Kate, well up in her years, a woman with wavy blond hair and blue eyes, wearing blue jeans with a white blouse and a cranberry blazer, was supposed to be engaged to Charles, a guy with short, black hair and brown eyes, who, always, seemed to be able to carry himself well. The two have been going steady together for about two years, and Kate has the impression, that everything between them, was jus like a life of roses.
Kate jus happened to be in the middle of this situation, where she wasn’t doing too well with her current boyfriend, Charles. The two were supposed to be so in love with each other, and, really, it was true, the two were in love on the very night, on which she has the urge to have him, make love to her. And, usually, he, always, gives into her on these nights, which are supposed to turn out special for the two of them, of course, because to her, he has seemed to have been in this special love with her for about a year or so, now.
However, she knew, he was aware of the fact, she, really, has been in the mood for making love right into the night. And she has even gone out of her way, to put on his favorite negligee, the sexy green one, which he, always, has loved seeing on her.
But for some reason, she couldn’t understand, he doesn’t seem to be giving into her, tonight, although, she’s lying on their waterbed amongst all this candlelight, smelling like lavender, which to her, has been seeming for some time, now.
It has jus turned dusk, and jus the right night for making love, because there jus happens to be all this bright moonlight, shining right into his bedroom over at his apartment. And the rays from the moonlight seem to be shining right onto the waterbed, making the blue and red and white quilt, seemingly, dancing with the colors of an American flag, twinkling against the moonlight.
However, for some uncanny reason, which she can’t seem to figure out, tonight, he jus doesn’t seem to be acting like himself. And he’s inside the bedroom, but he jus seems to be having a good old time, relaxing in his brown leather lazy boy chair. And he’s acting like if she’s not even in his bedroom, tonight.
She’s tired of waiting for him, to join her in his waterbed. So, she jus allowed herself, to fall asleep right in her negligee, and at this time, she seems to have some tears in her eyes, jus because he won’t even make any effort, to join her in his waterbed. He knows darn well, what she’s lying in the waterbed, so early in the evening for.
After having fallen asleep in the waterbed for about an hour’s time, when she jus happened to wake up, an hour later, and to his surprise, she took off her negligee right in front of him, trying to make him, pay for what he pulled on her, tonight. Then, upon putting on a pair of jeans along with a Red Wing tee shirt, she started rushing around inside the bedroom, while he jus kept sitting in the lazy boy chair, not sure how he was supposed to act to this situation.
Then, upon noticing her, grabbing her purple and black duffle bag out from underneath the waterbed, he jus couldn’t believe his eyes at this time. To his amazement, she was refusing to talk to him, while she kept rushing around the bedroom, packing as much as she could in her duffle bag.
All he could do was jus stand, there, near the bed. He, certainly, surprised himself, being he was lost for words at this time. And then, as soon as she seemed to have packed the last couple things into her suitcase, her passport along with her birth certificate, he, finally, seemed to wake up to how she seemed to, suddenly, have been acting so strange to him.
He, then, tried to plead with her not to leave, however, she jus wouldn’t listen to a word, he was saying to her. So, then, in a few words as possible, she, then, said to him in a somewhat sorrowful voice, “My dear, what do you think you’re doing? You’re not leaving me, now, are you? Don’t you realize, the two of us jus have gotten engaged to each other to get married? What’s the matter with you, tonight, my dear?”
“Now, Charles, I’m sure, you know darn well, what’s going on at this time. You can’t expect me to stay engaged to you, now,” as she took the engagement ring made of pure gold, and jus threw it onto the bed, as if it is a very cheap ring.
“Leaving you, is, exactly, what I’m planning to do, tonight. In fact, you’re the one, whom caused me to want to leave you in the first place. For the last few nights in a row, every time, I wanted to make love with you, you jus had to be doing things your own way, through ignoring me, and acting like if I’ve never existed in your life.”
“C’mon, my darling, please don’t leave me like this. I’m sure that the two of us jus have had some bad times, lately, and that the two of us should sit down, and have a talk, tonight. I’m sure this all can be worked out.”
“No, my dear, there’s nothing more, that we can do to hold our relationship, together. In fact, the reason, that I jus have thrown my engagement ring on the waterbed, is because I, no longer, consider myself, engaged to you.”
So, then, she jus grabbed her duffle bag and whatever she could carry, and she was out the front door, before he could, possibly, say another word to her.
Upon her, running over to the street, she jus hailed a cab over to the Los Angeles airport, although, she, always, has been very afraid about taking a plane over to Paris, France. And tonight was going to turn out to be the very first time for her, to be flying on a plane, and this was if she could succeed in getting herself to board the plane to Paris.
