I was walking, aimlessly, around the mountains in North Carolina as I couldn’t miss the blue haze of the mountains. I spent hours hiking amongst the mountains from daylight to dusk, trying to find a place where I would feel comfortable.
However, I wasn’t considering stopping anywhere jus yet until I came across the Smoky Mountains when it, almost, was dusk, this one evening. And all around me, I couldn’t fail to see how the sun seemed to be falling behind the mountain range. This seemed to leave this foggy haze all around me as I was at the peak of the range.
And all I have on my mind at this time of night is trying to find a spot where I can jus rest her weary muscles as I jus, finally, set down my backpack. And then, with such a thirst in my mouth, I, then, gulped down some water from a big bottle.
Then, amongst a bunch of trees which I could see in the distance, I thought I saw something move through the trees. Instead I decided that it was my mind, playing some tricks on me. But then, as I stared down below the mountains, something seemed to catch my eye as its, barely, light outside, yet, not, completely, dark.
What I did see down there was a woman and a guy, actually, going after each other. The two were having a fist fight, and this, really, seemed to catch my eye.
Then, after a few minutes, the guy, actually, turned around, and punched the girl right in the face. Jus after he ended up giving her, a black eye. The last punch from this guy sent her down to the rocks which she, now, was lying on. However, the rocks seemed to, miraculously, catch her fall.
However, not knowing if I was jus seeing things. I thought she saw the guy. Bend over the girl until her face seemed to look very bloody and ghastly-looking. And I seemed to have seen this guy from where I stood on the mountain top. Actually, murder this girl until she couldn’t take anymore. And therefore, seemed to lie there on the rocks, lifeless. To me, the guy seemed to have gotten, exactly, what he wanted from this girl, once and for all.
Then, as quickly, as the guy and woman had come over to the rocks from the river, they seemed to disappear from sight. At first, I thought I was jus seeing things, however, then, I realized, I, really, jus saw the guy and woman, actually, fighting on the rocks jus below the mountains where I was, now, standing in a state of shock.
I couldn’t seem to get myself out of this state of shock. And it seemed like some guy came along, and actually, saw me, lying on the top of the mountains as she had slipped and fallen. However, it’s a good thing that the surface of the mountains was not hard, because I could have hurt myself, very badly.
So, then, thinking that I’m sleeping on the mountains, a best friend of mine, Brody, then, carried me in his arms ever so delicately over to his cabin which was not far away from the area where he happened to find me, lying on the ground.
Jus as he reached his cabin, he then, carried me right inside, and set me upon a day bed in the living room area of his cabin. There, I didn’t seem to respond to his touch as he touched my arm. So, then, he jus remained, right there, by me for about a half hour.
Then, right after the half hour went by, I, suddenly, seemed to come out of my state of shock. And then, I said to him, wondering where in the world, I was at, “Where am I, and who are you, may I ask? You seem to look, oddly, familiar; however I can’t seem to place you at this time.”
“No, I don’t think, I ever met you before, my dear. I was walking on the top of the mountains, Smoky Mountains, when I jus happened to come a cross you. You were lying on the ground, and I thought, you were fast asleep at first. However, when I was carrying you over to my cabin, here, I noticed you open and then, close your eyes with a curious look on your face. Why were you lying on the top of the mountains? Are you alright, my dear?”
“Yes, I seem to feel alright, and I see that you, also, remembered to bring my backpack and bottle with you, too which I can see over there on your table. By the way, my name’s Cher Bear; I’ve been spending hours and hours, walking through the mountains. I’ve been trying to find a place where I would like to settle down, and maybe, get a job over at a diner, somewhere. Does there happen to be a diner in town, may I ask?”
“Yes, Cher Bear, in fact, there’s a diner not too far from my cabin. Would you like me to drive you down there? However, first, I think you need a change of clothes, and something to eat and drink. When’s the last time, you had anything to eat or drink? You appear to have a skinny frame, and look like you need something in your stomach, very badly. You jus lie here, and I’ll bring you back, a good meal, and some Ensure which on a daily basis, will help you gain some weight which you need on your bones before you become Anorexic. And we don’t want that to happen, do we, my dear?”
“I guess you’re right, and in fact, what’s your name, may I ask?”
“My name’s Brody, in fact, I think Cher Bear is a nice name. By the way, I’m going to the kitchen, and you just stay here and rest because you, really, need it. You’d better rest all you can because you look kind of weary. So, I’ll go right to my kitchen and fix you up my famous omelet and some toast and bacon. Also, I’ll bring you some Gator Aid; you need some of that, too.”
So, in the meantime, he walked over to his kitchen, and opened up his refrigerator. He got out some butter, eggs, bread, and bacon. Then, he went to his cupboards, and got out a pan. Upon putting the pan on the stove, he melted some butter.
And then, after the butter was melted, he, then, broke some eggs right into the pan. And after a few minutes, he added some bacon. And while he waited for the eggs and bacon to cook, he, then, toasted a couple slices of whole wheat bread into his toaster.
And in a few minutes, everything was ready, and then, he placed the eggs and bacon on a plate. Then, he added the toast after buttering it up.
Then, he set the pan in the sink, and brought the plate of food over to me where I was lying on his living room couch. And upon me, sitting up, he wasn’t surprised that I jus went ahead, and ate every bit of my food besides drinking down a lot of Gator Aid with it.
