Debra says:
I'm from the hood and I know girls have babies here and there and all these daddies, but a Dr will allow a SINGLE mother with 6 children to have more babies. I don't care if it's a chance she might have 1, but we all know it might turn up to be more than 1. Why will he do that to her and the children. It just not sitting in my head right. I have 2 children it was hard as a single mother. Why would any single mother want that many children?
Candy says:
So now what? It's all 14 of these children that I am worried about! We all know what it ttakes to raise just ONE child. ..with TWO parents! This woman really needs to have some help and I believe we need to start with having her mind evaluated. Is she going to be able to do this? Is the welfare department going to provide her with that help? She'll need to have many helpers staying at her home 24 hours a day to give the necessary care needed for EACH child.
It seems she couldn't take care of the first 6 children by herself. She lived with her mother and father who are now at a loss. It's all 14 of those children who are going to have the real struggle. Especially the ones with the special needs. I feel all these children will be the ones who are going to suffer if something isn't done to help them.
I think that her doctor should be helping her financially. What was in this for him?
Sylvia Jaworski says:
I haven't had a chance to read what others are saying yet. I will read them later. The most important problem I see is the children. All of them are HUMAN BEINGS and MOST of them, as they are all premature will have so many different health issues, most life threatening. The doctor should be ARRESTED RIGHT NOW before he does any more harm. There was one EX patient of his, who left his care as she nearly died, and the twins that she had were not to speak.. These are human lives people...I am speechless, the more I find out. I had twins, normally, and I can tell you it was no picnic carrying was 6 pounds, 3 ounces, the second 5 pounds, 11 ounces, and they came a month premature. How can these women do it...I am rambling here, so come on people STOP this man, before he does mmmore harm to HUMAN LIFE...PLEASE
MAMIE says:
Dawn says:
Food stamps and welfare are two different things and YES the government still LIMITS the amount you can get based on income/non-income, children, etc. I'm sure she probably isn't getting much there. The fact that she has a website asking for help is her perogative, as well. It doesn't mean you HAVE to help, but she can ask. There are websites out there with women asking for help to get breast implants, showing their boobs to men so they will pay. Are you insensed about that? As a FREE COUNTRY we do not limit the number of children a person can have, no matter their situation. We do limit the number “we” will support, however and THAT is OUR RIGHT. She is still free to have as many children as she wants. My point is, that if you start limiting freedoms such as this, then what is next? What will the government limit that affects you, your family, me, my family? Do we start limiting religious freedom? Do we start limiting freedom of speech? The more we limit, the more we are closer to the end of your Bible!
Chelle says:
Yes, she has a RIGHT to have as many children as she wants, BUT, as a taxpayer, I'm sick and tired of my taxes paying for their kids. I wouldn't give this story a second thought if she were supporting herself and her children. But, it is we, the taxpayers that end up footing the bill. Yes, we have a RIGHT to do a lot of things in this country, that are wrong. So, should we do all those things, simply because we have a RIGHT to do them?
Marianne Luca says:
I think the women may have some serious mental health issues. These are human beings that require stability in their new lives. I do not think any one woman could give each child the love and attention they each need. They are children not PUPPIES born in liters! I pray that God helps all of her children survive and be healthy she is going to need all his help she can get!
Dawn says:
Well, I think we have bigger fish to fry than this one lady and doctor. Like maybe the big businesses that are wanting government to “bail them out”...uh, who do you think will be paying that BILL!!!
Jami says:
I understand about not wanting to lose our rights to make choices for ourselves AMERICANS, But as Americans we have to monitor the people in this country that make such wrong choices like this woman has done. You may say its her choice or right. But you can't say it isn't our business because as tax payers it is and as human beings how can we stand by and let little babies who will grow to be adults someday, suffer and go without. How do I know they will? Because nobody can give 14 children alone the time and attention they are going to need growing up! I was a middle child of only 3 kids, and I was one of those kids that needed attention. A family always has one, and you can't tell me that 1,2, or 3 of these children are not going to be a child that is going to need and want a lot of time and attention! We have to start doing something about what is going on in this country with our kids! Some has to protect them/and if we don't what is in store for the future. Look what has happened so far. This is just morally wrong.
Helen says:
There has been some wrong choice made and the results are heartbreaking because of 8 innocent little lives.
I do not think that Nada is ready or able to take care of these 14 children.
I do not think that Dr. Kamrava should be held responsible for their care.
Sue says:
I think the doctor and these patients are psychos. What are they thinking?
Elizabeth says:
I think your suggestion for the doctor to help support all of these children is an excellent one. Instead of revoking his license or long legal battles, he should have to pay both of these women some kind of support for the children. After all, he did act like the “father” in a way!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
MAY 5TH, 2003
When we're struggling with a career, or settling into an unfamiliar new residence, we're most likely to think of winter: cold, bleak and endless. At some point any life transition feels like bring buried under a coat of ice, hibernating through long, dark days.
Spring gets promoted as a time of new beginnings—and it's a fragile season, buds appear on trees, only to become leaves in a matter of days. Cherry blossoms, forsythia, and daffodils seem to last just long enough for us to learn their names.
Spring also brings energy: Here in New Mexico, we're blown about by winds.
You probably see where I'm heading with this. Often clients seek out my coaching services after a long, hard job search, or a long dry period of seeking customers for a new business, or a frustrating effort to feel at home in a place that remains hostile. They've glimpsed a taste of success: a few nibbles to the resume, a few customers who seemed happy but then disappeared, a smile from an icy neighbor. Now they're really ready for summer.
Spring can be harder than winter. After slogging through ice and snow, you're ready for warmth, and it never happens fast enough. I remember living in cold climates—Alaska, Connecticut, Manitoba—when a gray, cold spring seemed like the last straw.
If you've been there before, it's easier to believe spring is coming—and you've learned some tricks to protect your fragile new growth.
Need an extra boost to get through spring? Talk to people who have been there. Find a couch or counselor. Join a new group. Take the dog for a really long walk. Devise your own spring festival.
And keep looking for glimpses of summer every day—even when you had to pull your parka out of storage.
MAY 5TH, 2003
When we're struggling with a career, or settling into an unfamiliar new residence, we're most likely to think of winter: cold, bleak and endless. At some point any life transition feels like bring buried under a coat of ice, hibernating through long, dark days.
Spring gets promoted as a time of new beginnings—and it's a fragile season, buds appear on trees, only to become leaves in a matter of days. Cherry blossoms, forsythia, and daffodils seem to last just long enough for us to learn their names.
Spring also brings energy: Here in New Mexico, we're blown about by winds.
You probably see where I'm heading with this. Often clients seek out my coaching services after a long, hard job search, or a long dry period of seeking customers for a new business, or a frustrating effort to feel at home in a place that remains hostile. They've glimpsed a taste of success: a few nibbles to the resume, a few customers who seemed happy but then disappeared, a smile from an icy neighbor. Now they're really ready for summer.
Spring can be harder than winter. After slogging through ice and snow, you're ready for warmth, and it never happens fast enough. I remember living in cold climates—Alaska, Connecticut, Manitoba—when a gray, cold spring seemed like the last straw.
If you've been there before, it's easier to believe spring is coming—and you've learned some tricks to protect your fragile new growth.
Need an extra boost to get through spring? Talk to people who have been there. Find a couch or counselor. Join a new group. Take the dog for a really long walk. Devise your own spring festival.
And keep looking for glimpses of summer every day—even when you had to pull your parka out of storage.
Lansing: Starting at felony charges of assaulting police officers and breaking into cars, Jason Montney avoided immediate prosecution by participating in Genesee county's new mental health court.
He now takes medication for bipolar disorder; which he said he did not know he had before, and spends more time with his four children. His record will be cleared in August if he completes a year long treatment program, does not use drugs and attends weekly review hearings.
Montney was among advocates in Lansing urging state lawmakers to continue funding courts that let judges offer mental health treatment to offenders as an alternative to jail or prison.
The state is spending $1.7 million this budget year for pilot mental health courts in nine counties. But the money is not including in Gov. Jennifer Granholm's proposed budget for the fiscal year that starts in October.
“The budget recommendations the governor proposed were very painful, “Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd said.
Advocates suggested, and Grandholm agreed, the courts may be able to get fundung from federal economic stimulus. Boyd mentioned possibly using some of the $67 million Michigan is eligible for from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program.
“To pull the rug out from under this promising program just doesn't make sense,” Warren District Judge Dawn Gruenburg said.
But advocates say courts in Berrien, Grand Traverse, Livingston, Oakland, Otsego, St. Clair and Wayne counties nevr may get off the ground without another year of pilot funding.
“If there's a political will, there's no question we can find $1.7 million in a state general budget that is likely to spend over $9 billlion,” said Mark Reinstein, president and CEO of the Mental Health Association in Michigan.
Lansing: Starting at felony charges of assaulting police officers and breaking into cars, Jason Montney avoided immediate prosecution by participating in Genesee county's new mental health court.
He now takes medication for bipolar disorder; which he said he did not know he had before, and spends more time with his four children. His record will be cleared in August if he completes a year long treatment program, does not use drugs and attends weekly review hearings.
Montney was among advocates in Lansing urging state lawmakers to continue funding courts that let judges offer mental health treatment to offenders as an alternative to jail or prison.
The state is spending $1.7 million this budget year for pilot mental health courts in nine counties. But the money is not including in Gov. Jennifer Granholm's proposed budget for the fiscal year that starts in October.
“The budget recommendations the governor proposed were very painful, “Granholm spokeswoman Liz Boyd said.
Advocates suggested, and Grandholm agreed, the courts may be able to get fundung from federal economic stimulus. Boyd mentioned possibly using some of the $67 million Michigan is eligible for from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program.
“To pull the rug out from under this promising program just doesn't make sense,” Warren District Judge Dawn Gruenburg said.
But advocates say courts in Berrien, Grand Traverse, Livingston, Oakland, Otsego, St. Clair and Wayne counties nevr may get off the ground without another year of pilot funding.
“If there's a political will, there's no question we can find $1.7 million in a state general budget that is likely to spend over $9 billlion,” said Mark Reinstein, president and CEO of the Mental Health Association in Michigan.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
This girl, Angel, a blond haired, tall, blue-eyed woman, one day, sneaked out the front door, which, always, made this weird creaking noise, whenever the brown oakwood was opened. At this time, she was in such a cheerful mood, because, although, she happened to see lightening, flashing across the gray skies, followed by a crash of thunder, which seemed to echo in the gloomy skies, she wasn’t about to let the bad weather, stop her from doing some boyfriend hunting.
She, quietly, closed the squeaky, front door behind her, and as she walked out onto the front porch, which railings appeared a rusty brown, like they were in great need of paint, suddenly, some big drops of rain seemed to bounce off, and melt right on her cheery red face. As she did, a neighbor’s black miniature pincher was prancing by, and she, practically, fell down on the wet black tarred driveway, as she approached it, because the darn dog jumped at her, and then, took off onto the lawn, which appeared to be so yellow and dry-looking from a lack of rain.
As she reached her yellow Charger, which was parked in the driveway, from the driver’s side, she opened the car door, so quickly, that she, almost, broke the door from its hinges, upon the car door making this crackling noise. And then, as she, literally, hopped inside her car, suddenly, the rain was coming down so hard, blinding the windshield, and fogging it up so bad, that she decided to wait a few minutes, until the rain decided to stop coming down, being it was raining cats and dogs, outside.
About five minutes later, the sun was shining, so brightly, through the windshield, like if it never has rained to begin with, the ground, suddenly, appearing so dry and barren-looking with this haze, which seemed to reach from the ground right up to the sun. The brightness of the sun created all these rays, which, actually, seemed to be racing down from the sun, itself, literally, almost, making this girl, lose her grip on the yellowish steering wheel. The sun has become so hat, that sweat, practically, made her hands, slip right off the steering wheel.
Then, as she shifted the gears of her car, the sounds of them seemed to fill every available space inside her car, making this eeiry, screeching noise, which, actually, caused her to flinch, making her eyes, appear slanted like Chinese eyes, although, she was a full-blooded Indian, living on this ranch, which was a good-sized one, with her father and mother, both of who have dark skin jus like if they were all Indonesian.
As she sped out of the driveway, and down the streets to her favorite diner, Captain’s Place, the haze seemed to follow her all the way to the diner.
Then, as she pulled into the parking lot of the diner, the parking lot was so crowded with cars, that she, barely, found a parking spot for her Charger. And all these cars jus seemed to crowd in around her, like if the earth was closing in around her.
As she walked into the diner, and over to the bar area, where the gold and black tile background of the bar area, seemed to stare at her. Upon arriving at the bar, as she sat down on one of the black-leathered covered bar stools, this guy next to her, seemed very inviting to her, as he has this big smirk on his face, and his baby blue eyes seemed to light up.
Right away, even before he got the chance to say a word to her, immediately, she took to this guy, and kept flirting with him, blinking one of her eyes, which he seemed to like about her. She, usually, wasn’t like this when first meeting a strange guy, however, since, she hasn’t had a boyfriend in years, she was very desperate for a guy in her life.
Then, in seeing that she didn’t want to stop flirting with him, he, then, offered to buy a drink for her, so, he said to the bartender, who seemed to be so eager to wait on him with this black and brown shirt, and black silk tie on, which seemed to accent his pitch black curly hair and black slacks along with black shoes, which appeared to be well-polished, “Hey, bartender, the young lady, here, dressed in a bright red jumpsuit with hair, so blond, that she, really, seems to be so attractive to me, tonight, and I would like a drink or two of scotch on the rocks. And by the way, make it two drinks for both of us.”
As the bartender, to the two of them, said, “Four drinks of scotch on the rocks are coming, right away, and since, the two of you seem to make such a nice couple, there’s no charge for any of the drinks,” which seemed to surprise the guy, ordering the drinks, so much, that he thought, he was going to fall off his bar stool.