Upon the cab arriving over at Los Angeles Airport, the next flight was jus another half hour away. And this gave her, enough time to buy her ticket to Paris, and pick up some literature on Paris, being she never has been in Paris before in her life.
As the woman, finally, announced her flight to Los Angeles over the loud speakers, her heart started to beat very fast, like if it was ready to jump out of her chest. And she wasn’t about to allow this, tok stop her from boarding the next flight to Paris, which was going to be at least a seven hour trip for her.
And as she, finally, boarded the plane, at first, something inside her mind, was trying to hold her back from grabbing her seat on the plane, jus because it has turned out to be a wing seat. However, she, somehow, managed to get herself seated on the plane, but although, her finance wasn’t on the plane with her, some Frenchman with short black hair, sitting next to her, somehow, was able to comprehend how scared, she was to be on the plane, tonight.
So, then, he said to her, “My dear gal, what’s the matter, tonight? Jus by the look in your eyes and the way, you are flinching, I can tell, you jus don’t seem to be fitting right on tonight’s flight. C’mon, tell me, why are you so scared of being on a plane, tonight?”
“I can help being scared of being on a plane, because tonight is going to be my first night on a plane, and I jus am not used to being on a plane.”
So, then, he hopped out of his seat and went to the back of the plane, and upon coming right back to his seat, he, then, offered a drink of champagne to her, which she, gladly, accepted with his compliments,because she, really, needed a drink at this time, because she’s, still, feeling so nervous.
However, he kept trying to assure her, how nice it feels as the plane wheels are starting to turn, and soon, the plane will be down the runway, ready to take off into the air.
So, once, she drank a couple of glasses of champagne, she, finally, was starting to relax a little in the plane as it was taking off up into the clouds. However, she couldn’t help screaming a little, because she, still, was so scared of being in a plane. When she, finally, calmed down, not too much time later, then, the guy sitting next to her, something about him, his friendliness as a Frenchman seemed to be helping her, stay more relaxed. And at this time, she, actually,found herself, starting to enjoy her flight to Paris.
While on her flight to Paris, France, she jus happened to remember the phonecall, which she had gotten over her cell phone, jus before boarding the plane to Paris. And during this phone call, in her memory, her finance was saying to her in a surprised voice, “My darling, I have some surprising news for you, and I don’t have the slightest idea, of how you are going to take this news. However, it seems that in the past few weeks, in which I have been gone at night, and having told you at these times, that I have been with my family, at some bar in the city, I jus happened to meet this lovely looking girl with black hair. And I’m afraid, I’ve fallen in love with her at first sight. So, this means that the two of us, can’t see each other, anymore.”
So, upon slipping into a brief nap, and starting to dream about this phone call, she then, woke up from a fitful sleep. And upon the Frenchman, Luc, noticing jus how restless, she has become, he, then, got her another glass of champagne, which seemed to work good on her.
And then, he said to her, “What’s the matter, my darling? I’ve noticed that you have managaed to catch some sleep, tonight, while on your plane flight to Paris. Is there anything I can help you with?”
“No really, I’m supposed to be engaged to my boyfriend, however, jus before I boarded my flight to Paris, tonight, he jus happened to call me on my cell phone, right over at the plane terminal. And during this phone call, he, finally, revealed to me, that he’s been in love with this one gal for about a few weeks. Also, he told me,that he’s fallen in love with her, and that he can’t see me, anymore. So, if I seem to be teary-eyed, right now, and shaken up, it’s because of that one phone call from Charles.”
Then, her mind, suddenly, seemed to be very far away, like she wasn’t aware of being on an airplane to Paris. What seemed to be going thorugh her mind, wasn’t the least bit pleasant to her at this time. She, suddenly, was having a memory of that one phone call, which she had jus happened to receive through her cell phone, jus before boarding a plane to Paris, France.
She seemed to be remembering that one day, he had been doing something else, which she didn’t have any knowledge about right behind her back. And he, usually, made it, a point to show up at her apartment, which was located in Ontario, Canada. So, since, she had been born in Ontario, Canada, this made her, a true Canadian.
One day, he failed to show up over at her apartment, which turned out to be a big disappointment to her. He, originally, like usual, had promised her, the last time, he saw her, that he was going to show up over at her apartment, jus so that the two of them could spend the day and all through the night, together.
In fact, he, originally, had promised to not only spend the day with her, after cooking her favorite breakfast. And then, the two of them had planned to spend part of the morning and well into the afternoon, shopping at some of her favorite stores over where the well-known casino was located in Ontario.