After I was done eating, he then, took the plate from me, and walked back into the kitchen. And then, he set the plate in the sink, and vowed to himself, to clean up the kitchen before he went to bed. However, being it’s about nine o’clock in the evening, already, he figured he’d wait until morning. And then, in the morning, clean up all the mess in the kitchen. However, at least, he added some water to the pan, so, that it could soak until morning.
Since, he used to be a doctor at one time before he got into an auto accident, and hurt his back, badly, he, then, got out his doctor bag out of his office. And then, upon walking back into the living room area, he saw that I, still, appeared to be awake but getting very sleepy being I was very tired from all that walking, I’ve been doing through the mountains.
But, anyways, he went ahead, and checked me out, very thoroughly, giving me, a physical. Since, I, already, told him by the weary look on my face and my tired eyes, that I wasn’t in peak physical condition. He, then, upon checking me out, found that I was having a slight fever.
So, then, he made me, stay on the day bed, and after giving me, some hot chocolate to help break the fever.
He made me go to sleep early; however, I wasn’t able to fall asleep until about an hour later.
I didn’t do much talking, that night. And he figured it’s because I’m not feeling up to par. So, then, he wanted to make sure, I didn’t fall off the day bed, that night. And since, he wanted to check up on, me every so often, to make sure, I was alright and sleeping, peacefully. He, then, pulled the blue sleeping bag from underneath the day bed. And then, he stayed up awhile jus because he’s worried about my condition. Since, he had found me, lying on the mountains, not too long ago, that very evening.
When the morning came around, upon awaking, he noticed that I was, still, somewhat sound asleep, yet. However, he has the feeling; I’ll be awake, soon, being that he jus figured out. I’ve been doing an awful lot of walking which could have been days and nights. So, he isn’t going to allow me to leave his cabin.
In fact, he doesn’t think, I’m ready to even consider any work over at the diner, yet, even though, he’s aware, the place is hiring cooks. Anyways, jus before I awakened that morning, and he had something to eat, some toast, because he couldn’t wait for me to wake up.
He, then, called over at the diner to talk to the boss of the place, Debbie, jus because the two happen to know each other very well. That’s, although, she’s a lot older than he is. And that he thinks that he never will and never has considered dating her for any reason.
So, jus as he called over at the diner, I jus happened to wake up some. So, even though, he didn’t know it at the time. I jus happened to be eavesdropping on him while he made his call over to the diner, that morning.
And upon the owner, Debbie, answering the phone, she’s very surprised to hear Brody’s voice, although, the two are good pals, jus like mother and son.
So, she said to him with much urgency, “Boy, this is sure one big surprise for you to call over here at the diner. Usually, you don’t spark up any conversation with me unless you are over here at the diner. So, what do you have on your mind, this morning, anything interesting?”
“Hello, Debbie, its sure nice hearing your voice. In fact, you happened to mention to me that you need cooks over there at the diner. In fact, I don’t know when this certain girl will be ready to put in her application over there. However, I jus happened to pick up this young woman, Cher Bear, over on the mountains not far from my cabin. And she jus happened to mention to me, that she would like to work over at a diner as cook. Oh, I see she jus woke up; jus a minute, I’ll put her on the phone.”
So, jus as he walked over me, so that he could hand me, the phone, he said to in me in an anxious voice, “Guess what, Cher Bear, I have the owner of the diner on the phone. And she needs a cook, pretty bad, right now over at the diner because one of her cooks has jus quit his job, there.
Trying to catch his breath, he said to me, “In fact, when I was over there, yesterday, eating breakfast. Because I was on a run over to my agent’s house for another project to work on. I jus happened to show her, my latest project. And jus by glancing through the first couple of pages on her break. She let me know, she jus loved the introduction. That she thought it would be a sure fire to be a money maker and be published.”
So, I, then, said to the owner, “I don’t, really, live right here in the town. However, as of yesterday, I started living with Brody because I have no other place to go right now. And since, I came from Boston, and it’s far away from here. I doubt if I’ll be going back there, any time, soon, at least, not to live there. I’ve grown quite distant from my family, although, I keep contact with my mother, every so often.”
“Brody jus got through telling me about you, and from what he’s told me. You seem like the perfect person to work under me as a cook. And since, he jus let me know, you were looking for a job or, at least, considering a job as a cook. That I have an opening for you if you would like to consider it whenever you’re ready to settle down in town. How does this sound to you?”
“Oh, I’m very flattered that you, yourself, jus offered me a job over at the diner, there. And I have plenty of cooking experience from back in Boston. I’m feeling better than I have been feeling. Since, I’ve been walking all those hours, night and day. I think I would like to give it a try at working under you jus because Brody told me a lot about you that I, really, like. So, when can I come over there, and have an interview with you?”
“How about sometime this morning, whenever you can make it over here. But this morning would be the best time to talk to me before the daily rush comes in. And I get swamped with customers from all over the mountains.”
“This sounds, really, good to me. In fact, Brody, what time could you take me over there at the diner? Could you take me over there, this morning?”
“Don’t you think you are being kind of hasty about this? You haven’t even settled down in this town, yet. Are you considering living me with me, right now? Because I don’t know of another place in town where you could go where someone would take you in or that would be cheap enough for you to rent out.”
“I think we should consider living together, for now, because all of a sudden, I am realizing jus why you look so familiar to me. I’ve known you, since, high school, it seems, even though, I, actually, came from Boston.”
“You are right, my dear,” so, in Brody taking the phone, he said to Debbie, the owner of the diner, “I think I’ll take her over there at the diner, this morning. Will that work out for you?”
