Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Special Olympics would not exist today—and could not have been created—without the time, energy, commitment and enthusiasm of people just like you, thousands of individuals who choose to take a little more time from busy schedules to make the world a better place.
It's about transforming lives, including your own. It's about a spirit of giving and teamwork. It's about making your community and neighborhood a more welcoming and accepting place.
And it's about creating lifelong friendships and a new way of thinking about others. Those are rewards of immeasurable value.
More Than Giving Back
Todd Horton was one of thousands of volunteers at the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho.
For him, it was more than just a chance to give back to an organization that helped his great aunt, who was a Special Olympics athlete.
“One summer, she proudly showed me the bronze medal she had won playing basketball. At the time, I was 12 years and happy for her winning a medal. Now, many years later, working with Special Olympics, I realize the importance of that moment,” he said.
“These Games have a huge impact on the athletes, but also on everyone around them. Because of these Games I have learned so much about Special Olympics and the role they play in my community that I never knew existed.”
Be One of Millions
Around the world, millions of people volunteer, taking pride in knowing they're providing athletes with intellectual disabilities an opportunity to experience the excitement, joy and personal fulfillment associated with sport training and competition. That's a big part of the Special Olympics global movement.
From students to professors, factory workers to corporate executives, celebrities to the not-so-famous, family members to health care professionals, volunteers of all backgrounds are passionate and untiring in their support of Special Olympics. From the local coach who works with athletes every day, to the international organization holding World Games every two years, dedicated volunteers to make Special Olympics happen. There is always something to do, with training, competitions and other events happening 365 days a year.
What You Can Do
Volunteering with Special Olympics creates change that carries forth from our Programs and into the world. Whether you're an individual or a member of a school, church, work, civic, or other group, whether you can volunteer for just a few hours on a single day as a scorekeeper, or several hours a week, year-round, as a special events coordinator; there are volunteer opportunities for you.
Volunteer Opportunties
Get in touch with Special Olympics near you to see what you can do to help.
Be a fan in the stands at a Special Olympics event near you.
Follow Special Olympics online through Twitter. Facebook and our own Fan Community
Donate money to keep Special Olympics programs going
Contribute five minutes to take the pledge to stop using “retard” as an insult
Watch a video about Mattel Corp. volunteers or about Mike Cohen, one outstanding coach, and then share it with five friends.
Find out ways you and your church, club or friends can get involved near home. Find the Special Olympics nearest you and invite a speaker to your next get-together
If you're a college student, check out SO College to get active at your school
Get in the game by joining Special Olympics Unified Sports, where people with and without intellectual disabilities train and compete together on the same team
Know someone with an intellectual disability? Refer them to a Special Olympics program nearby

1 comment:

Gil Buckman said...

YES, great post. And as if anyone needed another reason to volunteer, here is a GREAT story from Diana. She won gold in the 07 games and it was a HUGE moment in her life.
