Cheryl Verbeke
4977 Meisner
East China Twp., MI
This guy with long blond hair and blue eyes was walking, aimlessly, through some
brush near a forest. In the background, were some mountains, so dry and sending
dust through hot air, creating a dust storm. The way to find a place where he could
be rescued on the deserted island, became hard for him, since, he was on some
strange land. He did not have any sense of where he was at, being he forgot to
bring a compass along with him on his hunting trip. Then, as the dust was flying
through, the guy became blinded by the dust, as it whipped at his face, making
the going almost impossible, being that the dust seemed to be crushing him down
to the ground. As he barely could make out, where he was heading to, his first
day in hunting down some deer, was not turning out like he planned. How on
earth, would he be able to do any hunting today if this blinding storm continued?
At this time, he had this blue backpack on his right shoulder, hanging from his
camouflage jacket, and almost reaching down to his camouflage pants. Inside
his backpack were only enough food and water to last a few days and nights,
as he had only planned to spend a weekend on some country land on some
island, he was not familiar with. Now, he was starting to get very thirsty,
so thirsty, and his throat so parched, that at the time, he badly needed some
water to quench his thirst, but he could not figure, why he was not in the least
hungry, being to him, it seemed like it had been so long, since, he had put any
food into his stomach, that at the time, he almost was ready to faint from lack
of food. But, he thought the faintness, he was experiencing, was a signal to
his mind, that he needed some water in his body.
Therefore, he stopped by a large tree, which happened to be a willow tree
and seemed to be cozy by itself, being there was not even another tree in
sight for what seemed like miles and miles to him. Therefore, he sat down
by the tree, which he thought, was going to block the dust storm, so, that
he could have a chance to wipe all the dust from his face and out of his eyes.
His clothes were also covered with dust from the storm. However, the dust seemed
to have a mind of its’ own and just continued to blow at his face as the wind
now was flying around the tree with great speed. Therefore, he had to crouch
to the ground, where there was a pile of what appeared to be mud, being there
was some shade near the willow tree? While he was lying on his stomach,
which helped stop all the dust from blowing at his face, he eased the back-
pack off his shoulder and carefully set it down on the ground.
At this time, he was feeling like the world was closing in on him, and he
thought, he needed some rest, being he had been walking for a long time,
Going through some brush, and then coming to some dry ground, which
appeared to be like a sandy beach, being it was so dry from the hot sun,
having beaten on it for a long time. In addition, the tree, he was lying under,
seemed to be so remote on what seemed like strange land to him, being
he was wondering, how a tree could survive on dry ground and in the area,
where it hardly ever rained, and when it did rain, after the rains, the hot
sun quickly would dry out the ground in no time at all. Therefore, the tree
had to be the kind, which really did not need much water to survive on dry
ground and when it really did rain, that the rains came down so hard, that
whatever the tree could suck up after a storm, must be enough to keep the
tree very much alive until the next rain came through the land.
And as he was lying on the bare ground underneath the willow tree, his
stomach started growling very loudly. Therefore, he decided, that his
stomach was letting him, know, he needed some food and some water
from his water jug if he was going to be able to make it, somewhere, where
he would end up finding some grassy area, and be able to hunt down at
least one deer in the next few hours before dusk came around. That was
so he would not have to worry about going hungry for awhile. There-
fore, as soon as he drank some water from the water jug, and had one of
the cans of food, which he brought with him on his hunting trip, his thirst
was gone for the time being and his stomach was full for a few hours. The
canned food, he brought with him, was the kind of food, which already had
been cooked before being put into a can, and all he had to do, was open the
can with a can opener and place the food into a plastic bowl from a set of Tup-
perware, which he brought along with him, that included a cup for coffee
and some plastic utensils. Upon having some water to drink and having a
can of pork and beans, which would stay with him for awhile.
