Wednesday, October 1, 2008



One day, I stood on the Smoky Mountains near an overpass. Then, jus as I walked with my boyfriend, Mike, across the mountains. I happened to notice this woman and guy, strangers to me, fighting below me on some rocks near a river.

This one guy happened to notice me, above on the mountains while he attacked this young woman, supposedly, a girlfriend of his. However, I wasn’t aware that this strange guy has spotted me above on the mountains. Then, this guy kept on fighting with this woman until I jus happened to see her, falling on the rocks while having a bloody face. Then, before my very eyes, both the strange guy and his woman seemed to disappear into nowhere.

Then, when I met with the sheriff, and let him know, I’ve seen a woman, get murdered by the mountains. He jus didn’t seem to believe one word, I said about the murder. It’s because he thought, I’m delusional because he thinks, he knows everyone in town.

However, then, the sheriff, then, went on a search. And on the search, he tried to find a trail which the murderer followed when he, supposedly, took the woman’s body away. Also, he should have left behind some signs of footprints or other things after this woman had been murdered.

However, thorough the sheriff searched with my boyfriend, Mike, near the area where the young woman has been murdered. The sheriff, then, came to the conclusion that the murderer must have dumped the woman’s body into the river nearby the rocks and mountains. Jus so that no one would be able to find her body. Or even know she has been murdered by her boyfriend. Or even be able to find the whereabouts of either him or his girlfriend.

And he, the sheriff, jus couldn’t seem to discover any footprints or any other signs of the murderer, having been around the area where his girlfriend has been murdered.

Very sneakily, the murderer has managed to cover up any trail which he, originally, has left behind on the day on which he had murdered his girlfriend.

Then, because the murderer happened to have spotted me on that one day on the mountains. He, then, supposedly, started haunting me. Somehow, he managed to get a duplicate of the key to my apartment which I moved into above the diner in town.

And then, he jus started doing weird things to make me, freak out. He moved things around inside my apartment. Also, he used this red marker on the apartment walls and door to make me. Think, I was starting to see things or going crazy, especially, in me, seeing visions of this murderer, killing his girlfriend and in my dreams at night. Through him, using this red marker in my apartment above the diner. He made me think, I’m losing my mind.

And another time, I thought, he’s the one who turned the faucet on over the bathtub. And then, the water happened to overflow, flooding the whole apartment. And then, the water seeped down into the diner which the owner, Sheila, my boss, has to get fixed.

However when I thought, the murder was the one, who flooded my apartment. I started realizing that I never would do such a thing as this. Although, others whom I worked with, thought I’m having delusions over having seen the murderer, kill that one woman near the mountains.

However, one time when I’m over at Mike’s house, his cabin, because my apartment, still, is being repaired, yet. The murderer was spotted by me at Mike’s living room window. And then, that guy seemed to appear at the front door.

Then, jus when my boyfriend, Mike, grabbed a knife from her. And is ready to attack that stranger. Then, he jus happened to scare the guy away with the knife which he happened to see in his hand. And to me, this stranger seemed to disappear as fast as he appeared at the front door and window.

And if it hadn’t been for my boyfriend. Locking me inside his bedroom. I could have been killed right then and there. However, the murderer never succeeded in doing so jus because my boyfriend has scared him away from this cabin. However, the murderer ended up frightening me to the extent. That I wouldn’t leave Mike’s cabin. Or even go to the diner for my job as a cook, or any place else.

So, then, out of the blue, the sheriff appeared over at the house. And then, my boyfriend has to have me, checked out by my doctor. And then, I ended up in a mental hospital where I’m given the label as being crazy and delusional.

That time, when Mike and I went canoeing after he got me out of that mental hospital. We, then, ended up at the other end of the river where a place called, “Withering Hole”, was at.