“Yes, it will, Brody, in fact, come over as soon as you can because being she has cooking experience, I could use her right away. She doesn’t even need to go through the interview process. Although, I need her to fill out an application, so that I can find out more about her. Also, I need her social security number, anyways, so that she can get paychecks from the diner which paychecks come through every week on Mondays.”
“Okay,” as Brody handed the phone back to me, I then, said to Debbie, “I’ll come over as soon as he’s ready to take me there, then, Debbie. And I’ll dress casual as I don’t have much in the line of clothes to wear, right now.”
So, then, as soon as I was off the phone, Brody, then, said to me, “What are you going to wear for the interview, Cher Bear? Did you bring an extra change of clothes with you at all?”
“I happen to have a couple changes of clothes with me in my backpack, in fact. So, does a pair of jeans and a shirt sound appropriate enough to wear to go over to the diner?”
“I think that those are the perfect clothes to wear to the diner, Cher Bear,” as I was holding up a pair of blue jeans along with a blue tee shirt which has a cooking emblem on it.
So, then, feeling over anxious about this cooking job, I, then, walked into his bedroom, and changed into those clothes. And then, afterwards, I, then, walked into the bathroom, and refreshed myself, and also, put on some perfume, not that it’s necessary to wear it. But I wanted to smell good, since; I haven’t taken any shower, since, the night before.
Then, as I walked out of the bathroom, upon me, approaching Brody. He said to me in an anxious voice, “Well, Cher Bear, you look real nice today, and you smell pretty good, too. Before we leave for the diner, I think that we both should have some breakfast; don’t you think so, too? Besides you need some meat on those bones, you are very skinny for your height.”
So, then, while I waited for some food and drink in the living room, I decided to watch the news. Brody walked into the kitchen, and, then, was a little shocked at jus realizing, he hasn’t washed any dishes from the night before, yet. So, then, he got out another pan which was, already, clean, since, he didn’t have any time, right now, to clean up the kitchen.
And he didn’t expect me to clean up any of the kitchen either, since, he figured, I, still, could be feeling very tired from all that walking, I had been doing around the mountains which must have been for days and nights on end.
So, then, after getting another pan out of the cupboard, he has to make something which is going to be fast. So, then, he got out of the cupboard, some Bisquik mix, and then, forming some pancakes out of the dough. He, then, threw them into the pan, and it didn’t take long for the pancakes to cook either.
And as soon as the pancakes were done, he then, got two plates out of the cupboard on the other side of the stove. And in doing so, he set some pancakes on both plates along with some syrup on the side, especially, on my plate. Because he jus knew, somehow, that I would jus love having syrup on m pancakes. Not that it was anything to do with me, being from Boston, Massachusetts.
Then, he walked out of the kitchen, and into the dining room. And he set both plates down on the oak wood dining room table. And after him, quickly, set the table for the two of us, he then, said, “C’mon, my dear, Cher Bear, I have some breakfast of pancakes which you are, really, going to like. I jus seemed to have a feeling inside. That you, really, have that edge about you, which tells me, you are jus going to love my pancakes along with maple syrup. Which pancakes I jus happened to whip up with some of my Bisquik mix?”
As I jus happened to have walked into the dining room, was surprised to see jus how elegant; he has set up the table. And he could read this in my eyes, as though, I was jus about ready to say something right off my lips to him on how lovely, the table setup appeared to me. However, I jus couldn’t seem to get the words out of my mouth.
I, still, was feeling quite tired from all the long walks, I’ve been on through
the mountains. Ever since, that very day, I had decided to leave Boston jus to start a new life for myself.
So, then, the two of us ate in silence, partly, because we were in a big hurry to get over to the diner. And after we were done eating, I decided to clear up the table for him, and bring everything back into the kitchen.
And to his surprise, I promised him that I would do dishes for him as soon as we came back from the diner which he’s surprised to hear from me.
Then, Mike and I walked right out the front door. And as we were doing so, we both noticed how the fog which was over the mountains has cleared up. And now, all I can see out there on the mountains is how bright the sun is being it’s been coming up from in back of the mountains, itself. And at this time, what, really, was noticeable to me, was how the clouds seem to meet the mountains top.
And jus how beautiful the trees in the distance, seem to meet each other like one never-ending deep green forest. Which trees now appeared like they were part of a map being they seemed to be so far in the distance?
The two of us, then, got into Brody’s green Ford pickup truck. And then, we were on our way down the road to the diner. And on our way there, the sun jus seemed to follow us all the way there to the diner.
And then, about ten minutes later, as Brody pulled into the parking lot, it didn’t seem to be very full of cars at this time. This was because the rush of the day hasn’t, actually, started up, yet.
Upon Brody and me getting out of the pick up truck, Brody jus seemed to recognize the red convertible right down the line from his truck. And this convertible, which happened to be a Cadillac Sebring, jus, happened to belong to Debbie.
Brody couldn’t get over how clean Debbie’s car, always, seemed to look, every time, he would make a trip over to the diner, called Debbie’s Fine Food.
Once, both Brody and I were inside of the diner, Debbie jus happened to be sitting right near the counter. Which counter jus seemed to have been made out of the finest oak wood with a gray and white swirled finish on the top of it.
So, then, Debbie, upon noticing us, coming inside of the diner, motioned both of us over to the counter. And then, as we both took a seat near Debbie, she, then, said to me, “By the way, where did you happen to get name like Cher Bear? I, really, think that name is very becoming to you.”