Being his eyes felt heavy and sleepy, he needed a nap at this point of his
hunting trip. And in bringing a portable alarm out of his backpack, the
kind of alarm clock, which folded up and took up very little space in his
backpack, he set the alarm clock and upon setting it on stable ground near
his side, he fell asleep for about an hour. In addition, about an hour later, he heard
the alarm clock go off, which scared him out of his sleep. When he calmed
down, he slowly pushed himself up until he was on his knees.
Upon having a strong cup of coffee from his thermos from his backpack, he
was fully awake, the dust storm receded, and upon making sure, everything
was packed in his backpack, he got up onto his feet, and started walking,
again, upon discovering a compass, lying underneath the willow tree. As
he studied the compass, he realized, he had long passed the area of land,
where he was planning to do some deer hunting. Therefore, he headed in
another direction as he realized, where he was going. He walked at an
even pace as the ground seemed to be staring up at him in a way, that it
did not seem to cool to the guy; with the hot sun beating on the ground,
The ground seemed to be glaring up at him as he reached dry land, which
seemed to feel so hot and piercing to his feet, which was not a good feeling
to him.
And since, he could smell rain on its’ way, he took his poncho out of his
backpack, and pulled the poncho over his head while adjusting the straps
on the sides of the poncho, just in case it did rain on his way to a forest,
where he would be able to find plenty of deer to shoot down. The sun
was way behind, what appeared very spooky looking and a bluish color.
as the winds were blowing very strongly, trying to sweep him into
the hot air, he felt like there could be a bad storm on its’ way to the
The skies were giving him, an odd feeling like they were trying to form
into funnels in the skies, and stretching down to the land like if the clouds
were trying to reach down to the ground, he was walking on.
His mind was concentrating on trying to find some place amongst the green
grass, which appeared so pleasant-looking. That was where one might come
a little wooden treehouse if he was looking hard enough for one.
A small treehouse could be, where maybe some person or persons had to
be at one time or another during an unusually hot day or night to cool off
some and to have protection from the hot sun, when the heat of the sun was
too much, or to live in until the person or persons was able to discover a
river. In addition, at a river, a person or persons would have a good chance of get-
ting rescued by either boat or a helicopter, instead of having to fight hard for
survival and hoping to stay alive during all that time with only a remote chance
of being rescued.
Therefore, he kept walking in the hot sun with very little water in his body for
what seemed to be like an hour to him, and by that time, he was starting to feel
too hot to continue walking in the hot sun. Therefore, he had to stop by some
shade and to have some water from his water, which water seemed very refresh-
ing to him. Just as he approached a deep ditch amongst some burnt grass, he
just happened to notice the skies, becoming even darker like night was approach-
ing even though it was the afternoon. But the darkness coming from the skies
was a result of the skies, being covered with these pitch dark clouds on one side
of those bluish skies, which clouds seemed to be moving in his direction. And
he had his backpack over his head along with having a blue plastic blanket com-
pletely over him except for his head, which blanket, he took out of his backpack,
Therefore, that he would not end up, getting injured from the large hail in any way. As
the hail stopped, heavy rains, which just seemed to sweep, followed it
by him, followed by a huge grayish cloud, hovering over the ground and a noise,
which sounded like a train going by? In addition, just after the rains stopped, he let out
a sigh of relief, being that it was somewhat of a miracle, which he had not gotten
hurt by the golf size hail, and that huge grayish cloud, a tornado cloud, which
Had seemed to come down from the skies, had not swept him out of the ditch
and into the hot air. If it had, he definitely would be injured badly, and then,
possibly sucked up into the center of the grayish cloud, and had then having
been dropped out of the grayish cloud in such a way, it would have scared
him, being way up off the ground, and then, it would have caused him to hit
the ground so quickly, that he could have ended up, being paralyzed for life
for ending up with many broken bones or he could have been instantly killed
from the great force from the grayish cloud in crushing his body down to the
ground. Therefore, the grayish cloud had not done any damage upon reaching
the ground, at this time, he was afraid to move out of the ditch, being at this
Time, he was feeling very spooky inside as if something in the skies or on the
ground nearby, was going to close in on him and possibly suffocate him to
death or even crush him down to the ground. All he could do, was hope that
another grayish cloud would not come down from the overcast skies and
carry him around the low land and drop him off in an area, where he would
not be able to get himself back to a safe area, or even to where he could hunt
down for some deer and cook it and eat some of it, and save the rest for
another few hours later or even the next day, later in the day, when he
usually ate his dinner. Therefore, he just lay down in the ditch for about
a half hour or so, just until the overcast skies covered with bluish threaten-
ing clouds, yet, had passed over the area especially over the mountains. There-
fore, a half-hour later, the sun finally came out from behind some clouds,
which were not black or bluish in color, but higher in the skies and of a
whitish, gray color.