And then, after having shopped over in that area, the two, originally, were supposed to spend the rest of the afternoon into the early evening over at her apartment, maybe, even having a drink or two of champagne, and then, having dinner and listening to Montrose over at Captain’s Place.
Being he never showed that day or evening at all, she, truly, had turned so mad at him, all she had wanted to do was turn off their engagement, and get away somewhere to where she could throw away all her troubles, and get away from it all.
Then, through her mind, traveled some more memories, some very unpleasant ones, more unpleasant than the other memories of her so-called engagement with Charles. What else went through her mind, was that time, jus before she had boarded the plane for Paris.
The very last time, Charles had gotten together with her, the two had met each over at a local restaurant, “Captain’s Place”, which served, mostly, fish and other seafoods like clams. And this restaurant had overlooked a river in the city. And at that time, during the night, the two had had such a good time, having some “Scotch on the Rocks”, while having listened to a famous band, “Montrose”, through the night, which band has been well known for its rock. And this group had happened to gets its start back in London, England.
During that morning, she had expected him to be over at her apartment, to make some breakfast of egg quiche, her favorite dish. And then, when she had become tired of waiting for him, to show up over at her apartment, she, then, had decided to have her breakfast, alone, this time.
That morning, she had ended up making herself, a breakfast consisting of bacon, sausage, and eggs without the usual toast, because she had wanted to start watching her figure, more closely, being that she had been eating out a lot with him. And she hadn’t been watching what she was eating, close enough, because, lately, she had noticed, that she had put on a few pounds.
Then, she had spent the rest of the day into the night, jus doing some cleaning around her apartment, and had caught up with some story, she had been working on during her free time.
That same night, to her surprise, she had received this phone call from him, and what he had said to her, hadn’t turned out to be very pleasant news for her. As he answered the phone, he had talked to her in this voice as if he had been some sleuth,
So, he had said to her in a surprised tone of voice, trying to put her down, “My darling, I don’t know how to tell you this. The reason, I haven’t been seeing you at night for the last few weeks, is because I’ve landed a new girlfriend, and to me, she jus happens to be a sexy one with that long, black hair of hers along with that witchy personality of hers. And another thing is, it jus happened, I have fallen in love with her at first sight.”
“C’mon get to the point; what are you, really, trying to tell me at this time? How could you do this to me? I thought we were supposed to be engaged to be married?”
“It’s jus that I won’t be able to see you, anymore, because it jus hasn’t been working out between us, like I had expected it. So, it’s been nice meeting you, my darling.”
“Here, I thought, everything was going cool as far as our engagement goes. But, now, how could you, dare tell me, that you have been seeing another woman behind my back?”
“I can’t help it, my darling, it jus so happens, that since, I’ve fallen in love with this other gal, I’m not sure, if I love you, anymore.”
“Well, you’d better be listening to me with all ears, because, as of now, I’m, officially, calling off our engagement. And don’t be surprised, if I go ahead, and take off on you, and leave you behind for good.”
“Now, what do you mean by this, my darling?”
“Don’t call me, ‘darling’ anymore, because I jus won’t have any more of this darling stuff from you. And I don’t want you, calling me, anymore, and I don’t want any more to do with you, either. I’m going to allow myself to fall out of love with you, because you jus don’t seem to love me, anymore.”
After a brief pause, she, then, found herself, saying to him, “Well, you’re not my guy, anymore, and another thing is, that I’m going to take off, tomorrow morning, for some place far far away from here. I’m not going to tell you, where I’m going to be heading, either, because I’m not going to go for you, following me around. So, I hope, you have a lousy relationship with your new girlfriend, and have nightmares, every night, about me, killing you, and throwing your body in the river.”
Then, she had jus hung up on him, before he had been able to say another word to her.
After she woke up out of her dreamlike state, the Frenchman, Luc, jus happened to notice, after having awoke from a deep nap, himself, she seemed to be very quiet. However, she, for the second time during the flight to Paris, seemed to be getting very nervous, because she happened to be saying to herself, apparently, unaware, that he has a seat near her by the left wing of the plane.
So, she jus happened to be talking to herself, saying to noone in particular, “I jus wish I could get off this plane. Oh no, what am going to do; I don’t want to stay on this plane and fly all the way to Paris. What in the world is going on around me? I can’t stand being on this plane, any longer. Besides, I hate flying on planes, and never have wanted to fly on one at any time.”
