Monday, November 30, 2009



The interviewer wants to evaluate your compatibility with the position you are interviewing for. Make your answer relevant to the job requirements. General reasons such as new challenges, interacting with people, growth and learning opportunities, using your initiative, working as part of a team and meeting set objectives and goals are usually applicable to most job opportunities.

Highlight the reason and make it more specific by quoting an example. “I enjoyed having to using my initiative. I have implemented and improved a number of systems including the order processing system.”

What do you like least about your current or last job?

What typical interview questions like this be careful that the dislikes you talk about do not refer to specific characteristic of the job opportunity you are interviewing for. Stay away from reasons such as overtime and salary. Avoid crisicism of your boss, management or co-workers. Be general and refer to the lack of or absence of what you seek in a job or work environment.

For example, “There was very little opportunity for me to use my initiative. I regard this as one of my strengths and found it frustrating that I was unable to get past the bureaucracy of such a big company to implement any improvements. That is why I am enthusiastic about working for a smaller company like this which I know encourages employees to use their iniative.”
“There was a lack of growth opportunities in such as small company. One of the reasons I am so interested in your company is that it is a much larger organization with formal career planning structures in place.”

This way you emphasize why you are a suitable candidate for this job and company as well as turning into a compliment for the company you are interviewing with.

How to answer the question “What do you like and dislike about the sales job?”

How would you describe your previous manager/boss/supervisor

When answering typical interview questions about previous managers avoid saying anything that can be interpreted as negative. It sends up a red flag about your attitude to authority and supervision. Even is there is something truly negative about your boss rather try to find something positive to focus on. The answer you give should be fact-based and not just your opinion.

For example: “My manager was very experienced, he had managed a number of big call centers over the past 12 years. He liked his staff to be able to work independently and I had to learn quickly to become independent about analyzing problems and finding solutions.”

In this answer you are stating a positive face about your boss, his amount of experience. You are also turning a possible negative about your boss, his lack of support, into a positive about you. You have not criticized your boss and you have taken the opportunity to be proactive and deal with a situation.

Use these sample answers to help prepare your own good interview answers to these typical interview questions. You will stand out as the professional and prepared job candidate.

Prepare for other common interview questions using our recommended sample answers and interview answer guidelines.

More Typical Interview Questions

How would your co-workers describe you?

What motivates you in your job?

Describe your ideal job

How do you handle conflict?

What has been the most difficult situation you have faced?

Friday, November 27, 2009



We all are born with an inner light. It's a gift of spirit...a magical glow of innate gifts and abilities that make up a large part of who we will grow into being.

What do you feel most passionately about? What are your natural gifts that set you above and apart from the rest?

This inner light is often dimmed by the reality of being human in a human world. Have you lost touch with these gifts as you have made your choices in life, and worked through your challenges? Look inside for a moment to find out.

Step 1. In a quiet place and time, and ask yourself: “Who am I, really?”

Allow your mind to wander back to the happiest moments of your life. If you could have, you would have frozen that moment! Relive that moment with the understanding that you were in your true self.

Step 2. Explore your authentic self

There's nobody else in your head with you, so go into yourself as deeply as you can. This is the place and time where you can rediscover yourself, what you've buried or suppressed...
And ponder how powerful you can be if you allow yourself to shine once more.

Step 3. Acknowledge your personal truths in a list

Make a list of your talents and passions, paying particular attention to those things that bring you joy, as well as those things than no one can do better than you can.

Step 4. Imagine living your gifts

Now that you have acknowledged some of the potential and aspirations that you have been holding deep inside of you, imagine how different your life could be if you granted yourself permission to let your inner light shine through!

Step 5. Embrace your gifts every day

Sure, it's a risk to open up and share what you have inside, but your greatest challenges and accomplishments aren't measured by what you've done—they are waiting to be formed by what you do. The light we are born with is always within us; we just have to tap into it and let it glow. When you believe in yourself, others will as well.



We all are born with an inner light. It's a gift of spirit...a magical glow of innate gifts and abilities that make up a large part of who we will grow into being.

What do you feel most passionately about? What are your natural gifts that set you above and apart from the rest?

This inner light is often dimmed by the reality of being human in a human world. Have you lost touch with these gifts as you have made your choices in life, and worked through your challenges? Look inside for a moment to find out.

Step 1. In a quiet place and time, and ask yourself: “Who am I, really?”