As he was moving out of the ditch, just then he realized that even though he
had a waterproof blanket over him the whole time, the storm and tornado
were going through the area, that he had gotten a little wet, where he had
his backpack over his head. Therefore, he was just feeling very lucky, that
that huge grayish cloud had not sucked him up from the ditch and that did
not happen, just because he was on very low land, and a tornado usually
travels just above ditches and low land areas.
Feeling parched in his throat and very thirsty, he just found something right
near the ditch, which he had been lying near during the storm and tornado.
Then, what he found was a little wooden house, which the grayish cloud had
sucked up from higher ground, and had carried over to the ditch along with
whatever was left inside the little wooden house, like a bunch of big colorful
towels and some clothes along with some little refrigerator full of imper-
Ishable foods and a lot of canned goods in a small wooden cupboard near
the refrigerator. Also, in the refrigerator were some blocks of cheese,
loaves of bread, and in the wooden house, there was even a cot with bedding
lying on it so neatly. And the tornado had not even touched the inside of the
wooden house partly because the wooden house had been securely built
together with trained hands, complete with a wooden door and open windows.
But even though it had rained during the heavy storm and tornado, upon
entering the wooden house, he could not find any water on the floor of it,
and was surprised to find some food and gator aid along with a jug or two
of water in the refrigerator. Luckily, the refrigerator was so full of food and
water and so heavy in it, that just in the refrigerator, being there inside
the wooden house, it had helped it, land on the ground, not too far from where
it was originally built. As he had reached the refrigerator, he still had a big
gleam in his eyes, and let out a sign in finding all that food and water and
gator aid inside it.
A guardian angel had been at his side all the time during the storm and tornado,
protecting his well being, and making sure, that this wooden house had landed
right near the ditch, so, he would be able to survive all the time, he was plan-
ning to be near, where he was right close to the area, where there were a lot
of trees, just on the land, where he had been planning to do some deer hunting.
Therefore, he knew, that the Lord had been protecting him, the whole time, in
which he had been walking around, aimlessly, looking for a forest, then,
also, in an area, where deer were numerous. Just upon checking out his
compass, again, he realized, that the compass also showed the day and time
and month as well as location on a little map, which location, he was at, along
with the compass showing him, whether he was east, west, north or south of
the nearest location shown on the compass. And his compass showed, that
he had been on the land near the mountains about 2 months already, and
another miracle to him, was that he had found that little wooden house
abundantly full of food, water and gator aid. Therefore, he knew, this was
just another one of the Lord’s ways of protecting his survival, that his supply
of food and water in his backpack, had been wiped out. Upon finding a can
of food and water in a jug along with the gator aid, he grabbed a can of food,
water, gator aid and along with his backpack over his right shoulder, he walked
over to a little wooden table within the wooden house, where there also were
some wooden chairs around the table. And everything inside the wooden house
along with the way, the house had been carved and securely put together, he
considered anyone, who had put this house together, must have a mind of a
genius and also a high intelligence along with having a good sense of how to
put a house together out of wood and keep other necessities in good supply.