The guy, who introduced himself as Clint Parker to Angel, literally, drowned himself in scotch, that night. And since, by the time, two hours passed by, the two of them were very close to being drunk. So, since, the two were, practically, so full of scotch, that neither one was able to drive back home, that night. Their eyes appeared so starry-looking and bloodshot, that neither one knew what to do, except to hope to be able to sober up on some coffee.
So, then, in the bartender jus happening to notice, that both Clint and Angel were stone drunk, he, then, offered to give both of them, a cup of coffee for free. As he set the cups of strong, black coffee in front of the two, they both gulped down their coffee, as if it soon would be out of style. Although, after the two have drunk down their coffee, neither one,still, was able at all, to take any chances, driving home, yet, that night, although, now, it was after midnight, and they both looked terrible with bloodshot eyes, and faces so pale-looking, as if they both have seen a ghost.
At this time, Angel and Clint were the only ones, still, at the bar. So, then, the bartender got this very friendly look on his face, and decided to bend a little for the two of them.
By this time, Angel, as being so drunk from all that scotch, actually, has turned into a different person, acting so sexy towards Clint, pulling up the legs of her red jumpsuit, somewhat, until it has been rolled over her knees.
At this, Clint became so shocked, that he didn’t know what to do. And his eyes, abruptly, have turned such a greenish color like cat eyes. So, in Angel noticing this about him, then, jus happened to flash her baby blue eyes at him. He took this as an offer to have sex with him, and she, really, didn’t know what she was getting herself into at this time, until he, suddenly, grabbed her face with his sweaty palms. And then, she, definitely, knew what he wanted, and gave into him, right away.
Jus then, the bartender said to both of them, “It jus so happens, that neither of you are in any condition to drive home, tonight. So, since, there is a couple of cots in the back of the bar area, I think, you two should walk over there, and sleep for the rest of the night. You both appear terrible-looking with your faces, so pale and having bloodshot eyes. Come and follow me, and I”ll lead you two over to the cots.”
So, suddenly, since, the two were, still, so drunk, the air around them, seemed to be, literally, hanging over them like a fog. And since, neither one of them could sense anything but all this haze around them from drinking, so heavily, this didn’t seem to stop either one from feeling so sexy towareds the other one. At this time, the only thing on their minds was the urge to huddle up, together, on one of the cots, tonight, and have some wild sex, that night.
As Angel and Clint arrived over at one of the cots, they both have surprised looks on their faces. Also, not caring that they are feeling like the world is ready to close in on them, the two of them, literally, jumped onto one of the cots, seeming to shake every light in the whole restaurant.
As all the lights overhead them, seemed to be moving back and forth of their own power, they, also, seemed to be glistening down on both of them as if they both were seeing a ghost, hovering around them. Although, neither one realilzed it at this time, there, actually, was a ghost near them, which was causing them both to feel quite spooky inside.
However, since, all there was on their minds at this time, was sex, neither one seemed to be aware of the spookiness in the air, along with the partial darkness in the area behind the bar, which was causing the air around them, to be so gloomy and uninviting at this time.
Before either one, actually, realized what was starting to go on between them, Clint, actually, was feeling her out, and she jus was loving it at this time. As he was, all that moonlight shining in on the two of them throughone of the back windows, was from a full moon, causing the two to become full of all that fire, which was burning inside of them.
So, then, she has caused Clint to turn so romantic, through flirting with him, again, that soon the two slipped right into sex, and jus after both of them seemed to reach an orgasm at the same time, then, soon, she found herself, crying for more, however, the two of them jus then, fell asleep for the rest of the night, huddled together, as she was lying on his strong, hairy chest, with his strong arms, embracing her.
As she, really, wanted life to be, she kept chasing after this guy, Clint, who hung out at the diner, regularly, and then, since, she grew afraid of losing him if he didn’t get all the sex and love, he wanted, she, then, wasn’t going to be the real shy girl, she, really, is. So, then, she met him at the diner, one night, and that night, he ordered her two drinks of scotch on the rocks as usual. However, that night, she decided to try to forget she was shy, and after a drink or two, she became, really, rambunctious.
Since, Clint jus knew that drinking was the best way, or at least, he thought it was, he never failed to impress her with, at least, one free drink. Another thing, he liked about her, is that, especially, tonight, she has a low-cut blue dress with sequins on, although, it’s freezing outside with frigid temperatures. However, also, she has on this pretty mink coat of the shades black and white, which coat, she had paid a pretty penny for, lately, jus because she knew it would, really, appeal to him, if she wore this mink coat of hers. Also, that night, she has on matching blue heels to go with the dress, she was wearing.
As usual, she kept blinking her right eye at him, so, then, he, really, felt like she was coming on to him, however, that night, he felt this was the night, to show her around his ranch.
So, after the two had a couple of drinks, he, then, said to her, “Well, my pretty woman, tonight is going to turn out to be a special night for the two of us, I’m sure, because since, my ranch isn’t far away from here, would you, like a tour of my ranch? Also, you can pet the animals around the ranch, if you like, because by now, the temperatures have warmed up somewhat to the forties.”
“I’m, really, flabbergasted, tonight, by your offer, so, since, I live on a ranch, like you do, I would jus love to see yours. I bet that you have something up your sleeve, tonight.”
So, without either one saying another word, after he left his tip for the bartender, whom has his usual outfit on tonight, Clint grabbed Angel by the hand. Then, the two, walking hand in hand walked out the door near the bar area, and neither one paid attention of how some of the customers, some men, were wowing at the way, she happened to be dressed tonight. In fact, the two half ran and half walked out the door out into a lovely night.
As the ground seemed to be crunching underneath their feet, as they were making headway towards his gray ’67 Corvette, there was a full moon, that night. And the moonlight seemed to be shining, so brightly, that everywhere they walked in the parking lot, the moon seemed to leave these very pretty yellowish hues on the tarred parking lot.
As the two walked towards his Corvette, she has this sexy walk about her. She’s moving her hips through swaying them towards him, and grabbing onto the edge of her mink petticoat, tossing the mink around her, like if she was Miss America, and jus won the pageant.
Upon the two, reaching his car, he took the time, to open the car door for her, like he, usually, does. However, since, she seemed to be acting extra sexy for him, tonight, he, lovingly, right by his car, blew on her hand, which sent a case of the giggles thorugh her.
Then, he, again, took her hand, as at the same time, she took out this long cigarette, which had a yellowish, pinched end on it. And she, actually, grabbed a blue lighter out of the pocket of her mink petticoat, and lit the cigarette, puffing on it, like if she was living in the 50’s, again.
Once, he got her in the front seat of his Corvette, she puffed on her cigarette in silence, all the way to his ranch, which was about a half hour away from the diner.
As they were on the way over to the ranch, the moonlight seemed to cause her, to stay in this wild romantic mood along with the two drinks, she has had at the diner, that night.
On the way, there, his palms seemed to turn real sweating, and he, barely, seemed to be able to hold onto the steering wheel, not even knowing why this was happening to him. He, though, figured, that, possibly, he turned this way, because of the very way, she kept puffing on her cigarette all the way, there, to the ranch.
All the way, there, time jus seemed to slip away for the two, and before either one realized it, he was driving his Corvette down a dirt road, which led to the ranch in a sweeping curve.
Once, he pulled his car into the dirt driveway, she, finally, stopped smoking her extra-long cigarette, and then, as he, again, opened the door for her, she, actually, threw what was left of her cigarette, right on the ground, because there wasn’t a single butt can in sight. Then, to his surprise, she, then, dug the long butt right into the soft ground with one of her high heels.
And this didn’t seem to perturb him at all, jus because he, always, made a habit, of doing this, himself, whenever he had an urge for a cigarette, which were the regular menthol kind.
Because he jus could sense, that she wasn’t ready to go inside his ranch house, yet, partly, because this lovely night of a full moon, kept causing her moods to change, drastically, from tears to laughing incessantly at nothing at all.
So, then, while the two, still, were standing right near his Corvette, he said to her, “Would like me to show you around the ranch, although, dusk has jus come around like a lion?”
“That sounds like a real good idea to me. In fact, I jus love animals, especially, horses, probably, because at the ranch, where I have been living, since, I was a little girl, the family has a lot of horses, there, along with a few chickens and goats.”
So, he took her by the hand, so, that she wouldn’t get lost in the dark, although, he didn’t know, she has a keen eye for seeing in the dark. And as he led her over to where the horses are at, for some weird reason, she couldn’t figure out, she jus felt like she wanted to run, over there. However, he wouldn’t allow her to run through the soft dirt, less she trip over her feet, and fall down into the dirt, and ruin her good clothes, which she, still, was wearing.
As the two approached the stables, she didn’t know why, however, she seemed to get this sudden queasy feeling inside her stomach, but she wasn’t going to allow this to pull back from going over to the stables. Because in her mind, she had to keep reminding herself, there was no reason to be afraid of the dark, jus because she has been, ever since, she was a little girl.
At the stables, she jus has to stop and pet every single horse, which she came by, although, she was wearing an expensive mink petticoat. As they came by the last horse in the stables, she, suddenly, realized, she has been walking through some real grimy dirt with her good heels on. However, trying to play brave, she dismissed this from her mind. And he wasn’t surprised, jus how well she took to all the horse, especially, because he figured, she must have to take care of all the animals, at least, pitch in to do it, every morning.
So, then, she, finally, broke the silence, and said to Clint, “How about if we go inside your house, now, because I’m starting to shiver out here in the cold?”
“Okay, I see you’ve had enough of the animals, for now, is that it, or is it because you’re afraid of falling in all the hay and dirt around the stables?”
“It’s jus that I think, I’ve had enough of the animals for now, especially, don’t trust any of the horses, because one time, although, it was during feeding time, one of the horses over at the family, a pretty horse of a rusty brown color, a stallion at that, pulled on him, when he was trying to hold onto some rope. And then, before he realized, what was happening to him, he was being dragged by the horse, quite a few feet, and screaming at athe top of his lungs, which sent my mother out there. Also, a doctor had to come out to the ranch, and take care of his hand, because he had ended up with two broken fingers, which, really, put a damper on things for him.”
A month later after the two have been dating each other, steadily, and with Angel, constantly, talking him into having all this sex with her, every night, without using any birth control, acting all the time, as a different person, than she, really, is, a person, not really interested in sex, and doing this jus to please and keep him in her life, she, suddenly, realized, she was pregnant.
This girl, Angel, a blond haired, tall, blue-eyed woman, one day, sneaked out the front door, which, always, made this weird creaking noise, whenever the brown oakwood was opened. At this time, she was in such a cheerful mood, because, although, she happened to see lightening, flashing across the gray skies, followed by a crash of thunder, which seemed to echo in the gloomy skies, she wasn’t about to let the bad weather, stop her from doing some boyfriend hunting.
She, quietly, closed the squeaky, front door behind her, and as she walked out onto the front porch, which railings appeared a rusty brown, like they were in great need of paint, suddenly, some big drops of rain seemed to bounce off, and melt right on her cheery red face. As she did, a neighbor’s black miniature pincher was prancing by, and she, practically, fell down on the wet black tarred driveway, as she approached it, because the darn dog jumped at her, and then, took off onto the lawn, which appeared to be so yellow and dry-looking from a lack of rain.
As she reached her yellow Charger, which was parked in the driveway, from the driver’s side, she opened the car door, so quickly, that she, almost, broke the door from its hinges, upon the car door making this crackling noise. And then, as she, literally, hopped inside her car, suddenly, the rain was coming down so hard, blinding the windshield, and fogging it up so bad, that she decided to wait a few minutes, until the rain decided to stop coming down, being it was raining cats and dogs, outside.
About five minutes later, the sun was shining, so brightly, through the windshield, like if it never has rained to begin with, the ground, suddenly, appearing so dry and barren-looking with this haze, which seemed to reach from the ground right up to the sun. The brightness of the sun created all these rays, which, actually, seemed to be racing down from the sun, itself, literally, almost, making this girl, lose her grip on the yellowish steering wheel. The sun has become so hat, that sweat, practically, made her hands, slip right off the steering wheel.
Then, as she shifted the gears of her car, the sounds of them seemed to fill every available space inside her car, making this eeiry, screeching noise, which, actually, caused her to flinch, making her eyes, appear slanted like Chinese eyes, although, she was a full-blooded Indian, living on this ranch, which was a good-sized one, with her father and mother, both of who have dark skin jus like if they were all Indonesian.
As she sped out of the driveway, and down the streets to her favorite diner, Captain’s Place, the haze seemed to follow her all the way to the diner.
Then, as she pulled into the parking lot of the diner, the parking lot was so crowded with cars, that she, barely, found a parking spot for her Charger. And all these cars jus seemed to crowd in around her, like if the earth was closing in around her.
As she walked into the diner, and over to the bar area, where the gold and black tile background of the bar area, seemed to stare at her. Upon arriving at the bar, as she sat down on one of the black-leathered covered bar stools, this guy next to her, seemed very inviting to her, as he has this big smirk on his face, and his baby blue eyes seemed to light up.
Right away, even before he got the chance to say a word to her, immediately, she took to this guy, and kept flirting with him, blinking one of her eyes, which he seemed to like about her. She, usually, wasn’t like this when first meeting a strange guy, however, since, she hasn’t had a boyfriend in years, she was very desperate for a guy in her life.
Then, in seeing that she didn’t want to stop flirting with him, he, then, offered to buy a drink for her, so, he said to the bartender, who seemed to be so eager to wait on him with this black and brown shirt, and black silk tie on, which seemed to accent his pitch black curly hair and black slacks along with black shoes, which appeared to be well-polished, “Hey, bartender, the young lady, here, dressed in a bright red jumpsuit with hair, so blond, that she, really, seems to be so attractive to me, tonight, and I would like a drink or two of scotch on the rocks. And by the way, make it two drinks for both of us.”
