in disguise trying to haunt Bill. And one policeman told him, that the moth man was trying to get him, to see his wife, as a sign that he was going to get killed, soon.
So, then, one night, while the moth man was up to no good, a friend of his made a call to Bill, his voice in disguise, and then, Bill’s friend was telling him, that another friend of his was not doing good and to, right away, come and hurry over to the hospital. But as he was running over to the hospital from his car, then, he happened to get the urge inside him that his friend was lurking around in another area, nearby, and so, upon his senses leading him over to a tree, he noticed that his friend was jus sitting by a tree and looked out of it. So, upon taking his pulse, then, he realized, his friend was in trouble, and didn’t have any pulse.
After calling 9ll and the paramedics arrived to bring his friend, with a pulse to the hospital, upon the paramedics and doctors trying to figure out what was wrong with his friend, Bill, then, noticed that he was dead, which was very distraught for him.
Then, one night, while Bill and a policeman happened to be going over a bridge, while jus before that, being notified, that some plant in the city was going to blow up, he, then, by the moth man, once again, was led over to this plant, and then, warned police that this voice told him, that this plant was going to blow up.
So, upon being led through the city not knowing where he was heading, then, he jus followed a woman cop over the bride in the city. And as they were going over the bridge, a voice, originally, told him, that the moth man was going to kill him. So, then, this cops warned him not to go to the airport, because the moth man was going to kill him on the next flight. So, then, he was led towards the airport along with the cop, and as they were going over a bridge leading to the airport, then, suddenly, a voice told Bill, that the bridge was going to cave in over him, and kill him, instantly.
So, then, he stopped his car and ran across the bridge, telling people to get off the bridge, and as he was, then, the bridge started falling apart and splitting in two. He didn’t know what to do so he jumped into the water, and in doing so, noticed a cope in the water in her car. So, he swam over to her, and rescued her from the car. Upon bringing her to the shore, some firemen took her and him over to the hospital in a rescue squad car, after checking both of them out, upon seeing them, coming out of the water, as they were there, a bunch of them from all over the city, to take of the victims of the bridge casualties.
Being that the whole bridge has crashed into the river, no resident knows how this happened, but after that ugly night on which a lot of residents lost their lives on the bridge, by the police of the city, they have reported that the moth man has never again showed any signs to any of the residents of the city, as being around, anymore, be cause no one is hearing any more screeching voices or seeing flashes before their eyes, anymore, either. So, the moth man has left the city for good, and since, that time, no one has been able to figure out why he, finally, left the residents alone, and hasn’t been around since that time, or even where he went to, if he went to another city, or has disappeared into the darkness, because he used to survive on darkness when he used to be alive in the form of a black ghostly figure.
Monday, February 9, 2009
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