“It’s not my real name; actually, my real name is Cherry. My mom is the one who gave me, the nickname, Cher Bear. So, it jus so happens that I liked the name so much, that people, always, refer me by that name.”
“Okay, my dear, since, the morning rush is going to be coming in about a half hour or so, how would you like to join me in the back? I’m sure you’ll be able to adopt to my schedule with no trouble at all. In fact, have you two had any breakfast, yet, this morning?”
Brody replied with much urgency, “Oh, yes, Debbie, we both had some pancakes and are very full at this time. So, there’s no need for you to whip up anything for us to eat at this time. However, you can get us some coffee, if it isn’t too much for you.”
“What do you mean by, ‘Is it too much for you’?
Of course, it isn’t too much for me to get you both some coffee at this time. And how would you two like your coffee? Do you, Cher Bear, want some cream and sugar in yours? I know by now that Brody, always, takes his black. So, I don’t even know why I’m asking him, if he takes any cream or sugar in his coffee. I guess that I’m not jus into the morning groove, yet. I’d better wake up fast because I, still, have to hurry up, and show Cher Bear, the ropes of my morning cooking.”
Then, as soon as Brody and I received our coffee jus the way, we liked it. Debbie said to me with an anxious voice, “C’mon honey, jus bring your coffee back here with me. I’d better get going and start training you because before you even know it. Customers will be filing into the diner during the morning rush which, certainly, starts in about an hour.”
So, then, Brody said to me, “Okay, Cher Bear, keep your ears open, and listen to everything, Debbie says to you. She tends to be very firm, and exact, so be sure to follow everything to a tee if you want to keep your job as a cook, here, at the diner.”
So, as jus as I followed Debbie right into the kitchen, she then, me, “Okay, Cher Bear, start getting those orders going, now. And whatever you do, be sure to follow one order at a time. And pay attention to what you’re doing because you can expect the biggest orders to be a little puzzling at first.
After a brief pause in trying to catch her breath, she, then, said to me, “However, once, you can pull the strings, together, you shouldn’t have any trouble at all. And another thing is that you should, always, be nice to the customers. Even the rough ones, because you never know when you’re going to encounter a customer who wants his or her order, done ever so perfectly.”
So, then, in feeling very nervous, I put an apron on, and then, I, hurriedly, got busy. And I got those eggs and bacon going while trying to get the pancakes, going in another pan. And since, I have a lot of cooking experience. I didn’t seem to have any trouble, keeping up with Debbie or any of the other cooks, there, at the diner, for that matter.
In fact, Debbie was very surprised at my quickness and jus for me, being able to keep up with all these orders, coming in during the rush hour. She, immediately, gave me, a 20% raise in my pay. I, already, was making eight bucks, an hour, and a lot more than the other cooks, there. So, I was one lucky girl to have such a good paying job as a cook, there, over at the diner.
And Debbie might be quite firm in her talking and quite business-like; however this didn’t seem to bother me in the least, because when I used to work at another diner in Boston, I used to have a boss who was the same way.
In the meantime, after Brody has been sitting at the counter for about an hour, drinking a few cups of coffee. He, then, also, has ideas storming through his mind for another story which he wanted to work on. And since, his editor has suggested him, doing a mystery story, this time, he decided on one which involved a murder case.
Then, right after my shift, a few hours later, Brody received a phone call from me while, still, being over at the diner, during which call, I asked him to pick me up. And then, I wanted him to bring me back to his place as I have no other place to live at right now.
However while on the phone with Brody, I happened to say to him in a surprised voice, “Well, Brody, although, this is my first day on shift, I, really, found the people, I work with, all to be, really, friendly to me. And guess what, after talking to Debbie on one of my breaks, she had a surprise for me.”
“Well,” said Brody, “Tell me all about this surprise after I come there to pick you up.”
So, it didn’t take long for Brody to get there, although, he has been working on his new story, part of the day.
And as soon as he arrived there at the diner, and walked inside to get me. It seemed to be the perfect time for me, to start grinding out the good news to him. In fact, I wouldn’t even allow him to leave with me, right away. Because I have to tell him, the good news, right away before Debbie decides to finish her break as she’s on her break in the meantime over at the counter.
So, then, upon coming across Debbie over at the counter like usual, Brody said to her, “It’s nice to see you, again, and while you’re on your break… Well, there jus happens to be something which Cher Bear would like to talk over with you. I can jus tell by the look in her eyes. That such a thing as this, jus can’t wait, any longer.”
Then, Brody and I sat down beside Debbie, and then, I said to Brody, feeling overanxious, “The good news is that I have, already, found a place to live. In fact, there’s an apartment jus above the diner. And Debbie gave it to me to live in, and the rent’s not bad, either. Since, I work under her at the diner, here. She’s, only, going to charge me, two hundred dollars per month for my rent. So, then, the cost of the monthly rent, seems to be very reasonable for me. And during one of here breaks, she, actually, took me on a tour of this apartment. By the way, the apartment above the diner, jus seems to me, like it’s going to be a nice place to live at.”
“Are you sure you’re ready to settle down, yet, Cher Bear? I thought you weren’t thinking of settling down, yet, because you’ve jus spend a lot of time, hiking through the mountains to find a place to settle down in.”
“But I’ve thought it over. And I’m more than ready to settle down and have a place of my own, Brody. And if for some reason, I don’t like the apartment, I’ll move back in with you. How does this sound, Brody?”