As the bartender, to the two of them, said, “Four drinks of scotch on the rocks are coming, right away, and since, the two of you seem to make such a nice couple, there’s no charge for any of the drinks,” which seemed to surprise the guy, ordering the drinks, so much, that he thought, he was going to fall off his bar stool.
The guy, who introduced himself as Clint Parker to Angel, literally, drowned himself in scotch, that night. And since, by the time, two hours passed by, the two of them were very close to being drunk. So, since, the two were, practically, so full of scotch, that neither one was able to drive back home, that night. Their eyes appeared so starry-looking and bloodshot, that neither one knew what to do, except to hope to be able to sober up on some coffee.
So, then, in the bartender jus happening to notice, that both Clint and Angel were stone drunk, he, then, offered to give both of them, a cup of coffee for free. As he set the cups of strong, black coffee in front of the two, they both gulped down their coffee, as if it soon would be out of style. Although, after the two have drunk down their coffee, neither one,still, was able at all, to take any chances, driving home, yet, that night, although, now, it was after midnight, and they both looked terrible with bloodshot eyes, and faces so pale-looking, as if they both have seen a ghost.
At this time, Angel and Clint were the only ones, still, at the bar. So, then, the bartender got this very friendly look on his face, and decided to bend a little for the two of them.
By this time, Angel, as being so drunk from all that scotch, actually, has turned into a different person, acting so sexy towards Clint, pulling up the legs of her red jumpsuit, somewhat, until it has been rolled over her knees.
At this, Clint became so shocked, that he didn’t know what to do. And his eyes, abruptly, have turned such a greenish color like cat eyes. So, in Angel noticing this about him, then, jus happened to flash her baby blue eyes at him. He took this as an offer to have sex with him, and she, really, didn’t know what she was getting herself into at this time, until he, suddenly, grabbed her face with his sweaty palms. And then, she, definitely, knew what he wanted, and gave into him, right away.
Jus then, the bartender said to both of them, “It jus so happens, that neither of you are in any condition to drive home, tonight. So, since, there is a couple of cots in the back of the bar area, I think, you two should walk over there, and sleep for the rest of the night. You both appear terrible-looking with your faces, so pale and having bloodshot eyes. Come and follow me, and I”ll lead you two over to the cots.”
So, suddenly, since, the two were, still, so drunk, the air around them, seemed to be, literally, hanging over them like a fog. And since, neither one of them could sense anything but all this haze around them from drinking, so heavily, this didn’t seem to stop either one from feeling so sexy towareds the other one. At this time, the only thing on their minds was the urge to huddle up, together, on one of the cots, tonight, and have some wild sex, that night.
As Angel and Clint arrived over at one of the cots, they both have surprised looks on their faces. Also, not caring that they are feeling like the world is ready to close in on them, the two of them, literally, jumped onto one of the cots, seeming to shake every light in the whole restaurant.
As all the lights overhead them, seemed to be moving back and forth of their own power, they, also, seemed to be glistening down on both of them as if they both were seeing a ghost, hovering around them. Although, neither one realilzed it at this time, there, actually, was a ghost near them, which was causing them both to feel quite spooky inside.
However, since, all there was on their minds at this time, was sex, neither one seemed to be aware of the spookiness in the air, along with the partial darkness in the area behind the bar, which was causing the air around them, to be so gloomy and uninviting at this time.
Before either one, actually, realized what was starting to go on between them, Clint, actually, was feeling her out, and she jus was loving it at this time. As he was, all that moonlight shining in on the two of them throughone of the back windows, was from a full moon, causing the two to become full of all that fire, which was burning inside of them.
So, then, she has caused Clint to turn so romantic, through flirting with him, again, that soon the two slipped right into sex, and jus after both of them seemed to reach an orgasm at the same time, then, soon, she found herself, crying for more, however, the two of them jus then, fell asleep for the rest of the night, huddled together, as she was lying on his strong, hairy chest, with his strong arms, embracing her.
As she, really, wanted life to be, she kept chasing after this guy, Clint, who hung out at the diner, regularly, and then, since, she grew afraid of losing him if he didn’t get all the sex and love, he wanted, she, then, wasn’t going to be the real shy girl, she, really, is. So, then, she met him at the diner, one night, and that night, he ordered her two drinks of scotch on the rocks as usual. However, that night, she decided to try to forget she was shy, and after a drink or two, she became, really, rambunctious.
Since, Clint jus knew that drinking was the best way, or at least, he thought it was, he never failed to impress her with, at least, one free drink. Another thing, he liked about her, is that, especially, tonight, she has a low-cut blue dress with sequins on, although, it’s freezing outside with frigid temperatures. However, also, she has on this pretty mink coat of the shades black and white, which coat, she had paid a pretty penny for, lately, jus because she knew it would, really, appeal to him, if she wore this mink coat of hers. Also, that night, she has on matching blue heels to go with the dress, she was wearing.
As usual, she kept blinking her right eye at him, so, then, he, really, felt like she was coming on to him, however, that night, he felt this was the night, to show her around his ranch.
So, after the two had a couple of drinks, he, then, said to her, “Well, my pretty woman, tonight is going to turn out to be a special night for the two of us, I’m sure, because since, my ranch isn’t far away from here, would you, like a tour of my ranch? Also, you can pet the animals around the ranch, if you like, because by now, the temperatures have warmed up somewhat to the forties.”
“I’m, really, flabbergasted, tonight, by your offer, so, since, I live on a ranch, like you do, I would jus love to see yours. I bet that you have something up your sleeve, tonight.”
So, without either one saying another word, after he left his tip for the bartender, whom has his usual outfit on tonight, Clint grabbed Angel by the hand. Then, the two, walking hand in hand walked out the door near the bar area, and neither one paid attention of how some of the customers, some men, were wowing at the way, she happened to be dressed tonight. In fact, the two half ran and half walked out the door out into a lovely night.
As the ground seemed to be crunching underneath their feet, as they were making headway towards his gray ’67 Corvette, there was a full moon, that night. And the moonlight seemed to be shining, so brightly, that everywhere they walked in the parking lot, the moon seemed to leave these very pretty yellowish hues on the tarred parking lot.
As the two walked towards his Corvette, she has this sexy walk about her. She’s moving her hips through swaying them towards him, and grabbing onto the edge of her mink petticoat, tossing the mink around her, like if she was Miss America, and jus won the pageant.
Upon the two, reaching his car, he took the time, to open the car door for her, like he, usually, does. However, since, she seemed to be acting extra sexy for him, tonight, he, lovingly, right by his car, blew on her hand, which sent a case of the giggles thorugh her.
Then, he, again, took her hand, as at the same time, she took out this long cigarette, which had a yellowish, pinched end on it. And she, actually, grabbed a blue lighter out of the pocket of her mink petticoat, and lit the cigarette, puffing on it, like if she was living in the 50’s, again.
Once, he got her in the front seat of his Corvette, she puffed on her cigarette in silence, all the way to his ranch, which was about a half hour away from the diner.
As they were on the way over to the ranch, the moonlight seemed to cause her, to stay in this wild romantic mood along with the two drinks, she has had at the diner, that night.
On the way, there, his palms seemed to turn real sweating, and he, barely, seemed to be able to hold onto the steering wheel, not even knowing why this was happening to him. He, though, figured, that, possibly, he turned this way, because of the very way, she kept puffing on her cigarette all the way, there, to the ranch.
All the way, there, time jus seemed to slip away for the two, and before either one realized it, he was driving his Corvette down a dirt road, which led to the ranch in a sweeping curve.
Once, he pulled his car into the dirt driveway, she, finally, stopped smoking her extra-long cigarette, and then, as he, again, opened the door for her, she, actually, threw what was left of her cigarette, right on the ground, because there wasn’t a single butt can in sight. Then, to his surprise, she, then, dug the long butt right into the soft ground with one of her high heels.
And this didn’t seem to perturb him at all, jus because he, always, made a habit, of doing this, himself, whenever he had an urge for a cigarette, which were the regular menthol kind.
Because he jus could sense, that she wasn’t ready to go inside his ranch house, yet, partly, because this lovely night of a full moon, kept causing her moods to change, drastically, from tears to laughing incessantly at nothing at all.
So, then, while the two, still, were standing right near his Corvette, he said to her, “Would like me to show you around the ranch, although, dusk has jus come around like a lion?”
“That sounds like a real good idea to me. In fact, I jus love animals, especially, horses, probably, because at the ranch, where I have been living, since, I was a little girl, the family has a lot of horses, there, along with a few chickens and goats.”
So, he took her by the hand, so, that she wouldn’t get lost in the dark, although, he didn’t know, she has a keen eye for seeing in the dark. And as he led her over to where the horses are at, for some weird reason, she couldn’t figure out, she jus felt like she wanted to run, over there. However, he wouldn’t allow her to run through the soft dirt, less she trip over her feet, and fall down into the dirt, and ruin her good clothes, which she, still, was wearing.
As the two approached the stables, she didn’t know why, however, she seemed to get this sudden queasy feeling inside her stomach, but she wasn’t going to allow this to pull back from going over to the stables. Because in her mind, she had to keep reminding herself, there was no reason to be afraid of the dark, jus because she has been, ever since, she was a little girl.
At the stables, she jus has to stop and pet every single horse, which she came by, although, she was wearing an expensive mink petticoat. As they came by the last horse in the stables, she, suddenly, realized, she has been walking through some real grimy dirt with her good heels on. However, trying to play brave, she dismissed this from her mind. And he wasn’t surprised, jus how well she took to all the horse, especially, because he figured, she must have to take care of all the animals, at least, pitch in to do it, every morning.
So, then, she, finally, broke the silence, and said to Clint, “How about if we go inside your house, now, because I’m starting to shiver out here in the cold?”
“Okay, I see you’ve had enough of the animals, for now, is that it, or is it because you’re afraid of falling in all the hay and dirt around the stables?”
“It’s jus that I think, I’ve had enough of the animals for now, especially, don’t trust any of the horses, because one time, although, it was during feeding time, one of the horses over at the family, a pretty horse of a rusty brown color, a stallion at that, pulled on him, when he was trying to hold onto some rope. And then, before he realized, what was happening to him, he was being dragged by the horse, quite a few feet, and screaming at athe top of his lungs, which sent my mother out there. Also, a doctor had to come out to the ranch, and take care of his hand, because he had ended up with two broken fingers, which, really, put a damper on things for him.”
A month later after the two have been dating each other, steadily, and with Angel, constantly, talking him into having all this sex with her, every night, without using any birth control, acting all the time, as a different person, than she, really, is, a person, not really interested in sex, and doing this jus to please and keep him in her life, she, suddenly, realized, she was pregnant.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Urinary tract infections or UTI's cause more than 8 million doctor visits annually in the U.S. In fact, UTI is the second most common type of infection contracted by people living in the US and, while the reason remains unclear, far more women than mene experience this painful infection.
You may have heard that the acidic nature of cranberry juice helps to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI), but it turns out it's not the acidic of cranberry juice that helps to prevent this common and painful condition. Cranberries contain chemicals called Proanthocyanidins (PACS) which prevent E. coli bacteria from adhering to the cells lining the urinary tract. E. coli is responsible for 85% of UTIs andd 90% of pyelonephritis which is an inflammation of the kidneys and its' pelvis caused by a bacterial infection. Other causes of UTI include chlamydia and mycoplasma genitalium, as well as, mostly hospital-related, catheter-associated UTI's.
A recent study, reported in the Journal of Medicinal Food, found out that the longer E. coli bacteria were exposed to cranberry products (cranberry juice and PACS), the greater the decrease in the ability of the bacteria to adhere to the urinary tract lining. So keep drinking that cranberry juice, and eating cranberry foods.
Jeanette Pufford says:
Cranberry juice upsets my stomach. Instead I use AZO Cranberry with probiotic and vitamin C, best price is at Walmart. At the health food store I purchase Cysticare by Health Aid and Pau d' Arco by Nature's Way.
Sarah says:
After taking 2 antibiotics that didn't cure my UTI I started taking cranberry supplements which are still working great. Any drugstore has them, just read the label, some brands recommend taking 4 a day, the brand I use recommends 2 a day.
Urinary tract infections or UTI's cause more than 8 million doctor visits annually in the U.S. In fact, UTI is the second most common type of infection contracted by people living in the US and, while the reason remains unclear, far more women than mene experience this painful infection.
You may have heard that the acidic nature of cranberry juice helps to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI), but it turns out it's not the acidic of cranberry juice that helps to prevent this common and painful condition. Cranberries contain chemicals called Proanthocyanidins (PACS) which prevent E. coli bacteria from adhering to the cells lining the urinary tract. E. coli is responsible for 85% of UTIs andd 90% of pyelonephritis which is an inflammation of the kidneys and its' pelvis caused by a bacterial infection. Other causes of UTI include chlamydia and mycoplasma genitalium, as well as, mostly hospital-related, catheter-associated UTI's.
A recent study, reported in the Journal of Medicinal Food, found out that the longer E. coli bacteria were exposed to cranberry products (cranberry juice and PACS), the greater the decrease in the ability of the bacteria to adhere to the urinary tract lining. So keep drinking that cranberry juice, and eating cranberry foods.
Jeanette Pufford says:
Cranberry juice upsets my stomach. Instead I use AZO Cranberry with probiotic and vitamin C, best price is at Walmart. At the health food store I purchase Cysticare by Health Aid and Pau d' Arco by Nature's Way.
Sarah says:
After taking 2 antibiotics that didn't cure my UTI I started taking cranberry supplements which are still working great. Any drugstore has them, just read the label, some brands recommend taking 4 a day, the brand I use recommends 2 a day.
Certain tools and devices, like braces and trash cans on wheels, can relieve stress and minimize damage to osteoarthritis joints. Get tips on how these devices can help you manage your osteoarthritis symptoms.