Upon us two getting out of the canoe. Then, the two went to a store, there, to find some information concerning Debby. Debby was the woman who ended up getting killed in town. However, how much we tried, we couldn’t find out anything other than that this woman had gotten a beautiful necklace from this stranger. And this necklace, mysteriously, happened to be shaped like a moon, at least, part of it was.

So, then, Mike and I paddled the canoe back to where we caught the canoe near the far edge of the river. And then, as we were getting out of the canoe, something, mysteriously, happened to us. As we were approaching his car, a green pickup truck, and jus got ourselves inside it. We happened to, somehow, run into the sheriff. And by now, the sheriff had a lead on the murderer. And that was one thing, I had figured out by now.

That the sheriff was the one who killed this woman jus because she had been getting in the way of his marriage with his wife, and children. The only thing this woman had wanted at the time, especially, when she was working over at this strip place in town, was sex from him.

So, in order, that the sheriff could get rid of her, and get her off his neck. He, then, had to up killing her off. So, that he could get his wife and family back into his life.

So, then, the sheriff had, then, dragged off my boyfriend. And he had me cornered, jus so that neither of us would do anything to get him, arrested by the police. This was jus because he didn’t have any trust in me, and my boyfriend, Mike. Jus because he has been following up on my case, having tracked down the sheriff as the murderer of Debby.

So, then, once, he had us both out of Mike’s car. And then, led us both towards Mike’s cabin. Then, with me, handcuffed so I couldn’t try anything on the sheriff. He, first, had me, handcuffed to him until we reached the cabin.

And than, at the cabin, the sheriff had Mike, tied up to a chair. And also, then, doped him up with a bunch of tranquilizers along with alcohol. And this kept him in a stupor while the sheriff worked on watching me while trying to keep Mike. Doped up so he couldn’t know what was going on with the sheriff and me.

Because I, after being handcuffed being the sheriff thought, he could trust me not to pull anything on him. Then, jus after he saw me grab a rifle from inside the cabin.

He, then, shot Mike, and he’s lying on the ground, trying to struggle for his life. Upon me seeing him on the ground. I warned the sheriff. That I was going to see to it. That he didn’t get away with trying to shoot my boyfriend, dead, and for taking me and Mike into his custody.

So, then, I fired a few shots at the sheriff. And then, it didn’t kill him jus yet. So, he’s lying on the ground as he tried to avoid the shots from my rifle.

But, then, he felt sorry for causing all this trouble, especially, at shooting Mike because Mike has been a best friend of his for a long time as long as he can remember. So, the sheriff was laying on the ground in tears in feeling sorry for, almost, killing Mike and me.

So, then, the cops showed up. And then, they took the sheriff into their custody. And after taking him to the police station in town. The sheriff, almost, died in the cell while there.

However, once, he was given a life sentence for attempted murder. He, then, died while serving a life sentence in the town jail before he could be sent to the electric chair.

So, then, his wife and children never got back together with him. Because they never got the chance to get back with him jus because he never lasted while in jail. And also, he died of a cold heart in having a heart attack jus because he couldn’t get his wife and children back into his life.

And jus after the sheriff had been taken into custody. Then, Mike and I were taken by the cops over to a hospital where Mike’s bullet was removed from his arm. And while in the hospital, the bullet, almost, took his life, too. And I, too, was treated for bruises all over my body upon being beaten up by the sheriff jus because I wouldn’t follow his orders.

However, both Mike and I survived our wounds. And once, we were back at the cabin. I nursed him back to health. And as soon as he was well, he proposed to me to marry me.

And both Mike and I got married right at his cabin. And then, I went right back to my job over at the diner. And we continued to live together at his cabin. And then, he continued on his job as a writer. And he helped me, get my cookbook published. And then, I, really, became a popular name in town jus after getting good deals with Mike’s agent and editor.

After receiving my royalties about a year later, then, all whom I worked with over at the diner, throw a party for me. And then, Mike became more of a companion to her. And I became good friends with his agent and editor, who, also, joined us over at the party.



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