Allow your mind to wander back to the happiest moments of your life. If you could have, you would have frozen that moment! Relive that moment with the understanding that you were in your true self.

Step 2. Explore your authentic self

There's nobody else in your head with you, so go into yourself as deeply as you can. This is the place and time where you can rediscover yourself, what you've buried or suppressed...
And ponder how powerful you can be if you allow yourself to shine once more.

Step 3. Acknowledge your personal truths in a list

Make a list of your talents and passions, paying particular attention to those things that bring you joy, as well as those things than no one can do better than you can.

Step 4. Imagine living your gifts

Now that you have acknowledged some of the potential and aspirations that you have been holding deep inside of you, imagine how different your life could be if you granted yourself permission to let your inner light shine through!

Step 5. Embrace your gifts every day

Sure, it's a risk to open up and share what you have inside, but your greatest challenges and accomplishments aren't measured by what you've done—they are waiting to be formed by what you do. The light we are born with is always within us; we just have to tap into it and let it glow. When you believe in yourself, others will as well.

Psychiatric Hospital


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A psychiatric hospital, also known as an asylum, is a hospital specializing in the treatment of serious mental illness, usually for relatively long-term patients.

Psychiatric institutions vary widely in their goals and methods. Some hospitals may specialize only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialize in the temporary or permanent care of residents who as a result of a psychological disorder, require routine assistance, treatment or a specialized or controlled environment. Patients are often admitted on a voluntary basis, but involuntary commitment is practiced when an individual may pose a significant danger to themselves or others.


Court judges pressured the UK Government, resulting in an Act of Parliament – The Madhouse Act -1928, allowing the building of purpose-built asylums, the first of which the 1st Middlesex Country Asylum was at Hanwell in West London and opened its doors in late 1831.

Intitially these early asylums were little more than repositories for the mentally ill; removing them from mainstream society in the same manner as a jail would for criminals. Conditions were often extremely poor and serious treatment was not yet an option. At this time there was minimal understanding of mental health issues and treatment methods were in the early stages of development. Patients were often offered inaccurate treatments resulting in fatality or outstanding injury.

By region


Phillipe Pinel (1793) is often credited as being the first in Europe to introduce more humane methods into the treatmet of the mentally ill (which came to be known as moral treatment) as the superintendent of Asylum de Bicetre in Paris. A hospital employee of Asylum de Becetre, Jean-Baptiste Pussin, was actually the first one to remove patient restraints. Pussin influenced Pinel and they both served to spread reforms such as categorising the disorders, as well as observing and talking to patients as methods of cure. Vincenzo Chiarugi in Italy may have banned chains before this time. Johann Jakob Guggenbuhl in 1840 started in Interlaken the first retreat for mentally disabled children.

In the U.K. The Beeches was most famously and recently seen in a British soap opera, BBC Birmingham's daytime soap Doctors, when Ruth Pearce, played by Selina Chilton went mad. Around the same time as Pussin and Pinel, the Quakers, particularly William Tuke, pioneered an enlightened approach (moral treatment) in England at the York Retreat. The Retreat was not a psychiatric hospital, and in fact the medical approaches of the day were abandoned in favor of understanding, hope, moral responsibility and occupational therapy. The Brattledoro Retreat and the former Hartford Retreat were named after it.

In 1817 a William Ellis was appointed as superintendent in the newly built West Riding Pauper Asylum at Wakefield. A Methodist, he too had strong religious convictions and with his wife as matron they put into action those things they had learnt from the Sculcoates Refuge in Hull which was run on a similar model as the York Retreat. After 13 years their reputation had become such, that they were then invited to run the newly built first pauper asylum in Middlesex called the Hanwell Asylum. Accepting the posts, the asylum opened in May 1831. Here the Ellis' introduced their own brand of humane treatment and 'moral therapy' combined with 'therapeutic employment'. As its initial capacity was for 450 patients it was already the largest asylum in the country and subject to even more building soon after. Therefore, the immediate and continuing success of humane therapy working on such a large scale, encouraged its adoption at other asylums. In recognition of all this work he received a knighthood. He continued to develop therapeutic treatments for mental disorders and always with moral treatment as the guiding principle.

In Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England, Robert Gardiner Hill with the support of Edward Parker Charlesworth, developed a mode of treatment that suited 'all types' of patients, where by the reliance on mechanical restraints and coercion could be made obsolete altogether, a situation, he finally achieved in 1838.