“It sounds good to me, so, I’ll help you move into your apartment, right away. I’ll drive you home to get your things. And then, I’ll help you, get settled into the apartment. Do you have the key for the apartment?”
“Yes, I do, Brody, I have the key right in my pocket, here.”
Debbie had to go back to work in the kitchen, right away, so, all I she could say was, “I hope you like the apartment, Cher Bear, and it was nice seeing you, again, Brody. If she needs anything jus let me know, and I’ll do my best to see that she gets what she needs.”
“That’s okay, Debbie. Since, I’ve got a green pick up truck. I can handle taking her any place, here, in town, whenever she needs to go anywhere.”
“First, I think you should consider taking her clothes shopping, though. However, as far as working at the diner goes, I’ve given her, a couple of tops and slacks jus the same color as the ones, I’m wearing, right now. And another thing is that she’ll need a pair of black shoes with good support in them.”
Jus as Brody and I were ready to walk out of the diner, the sheriff walked right inside. And he walked over to us. Jus as he took a seat on one of the bar stools near the counter, he said to me, “I’ve heard that you saw some unfortunate incident, taking place, lately. So, I would like to talk it over with you.”
So, then, he paused for a minute, and said to me, “Did you, Cher Bear, happen to notice what either the woman or man looked like? Can you describe anything about either of them, right now? Jus tell me what you can remember about that incident.”
“Well, sheriff, I jus happened to be walking around the top of the Smoky Mountains, when I thought, I was daydreaming about someone, walking through the trees on the mountains. However, then, I knew, I wasn’t dreaming. And then, I jus happened to gaze down at the rocks when I noticed this man and woman, fighting with each other. And before I knew it, the man was punching the woman in the face. And she ended up with a black eye and a bloody face from what I had seen at that time jus yesterday.”
“How could you see a man and a woman from on top of the mountains?”
“I jus happened to have my binoculars with me. So, I had been watching the man and woman from through my binoculars. And the guy jus happened to be wearing an orange hat, and black clothes from what I could see. And the woman, well, I couldn’t, really, tell what she was wearing, or what she looked like at the time. She was too close to the edge of the mountains, for me to be able to tell what she was wearing at the time of the incident.”
“I don’t know how you could have seen the incident from the mountains top because from what Brody told me. You jus happened to be lying on the top of the mountains when he found you, there. And another witness happened to notice you on the mountains jus when dusk was coming around. So, it had to have been a little too dark for you to tell, exactly, what you saw that night. In fact, I think you could have been having delusions about this incident being that you were in a coma when Brody found you on the mountains top.”
“I don’t know why you are asking me these questions, when you jus don’t seem to believe any word, I jus said to you. You must think that I’m crazy for saying what I jus said to you, already.”
“Well, I’ll get a search team on the case right away. However, if with a dog, their trails can’t be found, then, I’m going to have to assume. That you have been having delusions all this time, ever since, the murder happened. And for one thing, I know, almost, everyone, here, in town, and it’s very unlikely that an incident like this, a murder, even occurred around here, lately.”
So, then, the sheriff was through talking to me. So, then, he jus walked out the door and left in his blue sheriff car from there. And he didn’t even leave any clues on the search with me, either. So, it’s going to be hard for me to figure out if I have been having delusions about the incident or not.
Then, as soon as he left the diner, Brody said to me in a surprised voice, “How come you never told me about this incident, yet, my dear? I could have reported this incident in detail to the police, yesterday. And then, maybe, the sheriff wouldn’t be on your back, already, about the whole thing.
And another thing is that I’ve known him for a long time.
And I can’t understand how he could be telling the truth about there having been another witness, there, on the mountains at the time. This I believe to be the bare truth, especially, because when I happened to see you, lying on the ground on top of the mountains, it was dusk, already.
And there’s no way, you could have been lying on the ground for too long because I had been home for hours at my cabin. And another thing is that I would have noticed sooner if there had been any witnesses to the murder besides you at the time, it had happened.”
“For one thing,” I said to him jus as we were walking out the diner and over to his pickup, “For some odd reason, I can’t figure out, this incident never came back into my mind, until the sheriff walked inside the diner. And pressed me about the incident, this murder of the woman.”
“Well, my dear, I’m sure that the sheriff, who jus happens to be a good buddy of mine, will have a search team around the area in no time at all if he doesn’t have one, there, already. And another thing is that he’ll want me to go through the area with him jus because I think I noticed the woman, lying on the rocks jus before I took you back to my cabin, last night.”
“Well, now, that we both are inside your pickup truck, why don’t you call the sheriff back, right away. Jus so he knows that you could be a possible witness to this murder which I know for sure, I couldn’t have been delusional about at the time, it had occurred last night. However, another thing is that jus this before this murder had occurred, it seemed, as though, at the time. That the whole incident jus seemed to flash right before my eyes in a green light.”
So, then, Brody got on his cell phone, and as he did, the sheriff didn’t fail to answer his call. And as he did, Brody said to him in an anxious voice, “For one thing, sheriff, you left the diner, so quickly. That I didn’t even have time to say one word about this murder to you. In fact, last night, when I happened to find Cher Bear, lying on the ground, I know for a fact. That I jus happened to see the woman, lying on the rocks, jus before the guy, carried her away, some place.”
“Do you remember what either the guy or woman were wearing at the time of the incident?”
“I didn’t catch eye of the guy’s face because he must have tried to hide right after the incident, and before taking the woman away, some place, where no one would be able to find either of them. However, I did happen to notice that the guy was wearing black clothes, and especially, the orange hat which was very noticeable even at that time of night when it was jus turning dusk.”
