Monday, June 30, 2008



If there are no horses around you,
Then, none can be in full view
But if this is the case
That you are being surrounded by lace
Then, you could be having some dream
Possibly, of a loved one who had set up a scheme?
Before he or she died of some weird illness
If this is the case, and you think before you, is a duck bill
Quacking at you, jus to be silly
Then, also, in your minds’ eye, could be some fillies
Which are jus willing to meet you?
So that they could have you in their view
And want you to join them on the prairies
Or jus go on a ride with them on a special ferry
Which could take you where you want to go?
And at the same time, help keep your life, flowing
So that it could turn out to be very interesting
And drive you towards your destiny with such force
That it’s possible, you could, suddenly, be hearing horses
And seeing some of these fillies
Jumping around and having the willies
And if you feel that your time has come
Jus seeing some horses in your dream, can cause one to come
Running right before you,
Or even around you,
So anxious as these fillies could seem to you at the time
Also, could be showing you in your life
How one of these fillies could lead you around
And get you on the path to hearing their sounds
Of neighing which could become so sweet?
To you, that jus the sounds of horses, could keep you on your feet
So that you won’t tend to falter in your footsteps
Which with a filly’s help, with the sounds of their footsteps?
Could actually overcome you with such force
That your destination could cause you to become so coerced
So, again, be sure to keep these fillies in mind
Because many of them could be showing the sign
You need in life to keep from becoming lost
Amongst the wild at all cost

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