By the following year of 1839 Sergeant John Adams and Dr. John Conoly was so impressed by the work of Hill, that they immediately introduced the method into their Hanwell Asylum, which was by then the largest in the kingdom. The greater size required Hill's system to be developed and refined. This was necessary as it was beyond Conolly to be able to supervise each attendant as closely as Hill had done. Even so, he bid a pair of extra soft slippers made so that he could walk around the building at night without his foot falls warning the attendance of his immenent approach. By September 1839, mechanical restraint was no longer required for any patient. For years, this day was remembered at the Hanwell asylum by a celebration on its anniversary. Hanwell also was a very accomplished communication and wrote and lectured widely about his work in mental health.

By such means these and others, more effective treatment methods gradually took hold in different countries, and attitude towards the treatment of the mentally ill began to drastically improve during the mid-l9th century. Courts began to administer involuntary commitments with a greater eye towards medical justification.

Bethlem Royal Hospital

Main article: Bethlem Royal Hospital

Bethlam Royal Hospital (Bedlam) was the first known psychiatric hospital in Europe, founded in London in 1547. It soon became infamous for its treatment of the insane, and in the eighteenth century outsiders would pay a penny to come and watch their patients as a form of entertainment. In 1700 it is recorded that the “lunatics” were called “patients” for the first time, and within twenty years separate wards for the “curable” and “incurable” patients had been established. The institution was still a coercive and brutal regime when William Battle criticized its practices in his treatise in 1785. By 1815 thousands of visitors were still being permitted in to view the “unfortunates” as they were by then called.

Middle East

Main article: Islamic psychology

Unlike medieval Christian physicians who relied largely on dmonological explanations for mental illness and treatment, medieval Muslim physicians and psychologists relied mostly on clinical observations. Such scholars made significant advances to psychiatry and were the first to provide psychotherapy and major treatment for mentally ill patients, in addition to other forms of treatment such as baths, drug medication, music therapy and occupational therapy.

In the 10th century, the Persian physician Muhammed ibn Zakariya Razi (Rhazes) combined psychological methods and psychological explanations to provide treatment to mentally ill patients. His contemporary, the Arab physician Najab ud-din Muhammed, first described a number of mental illnesses such as agitated depression, neurosis, and sexual impotence (nahkhae alikholia), psychosis (Kutrib) and mania Dual-kulb).

In the 11th century, another Persian physician Avicenna recognized 'physiological psychology' in the treatment of illnesses involving emotions, and developed a system for associating changes in the pulse rate with inner feelings, which is seen as a precursor to the word association test developed by Carl Jung in the 19th century. Avicenna was also an early pioneer of neuropsychiatry, and first described a number of neuropsychiatric conditions such as hallucination, insomnia, nightmare, melancholia, dementia, epilepsy, paralysis, stroke, vertigo and tremor.

United States

Virginia is recognized as the first state to establish an institution for the mentally ill. Eastern State Hospital located in Williamsburg, was founded in 1773. Their land was given to them by the House of Burgesses in 1769.

Reformers, such as American Dorothea Dix began to advocate a more humane and progressive attitude towards the mentally ill. Some were motivated by a Christian Duty to mentally ill citizens. In the United States, for example, numerous states established state mental health systems paid for by taxpayer money (and often money from relatives of those institutionalized inside them). These centralized institutions were often linked with loose governmental bodies, through oversight and quality consequently varied. They were generally geographically isolated as well, located away from urban areas because the land was cheap and there was less political opposition. Many state hospitals in the United States were built in the 1850s and 1860s on the Kirkbride Plan, an architectural style meant to have curative effect. States made large outlays on architeture than often resembled the Palaces of Europe, although operative funding for ongoing programs was more scarce. Many patients objected to transfers from private hospitals to state facilities. Some Brattleboro Retreat patients tried to hide when state officials arrived to transfer them to the new Waterbury State Hospital. This decline in patient census led to the collapse of many private institutions, which still accepted indigent patients even when state reimbursement for private hospitals dropped in the face of rising state hospital costs.

Ineffective treatments

These treatments provided a fruitful environment for the popularity of quick-fix solutions, like the eugenic compulsory sterilization programs undertaken in over 20 U.S. States (and, later, in Germany), which allowed institutions to discharge patients while still claiming to be serving the public interest. These new treatments of mental illness—which is now seen as a “defect”--and likely a hereditary one—were seen less as therapeutic for the individual patient than as preventative for the society as a whole.