“Okay, Brody, where are you, right now? Are in your pickup truck or are you back at your cabin, already?”
“Right now, I am jus pulling over to my cabin from the street. And I happened to have Cher Bear with me because I’m going to try to find some time away from my book, to help her move into her apartment jus above the diner which she jus happened to, recently, get a job at, Debbie’s Fine Food.”
“When did she happen to get an apartment above the diner, by the way? Because I jus may need to go there soon to talk to her more about the murder. This is because if I talk to her about the incident at her apartment, she jus might remember if she, really, saw the incident or if she happened to be dreaming about it at the time. What I mean is that she may be the type of person who becomes delusional at times. And imagines bad things happening in her life.”
“Is that right, sheriff? I thought I could trust you to believe that the murder could have, actually, happened in town, last night, jus before I found Cher Bear on top of the mountains.”
“Well, what I want you to do are to join me in the search for the woman’s body because you jus said that you happened to see the woman, lying on the rocks near the river, there. So, when can you come over to the police station to meet me, there?”
“I have to help Cher Bear move into her apartment jus above the diner. Then, once, she is broken into her apartment, I, then, can get together with you over there at the police station.”
“Give me, a call back as soon as you’re done moving her into her apartment. However, the sooner you can come over to the police station, and get on the murder case with me. The sooner I can get the case solved.”
“Okay, I’m sure that Cher Bear will be alright staying over at my house for now. In fact, then, I can meet you over there at the police station as soon as I drop her off here at my house.”
So, then, Brody dropped her off at his house, and then, he was headed on his way.
So, as soon as he arrived at the police station, he’s surprised that the sheriff’s there because he, originally, thought, he would want him to meet him over at his office, instead.
However, upon Brody walking into the police station, sure enough the sheriff’s sitting near the Captain’s desk. But since, he’s through talking about the case with him, then, he got up out of the chair. And then, he said to Brody, “Your pickup truck will be alright here. Jus follow me into my sheriff’s car, and come with me over to the area where, supposedly, the murderer could have taken the woman’s body.”
So, then, they both hopped into the sheriff’s car. And as soon as they both arrived near the murder scene, they both, then, got out of the car. And then, Brody led him around the area where he, originally, had spotted the woman’s body. And so the two walked all around where the rocks were and also all around the river.
However, neither one could spot any clues to the disappearance of the woman’s body or even any footprints through the forest where the murderer could have gone to bury the woman’s body. Neither could either of them spot any body, floating in the river near the murder scene.
So, when they were done hunting around the murder scene area with a dog, not even the dog could sniff down any scents which could have been left by the murderer or even the woman’s body.
So, then, the sheriff said to Brody, “Well, it was nice of you to come along with me. However, I don’t know if I can go on with the case until I get a sketch of the murderer. That’s if it’s possible to get such a sketch. Now, let’s jus go back to where we started from where the sheriff’s car has been parked. And then, I’ll drive you back to your house. And when we arrive back there, I’m going to have to have a good talk with Cher Bear.”
However Brody has nothing to say to the sheriff at this time being that he’s afraid the sheriff won’t believe him at all if he tries to tell him, anything else, he spotted during that evening on which he had found me, lying on the ground on top of the mountains.
When the sheriff and Brody reached his house, Debbie, the owner of the diner was there. And she jus has pulled over at the cabin, and then, before the sheriff could say one word to me. Debbie and I took off for the diner, and then, upon us, arriving over there. I walked into the apartment with Debbie, on which apartment I, already, have put down two hundred dollars for this month’s rent.
Since, Debbie has to get back home to her family, she, jus helped me, bring my things into the apartment. And then, she was off, again, on the way to her family house not far from the diner.
In the meantime, as I started organizing my stuff inside her apartment, I, then, happened to notice something. As I walked through her apartment and started putting away her things, then, I happened to notice some red marking on some of the walls of my apartment.
Then, after my shift, the next day, upon coming back into my apartment, I jus happened to notice some red marking on the front door. And as I, then, was going to get ready to take a shower, as I walked inside the bathroom. I noticed that the water was on in the bathtub. Also, it’s starting to come out the bathroom door and all over her apartment.
So, then, since, Brody’s house wasn’t far from my apartment, I, then, hopped on my bike. And then, I rode right over to Brody’s house.
As I reached his house, I was quite puzzled, and upon coming to the front door, it’s open. So, upon me, walking inside his cabin, I jus happened to find him at his computer. And I happened to catch him, working on a new book of his, ever so diligently. And he was surprised to see me back at his house. And I even had some of her things with me because I knew. I wouldn’t be able to go back to my apartment for awhile until the sheriff has placed a search team on the case of the snooping murderer.
Jus as I walked inside Brody’s house, he happened to have a surprise look on his face, and said to me, “Well, Cher Bear, I’m surprised to find you, here, back at my house, so soon. I didn’t think you had the guts to jus walk inside my house when you have an apartment of your own. Is something wrong which I don’t know about?”
“Yes, there’s something very wrong at my apartment at this time. I jus came from my apartment, and I found inside my apartment, some red markings all around the walls and on my front door. Someone, maybe the murderer, has been following me, all along. And water was running from the tub, and overflowing underneath the door. So, I had to walk inside the bathroom, half swimming, and then, turn off the water. And as I was leaving my apartment, I practically, slipped in all that water.”