Osteoarthritis symptoms tend to get worse with activity and get worse with rest. One in six people with osteoarthritis report that it limits their daily activities. In addition to the lifestyle changes and medications used to treat osteoarthritis, specially designed devices can help a person with osteoarthritis avoid painful stress and damage to osteoarthritic joints.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Braces
Braces a re medical devices that steady and support your body, such as canes, crutches, walkers, or lightweight, fitted braces that attach to the body to support specific joints. A brace can protect a weakened joint and take weight off the joint. Each pound of weight on a joint increases the stress by three to six times.
Many people with knee osteoarthritis get relief from wearing a fitted knee brace. For someone with hip osteoarthritis a straight cane might be the most useful device, but even something simple as a cane requires instruction for proper use. A person using a cane should hold it in the hand opposite the affected joint, and the height of the cane needs to be adjusted to the person's body. Using a walker correctly also requires instruction, so work with your doctor and your physical therapist before using any bracing device.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Footwear Orthotics
Footwear orthotics are devices that redistribute weight or cushion the impact on your joints while you are walking. Wedges can be designed for your shoes to relieve pressure on an osteoarthritic knee but the evidence from clinical trials is not strong that these are helpful. Cushioned soft plastic inserts, however, are inexpensive devices that can be put inside your shoes and one study found that they absorb up to 42 percent of upcoming shock waves from the ground. In people with osteoarthritis symptoms, 78 percent reported a decrease in pain with cushioned inserts.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Assistive Devices
There are dozens of assistive devices designed to help you manage your osteoarthritis. These devices can take stress off a painful joint and help you avoid painful osteoarthritis symptoms. Here are just a few:
Wheels. Trash cans, furniture, or anything else that has to be moved can more easily be pushed around on wheels than picked up and carried.
Hand savers. Avoid painful stress on osteoarthritic fingers by using jar openers, which are widely available in kitchen stores. You can also get door knob extenders and key turners that allow you to open doors without twisting your wrist. Writing devices are available to transfer the stress away from your fingers to your arm. Substitute Velcro fasteners for buttons. If you don't like Velcro there are even button loops you can use. Think about adding large pull tabs to zippers.
Bathroom benches, raised seats, hand rails. Take stress off your knees and make your bathroom safer with a shower bench that fits over the tub. You can also get a raised toilet seat. Install hand rails anywhere in the house you need support getting up and down.
Kitchen tools and gadgets. There are ways to make your life easier in the kitchen, too. These suggestions can help:
Use electric tools in the kitchen whenever possible to avoid straining your hands.
Keep everything you need at waist level so you don't have to reach or get up and down to retrieve what you need.
Get a grasping device to help you reach items in cabinets above your head.
Use faucet openers to turn water off and on.
Buy molded and padded handles for pots and pans; larger grips on knife handles can also help.
Use tongs to turn meat when cooking.
But a mitt of spongy, non-slip material that can grip wet dishes.
Anything you can do to avoid putting stress on your joints with osteoarthritis will help to decrease your pain and increase your overall function. This may help you delay or avoid the need for stronger medications or surgery.
Assistive devices can make managing osteoarthritis a lot easier. To find these devices, try the Arthritis Foundation; another good source are medical supply company catalogs. Talk to your doctor or occupational therapist the kinds of assistive devices that might be right for you.
Certain tools and devices, like braces and trash cans on wheels, can relieve stress and minimize damage to osteoarthritis joints. Get tips on how these devices can help you manage your osteoarthritis symptoms.
Osteoarthritis symptoms tend to get worse with activity and get worse with rest. One in six people with osteoarthritis report that it limits their daily activities. In addition to the lifestyle changes and medications used to treat osteoarthritis, specially designed devices can help a person with osteoarthritis avoid painful stress and damage to osteoarthritic joints.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Braces
Braces a re medical devices that steady and support your body, such as canes, crutches, walkers, or lightweight, fitted braces that attach to the body to support specific joints. A brace can protect a weakened joint and take weight off the joint. Each pound of weight on a joint increases the stress by three to six times.
Many people with knee osteoarthritis get relief from wearing a fitted knee brace. For someone with hip osteoarthritis a straight cane might be the most useful device, but even something simple as a cane requires instruction for proper use. A person using a cane should hold it in the hand opposite the affected joint, and the height of the cane needs to be adjusted to the person's body. Using a walker correctly also requires instruction, so work with your doctor and your physical therapist before using any bracing device.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Footwear Orthotics
Footwear orthotics are devices that redistribute weight or cushion the impact on your joints while you are walking. Wedges can be designed for your shoes to relieve pressure on an osteoarthritic knee but the evidence from clinical trials is not strong that these are helpful. Cushioned soft plastic inserts, however, are inexpensive devices that can be put inside your shoes and one study found that they absorb up to 42 percent of upcoming shock waves from the ground. In people with osteoarthritis symptoms, 78 percent reported a decrease in pain with cushioned inserts.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Assistive Devices
There are dozens of assistive devices designed to help you manage your osteoarthritis. These devices can take stress off a painful joint and help you avoid painful osteoarthritis symptoms. Here are just a few:
Wheels. Trash cans, furniture, or anything else that has to be moved can more easily be pushed around on wheels than picked up and carried.
Hand savers. Avoid painful stress on osteoarthritic fingers by using jar openers, which are widely available in kitchen stores. You can also get door knob extenders and key turners that allow you to open doors without twisting your wrist. Writing devices are available to transfer the stress away from your fingers to your arm. Substitute Velcro fasteners for buttons. If you don't like Velcro there are even button loops you can use. Think about adding large pull tabs to zippers.
Bathroom benches, raised seats, hand rails. Take stress off your knees and make your bathroom safer with a shower bench that fits over the tub. You can also get a raised toilet seat. Install hand rails anywhere in the house you need support getting up and down.
Kitchen tools and gadgets. There are ways to make your life easier in the kitchen, too. These suggestions can help:
Use electric tools in the kitchen whenever possible to avoid straining your hands.
Keep everything you need at waist level so you don't have to reach or get up and down to retrieve what you need.
Get a grasping device to help you reach items in cabinets above your head.
Use faucet openers to turn water off and on.
Buy molded and padded handles for pots and pans; larger grips on knife handles can also help.
Use tongs to turn meat when cooking.
But a mitt of spongy, non-slip material that can grip wet dishes.
Anything you can do to avoid putting stress on your joints with osteoarthritis will help to decrease your pain and increase your overall function. This may help you delay or avoid the need for stronger medications or surgery.
Assistive devices can make managing osteoarthritis a lot easier. To find these devices, try the Arthritis Foundation; another good source are medical supply company catalogs. Talk to your doctor or occupational therapist the kinds of assistive devices that might be right for you.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Some lifestyle choices can affect your chances of developing breast cancer.
Research shows that certain lifestyle choices can have an influence on whether you develop breast cancer, but more information is still needed for others.
Not having children or having them later in life. Women who have not had children, or who had their first child after age 30, have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. Being pregnant more than once and at an early age reduces breast cancer risk. Pregnancy reduces a woman's total number of lifetime menstrual cycles, which may be the reason for this effect.
Recent use of birth control pills. Studies have found that women who are using birth control pills have a slightly greater risk of breast cancer than women who have never used them. Women who stopped using the pill more than 10 years ago do not seem to have any increased risk. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of birth control pills.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT): Postmenopausal hormone therapy (also known as hormone replacement therapy) or HRT), has been used for many years to help relieve symptoms of menopuase and to help prevent thinning of the bones (osteoporosis). There are two main types of PHT. For women who still have a womb (uterus), doctors generally prescribe estrogen and progesterone (known as combined PHT). Estrogen alone can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus, so progesterone is added to help prevent this. For women who no longer have a uterus (Those who've had a hysterectomy), estrogen alone can be prescribed. This is commonly known as estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).
Combined PHT: It has become clear that long-term use (several years or more) of combined PHT increases the risk of breast cancer and may increase the chances of dying of breast cancer. The breast cancer may also be found at a more advanced stage, perhaps because PHT sesems to reduce the effectiveness of mammograms. Five years after stopping PHT), the breast cancer risk seems to drop to normal.
ERT: The use of estrogen alone does not seem to increase the risk of developing breast cancer much, if at all. But when used long-term (for more than 10 years), some studies have found that ERT increases the risk of ovarian and breast cancer.
At this time, there are few strong reasons to use PHT, other than for short-term relief of menopausal symptoms. Because there other factors to think about, you should talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of using PHT. If a woman and her doctor decide to tryPHT for symptoms of menopause, it is usually best to use it at the lowest dose that works for her and for as short a time as possible.
Not breast-feeding. Some studies have shown that breast-feeding slightly lowers breast cancer risk, especially if the breast-feeding lasts 1l/2 to 2 years. This could be because breast-feeding lowers a woman's total number of menstrual periods, as does pregnancy.
Alcohol: Use of alcohol is clearly linked to an increased risk of getting breast cancer. Women who have one drink a day have a very small increased risk. Those who have two to five drinks daily have about l1'2 times the risk of women who drink no alcohol. The American Cancer Society suggests limiting the amount you drink to one drink a day.
Being overweight or obese: Being overweight or obese is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, especially for women after menopause and if the weight gain took place during adulthood. Also, the risk seems to be higher if the extra fat is in the waist area. But the link between weight and breast cancer is complex, and studies of fat in the diet as it relates to breast cancer have often given conflicting results. The American Cancer Society recommends you maintain a healthy weight throughout your life and avoid gaining too much weight.
Lack of exercise: Studies show that exercise reduces breast cancer risk. The only question is how much exercise is needed. One study found that as little as 1 hour and 15 minutes to 21/2 hours of brisk walking perweek reduce the risk by 18 percent. Walking 10 hours a week reduced the risk a little more. The American Cancer Society suggests that you exercise for 45 to 60 minutes five or more days a week.
Some lifestyle choices can affect your chances of developing breast cancer.
Research shows that certain lifestyle choices can have an influence on whether you develop breast cancer, but more information is still needed for others.
Not having children or having them later in life. Women who have not had children, or who had their first child after age 30, have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer. Being pregnant more than once and at an early age reduces breast cancer risk. Pregnancy reduces a woman's total number of lifetime menstrual cycles, which may be the reason for this effect.
Recent use of birth control pills. Studies have found that women who are using birth control pills have a slightly greater risk of breast cancer than women who have never used them. Women who stopped using the pill more than 10 years ago do not seem to have any increased risk. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of birth control pills.
Postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT): Postmenopausal hormone therapy (also known as hormone replacement therapy) or HRT), has been used for many years to help relieve symptoms of menopuase and to help prevent thinning of the bones (osteoporosis). There are two main types of PHT. For women who still have a womb (uterus), doctors generally prescribe estrogen and progesterone (known as combined PHT). Estrogen alone can increase the risk of cancer of the uterus, so progesterone is added to help prevent this. For women who no longer have a uterus (Those who've had a hysterectomy), estrogen alone can be prescribed. This is commonly known as estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).
Combined PHT: It has become clear that long-term use (several years or more) of combined PHT increases the risk of breast cancer and may increase the chances of dying of breast cancer. The breast cancer may also be found at a more advanced stage, perhaps because PHT sesems to reduce the effectiveness of mammograms. Five years after stopping PHT), the breast cancer risk seems to drop to normal.
ERT: The use of estrogen alone does not seem to increase the risk of developing breast cancer much, if at all. But when used long-term (for more than 10 years), some studies have found that ERT increases the risk of ovarian and breast cancer.
At this time, there are few strong reasons to use PHT, other than for short-term relief of menopausal symptoms. Because there other factors to think about, you should talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of using PHT. If a woman and her doctor decide to tryPHT for symptoms of menopause, it is usually best to use it at the lowest dose that works for her and for as short a time as possible.
Not breast-feeding. Some studies have shown that breast-feeding slightly lowers breast cancer risk, especially if the breast-feeding lasts 1l/2 to 2 years. This could be because breast-feeding lowers a woman's total number of menstrual periods, as does pregnancy.
Alcohol: Use of alcohol is clearly linked to an increased risk of getting breast cancer. Women who have one drink a day have a very small increased risk. Those who have two to five drinks daily have about l1'2 times the risk of women who drink no alcohol. The American Cancer Society suggests limiting the amount you drink to one drink a day.
Being overweight or obese: Being overweight or obese is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, especially for women after menopause and if the weight gain took place during adulthood. Also, the risk seems to be higher if the extra fat is in the waist area. But the link between weight and breast cancer is complex, and studies of fat in the diet as it relates to breast cancer have often given conflicting results. The American Cancer Society recommends you maintain a healthy weight throughout your life and avoid gaining too much weight.
Lack of exercise: Studies show that exercise reduces breast cancer risk. The only question is how much exercise is needed. One study found that as little as 1 hour and 15 minutes to 21/2 hours of brisk walking perweek reduce the risk by 18 percent. Walking 10 hours a week reduced the risk a little more. The American Cancer Society suggests that you exercise for 45 to 60 minutes five or more days a week.
It's all about strengthening those core muscles safely and effectively.
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to improve your general health—and it can be especially beneficial for people with psoriatic arthritis. Exercise improves joint function by helping you lose excess body weight or maintain a healthy weight, which reduces stress on the joints. And being physicially active also improves flexibility and joint mobility and increases muscle strength.
“Strength training and core strengthening are very important,” says Elinor Mody, MD, director of the Women's Orthopedic and Joint Disease Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. “They help protect knees and ankles, take fore off of the joints, and also help prevent soft-tissue injuries, such as bursitis and tendonitis that might occur because of pain in the joints. The stronger the muscles are, the less those things will happen.”
Dr. Mody recommends that people with psoriatic arthritis work with a physical therapist to target specific muscles. “Strengthening the quadriceps (front of the thigh) and the muscles around the shoulder—the rotator cuffs-is essential,” she says. “Core exercises that work the s tabilizing muscles—the latissimus dorsi, the abdominals, gluteal muscles—are also very important,” Regular movement also helps to supply the cartilage in the joints with blood, making aerobic activity a key part of your exercise plan.