From 1942 to 1947, conscientious objectors in the US assigned to psychiatric hospitals under Civilian Public Service exposed abuses throughout the psychiatric care system and were instrumental in reforms of the 1940s and 1950s. The CPS reformers were especially active at the Philadelphia State Hospital where four Quakers initiated The Attendant magazine as a way to communicate ideas and promote reform. This periodical later became The Psychiatric Aide, a professional journal for mental health workers. On May 6, 1946, Life Magazine printed an expose of the psychiatric system based on the reports of Cos. Another effort of CPS, namely the Mental Hygiene Project, became The National Mental Health Foundation. Inititially skeptical about the value of Civilian Public Service, Eleanor Roosevelt, impressed by the changes introduced by Cos in the mental health system, became a sponsor of The National Mental Health Foundation and actively inspired other prominent citizens including Owen J. Roberts, Pearl Buck and Harry Emerson Fosdick to join her in advancing the organization's objectives of reform and humane treatment of patients.

Radical medicine

By the mid-1940s, treatment of the mentally ill took a new turn, with the advent of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and insulin shock therapy, and the use of frontal lobotomy. In modern times, insulin shock therapy and lobotomies are viewed as being almost barbaric as the Bedlam “treatments”, although the insulin shock therapy was still seen as the first options which produced any noticeable effect on their patients. ECT is still used in the West, but it is seen as a last resort for treatment of mood disorders, and is administered much more safely than in the past. Elsewhere, particularly in India, use of ECT is reportedly increasing, as a cost-effective alternative to drug treatment. The effect of a shock on an overly excitable patient is often allowed these patients to be discharged to their homes, which was seen by administrators (and often guardians) as a preferable solution to institutionalization. Lobotomies were performed in the hundreds from the 1930s to the 1950s, and were ultimately replaced with modern psychotropic drugs.


By the mid-1950s, the first psychiatric medications became available, such as chlorpromazine, which revolutionized psychiatric care and provided new ways for many of the severely mentally ill to return to normal society. Newly developed antidepressants were used to treat cases of depression, and the introduction of muscle relaxants allowed ECT to be used in a modified form for the treatment for severe and a few other disorders. The use of psychosurgery was narrowed to a very small number of people for specific indications. New treatments led to reductions in the number of patients in mental hospitals.

Political Device

In some nations, such as North Korea, the former Soviet Union, East Germany, and Romania during communist rule, mental hospitals were, and in some cases still are, used as sites for the stifling of political dissent or even genocide. Under Nazi Germany, a euthanasia program began which resulted in the killings of tens of thousands of the mentally ill housed in state institutions, and the killing techniques perfected at these sites became later implemented in the Holocaust.


There are a number of different types of modern psychiatric hospitals, but all of them house people with mental illnesses of widely variable severity.

Crisis stabilization

The crisis stabilization unit is in effect an emergency room for psychiatry, frequently dealing with suicidal, violent, or otherwise critical individuals. Laws in many jurisdictions providing for involuntary commitment require a commitment order issued by a judge within a short time (often 72 hours) of the patient's entry to the unit, if the patient does not or is unable to consent themselves.

Open units

Open units are psychiatric units that are less secure than crisis stabilization units. They are not used for acutely suicidal persons; the focus in these units is to make life as normal as possible for patients while continuing treatment to the point where they can be discharged. However, patients are usually still not allowed to hold their own medications in their rooms, because of the risk of an impulsive overdose. While some open units are physically unlocked, other open units still use locked entrances and exits depending on the type of patients admitted.

Medium term

Another type of psychiatric hospital is a medium term, which provides care lasting several weeks. Most drugs used for psychiatric purposes take several weeks to take effect, and the main purpose of these hospitals is to monitor the patient for the first few weeks of therapy to ensure the treatment is effective.

Juvenile wards

Juvenile wards are sections of psychiatric hospitals or psychiatric wards set aside for children and/or adolescents with mental illness. However, there a number of institutions specializing only in the treatment of juveniles, particularly when dealing with drug abuse, self mutilation, or eating disorders.

These usually consist of anyone aged under 10.

Long term care facilities

In the UK long-term care facilities are now being replaced with smaller secure units (some within the hospitals listed above). Modern buildings, modern security and being locally sited to help with reintegration into society once medication has stabilized the condition are often features of such units. An example of this is the Three Bridges Unit, in the grounds of Hanwell Asylum in West London and the John Munroe Hospital in Staffordshire. However these modern units have the goal of treatment and rehabilitation back into society within a short time-frame (two or three years) and not all forensic patients' treatment can meet this criterion, so the large hospitals mentioned above often retain this role.

