Once upon a time, this princess, Electra, lie on her bed in a deep sleep in the form of a miniature pinscher inside a golden castle. She was waiting for Harley, a prince in the form of a miniature pinscher, to come by and wake her up from her deep sleep. She’s been lying, there, in her room on a glass bed for three days and nights. And could not go any longer without food and water.
So, one night, when Prince Harley of the golden castle, happened to be sleeping in another part of the golden castle, some bright light, which he thought was coming from lightening, woke him up, abruptly. He followed a star, suddenly, blinking before his green eyes, which falling star came from in through a window of his room. Not knowing, he was in a dream, he followed the star with his eyes through the golden castle.
Upon walking to the other side of the golden castle, the star guided him over to this one room. As the star reached this room, suddenly, the star faded and turned into a bright light.
Suddenly, Prince Harley came out of his dream, only, to discover Princess Electra, asleep, lying on a glass bed. Because he was a dog, he couldn’t understand why he would have this urge to kiss Electra, a dog princess. So, he strolled into Electra’s chamber and over to where she’s lying on the glass bed in a deep sleeps.
At first, Prince Harley didn’t know how to handle the situation. If he should in being a dog, actually, jump on the glass bed to kiss Princess Electra. Because as a dog, he couldn’t have known he was about to go through a big change.
Finally, in gathering the guts to do so, he jumped and jumped until he was on top of Princess Electra. And he nudged noses with her and kissed her on her delicate lips, which startled her out of her deep sleep.
At first, Princess Electra jus lies, there, on the glass bed, thinking she was in a daydream. Because she, abruptly, changed into an attractive and real princess. And Harley, her prince, changed into a real prince.
But as he spoke to her, she realized she wasn’t in a daydream. That she, actually, was in the middle of a fantasy. He said to her in wonder, “Please don’t be afraid. Please accept the fact that you’ve changed into a real princess. And that I’m, also, a real prince, now.”
She responded, “Oh, my Harley. It feels so different to be human. But please take my hand in unity. I love you so much.”
So, at that moment, he slid a golden box out of his pocket. And slid a golden ring on her finger after taking the ring out of its red velvet box.
Then, Prince Harley scooped her into his agile and strong arms. And he carried her out her chamber doorway. And was on his way over to his chamber on the other side of the golden castle.
As Prince Harley arrived over at his chamber, he entered his chamber and laid her on his bed. He was about to lie down beside her and keep her, company, in his bed. With her, being a virgin, he didn’t want to force her to give up her virginity just yet. He wanted to wait until the two of them were united with the gentlemen of the court and all the proper persons present like the king and queen.
Suddenly, just before Prince Harley had a chance to enjoy one more night, spending it with his virgin princess, Electra, one morning, he heard someone at the castle doors. So, he ran over to the castle doors from his chamber straight through the main part of the castle.
Upon arriving at the castle doors, he opened up the doors. And there, at the castle doors, appeared Prince Charming.
Prince Charming demanded to Prince Harley, “Where’s my princess, Electra? Is she hiding, somewhere, in the castle? I’m the one, who awakened her from a deep sleep.”
“That does not make her, your princess. The king, originally, offered her to me.”
“That’s not true. He told if I could awaken her from a deep sleep, she would become mine. I’ll prove to you, Prince Harley that she belongs to me. I’ll challenge you to a duel. And whoever wins this duel gets her hand in unity.”
So, Prince Harley said to him, “Okay, but I’m the stronger one and more capable than you.”
Prince Harley drew his sword out of his side and fought, madly, against Prince Charming. And the duel not much time later, seemed to be dragging between the two princes.
After about what seemed like a half hour, Princess Charming, finally, lost the duel with Prince Harley, getting him face down on the grass. At first, it seemed, as though, Prince Charming had met his fate. Because he was bleeding, profusely. But he managed to get back up onto his feet. And he half ran over to his horse, where he grabbed some dynamite. And strolled back to Prince Harley, half limping, who saw the prince, coming back at him with dynamite.
But on Prince Charming’s way over to the other prince, Prince Charming, abruptly, with lighted dynamite, ready to throw at Prince Harley. Passed out right on the grass from loss of blood. And blew himself to pieces as Prince Harley ran back to the golden castle. Fortunately, Prince Charming had just missed the golden castle with the dynamite. But Prince Charming scared his horse away, which ran for its life.
Then, in a fury, his horse came galloping back to the golden castle. And Prince Harley with great speed ran over to the horse. And grabbed it by its reins just in time. Prince Harley petted and petted the horse. And it calmed down just as his princess, came flying out the castle doors.
As Princess Electra ran up to Prince Harley, desperately, he scooped her up into his strong and agile arms. And he, gently, helped her onto the horse. And he hopped up onto the horse, and seated himself just behind her. The two rode and rode with the speed of lightening over to the nearest tree.
There, over at the tree like magic, the king and queen and gentlemen of the court appeared out of nowhere. Likewise, the red carpet was rolled out from the golden castle. And Prince Harley took Princess Electra’s hand in marriage. And the two were married before the gentlemen of the court and king and queen.
That very day, Prince Harley kissed Prince Electra. And he scooped her up into his strong and agile arms.
Upon the two, getting back on the horse, the horse and prince and princess disappeared into the wilderness amongst bright light off to their secret hideout. And this turned out to be the very day; she gave up being a virgin.
Monday, March 14, 2011
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