Friday, June 5, 2009


Treating people with Bipolar disorder in a holistic manner
In many cases those who are diagnosed with the condition of Bipolar disorder are singled out just for being Bi-polar. People, even family members will speak openly about those suffering as being a “bi-polar person”. This singling out is cause of the stigma that we face. It's not fair to be known as being a sick person as opposed to being a person. The holistic perspective does not see the person suffering with this disorder apart from the person living their life. Holistic means wholeness, completeness as it regards the individual. Approach Bi-polar from this perspective means seeing the individual as a complete person. This does not disregard the fact that those diagnosed with the term bi-polar are without need for mental healing. Bi-polar occurs when our nervous system and neurochemistry becomes to imbalanced that it drastically affects our mood. When this occurs, the speed at which our mind functions and our energetic being increase.
To fully balance the individual it is necessary to bring all elements of oneself into alignment. If your car is pulling to the right because your tires are out of alignment and you correct only the one that is most out of balance, neglecting the other three, your car may not pull as much but it will still run off the road if you take your hands off the wheel. This is a simple way of understanding what is happening when we treat just the symptoms of bi-polar disorder. The holistic perspective seeks to bring about complete healing by ackknowledging the entire person. Understanding this perspective is the reconditioning which is necessary for the individual to understand what is required of him or her in order to bring oneself back to a state of mental harmony. First we must be able to see ourselves as capable individuals. It is very important to see ourselves and to be seen as competent in the face of Bi-polar. Continuing to build self esteem is very important if we are going to amount to the challenges that this condition causes.
Bi-polar can happen to anyone living in the modern world. At this time in history more and more cases of bi-polar disorder are being diagnosed. This may be due to in large part to the amount of stress the modern world is creating in the lives of those living in it. The environment we live in, the foods we consume and the way in which we spend our time are greatly affecting our mental states. We need to find a way to rebalance. Approaching bi-polar disorder from a holistic perspective means clearly seeing the imbalances that are causing our fluctuating imbalanced mental state and then apply natural techniques to rebalance the entire being.
I agree with most of what you said about the stigma and frustration we bi-polar people face in society and even with friends and relatives. I even agree that holistic medicine, some areas anyway, might even help with coping with the symptoms of the disorder. Brain chemicals. I did think you did a good job explaining how people who are not bipolar see and treat us differently. I just wouldn't want to go through life without my mood stabilizer because it really does help to balance me out and help me live a normal life.

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