Halfway houses

One type of institution for the mentally ill is the community-based halfway house. These facilities provide assisted living for patients with mental illness for an extended period of time, and often aid in the transition to self-sufficiency. These institutions are considered to be one of the most important parts of a mental health system by many psychiatrists, although some localities lack sufficient funding.

Form of prison

In some countries the mental institution may be used for the incarceration of political prisoners, as a form of punishment.

Anti-psychiatry options

Some critics, notably psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz, have objected to calling mental hospitals “hospitals”. Michel Foucault is widely known for his comprehensive critique of the use and abuse of the mental hospital system in Madness and Civilization. Erving Goffman coined the term 'Total institution' for places which took over and confined a person's whole life. The anti-psychiatry movement coming to the fore in the 1960s oppose many of the practices, conditions, or existence of mental hospitals. The Consumer/Survivor Movement has often objected to or campaigned against conditions in mental hospitals or their use, voluntarily or involuntarily.

Some anti-psychiatry activists have advocated for the abolition of long-term hospitals for the criminally insane, including on the grounds that those judged not guilty by reason of insanity should not then be indefinitely confined with potentially less legal rights, or on the converse grounds that insanity is not a coherent concept and so should not be a basis for different treatment.

Monday, November 16, 2009



Lock your doors and stay inside, the unluckiest of days is upon us, Friday the 13th. Superstition dictates that only a fool would start a journey, get married, make financial decision, or take risks on this day because they are sure to end in disaster.

The fear of Friday the 13th is rooted in two long held fears, the fear of Fridays and the fear of the number 13. Individually they are bad enough but combined are enough to make the superstitious not even contemplate getting out of bed for the day. Particularly superstitious people may become so fearful that they develop a debilitating phobia about the number 13 (triskaidekaphobia) or Friday the 13 (paraskeavedekatriaphobia) or friggatriskaidekaphobia).

But where does all this fear come from? There is no single event that one can point to and definitely say this is where it all started. But there are quite a few events that have occurred related to the number 13, or on a Friday, or worst of all on Friday the 13th, that have contributed to our collective superstition.

The Church

Nothing has colored Western civilization more than the Church. Christian dogma teaches that Cain slew Abel on Friday the 13th. Eve tempted Adam with forbidden fruit on a Friday. The great flood began on a Friday. Judas, the 13th guest at the Last Supper, betrayed Jesus leading to his crucifixion on yes a Friday.

Friday, October 13, 1307 is the most well known Friday the 13th in history. On this date hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of Knights Templar, a order of warrior monks, were rounded up on the selfish and politically motivated orders of King Philip IV of France and subsequently ordered into admitting heresies including spitting on the cross, idolatry, “unnatural vices”, and devil worship.

Jacques De Molay, the last known Grand Master of the Knights Templar was burned to death on a slow fire outside Notre Dame, on Friday, March 13, 1314. As he slowly he cursed King Philip IV of France, Pope Clemence V, and Prime Minister Guilllaume de Noraret to death within a year and 13 generations of their families to misery. The subsequent deaths of King Philip, Pope Clemence V, and Prime Minister Guillaume within a year and the populace's belief that de Molay's curse also applied to them led many to fear the number 13 and Friday the 13th in particular.

Modern History

Many non-religion related events have reinforced our collective fear either consciously or unconsciously.

One that is often cited as proof of the unluckiness of the number 13 was the ill fated Apollo 13 mission to the moon. Apollo 13 was launched on April 11, 1970 or 11/4/70, which when added together equal 13 (4+11+70=85 8+5=13). Although launched from Florida, the time of the launch at Mission Control in Houston, TX was 13:13 CST. Failure of the number 2 oxygen tank occurred on April 13th at 02:08:53:555 UTC, which when converted to the Eastern time zone is 9:08:53:555 and equals 13 (9+8+53+555=625 6+2+5=13). Finally it's estimated that had the explosion happened prior to launch the bill for repairing the damage would have been $13 million.

Other disastrous events include “Black Friday,” Friday, July 13,1987, when a F4 tornado ripped through Edmonton and killed 27 and injured more than 300. The Great Flood in Kansas, caused $760 million in damages and killed 24 people. The “Good Friday,” earthquake, Friday, March 27, 1964, the largest Earthquake in North America's recorded history, struck Prince William Sound killed 131 and was felt around the world. A smaller quake hit Erzincan, Turkey on March 13, `992 and unofficially killed as many as 2,000 people and left another 50,000 homeless.