And whether anyone, who had put this wooden house together, and also lived
inside it probably for some time, was still alive, he probably would never be
able to find out, being that if anyone still was alive, that none of them probably
would be able to survive on this dry, hot land near the mountains, being that
their house had been moved by a tornado from its’ original location. And
that this wooden house and its’ contents especially in the refrigerator, was
probably all they had to keep themselves, alive, and that the tornado probably
had hit the area, where they had been trying to survive earth’s disasters, and
that if they had been alive, that each one probably was dead by now, in having
been killed by the tornado and severe storm. And this storm and tornado, he
miraculously had survived, being that all the time during the storm and tornado,
that the Lord had a guardian angel by his side for his protection from all of
earth’s disasters, which could occur on any land near mountains.
Two months later, he had spent most of his time out in the woods nearby, trying
to hunt for deer, every day, and at least succeeded in finding at least one deer.
When it came near the tine in which he usually ate his dinner, after depending on
canned food or any egg, which he hunted down during the early morning, upon
coming across the shore, where there was a river at where he would find eggs
sometimes right on the shoreline usually. In addition, every morning, he spent a little
time before hunting to grab his water jug and draw water from the river, over at
where he had been staying for some time in that wooden house. He always
brought enough water with him along with canned food and whatever gator
aid was left in the refrigerator if any, he would not walk for too long in that
tough heat usually a few miles from the wooden house, where he would end
up, finding at least a deer, a day or during early evening. Even though, it
was some job in dragging deer back to the wooden house, there he would
clean and prepare the deer for cooking about the same time, every evening.
Also, he would make a little fire just outside the wooden house, where he
would cook part of a deer, which he would be eating that evening. One deer
usually lasted him for at least one day and evening, being that he would be
so hungry, that by the time, he arrived back at the wooden house, that he
would have a tremendous appetite and be able to eat a half of a deer at a
Now that it was two months later, he finally got tired of being away from his
loved ones, his family, and realized, that he had been gone for a long time in
hunting down deer and getting eggs off the shoreline regularly, but had not
thought about being rescued until now, being that he actually had gotten
carried away with hunting deer, and also had some carcasses to bring home
for proof of just how he had been deer hunting, which deer, he had shot down
during all that time, he had been gone on strange land. He originally had
gotten over to the land, where he was at this time, through traveling on the river
from his homeland on a boat, and when he had arrived on the shore, he had
gotten out of his boat, and just left it there, tied to a wooden post. And the
day, that the big storm and tornado had occurred, even though during other
times, he had been on the land, there had been other storms without tornadoes,
while he was trying to find a place for shelter to protect him from the approach-
ing storm, he had found that ditch. He had stayed in that ditch for awhile until
the storm and tornado as well as the rain had subsided.
When he realized, that it was time to look for his boat, he had not known, just
where his boat was. He had to make sure, that it was safe after that bad
storm had hit that area around the mountains. Just then, he had happened to find
the river, after realizing, that the wooden house miraculously was dumped right
near him in the area, where he had been trying to protect himself from the storm
and tornado through lying in that ditch. Only then, he happened to notice his boat,
being gone, and that there was no other way to get back to homeland until now.
Somehow he had been so absorbed in hunting, every day and evening, that he
had forgotten, that he found an orange flyer in that wooden house along with
all that food and water and gator aid along with a cot, complete with sheets to
lie on at night or whenever he got tired.
Therefore, upon finishing his dinner and making sure, he had everything packed
in his backpack, he walked through the wooden house, again, and searched it
very thoroughly and upon doing so, found unusual things in that house. He found
some gold stashed away underneath the cot, some jewelry there, left by some
women, who had stayed at the wooden house until the storm and tornado wiped
out the whole bunch of woman out of the wooden house, and had sent them all
flying to the river, where they all drowned and met their fate. Therefore, he
looked around, some more, and actually found a bag of cat food, he could take
home for his cats. So then, upon getting the gold, cat food, and jewelry together,
he found a suitcase, therefore, he stashed the items away in the suitcase. And
Upon walking out of the wooden house, set down the suitcase and his backpack.