Exercise Suggestions for People With Psoriatic Arthritis
Experts says it's crucial that you keep your joints moving with exercise, and they generally recommend the following types of exercise for psoriatic arthritis:
Stretching or flexibility exercises to help reduce stiffness and improve joint mobility and range of motion. Yoga is a good activity to try because it also has a relaxing component.
Strengthening exercises, such as working with light weights, to develop and maintain muscle tone, endurance, and strength.
Aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, and cycling, helps improve cardiovascular fitness and main a healthy body weight.
Exercise Safety Tips for People With Psoriatic Arthritis
Following these recommendations will help ensure safe and effective exercise routines:
Plan ahead. Before you start a new exercise program, check with your doctor to find the best types of exercises for your symptoms.
Start slow. Begin with movement that is easy on the joints, such as swimming, cycling, or other low-impact activities.
Protect your joints. Avoid movements or activities that may stress the joints, such as sudden twists or high-impact aerobics.
Listen to your body. Be sure to rest if your joints feel painful, red, or swollen.
Wear appropriate clothing. Donning something loose-fitting is particularly important if your skin is inflamed or sensitive. Avoid irritating fabrics like polyester; go for cottons and other natural fibers.
Opt for closed-toe shoes. These will protect your toenails while you exercise if you have nail psoriasis.
Schedule workouts wisely. Exercise at times when you know you have the most energy and the least amount of joint stiffness. Many people with psoriatic arthritis experience morning stiffness and find that exercising in the afternoon or evening is more comfortable. If you're particularly stiff in the morning, a warm shower may help loosen your muscles.
Watch the temperature. Make sure to keep the room where you're working out at a warm, comfortable temperature.
Too much exercise or the wrong type, however, may make psoriatic arthritis worse. So, it's important to consult with your doctor or physical therapist to find appropriate exercises that you enjoy and will make a part of your daily routine.
It's all about strengthening those core muscles safely and effectively.
Exercise is one of the best things you can do to improve your general health—and it can be especially beneficial for people with psoriatic arthritis. Exercise improves joint function by helping you lose excess body weight or maintain a healthy weight, which reduces stress on the joints. And being physicially active also improves flexibility and joint mobility and increases muscle strength.
“Strength training and core strengthening are very important,” says Elinor Mody, MD, director of the Women's Orthopedic and Joint Disease Center at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. “They help protect knees and ankles, take fore off of the joints, and also help prevent soft-tissue injuries, such as bursitis and tendonitis that might occur because of pain in the joints. The stronger the muscles are, the less those things will happen.”
Dr. Mody recommends that people with psoriatic arthritis work with a physical therapist to target specific muscles. “Strengthening the quadriceps (front of the thigh) and the muscles around the shoulder—the rotator cuffs-is essential,” she says. “Core exercises that work the s tabilizing muscles—the latissimus dorsi, the abdominals, gluteal muscles—are also very important,” Regular movement also helps to supply the cartilage in the joints with blood, making aerobic activity a key part of your exercise plan.
Exercise Suggestions for People With Psoriatic Arthritis
Experts says it's crucial that you keep your joints moving with exercise, and they generally recommend the following types of exercise for psoriatic arthritis:
Stretching or flexibility exercises to help reduce stiffness and improve joint mobility and range of motion. Yoga is a good activity to try because it also has a relaxing component.
Strengthening exercises, such as working with light weights, to develop and maintain muscle tone, endurance, and strength.
Aerobic exercises, such as walking, swimming, and cycling, helps improve cardiovascular fitness and main a healthy body weight.
Exercise Safety Tips for People With Psoriatic Arthritis
Following these recommendations will help ensure safe and effective exercise routines:
Plan ahead. Before you start a new exercise program, check with your doctor to find the best types of exercises for your symptoms.
Start slow. Begin with movement that is easy on the joints, such as swimming, cycling, or other low-impact activities.
Protect your joints. Avoid movements or activities that may stress the joints, such as sudden twists or high-impact aerobics.
Listen to your body. Be sure to rest if your joints feel painful, red, or swollen.
Wear appropriate clothing. Donning something loose-fitting is particularly important if your skin is inflamed or sensitive. Avoid irritating fabrics like polyester; go for cottons and other natural fibers.
Opt for closed-toe shoes. These will protect your toenails while you exercise if you have nail psoriasis.
Schedule workouts wisely. Exercise at times when you know you have the most energy and the least amount of joint stiffness. Many people with psoriatic arthritis experience morning stiffness and find that exercising in the afternoon or evening is more comfortable. If you're particularly stiff in the morning, a warm shower may help loosen your muscles.
Watch the temperature. Make sure to keep the room where you're working out at a warm, comfortable temperature.
Too much exercise or the wrong type, however, may make psoriatic arthritis worse. So, it's important to consult with your doctor or physical therapist to find appropriate exercises that you enjoy and will make a part of your daily routine.
The role of food additives including dyes, sugar, or preservatives—even such everyday substances such as milk and wheat products—in causing or worsening ADD/ADHD is a controversial topic. Can removing these items from your child's diet really help?
Do food additives have a role in the rising rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)attention deficit disorder (ADD)? This a controversial subject among experts, but in fact, any child may be a little hyper after eating foods pumped with dyes, high-fructose corn syrup, and other artificial ingredients—whether or not he had ADHD. Unfortunately, such foods are more commonplace than you may think. Take any popular children's cereal, for example, and you'll probably see ingredients ranging from refined sugar, corn flour, and gluten to red dye #40, yellow #6, and blue #2.
But sugar and additives aren't the only culprits. Several studies indicate that some children's behavior significantly worsens after eating “healthful” foods like milk, eggs, and wheat. Some potential problems in the diet include:
Food colorings/flavorings
In the mid-70s, Benjamin Feingold, M.D., suggested that enhancements added to processed food—including colorings, flavorings, and related substances—could trigger ADHD. And while a scientific review by the National Institute of Health concluded that food additives affect only s small portion of children with behavorial problems, recent research tells a different story. In a study of 300 children from the UK, researchers found that certain mixtures of artificial colors alongside sodium benzoate (a common preservative found in soda and ice cream) may increase hyperactivity.
Since most sugary products also contain dyes, caffeine, and artificial flavors, determining the role sugar plays in ADD/ADHD is a challenge. Even if a high-sugar breakfast triggers hyperactive behavior, there's no way to identify it as the culprit in the midst of so many other potential offenders. “If you give a child jelly beans for breakfast, the crash and burn from the normal “psychiology of blood sugar rising and falling is going to make him feel cranky and irritable,” says Roberta Anding, M.S., R.D., clinical dietician at Texas Children's Hospital. “It's poor nutrition, not true ADHD.”
Milk and wheat
For some children with ADD/ADHD, a diet that eliminates gluten and milk products may produce improvements in behavior. “Milk products and glutens such as wheat are the foods most commonly llinked to behavior changes,” says Dana Laake, R.D.H., M.S., co-author of The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook. “And they're not mandatory foods for human survival.” When the body doesn't absorb these food, properly, it triggers an allergic response (think brain fog and mood swings).
Focused Elimination
`If you think changing your child's diet may help his or her ADD/ADHD symptoms, start by eliminating potential triggers for a week or so, suggests Laake. Then test your child by reintroducing foods one at a time and seeing how he behaves. If it turns out your child is sensitive to milk or other major sources of nutrients, remove those foods, but work with a dietitician to ensure your child gets the necessary nutrients for growth and development.
“The more restrictive the diet becomes, the more you need an expert to make sure you're not treating one problem and creating another,” says Anding. The big risk is malnutrition since childlren have a greater need for complete nutrition than adults, thanks to growing bones, developing organ systems, and building immunity. And if elimination diets are taken to the extreme, they could cause a deficiency in key nutrients like calcium and B vitamins—the very nutrients associated with reducing symptoms of ADHD.
Whether refined sugars or additives affect behavior or not, most children would do best to avoid sugary, processed foods. Anding notes. Perhaps the best solution for any child – with ADD/ADHD or not-is to make sure he or she gets a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole unprocessed foods. After all, the body simply works better when it has the proper fuel.
The role of food additives including dyes, sugar, or preservatives—even such everyday substances such as milk and wheat products—in causing or worsening ADD/ADHD is a controversial topic. Can removing these items from your child's diet really help?
Do food additives have a role in the rising rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)attention deficit disorder (ADD)? This a controversial subject among experts, but in fact, any child may be a little hyper after eating foods pumped with dyes, high-fructose corn syrup, and other artificial ingredients—whether or not he had ADHD. Unfortunately, such foods are more commonplace than you may think. Take any popular children's cereal, for example, and you'll probably see ingredients ranging from refined sugar, corn flour, and gluten to red dye #40, yellow #6, and blue #2.
But sugar and additives aren't the only culprits. Several studies indicate that some children's behavior significantly worsens after eating “healthful” foods like milk, eggs, and wheat. Some potential problems in the diet include:
Food colorings/flavorings
In the mid-70s, Benjamin Feingold, M.D., suggested that enhancements added to processed food—including colorings, flavorings, and related substances—could trigger ADHD. And while a scientific review by the National Institute of Health concluded that food additives affect only s small portion of children with behavorial problems, recent research tells a different story. In a study of 300 children from the UK, researchers found that certain mixtures of artificial colors alongside sodium benzoate (a common preservative found in soda and ice cream) may increase hyperactivity.
Since most sugary products also contain dyes, caffeine, and artificial flavors, determining the role sugar plays in ADD/ADHD is a challenge. Even if a high-sugar breakfast triggers hyperactive behavior, there's no way to identify it as the culprit in the midst of so many other potential offenders. “If you give a child jelly beans for breakfast, the crash and burn from the normal “psychiology of blood sugar rising and falling is going to make him feel cranky and irritable,” says Roberta Anding, M.S., R.D., clinical dietician at Texas Children's Hospital. “It's poor nutrition, not true ADHD.”
Milk and wheat
For some children with ADD/ADHD, a diet that eliminates gluten and milk products may produce improvements in behavior. “Milk products and glutens such as wheat are the foods most commonly llinked to behavior changes,” says Dana Laake, R.D.H., M.S., co-author of The Kid-Friendly ADHD & Autism Cookbook. “And they're not mandatory foods for human survival.” When the body doesn't absorb these food, properly, it triggers an allergic response (think brain fog and mood swings).
Focused Elimination
`If you think changing your child's diet may help his or her ADD/ADHD symptoms, start by eliminating potential triggers for a week or so, suggests Laake. Then test your child by reintroducing foods one at a time and seeing how he behaves. If it turns out your child is sensitive to milk or other major sources of nutrients, remove those foods, but work with a dietitician to ensure your child gets the necessary nutrients for growth and development.
“The more restrictive the diet becomes, the more you need an expert to make sure you're not treating one problem and creating another,” says Anding. The big risk is malnutrition since childlren have a greater need for complete nutrition than adults, thanks to growing bones, developing organ systems, and building immunity. And if elimination diets are taken to the extreme, they could cause a deficiency in key nutrients like calcium and B vitamins—the very nutrients associated with reducing symptoms of ADHD.
Whether refined sugars or additives affect behavior or not, most children would do best to avoid sugary, processed foods. Anding notes. Perhaps the best solution for any child – with ADD/ADHD or not-is to make sure he or she gets a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole unprocessed foods. After all, the body simply works better when it has the proper fuel.
It's definitely not helping your ulcers
You may think about your lung health when you light up, but how often do you consider your stomach? Smoking is known to cause numerous health problems, but did you know that there's a strong connection between smoking and ulcers? Ulcers are more likely to occur, less likely tot heal, and more likely to cause death in smokers than in nonsmokers. Doctors are not really sure why this is so, but smoking does seem to be one of several factors that work together to promote the formation of ulcers. For example, some research suggests that smoking might increase a person's risk of infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylon (H pylon), which causes most peptic ulcers.
Stomach is also important in producing ulcers. Some studies show that smoking interferes with the neutralization of acid in the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Other studies suggest that chronic cigarette smoking may increase the amount of acid secreted by the stomach.
If you suffer from stomach pain, add that to the list of health reasons to quit smoking. There are several methods to make the process successful, from nicotine replacement therapy to stress-reduction tapes that are shown to help people quit for good.
It's definitely not helping your ulcers
You may think about your lung health when you light up, but how often do you consider your stomach? Smoking is known to cause numerous health problems, but did you know that there's a strong connection between smoking and ulcers? Ulcers are more likely to occur, less likely tot heal, and more likely to cause death in smokers than in nonsmokers. Doctors are not really sure why this is so, but smoking does seem to be one of several factors that work together to promote the formation of ulcers. For example, some research suggests that smoking might increase a person's risk of infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylon (H pylon), which causes most peptic ulcers.
Stomach is also important in producing ulcers. Some studies show that smoking interferes with the neutralization of acid in the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine). Other studies suggest that chronic cigarette smoking may increase the amount of acid secreted by the stomach.
If you suffer from stomach pain, add that to the list of health reasons to quit smoking. There are several methods to make the process successful, from nicotine replacement therapy to stress-reduction tapes that are shown to help people quit for good.
Medication may wreck havoc on sleep patterns, causing either sleeplessness and unwanted drowsiness.
Often, medication rather than illness is the culprit behind sleep problems. A number of drugs are common sleep robbers, while others may cause unwanted drowsiness. Sometimes your doctor may be able to suggest alternatives that do not interrupt sleep.
Selective Serotonin Inhibitors (SSRIs) – such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil) – disrupt sleep or produce daytime fatigue in about 15% of those who take them. These medications are increasingly used to treat some of the symptoms of narcolepsy, a condition marked by powerful daytime drowsiness and sleep attacks, and a variety of sleep problems, whether or not the person is depressed.
These drugs, used to treat heart rhythm problems, may cause daytime fatigue and sleep difficulties at night. Such medications include procainamide, quinidine, and disopyramide.