Famous people with unfortunate links to Friday the 13th include Al Capone who was arrested and sentenced to jail on Friday, March 13th, Tupac Shakur who was killed in Las Vegas on Friday the 13th, Benny Goodman, the King of Swing, who died on Friday, June 13th, 1986, and the 38th Vice President of the United States, Hubert Humphrey who died on January 18, 1978.

It's All Hooey?

Most superstitions don't have much if any basis in reality. Just because hundreds of 14th century knights were tortured on Friday the 13th and a biblical flood happened on Friday, and Apollo 13 nearly ended its mission in tragedy doesn't mean evil has any particular grip on one day of the week, month, or year. Disasters strike somewhere every day of the year.

However, there is evidence to suggest that Friday the 13th is actually unlucky for some. Psychologists have found that some people are especially likely to have accidents or fall ill on Friday the 13th. This has been attributed to such people feeling a heightened state of anxiety on that day. Similarly women drivers may have to be particularly careful on Friday the 13th as one study suggests there may be a 64% increase in the risk of death on Friday the 13th.

So if you aren't the superstitious sort and like to thumb your nose at fate you may want to consider having a Friday the 13th party. Just invite 12 of your closest friends over and make a night of breaking mirrors, opening umbrellas indoors, and letting black cats cross your path. Just make sure your female guests don't drive.



Pearl had her own house, because she jus bought it, being her and her ex-husband John, jus got a divorce. And she didn’t have countless furnishings inside her house yet, except for an old couch bed and a chair in her living room and a twin bed in her bedroom. She jus lost her job as a teacher, being she has been laid off her job due to a union strike. And she jus came home from being out in the streets near the elementary school, she has been teaching at.

She didn’t know what to do with herself, and she was feeling a little tired from all the hassle this union strike, has been causing her. And this strike has been going on for a week not.

She tried to lie down in her couch bed, after laying her jean jacket over the armrest of the couch bed. But she couldn’t seem to get herself to fall asleep. So, being it wasn’t evening, yet, and she wasn’t in a rush to fall asleep, she then, jus made her, as comfy as possible, on her couch bed.

She turned on her television, and was watching the news at this time. But it seemed that the news was, mostly, centered on about this union strike, going on at her school. Since, she couldn’t stand watching all the news, centered on this union strike. Since, it was such a nice day, outside, and the weather was nice and sunny and warm. She, then, was determined, she was going to go outside, and take pleasure in the warm weather, until she became ravenous enough to eat some dinner.

So, she trudged out the door after putting on her jean jacket, and jus sat down on a brown rocker, which was on an open porch in back of her house. As she was sitting, there, enjoying the nice warm air, the skies were somewhat cloudy, but there was a nice breeze outside.

As she was sitting outside, in the distance, the mountains have this bluish haze on top of them. And around the mountains, there were a lot of trees, appearing so beautiful in the distance. That she jus felt an uncanny urge to scurry off her porch. However, she tried to overlook this feeling, as she was sort of tired to be running around. However, the green waters of the deep appeared to be so inviting. And she noticed there were a lot of skiers out in the water, besides some guys surfing on the high waves.

She was becoming so contented, that she felt like she was ready to fall into a slumber before dinner. So, she jus was falling asleep, when she thought, she heard someone around the house. But she wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on around her house.

Jus as she was closing her eyes, she was having the notion; she was bearing in mind, a silhouette in the sand around her house. But she, still, wasn’t aware of what’s going on around her.

Then, to her surprise, some guy, who she couldn’t formulate in her mind, because her eyes were half open, appeared in her backyard, and seemed to come around from nowhere. However, she felt a sweep of wind on her. And the next thing, she knew, some guy seemed to nudge her out of a sound slumber.

As she opened her pretty blue eyes, she, suddenly, started panicking, because right before her eyes, trudging up to the porch and over to her, was some guy, who looked like he may be her ex-husband. But she wasn’t sure if it was imminent, that it was him, because she was half-asleep at this time.

She did happen to notice, that this guy appeared like he hasn’t shaved in days. And he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, along with a jean jacket. And before she realized what was going on around her, she felt him, placing his right hand over her mouth. So, she couldn’t squeal for help, or shriek bloody murder.