“I think I’m going to have to get the sheriff back on your case, again. Although, before coming home, yesterday, I hunted around the murderer scene area. And even with a dog, neither of us found any evidence of the woman’s body or even any footprints around the area where the murder occurred. So, now, I’m going to have to have a sketch done of the murderer which, of course, I’ve, already, have had made up. And the sheriff is going to stop over, soon, to talk to you. And he’s going to have you look at the sketch. And see if you can identify the murder suspect.”
Jus as he was talking to me, he jus happened to hear a knock on the door. So, then, Brody, assuming that it’s the sheriff at the door because he doesn’t know who else could be at his door at this time of day.
As he answered the door, and the sheriff walked inside, then, Brody
led him over to where I happened to be sitting in the living room. And he took his seat near me and Brody on a Victorian style couch of an orange and white color.
Jus after he made himself, comfortable, and Brody got some coffee for him, he then, said to me, “How come you didn’t tell me about all the incidents, happening over at the apartment? It’s very important that you tell me about any incidents, happening over there or anywhere in town because it’s my job to solve any cases like these. Okay, tell, exactly, what has happened over there at the apartment, lately?”
“Why should I tell you, anything, when you never seem to believe me, anyways?”
“It’s not that I don’t believe what’s going on. It’s jus that I have to gather evidence on the incidents. And one of the ways, it has to be done is finding out what you know so the incidents can be tracked down, that’s the person, who’s pulling these incidents. So, what’s been happening over at the apartment, may I ask?”
“Well, lately, over there, I have been finding things moved around where I, originally, didn’t put them. And another thing is that I’ve seen red markings all around the walls and on the front door. And jus before I came over here on my bike about a few minutes ago, I found the water on in the tub. And the water was overflowing throughout the whole apartment.
And I’ve jus learned from my boss, Debbie, jus before leaving my shift, today. That the water is seeping down into the diner. And now, she’s going to have to get a repairman to repair that part of the diner, that’s right in the kitchen area.”
“Is it that you think, someone has been following you around, especially, to your apartment? It’s possible that some customer, who comes there to the diner, could be the culprit. Someone has to have access to your apartment keys, and I think it’s someone who comes over to the diner, regularly. Or that someone can even be one of the employees over at the diner who works with you.”
“So, then,” answered Brody, “Are you going to get a search team on her case, Cher Bear’s case, and try to find out who’s been breaking into her apartment?”
“I’m going to do the best I can to find out who’s been causing all this turmoil in her apartment. And it’s possible that Cher Bear could very well be messed up inside, mentally. That she could be imagining some of this stuff, like things being moved around in her apartment and those red marks on the wall. These could very well be things that she could have been doing herself all along without knowing she’s been doing these things.”
I answered with a surprised look on my face, “I know I’m not imagining things being moved around, or red marks on the walls and front door. If you don’t believe me, go and see for yourself after the apartment has been repaired and fixed up. Not once, when I’ve gone to see my doctor, has he ever told me that I’m mixed up inside, mentally.
I’m not saying that I’m perfect. It’s jus that my psychiatrist has me on good medicine which has been for a while, and since, I was put on medicine by him; I have not been having delusions or hallucinations, anymore.”
“What’s this I’ve heard about you being involved in brawl, lately, over at Ron’s Tavern?”
“It’s jus that some fight started inside the bar when I was inside, there, about a night ago after my shift. And whoever started the fight, really, upturned some tables and gave me, one heck of a black eye. Also, one of the men involved in the fight, gave me, a punch in the face.”
“Well, I think you should be looked over by your doctor, Cher Bear. And I think, you, Brody, should take the time to take her over there as soon as possible. However, don’t let any of this interfere with your book writer mind as I’ve known you to be one fine writer for some time. And that you take much pride in your book writing. In fact, that incident at the mountains, if you haven’t done, already, would be a good idea for your next novel, at that.”
“It jus so happens that I’ve, already, started a book on a murder mystery. And that very incident is going to end up being a big part of my book, too.”
So, then, the sheriff said to me, “Here, look at this sketch of what Brody has made up for me of what he thinks the murderer looks like. Can you identify this sketch? Does the face look familiar to you in any way?”
“Now, that I’m looking at the actual sketch, no, the face doesn’t look familiar to me in any way. In fact, I know for sure, that’s not the face of the murderer. However, this other sketch, you have in your hand, doesn’t look like the woman, either. That’s, definitely, not the woman.”
So, then, without another word to either me or Brody, the sheriff can’t think of anything else to say to either one right now. So, then, he jus left the cabin without even saying goodbye to Brody, although, he’s a good friend of his.
And after he left, then, I jus happened to have something flash right in front of her eyes. And this seemed to extend from some fear of the sheriff which overtook her, ever so suddenly.
And she, actually, jus had a delusion of the sheriff, himself, breaking into Brody’s cabin. And then, he tied Brody up, and took a gun to her head. So, then, as this delusion, finally, went away. She, then, seemed to have a few tears in her eyes along with gasping for breath.
So, then, Brody said to me, “Is something wrong, Cher Bear; I think that incident at Ron’s Tavern has, really, gotten to you. Since, you appear very weary, I think you should take a nap right now. And when supper is ready, I’ll let you know, my dear.”
“At this time, I, really, can’t seem to tell if something has gone wrong with me. It’s jus that it’s seemed, that, very suddenly, I jus happened to see something flash right before my eyes. And in green light, I, actually, saw the sheriff. And he was trying to break into your house. And as soon as he found his way inside. He, then, seemed to tie you up, and take you, captive. Really, I can’t recall if anything happened after that.”