Sedating antihistamines
These medications, commonly taken to relieve cold or allergy symptoms, also cause drowsiness in most people. They are also the active ingredients in most over-the-counter sleep aiids and motion-sickness pills. To find out if a medication might cause unwelcome drowsiness, check with a pharmacist .If you are taking a sedating antihistamine and are botherred by drowsiness, your physician may recommend a non-sedating alternative that does not readily enter the brain and affect wakefulness and sleep.
Beta blockers
Beat blockers are used to treat high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and angina. These drugs can produce insomnia, awakenings in the night, and nightmares.
Medications containing caffeine
Caffeine, which is in some over-the-counter painkillers and appetite suppressants, is a nervous system stimulant that can produce insomnia. Caffeine makes people feel alert by blocking the action of adenosine, a substance that promotes drowsiness. Caffeine's affects gradually diminish but nevertheless may linger for six or seven hours.
Medications containing alcohol
Cough medications often contain alcohol, which can suppress REM sleep.
This medication, which acts on nerve cells that respond to the neurotransmitter nonepinephrine, is used to treat hypertension and occassionly to curb nicotine craving in people who are quitting smoking. The drug can cause daytime drowsiness and fatigue. It also may interfere with REM sleep. Some people report no problems with clonidine; others note restlessness, early morning awakening, and nightmares.
Corticosteroids such as prednisone, which are used to suppress inflammation and asthma, often cause daytime jitters and nighttime insomnia.
Diuretics, which are taken to rid the body of excess sodium and water, can interfere with sleep by inducing urination throughout the night. Potassium deficiency, a common side effect of some diuretics, can cause painful nocturnal cramping of calf muscles during sleep.
Nicotine patches
Patches used to curb smoking deliver small doses of nicotine into the bloodstream around the clock. People who use them often suffer insomnia or experience disturbing dreams.
Sympathomimetic stimulants
Sympathomimetic stimulants—such as dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), methamphetamine (Desoxyn), methylphenidate (Ritalin), and pemoline (Cylert)---are powerful central nervous stimulants that enhance the efffect of rain chemicals involved in wakefulness. People taking these agents have difficulty falling asleep; once asleep, they spend less time in REM sleep and non-REM deep sleep. When the drug is discontinued, extreme sleepiness and a craving for REM sleep may follow.
This respiratory stimulant used to treat asthma is chemically related to caffeine. Many people who use require doses that are high enough to disturb sleep.
Thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones taken to counteract the effects of an underactive gland may cause sleeping difficulties at higher doses.
Medication may wreck havoc on sleep patterns, causing either sleeplessness and unwanted drowsiness.
Often, medication rather than illness is the culprit behind sleep problems. A number of drugs are common sleep robbers, while others may cause unwanted drowsiness. Sometimes your doctor may be able to suggest alternatives that do not interrupt sleep.
Selective Serotonin Inhibitors (SSRIs) – such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil) – disrupt sleep or produce daytime fatigue in about 15% of those who take them. These medications are increasingly used to treat some of the symptoms of narcolepsy, a condition marked by powerful daytime drowsiness and sleep attacks, and a variety of sleep problems, whether or not the person is depressed.
These drugs, used to treat heart rhythm problems, may cause daytime fatigue and sleep difficulties at night. Such medications include procainamide, quinidine, and disopyramide.
Sedating antihistamines
These medications, commonly taken to relieve cold or allergy symptoms, also cause drowsiness in most people. They are also the active ingredients in most over-the-counter sleep aiids and motion-sickness pills. To find out if a medication might cause unwelcome drowsiness, check with a pharmacist .If you are taking a sedating antihistamine and are botherred by drowsiness, your physician may recommend a non-sedating alternative that does not readily enter the brain and affect wakefulness and sleep.
Beta blockers
Beat blockers are used to treat high blood pressure, arrhythmias, and angina. These drugs can produce insomnia, awakenings in the night, and nightmares.
Medications containing caffeine
Caffeine, which is in some over-the-counter painkillers and appetite suppressants, is a nervous system stimulant that can produce insomnia. Caffeine makes people feel alert by blocking the action of adenosine, a substance that promotes drowsiness. Caffeine's affects gradually diminish but nevertheless may linger for six or seven hours.
Medications containing alcohol
Cough medications often contain alcohol, which can suppress REM sleep.
This medication, which acts on nerve cells that respond to the neurotransmitter nonepinephrine, is used to treat hypertension and occassionly to curb nicotine craving in people who are quitting smoking. The drug can cause daytime drowsiness and fatigue. It also may interfere with REM sleep. Some people report no problems with clonidine; others note restlessness, early morning awakening, and nightmares.
Corticosteroids such as prednisone, which are used to suppress inflammation and asthma, often cause daytime jitters and nighttime insomnia.
Diuretics, which are taken to rid the body of excess sodium and water, can interfere with sleep by inducing urination throughout the night. Potassium deficiency, a common side effect of some diuretics, can cause painful nocturnal cramping of calf muscles during sleep.
Nicotine patches
Patches used to curb smoking deliver small doses of nicotine into the bloodstream around the clock. People who use them often suffer insomnia or experience disturbing dreams.
Sympathomimetic stimulants
Sympathomimetic stimulants—such as dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), methamphetamine (Desoxyn), methylphenidate (Ritalin), and pemoline (Cylert)---are powerful central nervous stimulants that enhance the efffect of rain chemicals involved in wakefulness. People taking these agents have difficulty falling asleep; once asleep, they spend less time in REM sleep and non-REM deep sleep. When the drug is discontinued, extreme sleepiness and a craving for REM sleep may follow.
This respiratory stimulant used to treat asthma is chemically related to caffeine. Many people who use require doses that are high enough to disturb sleep.
Thyroid hormones
Thyroid hormones taken to counteract the effects of an underactive gland may cause sleeping difficulties at higher doses.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fibromyalgia: Getting the Right Doctors on Your Side
Choosing the right doctor can help you cope with fibromyalgia
People who have fibromyalgia face more than just severe muscle pain, unrelenting fatigue, and overwhelming anxiety. Because there currently are no diagnostic tests for fibromyalgia, many patients struggle with misdiagnoses, unsympathetic physicians, and ineffective treatments. But with up to 4 percent of the population now said to be suffering from this condition, researchers are working hard to get a better handle on fibromyalgia and how to treat it.
If you have fibromyalgia, you don't have to feel buffeted by fate or suffer in silence. Here are a few essential steps you can take to get control of your situation, to find the medical help you need, and to get some relief for your symptoms.
Start with your primary care doctor.
Less than a decade ago, many physicians didn't recognize fibromyalgia as a real condition. But the tide appears to be changing. “In the United States recent surveys suggest that the majority of physicians now believe fibromyalgia is a real medical condition and are comfortable making the diagnosis,” says Daniel J. Clauw M.D., director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center and director of the Michigan Insitute for Clinical and Health Research at the University of Michigan.
Why seek treatment for fibromyalgia from primary care physicians? Those docs are well versed in treating a variety of conditions, including ones whose symptoms overlap those of fibromyalgia, such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and interstitial cystitus. They can start the elimination process to figure out exactly what you do—or do not—have. If necessary, they also can refer you to a fibromyalgia specialist.
Don't be afraid to reassess.
Not every doctor will fit the bill, however. If you're reasonably your symptoms fall in line with fibromyalgia and you're not getting the support you need from your primary care physician, it's time to find a doctor who better understands the condition. The National Fibromyalgia Association can help you locate a fibromyalgia-literate primary care doctor in your area. Check out its Web site for additional information and resources. The American College of rheumatology also may be helpful in finding a knowledgeable fibromyalgia specialist.
Also, be sure to consider the following when selecting a doctor:
Is he or she board certified?
Is the doctor involved in any teaching, writing, or research? (If so, he or she may be more up to date on the latest research.)
Does he or she accept your insurance?
And most important, do you feel at ease with this physician?
Be ready to see a specialist for a firm diagnosis.
“If your doctor isn't taking your complaints seriously and trying to help you, then you may need to see a different doctor or get a referral to a specialist (like a rheumatologist) to make the diagnosis,” says Clauw. All doctors are different, however, so it's important to find someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your feelings and concerns about your condition. You will need to be candid about your life, your fibromyalgia symptoms, and any treatment regimens, including vitamins, minerals, and supplements, you're currently on.
Recognize that misdiagnoseis can have a positive side.
Symptoms like widespread muscle tenderness and pain, disturbed sleep, and muscle and joint stiffness can signify several conditions. But even a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or interstitial cystis may help relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia. “These conditions all respond to the same types of treataments,” says Clauw, “so there is no harm in being 'misidiagnosed' with them.”
The trouble comes if you're misdignosed with a condition like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, which have different treatment plans. Because there are no tests or x-rays to prove you have fibromyalgia, you may need to see a rheumatologist to the the right diagnosis.
Don't lose hope.
Scientists are hard at work developing diagnostic tests for fibromyalgia, and according to Clauw, soon there may be specific tests that will help physicians determine which treatments will work best for a particular patient. In the meantime, your doctor can prescribe a multifaceted treatment program for you, including medication, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep strategies. “The pain and fibromyalgia fields are evolving very rapidly, and each month we know something new that helps us take better care of fibromyalgia patients,” says Clauw. “It is important to know that there is hope.”
Choosing the right doctor can help you cope with fibromyalgia
People who have fibromyalgia face more than just severe muscle pain, unrelenting fatigue, and overwhelming anxiety. Because there currently are no diagnostic tests for fibromyalgia, many patients struggle with misdiagnoses, unsympathetic physicians, and ineffective treatments. But with up to 4 percent of the population now said to be suffering from this condition, researchers are working hard to get a better handle on fibromyalgia and how to treat it.
If you have fibromyalgia, you don't have to feel buffeted by fate or suffer in silence. Here are a few essential steps you can take to get control of your situation, to find the medical help you need, and to get some relief for your symptoms.
Start with your primary care doctor.
Less than a decade ago, many physicians didn't recognize fibromyalgia as a real condition. But the tide appears to be changing. “In the United States recent surveys suggest that the majority of physicians now believe fibromyalgia is a real medical condition and are comfortable making the diagnosis,” says Daniel J. Clauw M.D., director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center and director of the Michigan Insitute for Clinical and Health Research at the University of Michigan.
Why seek treatment for fibromyalgia from primary care physicians? Those docs are well versed in treating a variety of conditions, including ones whose symptoms overlap those of fibromyalgia, such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue, and interstitial cystitus. They can start the elimination process to figure out exactly what you do—or do not—have. If necessary, they also can refer you to a fibromyalgia specialist.
Don't be afraid to reassess.
Not every doctor will fit the bill, however. If you're reasonably your symptoms fall in line with fibromyalgia and you're not getting the support you need from your primary care physician, it's time to find a doctor who better understands the condition. The National Fibromyalgia Association can help you locate a fibromyalgia-literate primary care doctor in your area. Check out its Web site for additional information and resources. The American College of rheumatology also may be helpful in finding a knowledgeable fibromyalgia specialist.
Also, be sure to consider the following when selecting a doctor:
Is he or she board certified?
Is the doctor involved in any teaching, writing, or research? (If so, he or she may be more up to date on the latest research.)
Does he or she accept your insurance?
And most important, do you feel at ease with this physician?
Be ready to see a specialist for a firm diagnosis.
“If your doctor isn't taking your complaints seriously and trying to help you, then you may need to see a different doctor or get a referral to a specialist (like a rheumatologist) to make the diagnosis,” says Clauw. All doctors are different, however, so it's important to find someone with whom you feel comfortable sharing your feelings and concerns about your condition. You will need to be candid about your life, your fibromyalgia symptoms, and any treatment regimens, including vitamins, minerals, and supplements, you're currently on.
Recognize that misdiagnoseis can have a positive side.
Symptoms like widespread muscle tenderness and pain, disturbed sleep, and muscle and joint stiffness can signify several conditions. But even a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or interstitial cystis may help relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia. “These conditions all respond to the same types of treataments,” says Clauw, “so there is no harm in being 'misidiagnosed' with them.”
The trouble comes if you're misdignosed with a condition like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, which have different treatment plans. Because there are no tests or x-rays to prove you have fibromyalgia, you may need to see a rheumatologist to the the right diagnosis.
Don't lose hope.
Scientists are hard at work developing diagnostic tests for fibromyalgia, and according to Clauw, soon there may be specific tests that will help physicians determine which treatments will work best for a particular patient. In the meantime, your doctor can prescribe a multifaceted treatment program for you, including medication, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep strategies. “The pain and fibromyalgia fields are evolving very rapidly, and each month we know something new that helps us take better care of fibromyalgia patients,” says Clauw. “It is important to know that there is hope.”
Panic Attacks
Recurring panic attacks are the hallmark features of panic disorder. Panic attacks are sudden and intense feelings of terror, fear or apprehension, without the presence of actual danger. The symptoms of a panic attack usually happen suddenly, peak within 10 minutes and then subside. However, some attacks may last longer or may occur in succession, making it difficult to determine when one attack ends and another begins.
According to the DSM-IV-TR, a panic attack is characterized by four or more of the following symptoms:
palpitations, pounding heart or accelerated heart beat
trembling or shaking
sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
feeling of choking
chest pain or discomfort
nausea or abdominal distress
feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or faint
feelings of unreality (derealization) or being detached from oneself (depersonalization)
fear of losing control or going crazy
fear of dying
numbness or tingling sensations (parasthesias)
chills or hot flushes
The presence of fewer than four of the above symptoms may be considered a limited-symptom panic attack. In order for a diagnosis of panic disorder to be made, recurring, spontaneous panic attacks must be present.
Fear, Worry and Avoidance
The symptoms of a panic attack are usually so intense they are often described by sufferers as the worst experience of their lives. After having a panic attack, the individual may continue to experience extreme anxiety for several hours. More often than not, the panic episode causes continuous worry about having another attack. This may lead to the development of agoraphobia, which complicates recovery and limits one's ability to function in usual daily activities.