The next thing, she knew, she was trying to mutter some words. However, she couldn’t seem to get any words out of her mouth, because he jus positioned some tape over her mouth. Then, still, being half awake, she noticed him, getting some rope out of his right pocket of his jeans. And then, upon jerking her out of her chair, he laid her on the front porch, while she, still, was in a terror with her heart, feeling like it was going to hurdle out of her chest.

However, she felt like everything, suddenly, turned black, and then, she was out of it.

He had knocked her downward to the porch, while she was trying to get back up on her feet, again. She was blacked out for a few minutes, and feeling like the earth was caving in around her. While she, still, was blacked out, he took the rope and tied her legs, together, right away,jus in case, she came to, again. So, that she wouldn’t be able to have any likelihood of running away from him. Also, he, then, tied her arms and wrists, together.

Then, jus as she was starting to come to, she couldn’t believe what was going on, because she felt, like he was carrying her, somewhere, half dragging her. She felt like her whole body had turned helpless, because he jus happened to drug her with something. Then, because in walking through the squishy sand with her, her feet, seemed to get jumbled in some tall, green grass, so, he then, picked up her legs. And then, he carried her over to a speedboat, which was yellow and white, and looked streamlined, and an immense one at that.

She wanted to squeal out, again, but found she couldn’t do any screaming, as he ran as fast as his feet could carry him, and over to the docks, where he positioned her right in the bottom of the speedboat. As he was doing so, the clouds above were starting to turn black, and rain started pouring down from the skies. The skies appeared to be so sinister and bloodcurdling to her, as she was coming out of her blackout.

The next thing, she knew, he was hopping onto the front seat of the speedboat, and taking off down the way over to where he has a huge house on the water. On the way, she felt as though she was ready to suffocate to death, from the tape, still, being over her mouth.

As he pulled into the dock, where he, usually, keeps his boat, the waves in the water were starting to get higher. And she could, barely, see the white caps of the waves, as they were bouncing towards the shore.

Both of them were soaking wet by now from the rain. And it, finally, stopped raining, and the clouds in the sky were starting to break up.

Jus after tying his boat to the dock, he, then, bend over and reached over inside his speedboat, to get her out of his boat. Upon doing so, he ran as fast as his feet would carry him up to his house, which seemed to be extra huge-looking to her, as he was carrying her up there to the back entrance of his house.

This house seemed to be an elegant-looking one, and had white aluminum siding all around it, along with being a tri-level.

As he reached the house with her, still, in his arms, since the bottom of the house was an open area, he jus carried her down the hill, there. And as he was entering that part of the house with her, everything appeared to be pitch black around her.

There jus happened to be an old mattress in this part of the house, and nothing else except for some old and barren-looking table, which appeared as if it needed some stain on it.

As he lay her down on the old mattress, he wouldn’t untie her. But he took the tape off of her mouth, because in being so drugged from what he had given her over at her house, she, still, couldn’t even mutter one world. So, he knew that she wouldn’t be able to yell for any help, being that he had given her enough drugs to place her in a stupor.

She wasn’t even aware, that she was in any stupor, because at this time, she was feeling, as if she was drunk, and thought, he had given her, some booze, and had made her, become drunk.

So, as she lay, there, on the old, tattered mattress, she tried very hard to try to get out of the ropes. But upon struggling found she, couldn’t get out of them, no matter what she tried to do. So, then, as he walked out of that part of the tri-level, before all she could make out was darkness all around her.

She jus didn’t like being alone in the dark, because when she had been a little girl, she had been trapped inside her parents’ house without any light, one time, when a real bad storm had made all the lights go out in the house. And this storm had, unfortunately, occurred in the nighttime. So, she has been afraid of even being out of the dark of night, ever since, that time of the storm.

While he was going about his own business in another part of the house, getting himself, something to eat and drink, he thought, he’d at least give her, something to drink and some toast. But that’s all he wanted to give her, because he was trying to get some revenge against her, for getting a divorce from him.

For the rest of the night, she felt as though she was starving to death from lack of food, because he didn’t even have the manners to give her, a decent supper that night. Though, he kept water near her the rest of the night, in case, she became thirsty.

He was getting dinner ready for himself, and had jus popped a dinner inside the microwave for himself, when he thought, he heard somebody around the house at this time.

Jus as he was sitting down to eat; he didn’t know what brought the police to his house. But a bunch of police were surrounding his house, and waiting for him to come out of his house with his arms up. However, he didn’t know what to do at this time, because he had no idea, how the police had found out him, having kidnapped his ex-wife.