Then, he got out the orange flare, and waved it back and forth, hoping that some-
one would spot him, waving the flare. He kept on waving the flare for what
seemed like some time, but only was about a half an hour, and then he suddenly
heard a roar of a helicopter in the area, and kept waving the orange flare until
the rescue helicopter was right above him. And upon the guys in the helicopter,
spotting the flare, one of them started lowering a rope ladder, which finally hit
the ground near where he was standing with the flare. At the time, his eyes were
lit up, and he was very excited inside, just in knowing, that he finally was getting
off that deserted island in one piece. He, no longer, felt helpless on strange land.
The rope ladder did not work out, being he could not hold onto his stuff and onto
the ladder at the same time, so, then the next guy in the helicopter drew up the
rope ladder, and then, dropped down a special seat from a rope and as it hit the
ground, the guy with the flare, grabbed his suitcase and backpack, and placed
them inside the seat. Upon doing so, he got into the seat, himself, while finally
feeling relieved of the feeling of meeting his fate on the deserted island, where
he had been hunting deer down for about six month’s time. As he finally reached
the rescue helicopter, with tears running down his face in a realm of happiness,
he sighed as one of the guys in the helicopter, grabbed all the stuff out of the
rope seat, and helped the deserted guy into the helicopter. Upon the deserted
guy getting comfortable inside the helicopter, it took off taking him to the
nearest hospital nearby and paramedics were ready with a wheelchair as the
once deserted guy reached the ground in the helicopter. As he got out of it,
and sat in the wheelchair, he was wheeled into the emergency room, where
he was checked thoroughly and found to be suffering from lack of water and
was hydrated with fluids through an IV for several hours, overnight, and also
for observation to make sure, he had not suffered any heat strokes while he
had been on the deserted island. And after being on an IV for several hours
into the early morning, he was checked over once more, and that doctor had
not found any signs of heat stroke in the guy at any time during the night or
even in the morning, which was like a miracle to the guy and his family,
His family finally was contacted, his wife and three children, who picked him
up over at the hospital upon discharge. But his family all were glad to be back together
with him again and he was very glad and very happy to have survived on that
deserted island and being with his family again. Moreover, while the whole family
Was on their way home, the guy, who had been on that deserted island for
some time, finally realized, that he had not been on that boat by himself in going
over to that deserted island to do some hunting. He wife actually had dropped
him off there, knowing all the time, that it was a deserted island, that he was
bound to get lost on that island even though, it was a good place for him to do
some hunting on what he did not know, was a deserted island until he had arrived
there, and his family had left him there, trying to get rid of him for awhile in still
knowing, that he might not make it back home safely from his hunting trip. And all
this was admitted to by his wife, who at the same time, turned speechless about the
the whole situation, when he told her, he almost got sucked away by a tornado and
bad storm on the deserted island while being there all by himself. So then she still
did not show any sorrow for him about him, almost getting killed by a tornado and
storm at that one time, although there had been other storms, he had been caught
in while gone all those six months on a deserted island. Moreover, he told her, he found it
very hard to survive those six months, barely getting enough food and water had been
lucky to find this wooden house full of food and water, that one time after a storm and
tornado. And the reason, he had lived through all that hot weather and earth’s disasters
over at that island, was because the Lord had sent to him, a guardian angel, which had
protected him from all harm and kept him fed and hydrated with water all that time, he
had been stranded on that deserted island, all that six months.
So then in feeling frustrated, that his wife had done such a bad thing to him, and made it
hard for him to survive on that deserted island, he finally decided that very evening to
pack up all his things, and then he left his wife and family, taking the gold and jewelry,
found on that deserted island, with him. With all that gold and jewelry, turned it all in
at a bank, to get all that cash from these things, so he could pay rent to live at an apartment.
He drove there in a tan Cadillac, which he bought the very next morning after spending a
night at a motel nearby in being all by himself. His brother was very excited for him to show
up at his apartment, and gladly took him in that very morning.
It was his wife and children, who had treated him badly all the time, he had been gone on
that deserted island all by him in letting him, sweat it all out during all this time in
hunting down deer, every day and evening for food to keep him alive and surviving all the
disasters of the island like that tornado and any bad storms, which could have killed him,
had not he found that ditch in the dry grass just in time before the tornado came about
around him.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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