The Importance of Getting Treatment
The symptoms of agoraphobia can be frightening and potentially disabling. But, it is a treatable disorder, and most people will find significant relief with therapeutic intervention. The sooner treatment begins after the onset of panic disorder, the more quickly symptoms will lessen or disappear. However, even those with long-term symptoms generally experience improvement with treatment, and most can resume many of the activities they once enjoyed.
Because panic disorder can mimic or coexist with many other medical or psychological disorders, it is important that other conditions be ruled out. Talk to your doc tor if you are experiencing the symptoms of panic disorder. Http://
Panic Attacks
Recurring panic attacks are the hallmark features of panic disorder. Panic attacks are sudden and intense feelings of terror, fear or apprehension, without the presence of actual danger. The symptoms of a panic attack usually happen suddenly, peak within 10 minutes and then subside. However, some attacks may last longer or may occur in succession, making it difficult to determine when one attack ends and another begins.
According to the DSM-IV-TR, a panic attack is characterized by four or more of the following symptoms:
palpitations, pounding heart or accelerated heart beat
trembling or shaking
sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
feeling of choking
chest pain or discomfort
nausea or abdominal distress
feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded or faint
feelings of unreality (derealization) or being detached from oneself (depersonalization)
fear of losing control or going crazy
fear of dying
numbness or tingling sensations (parasthesias)
chills or hot flushes
The presence of fewer than four of the above symptoms may be considered a limited-symptom panic attack. In order for a diagnosis of panic disorder to be made, recurring, spontaneous panic attacks must be present.
Fear, Worry and Avoidance
The symptoms of a panic attack are usually so intense they are often described by sufferers as the worst experience of their lives. After having a panic attack, the individual may continue to experience extreme anxiety for several hours. More often than not, the panic episode causes continuous worry about having another attack. This may lead to the development of agoraphobia, which complicates recovery and limits one's ability to function in usual daily activities.
The Importance of Getting Treatment
The symptoms of agoraphobia can be frightening and potentially disabling. But, it is a treatable disorder, and most people will find significant relief with therapeutic intervention. The sooner treatment begins after the onset of panic disorder, the more quickly symptoms will lessen or disappear. However, even those with long-term symptoms generally experience improvement with treatment, and most can resume many of the activities they once enjoyed.
Because panic disorder can mimic or coexist with many other medical or psychological disorders, it is important that other conditions be ruled out. Talk to your doc tor if you are experiencing the symptoms of panic disorder. Http://
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) by the American Psychiatric Association is the system used in the United States to classify, discribe and diagnosis mental disorders. This system is not without controversy. Many disorders have overlapping symptoms, making it difficult to reach a diagnosis within the parameters outlined in the DSM. Some professions feel this type of classification system is not really scientific, and that such diagnosis is greatly subjective. Despite these conceptions, , a diagnosis is often necessary for insurance reimbursement and this system is far better than no system at all.
Panic Attack
palpitations, pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate
trembling or shaking
sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
feeling of choking
chest pain or discomfort
nausea or abdominal distress
feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
feelings of unreality (derealization) or being detached from oneself (depersonalization)
fear of losing control or going crazy
fear of dying
numbness of tingling sensations (paresthesias)
chills or hot flushes
The presence of fewer than four of the above symptoms may be considered a limited-symptom panic attack.
Panic Disorder
The diagnostic criteria for panic disorder is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as follows:
Recurrent unexpected panic attacks and at least one of the attacks have been followed by 1 month (or more (or more) of the following:
The attacks are not due to the direct psychiological effects of a substance (such as drug of abuse or a medication), or a general medical condition.
The attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as social phobia ( such as occurring on exposure to feared social situations), specific phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or separation anxiety disorder.
If the above criteria are met, the diagnosis is further clarified by the presence of absence of agoraphobia (such as Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia).
Only A Professional Can Diagnose Panic Disorder
It is important to know that the symptoms of panic disorder may mimic many other anxiety disorders and/or medical conditions. Only your doctor or mental health professional can diagnose panic disorder.
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) by the American Psychiatric Association is the system used in the United States to classify, discribe and diagnosis mental disorders. This system is not without controversy. Many disorders have overlapping symptoms, making it difficult to reach a diagnosis within the parameters outlined in the DSM. Some professions feel this type of classification system is not really scientific, and that such diagnosis is greatly subjective. Despite these conceptions, , a diagnosis is often necessary for insurance reimbursement and this system is far better than no system at all.
Panic Attack
palpitations, pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate
trembling or shaking
sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
feeling of choking
chest pain or discomfort
nausea or abdominal distress
feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
feelings of unreality (derealization) or being detached from oneself (depersonalization)
fear of losing control or going crazy
fear of dying
numbness of tingling sensations (paresthesias)
chills or hot flushes
The presence of fewer than four of the above symptoms may be considered a limited-symptom panic attack.
Panic Disorder
The diagnostic criteria for panic disorder is defined in the DSM-IV-TR as follows:
Recurrent unexpected panic attacks and at least one of the attacks have been followed by 1 month (or more (or more) of the following:
The attacks are not due to the direct psychiological effects of a substance (such as drug of abuse or a medication), or a general medical condition.
The attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as social phobia ( such as occurring on exposure to feared social situations), specific phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or separation anxiety disorder.
If the above criteria are met, the diagnosis is further clarified by the presence of absence of agoraphobia (such as Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia).
Only A Professional Can Diagnose Panic Disorder
It is important to know that the symptoms of panic disorder may mimic many other anxiety disorders and/or medical conditions. Only your doctor or mental health professional can diagnose panic disorder.
It was a blast watching both movies. I can’t tell you about the movie because it would ruin it for everyone, you can buy them at Target at Birchwood Mall. We had a big turnout watching the movies, about 10 people.
From Christine
From Christine
Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder
Sudden and recurring panic attacks are the hallmark symptoms of panic disorder. But, the context in which panic attacks occur is important when making a diagnoses. Panic attacks are classified into three types:
Spontaneous or uncued panic attacks occur spontaneously or “out of the blue.” No situational or environmental triggers are associated with the attack. These types of panic attacks may even occur during one's sleep.
Situationally bound or cued panic attacks occur upon actual or anticipated exposure to certain situations. These situations become cues or triggers for a panic episode. For example, an individual who fears enclosed spaces experiences a panic attack when entering, or thinking about entering, an elevator.
Situationally predisposed panic attacks don't always occur immediately upon exposure to a feared situation or cue, but the individual is more likely to experience an attack in such situations. For example, a person who has a fear of social situations but who does not experience a panic episode in every social situation, or who experiences a delayed attack after being in a social environment for an extended period of time.
It is not uncommon for a person who has panic disorder to experience panic attacks in certain situations. But, in order, for a diagnosis of panic disorder to be made, recurrent, unexpected, or uncued panic attacks must be present.
It may not always be clear which type of panic attack a person is experiencing. Therefore, it is also important to consider one's focus on the anxiety. In panic disorder, the focus is on the fear of the actual panic attack, sometimes termed the “fear of the fear.” If the focus of the anxiety is not on the actual panic attack, it is less likely to be related to panic disorder.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) by the American Psychiatric Association is the system used in the United States to classify, describe and diagnosis mental disorders. The DSM-IV-TR outlines the following diagnostic criteria for panic disorder:
Recurrent unexpected panic attacks and at one of the attacks have been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of the following:
The attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (such as drug of abuse or a medication), or a general medical condition.
The attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as social phobia (such as occurring on exposure to feared social situations), specific phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or separation anxiety disorder.
If the above criteria are met, the diagnosis is further clarified by the presence or absence of agoraphobia (such as Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia).
Ruling Out Other Illnesses
The symptoms of panic disorder can mimic many physical or other psychological disorders. Before making a diagnosis of panic disorder, it may be necessary to rule out physical illnesses through examination and testing by a medical doctor or specialist. If a physical cause for the symptoms is not found, a referral to a qualified mental health professional may be made for further assessment and diagnosis.
Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder
Sudden and recurring panic attacks are the hallmark symptoms of panic disorder. But, the context in which panic attacks occur is important when making a diagnoses. Panic attacks are classified into three types:
Spontaneous or uncued panic attacks occur spontaneously or “out of the blue.” No situational or environmental triggers are associated with the attack. These types of panic attacks may even occur during one's sleep.
Situationally bound or cued panic attacks occur upon actual or anticipated exposure to certain situations. These situations become cues or triggers for a panic episode. For example, an individual who fears enclosed spaces experiences a panic attack when entering, or thinking about entering, an elevator.
Situationally predisposed panic attacks don't always occur immediately upon exposure to a feared situation or cue, but the individual is more likely to experience an attack in such situations. For example, a person who has a fear of social situations but who does not experience a panic episode in every social situation, or who experiences a delayed attack after being in a social environment for an extended period of time.
It is not uncommon for a person who has panic disorder to experience panic attacks in certain situations. But, in order, for a diagnosis of panic disorder to be made, recurrent, unexpected, or uncued panic attacks must be present.
It may not always be clear which type of panic attack a person is experiencing. Therefore, it is also important to consider one's focus on the anxiety. In panic disorder, the focus is on the fear of the actual panic attack, sometimes termed the “fear of the fear.” If the focus of the anxiety is not on the actual panic attack, it is less likely to be related to panic disorder.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) by the American Psychiatric Association is the system used in the United States to classify, describe and diagnosis mental disorders. The DSM-IV-TR outlines the following diagnostic criteria for panic disorder:
Recurrent unexpected panic attacks and at one of the attacks have been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of the following:
The attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (such as drug of abuse or a medication), or a general medical condition.
The attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as social phobia (such as occurring on exposure to feared social situations), specific phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or separation anxiety disorder.
If the above criteria are met, the diagnosis is further clarified by the presence or absence of agoraphobia (such as Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia).
Ruling Out Other Illnesses
The symptoms of panic disorder can mimic many physical or other psychological disorders. Before making a diagnosis of panic disorder, it may be necessary to rule out physical illnesses through examination and testing by a medical doctor or specialist. If a physical cause for the symptoms is not found, a referral to a qualified mental health professional may be made for further assessment and diagnosis.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
His wife said to him, one morning, when she happened to have a severe headache at that time, “Honey, I don’t know what’s going on with me, but it seems that every time, I wake up in the morning, I seem to get these headaches, which seem to last for hours. And then, I have trouble concentrating on getting anything done around this house.”
“Well, you, what I think, my dear? I think, since, you can’t seem to eat anything, and I’ve, already, grabbed something to eat, that I’m going to take you over to the hospital.”
“Why do I need to go to the hospital of all things?”
“You need to get checked out, because it’s not normal to keep having these headaches, which don’t want to go away until much of your day has been wasted, and you’re not even aware when it’s gotten behind you.”
So, although she was feeling very sick, and couldn’t eat a darn thing, she, at least, had some coffee.
Then, since, he could seem to sense, that there might be something wrong with her. He, then, jus happened to have seen her, keel over, and then, he couldn’t jus allow her to lie, there, on the floor in her condition.
So, he, gently, scooped her up into his arms, and being she was dressed, already, being she had slept in her regular clothes, all night long; he kind of rushed her to the front door.
And since, it was raining cats and dogs, he, then, placed a poncho over her.
Upon scooping her up into his arms, again, after he slid on a poncho, he, then, felt an urge to do something for her, right away.
So, then, since, he had forgotten to close the door, last night, or thought, he did, because it was wide open, he rushed over to the black Seville with her in his arms, after checking the front door, twice, making sure it was locked. And upon holding her in one arm, because he was such a strong person, he opened the back door of his car, and then, lay her right on the back seat, and placed a seat belt over her.
Then, upon hopping into the driver’s seat, drove her at a great speed to the nearest hospital, which were a few miles away.
He, thought, he was going to get sidetracked, again, and forget where he was going. However, it seemed like some unknown force guided him right over to the hospital, without him, even knowing why he was going, there, in the first place.
Upon arriving on the street to the hospital, he thought, he was getting sidetracked, because he happened to see something, flash before his very eyes, but managed to find the entrance to the hospital.
Upon pulling into the parking lot, his wife seemed to let out a scream, because she’d jus seen some black thing, flash before her very eyes. However, he wasn’t aware of this happening to her at the time, until he parked the car, and then, opened the back car door on the left side.
It was then, that she screamed out, “There’s that black figured, again, and it’s trying to run me over.”
Then, she turned very incoherent, as he had to carry her through the parking lot over to the emergency entrance of the hospital.
Upon arriving, there, an intern had happened to have heard her, screaming, and thinking she was in pain, rushed out the doors with a wheelchair, which, Mark, quickly, placed his wife in, while she seemed to be very limp and out it, but not in a coma at the time.
So, her husband, Mark, whom she has been married to for about a year’s time, followed the intern into the hospital and through the hall over to where the desk was at. And while the intern took care of her, and wheeled her over to a bed, Mark signed in for her.
And jus as he was done, signing her in, he ran over to her bed, and there, a doctor was talking to her at the time. And although, she couldn’t tell him, everything, which has been going on with her, Mark told the doctor, all he could, with her seeming to be half out of it.
“Well, she’s been having these headaches, which are affecting her concentration, and have been, literally, trying to take everything out of her.”
“All I can conclude from what she has told me is that she is in need of x-rays of her head, and we need to find out, what’s been causing her nightmares and headaches, and making it hard for her to sleep at night for the past week or so.”
“What are you trying to tell me, doctor?”
“I’m afraid that she might be having migraine headaches, or it could turn out to be something more serious than this. The nurse is on her way over here, and so an intern with a wheelchair. What she, really, needs at time, is an MRI, which when we have the results of the x-rays, should explain jus why she’s having these bad headaches, and insomnia.”
“Another thing is that at times, she’s been fainting and falling out of bed at night. And she hasn’t seemed to hurt herself, yet, but she can’t continue this way, either. It could undermine her health in every way.”
“Don’t worry about anything, yet, because she has to have this MRI, first, before I can make any judgment on her condition.”