He had no idea, how the police had managed to find them, but one of them let him know, he has to let the girl loose, or that he was going to be shot to death. So, unwillingly, he untied the girl, who looked ragged-looking and like she hadn’t been cared for in days. So, then, two of the police arrested her ex-husband as he came out of his house into the front with his arms up, and upon the policeman putting handcuffs oh him, he was taken to the police station to await trial.

The girl was carried out from underneath the house by a policeman, as they were walking through the squishy sand on a mild day with sunny skies. And then, upon the policeman walking towards the front the house, and then, proceeding to lay the girl inside the back of the police car, her ex-husband pleaded with her, trying to get her to come back to him. But she jus ignored him, and being he was trying to do this to her, one of the policeman took her out of that car, and placed her in back of another one.

The policemen took him right to the police station with handcuffs on, and then, made him, stay, there, in a jail cell to await trial. And the girl agreed to be at his trial, so that she would make sure, he ended getting what he has deserved from trying to kidnap her, and torture her.

During the trial, he pleaded guilty to all charges, and then, he ended up in the electric chair, which a bit hard for her to take at first, but the policeman assured her, that he was receiving what he has deserved for months after having all these warrants against him. And during the trial, he found out, that she’s the one, who gave a statement to the police of how he had been torturing her and almost making her, starve to death.

After the trial, then, the girl went back to living with her parents, who got her help from having been abused by her ex-husband. And during the treatment, it was very hard for her to go through with the treatment, because it caused her to cry at times. But, she, gradually, became her own old self, again. It took her awhile through the treatment, because she had to learn not to love her ex-husband, anymore, and to push him back into her past through hypnosis, which seemed to work well on her.

After she had endured treatment for about a year’s time, she became the type of women, who wasn’t interested in men, anymore, jus because she didn’t trust men, anymore. And this was due to the fact, that she had been abused by her ex-husband for a long time, even when she had been married to him. So, this abuse, he had pulled on her, had been the grounds for her divorce from him.

Friday, November 13, 2009


“The stress-free way to enjoy the holidays is to plan, take one step at a time, and have a sense of humor.” Beth Tabak
Can you feel the holiday jitters beginning? Suddenly there it is right around the corner. Relax! Take time to plan now and ease on into the holidays with a big smile on your face. Get out a small notebook and pen, and let’s get started.
Reminisce over previous holidays. In your notebook create a column for What Works and another for Not That Again. Under What Works list the activities that bring you joy, those that come naturally to you, and those that seem to click into place. Under Not That Again list your challenges. Jot the things that drain your energy and bring you down. What changes need to take place?
Choose a theme for the holidays that you can get excited about. What is most important to you during this holiday? Base your theme around that. Maybe you want to stay home instead of traveling. Your theme could be “Home for the Holidays.” Maybe your budget is tight. Your theme could be “Simply Sensational.” Your theme will help you stay focused.
Set you top 3 priorities based on your theme and what you want. Get crystal clear. Write them down. When you know your priorities you are able to respond easily to requests. When you know what is important to you it becomes easier to set boundaries.
Create a Map. What would happen if you took a big trip without planning? You would likely get lost, waste time, and experience anxiety. It makes sense to plan at the holidays when so many areas of our lives are affected: time, energy, personal care, relationships, physical environment, and finances. Create a task list thru the end of the year. Yes it takes a block of time and will save you time and stress. It prevents you from running in circles, going back and forth to the same place, and trying to remember what’s next. Keep your map with you everywhere you go. Set blocks of time to carry out these tasks. Have fun and gain momentum as you check them off. Remember to save it for next year.
Set your budget. Develop a budget that feels good. Many people are tight on cash. There are lots of ways to make this holiday special without adding stress to your budget. How can you show people they are appreciated? What activities can you do as a family? Get creative and have fun. Every year I have at least one gift for the kids to find. I wrap empty boxes inside each other. When they open the last box there is a clue telling them the next step. Don’t let a tight budget steal your joy.
Give in a way that gives you joy vs. out of obligation. When you give in a way that comes naturally to you, you stay in integrity with who you are. Therefore, you are able to share your own special gifts with others. When you are doing what you love life seems to click.
Take action now! Begin today so that you are tying up your last bows well before the pitter patter of hoofs on the rooftop. Keep your holiday notebook and map close at hand. The sooner you complete your tasks, the sooner you can sit back, smile, and enjoy the season!