“Then, she yelled out loud, hoping that the pilot would hear her, screaming on the top of her lungs, “Let me off of this plane, right now; I’ve jus told you, I don’t want to go to Paris, at all. I won’t be able to stand being on this plane for six more hours, now.”
Suddenly, the stewardess came running over to her, and then, she tried to be patient with Kate, saying to her, “Can I do something for you? I think, that at this time, you need something to calm you down?”
“No, no, I don’t want anything to drink except for some water. It’s jus that I feel very thirsty, right now, and another thing is, that I have this thing for flying on planes, because this jus happens to be the very first time, I’ve flown on a plane.”
So, then, as the stewardess left the wing area of the plane, Luc, then, said to her, trying to calm her down as best as he could. And he was trying hard to make her aware of the fact, that flying on a plane was supposed to be enjoyable and isn’t so bad after all.
He said to her, in a calm manner, “C’mon now, my dear, flying on an airplane isn’t so bad. When you are flying on a plane, you are supposed to be enjoying every minute, because sometimes, you never know, if you are ever going to get the opportunity to fly on a plane, again.”
“But, like I’ve said, I hate flying on planes. I’m afraid jus because I’ve been watching the wing, split in two, that we are going to crash, somewhere, and that I’ll be dead in no time at all.”
“Now, don’t act so desperate to get off of this plane, my dear. You’ll find out that flying on a plane, isn’t so bad after all. In fact, any time now, in fact, right now, can’t you, feel those wheels turning and turning?”
Then, after a pause, because he, actually, was starting to feel the wheels, turning, and could sense, that she was feeling the same way, “ In no time at all, the airplane will be down the runway, and the plane will be taking off into the air. Look out the window, right now, the plane, finally, has gotten down the runway, and how does the world, look to you, right now. See, you can see down, there, to the earth, and it looks jus like a map, at this time. And soon, before you realize it, the plane will be above the clouds.”
Seeing that she was starting to get a little calmer, but wasn’t sure, she would stay that way, he, then, got up out of his seat. And as he did, he walked to the front of the plane, where he had the stewardess, pour some champagne into two glasses. And while the stewardess was doing this for him, he, without her, realizing it was happening, took the necklace off her neck, a very expensive one, made out of real silver, and slipped it into his shirt pocket, to give to Kate. When he gave it to her, he wanted her to think, it was a present from him jus for her.
As he arrived back in the wing area of the plane, as he sat back down in his seat, he, then, offered her, the glass of champagne on ice, while taking a drink or two out of his glass. And she didn’t even say one word, while he was giving the drink to her. But she jus calmly, this time, started to drink from the glass.
And she finished this one, quickly, because she found it, to be very relaxing. So, then, he got another glass of it from the stewardess, as she approached the wing area,and was giving out champagne to the others on the plane, and pop to whoever didn’t want anything to drink, especially, the younger set.
After Kate had a couple of drinks of champagne, because that was all the champagne, that Luc could get for her, she, then, looked a lot more relaxed. So, then, he said to her, “About this boyfriend of yours, I think that you should jus allow any thoughts about him, which you happen to get in your mind about him, allow to waver in your mind. Especially, because you’re, still, on the plane to Paris,and, really, can’t do anything to make things better between you and him, why don’t you jus try to forget about him for now, and put all thoughts about him in the back of your mind.”
“But how am going to put all thoughts about him away far behind me? The thing is that I, still, love him a lot, and can’t dismiss any feelings, I have left for him at this time.”
“What you, really, have to do, my dear, is to try not to dwell on the situation between him and you for now. There’s, really, nothing you can do about the situation, because the thing is, that you jus might not get to see him, anymore, unless, of course, he happens to show up while you’re in Paris.”
“What makes you, think, he could jus show up in Paris, jus like that? I never left him, any information about where I was planning to go, when I left my apartment, this morning. So, how is he, going to be able to find out jus where I’m heading?”
“For one thing, I don’t know if you’re aware of this at this time, however my brother has known him for a few years, and it’s possible that he could track down your boyfriend, being he’s a detective. Or it jus could happen by chance, being that right at this time, I seem to have this feeling inside me, that he’s going to run into you, somewhere where the shops are at in the main thoroughfare, because I jus know, that you’re planning to go there, sometime, in the near future.”
“I jus don’t know how you can know jus where I’m planning to go, once, this plane lands at the airport in Paris, France. You must have some ESP inside you, don’t you?”
“That’s, rightfully, true of me, my dear; it jus so happens that I do have some ESP in me. And it’s through ESP, that, recently, while I have been sitting, here, in this seat beside you, that I have the notion, he’ll turn up, somewhere, in the main thoroughfare of Paris.”
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