“I jus think that you having some type of delusions. And you come right with me over to the mental hospital jus down a few streets. And once, we arrive, there, I think you should tell a psychiatrist, exactly, what you jus told me, flash right inside your mind. And if he thinks you, actually, are delusional, then, he can fix you right up. And then, place you on some medication which will stop you from having all these delusions.”
Jus as Brody’s talking to me, he thought he heard a lot of knocking on the front door which he knew, he has locked, securely. So, then, he, slowly, walked towards the front door, and peaked through the eye hole. To his surprise, he noticed the sheriff at the door along with a dog which was barking ever so loudly.
So, then, Brody scared me, through, suddenly, taking a big leap back from the front door. And in doing so, he happened to land right on the floor. However, before he could get a hold of himself. He happened to be aware of the fact, that either the dog or the sheriff was trying to knock the door down because Brody wouldn’t answer the door. At this time, he was very scared not jus for himself, his own life, but, also, for me, in particular.
So, Brody said to me in a scared voice, “Go on and run to my bedroom and lock the door, very securely. Run for your life and don’t let anyone inside except for me when and if I’m ever able to chase the sheriff away from the front door.”
I didn’t say one word; I jus ran into the bedroom, and locked the door behind me. As soon as I had done so, I, literally, jumped on the bed, trying to get a hold of myself as tears have crept into my eyes.
In the meantime, the dog along with the sheriff’s help was able to knock the front door down. And then, because Brody, still, was lying on the living room floor in a state of shock, the dog started going after him.
However, in seeing that Brody is lying on the floor, the sheriff, then, said to the dog, “Settle down, boy, and don’t hurt that guy in any way. If you do what you’re told to do, I’ll give you, a big milk bone.”
So, then, the dog left Brody, alone, and then, the sheriff walked over to him. In doing so, he, then, grabbed a hold of his arms, and then, in dragging him over to a chair. He, then, tied him to a chair with some rope which he has brought with him. Then, he demanded Brody to tell him where I was, however, he wouldn’t even say one word as he’s, still, in a state of shock.
In the meantime, I’m, still, inside Brody’s bedroom, feeling like I’m in caught in a world of fear. And I’m on his cell phone, calling over at the diner. As soon as I was able to get Debbie on the phone, I said to her in desperation, “This is Cher Bear on the phone; I won’t be able to make it on shift until the situation me and Brody are in, gets solved.
We both, at this time, are in trouble. I think that Brody is in a state of shock, and I know darn well that I am in one, right now. I heard the sheriff and a dog break into his house. And I don’t know what’s going to happen next. In the meanwhile, please call 911 for me because I don’t know what to do next.”
So, then, while Debbie is calling emergency, the sheriff has a gun in his hand. And he’s pointing the gun right at Brody, threatening to kill him if he doesn’t tell him, exactly, where I’m hiding at this time.
Since, then, Brody couldn’t tell him where I was hiding. So, he, then, pulled the trigger on the gun and then, he shot Brody right in the arm. This caused him to gasp, and it brought him deeper into his state of shock.
Jus then, a couple police cars pulled up in front of Brody’s house. And then, the cops were racing out of the car and inside of Brody’s house upon noticing that the front door has been crashed down.
And then, upon a couple of cops noticing that Brody’s tied up in a chair, one of them let him go. And then, paramedics rushed inside the house, and took a look at Brody. Very soon, Brody, suddenly, was aware that the cops and paramedics were inside the house, barely, being aware of them being around him.
As a paramedic placed an IV in his arm, then, the paramedics dragged a stretcher right inside the house, and then, as soon as they got him into the ambulance, they took off for the hospital.
Jus before they left the house with Brody, he had told one of the cops, that I, a good friend of his, was inside the bedroom, trying to keep calm. So, then, upon a cop knocking on the bedroom door, I then, realized, it was the cops around inside the house. So, then, I unlocked the door and then, I went along with two of the cops inside a cop car. And the cops followed the ambulance over to the hospital where both Brody and I were taken care of.
The next day, jus as I was looking after Brody, whose arm is all bandaged up, and the bullet, already, taken out of his arm, I said to him, in a loving way, “Well, Brody, that was some close call, yesterday. I thought you would die for sure right at the hospital. But I’m so glad that you’re okay, and that you have me to take care of you, and make sure, you get all the rest, you need until that bullet wound is healed.”
“Now, that the two of us are living together, again, and that you have moved out of the apartment above the diner for good, let’s, seriously, think about our future, here. Do you, my Cher Bear, love and care for me because I do so myself with my whole heart and soul?”
“Yes, I do, love and care for you with my whole heart and soul.”
“Then, my Cher Bear, since we both are so much in love, I think we should get married, and have babies. How does that sound to you, my dear?”
“Yes, yes, I, really, do want to get married. I think I know so, that I’ll never want to go back to Boston, ever again. I want to stay, here, right in town. Well, what kind of wedding do you have in mind?”
“I think that we should have a small wedding, since, you have very few friends, only, from the diner and are far away from what’s left of your family. And I, myself, don’t’ have any family or friends left, outside of you. I, always, thought the sheriff was a good friend of mine. However, lately, I have found the hard way, for that not to be true at all.”
So, then, the two got married at a local church without any wedding parties at the wedding. And right after their wedding, they both took off to Boston where they, also, didn’t go there for a honeymoon. However, they, also, paid a visit to her mom’s place in Boston, which, really, turned out to be a surprise visit.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
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