So, then, the nurse has jus arrived, and also, an intern with a wheelchair for Mark’s wife.
He was jus sitting in the lobby at this time, feeling very worried over his wife, and especially, that something could be very wrong with her. Then, all of a sudden, he started hearing these screeching voices, which seemed to subside, as his wife was having her MRI, a half hour later.
While she was having her MRI, he, still, patiently, waited in the lobby, for the doctor to come and get him and tells him, what’s been going on with hr? So, it didn’t take long for his wife, to have her MRI. And she seemed very scared to the doctor, whom was watching the x=rays as she was having her MRI.
As soon as the MRI was finished, an intern came to get her, and he, upon helping her into a wheelchair, then, took her back to her bed.
And there, Mark met her, jus after the doctor was telling him, some information; he needed to know about her. He said to Mark, “The thing is that it won’t be long before the x-rays are read. And the specialist, whom performed the MRI on your wife, is reading the x-rays, right now.”
So, then, Mark stayed with his wife, whom seemed to be out of it, again, which, deeply, worried him.
In the meanwhile, as the doctor looked at the x-rays, he then, walked over to him, whom was sitting on the edge of a bed. Jus as the doctor took him over to the x-ray room, his wife, still, seemed jus to be lying, there, on a bed, seemingly, out of it at this time, as he has this worried look on his face.
Then, the doctor said to him, jus as he stood up and was looking at the x-rays with the doctor, “For one thing, it is very apparent that there is this big mass on her brain, which means that she has a brain tumor, which has to be opened on right away to save her life.”
However, Mark couldn’t say a word, being that tears came to eyes, and that made him, choke up inside.
Then, he walked over to his wife along with the doctor, and the doctor told her, “We are going to have to operated on you, right away, and do some brain surgery on you, which is going to be very risky. And chances are good, that the brain surgeons will get the entire tumor out of your brain.”
She couldn’t say anything to him, being tears were in her eyes, and she was aware, she might not live through the operation, although, chances of survival were pretty good with the operation.
So, then, Mark ended up waiting in the lobby, while the brain surgeons went to work on his wife, and it happened, that the surgery took a few hours. During the whole time, the surgery was going on, Mark jus tried to stay calm.
Also, he jus allowed himself to take a big nap, hoping that the surgery, soon, would be over with, and that his wife would end up being able to live through the surgery, and have a full recovery, afterwards.
A few hours later, jus after all the surgeons left the operating room, it jus happened that he noticed that his wife wasn’t in her bed at this time. So, then, as the doctor came into the waiting room, he has a gloomy look on his face.
So, Mark, jus knows his wife didn’t survive the surgery after all, so the doctor said to him, as he was sitting in the lobby, “I’m afraid I have some bad news for you,” as Mark, again, has tears in his eyes, “you wife, apparently, didn’t live through the surgery. The brain surgeons were unable to remove all of her tumor”
Then, Bill didn’t know what to say at this time. All that went through his mind at that time is what happened jus before his wife went in for surgery.
On the way to the hospital, hours ago, Mark, somehow, had ended up getting sidetracked. And on the way, he and his wife had stopped at Captain’s Place jus off of the highway in New Pleasant, to get something to eat. However, although, he had ordered something to eat, for some odd reason, he couldn’t figure out at that time, she wouldn’t eat anything.
Upon the two getting back into his car, jus after he had finished eating a hamburger and had some hot green tea along with it, and had, then, paid his bill, he had made a big mistake in allowing her to drive. And at that time, he had, also, been uncertain about how she would be able to take driving, there, to the hospital in her current condition.
On the way, although, he hadn’t been aware of it at the time, his wife jus had happened to see this black creature, flash before her eyes in the form of red lights, which creature, to her, had appeared to her like some huge inhumane black moth man in a black cloak.
Jus because the creature had wanted this to happen to her of all people, this moth-like creature had caused her to lose track of where she had been driving, and had, also, made her, become uncoordinated, and not able to see jus where she had been heading with Mark’s car.
Then, this moth-like creature’s flashing red eyes had caused her to steer out of the lane, and this semi-truck driver, upon having noticed her, going in and out of her lane, had ended up crashing right into Mark’s car through the back window of the car.
Jus as this semi-truck driver had crashed into the car, it had caused her hands to slip off the steering wheel as she had been thrown off track.
Mark had ended up on the floor of the car, being he hadn’t been wearing his seat belt. However, being she had been wearing her seat belt, she hadn’t gone through the windshield, but had end up half lying on the front seat of the car, as the force of the semi-truck had caused the windshield to shatter. And this glass had cut her face and arms up, as the shattered glass had fallen all over her face and arms.
Then, he had, slowly, been able to help himself, back up, and as he had, then, leaned over the front seat, and had asked her if she was alright, she hadn’t responded to him at all. So, then, he had kept leaning over the seat, and, carefully, had checked her out. Upon doing so, he, finally, had, blindly, seemed to have awakened, abruptly, to reality.
And then, he couldn’t help noticing, that she had seemed at that time, as though, she could be in a coma, while she had, still, been lying on the back car seat with blood all over her face and arms.
Since, at that time, he hadn’t been able to revive her, and hadn’t gotten any pulse out of her, except for a faint pulse, he hadn’t wanted to fool around with her. However, he, quickly, had thought, that he had saved her life, at least, jus because he, finally, he had been able to get a pulse out of her.
So, then, really, not knowing, exactly, what he should have done at that time, he, then, had left her, lying in the back seat of the car, while she, still, had been in a comatose state. And then, after having tied her down to the back seat with some rope from the trunk, so, hopefully, her injuries wouldn’t get any worse, he, then, had crawled back into the driver’s seat.
And after he had done so, he had taken it upon himself, as he had no other choice, to drive her the rest of the way right over to the hospital, jus because at that time, he had felt, he could get her to the hospital in time. Also, he had felt at that time, that she couldn’t become any worse, for him, to have to call 911, and that it wouldn’t do much good if he did call, anyways.
He figured, that it would be better for her, if he jus went ahead, and drove her, there, instead of waiting for the paramedics, which he thought, wouldn’t do much good for her, right now, anyways.
And at that time, for some uncanny reason, some unknown force had driven him to take her over to the hospital, himself, although, at that time, to him, it had seemed, as though, she, soon, would be out of her coma.
By the time, he had arrived over at the hospital, to him; she had seemed to be out of her coma. Although, jus for safety, he had to get an intern to take her in a wheelchair right over to emergency at that time, jus because he had felt, that she hadn’t been in any condition, to try to walk with him over to the emergency entrance.
Then, by the time, the intern had gotten her into the emergency area, and into one of the beds, there, she had slipped back into her coma. And then emergency physician, then, had to place her on oxygen, right away, being that she hadn’t been able to breathe on her own at that time, and had been in very bad shape, jus because while he had been signing her into emergency, she continued to stay in her coma.
Then, the emergency physician suspected that in her, having had her severe headaches, and brain fogginess for a week or so, that something very serious had been wrong with her at that time, from what Mark had told the emergency physician. And that this hadn’t been something, which he could fool around with, being that he had sensed, that something could be, deadly, and wrong with her.
So, then, a nurse had, immediately, been ordered to bring her to the next floor for a MRI, while he had been waiting in the lobby for the latest news on her.
Jus after she had been put through this machine for her MRI, the emergency physician jus had happened to find this huge mass on her brain. So, then, Bill, still had to wait a few hours more in the lobby, while emergency surgery had been performed on her brain.
And then as soon as the surgeons had been done on her, the emergency physician had received the latest news on her.
As he, personally, had gone over to the lobby, to talk to him, at that time, the doctor had said to him, “Well, I have some bad news for you. Upon her, having been put through the machine for her MRI, the doctor had happened to find this huge mass on her brain.”
Jus because the doctor had paused at that point, Mark, then, had said to him, while feeling very impatient and nervous, “I known darn well, jus by the way, you’re acting at this time, that something has gone wrong with my wife. Now, tell me, what’s going on with her at this time?”
“Well, the bad news is that from the MRI, this huge mass has been discovered in her brain. And not even knowing for sure, what this huge mass was, the brain surgeons had done emergency surgery on her. However, the brain surgeons weren’t able to remove the entire tumor from her brain.”
At this point, he jus hadn’t known what else to say to the doctor, although, the doctor had said to him, a bit inpatient, himself, “You can go to the critical care unit to see her, however, I’m afraid that she might not live much longer. In fact, she could die any time, now.”
He jus hadn’t known what to say to the doctor at that time, as the doctor, then, had led him right over to the critical care unit. And once, they had arrived, there, his wife had seemed to be in a coma and on a ventilator.
So, then, although, he had been in tears at the time, and jus hadn’t known what to say to his wife, he, then, had held her hand for awhile, hoping she wouldn’t die on him, and that she would come out of her coma jus for him.
At that time, for some uncanny reason, she hadn’t been able to sense, exactly, what he had been saying to her. Although, usually, when a person is in a coma, that person, usually, is able to hear and sense everything, which has been going on around her or him at that time.
After being with her for a few hours, all of a sudden, she had started moving all over the place. So, immediately, he had called a nurse into the room. However, by the time, the nurse had arrived into the room where his wife, still, had been on a ventilator, suddenly, she had started shaking.
However, then, the nurse had noticed that she, still, had been in a coma. So, then, she, noticing that his wife, suddenly, had seemed to come out of her coma about a half hour later, at that time, the nurse had given her, some medicine through her IV . And then, the nurse had been hoping that the medicine, she had jus given her, would have been able to stop her from having any more seizures, thus having kept her from slipping back into a coma.
Jus as the nurse had left the room, then, he had noticed, that his wife wouldn’t even respond to him. However, jus then, the doctor had walked into the room to see how she had been doing. Then, he jus had happened to notice, that she hadn’t been doing good at all at that time.
So, then, he, unwillingly, had gone ahead, and had signed some papers, for his wife, not to be revived, anymore, if she had coded. And that had been, exactly, what had happened to her. So, then, he had jus stood by his wife’s side, and had been watching her, die, while having been, fully, aware, o what his wife had been going through at that time.
And jus as he had noticed his wife, take her last breath, at that time, the moth-like creature had appeared to him in flashing red lights. So, then, he had known, exactly, what had caused her to die from a brain tumor.
Her body had happened to be over at the morgue, and an autopsy had been performed on her by order of the doctor, who had looked after her over at the hospital.
After the actual autopsy had been performed, no cause was found for her death, not even a brain tumor was found in her brain, which, really, puzzled Mark and the doctor, too.
Jus after this incident, the police woman agreed to team up with Bill, again, try to try to handle his wife’s case, and to try to find out, if her death, in any way, has been linked to the moth man.
His wife said to him, one morning, when she happened to have a severe headache at that time, “Honey, I don’t know what’s going on with me, but it seems that every time, I wake up in the morning, I seem to get these headaches, which seem to last for hours. And then, I have trouble concentrating on getting anything done around this house.”
“Well, you, what I think, my dear? I think, since, you can’t seem to eat anything, and I’ve, already, grabbed something to eat, that I’m going to take you over to the hospital.”
“Why do I need to go to the hospital of all things?”
“You need to get checked out, because it’s not normal to keep having these headaches, which don’t want to go away until much of your day has been wasted, and you’re not even aware when it’s gotten behind you.”
So, although she was feeling very sick, and couldn’t eat a darn thing, she, at least, had some coffee.
Then, since, he could seem to sense, that there might be something wrong with her. He, then, jus happened to have seen her, keel over, and then, he couldn’t jus allow her to lie, there, on the floor in her condition.
So, he, gently, scooped her up into his arms, and being she was dressed, already, being she had slept in her regular clothes, all night long; he kind of rushed her to the front door.
And since, it was raining cats and dogs, he, then, placed a poncho over her.
Upon scooping her up into his arms, again, after he slid on a poncho, he, then, felt an urge to do something for her, right away.
So, then, since, he had forgotten to close the door, last night, or thought, he did, because it was wide open, he rushed over to the black Seville with her in his arms, after checking the front door, twice, making sure it was locked. And upon holding her in one arm, because he was such a strong person, he opened the back door of his car, and then, lay her right on the back seat, and placed a seat belt over her.
Then, upon hopping into the driver’s seat, drove her at a great speed to the nearest hospital, which were a few miles away.
He, thought, he was going to get sidetracked, again, and forget where he was going. However, it seemed like some unknown force guided him right over to the hospital, without him, even knowing why he was going, there, in the first place.
Upon arriving on the street to the hospital, he thought, he was getting sidetracked, because he happened to see something, flash before his very eyes, but managed to find the entrance to the hospital.
Upon pulling into the parking lot, his wife seemed to let out a scream, because she’d jus seen some black thing, flash before her very eyes. However, he wasn’t aware of this happening to her at the time, until he parked the car, and then, opened the back car door on the left side.
It was then, that she screamed out, “There’s that black figured, again, and it’s trying to run me over.”
Then, she turned very incoherent, as he had to carry her through the parking lot over to the emergency entrance of the hospital.
Upon arriving, there, an intern had happened to have heard her, screaming, and thinking she was in pain, rushed out the doors with a wheelchair, which, Mark, quickly, placed his wife in, while she seemed to be very limp and out it, but not in a coma at the time.
So, her husband, Mark, whom she has been married to for about a year’s time, followed the intern into the hospital and through the hall over to where the desk was at. And while the intern took care of her, and wheeled her over to a bed, Mark signed in for her.
And jus as he was done, signing her in, he ran over to her bed, and there, a doctor was talking to her at the time. And although, she couldn’t tell him, everything, which has been going on with her, Mark told the doctor, all he could, with her seeming to be half out of it.
“Well, she’s been having these headaches, which are affecting her concentration, and have been, literally, trying to take everything out of her.”
“All I can conclude from what she has told me is that she is in need of x-rays of her head, and we need to find out, what’s been causing her nightmares and headaches, and making it hard for her to sleep at night for the past week or so.”
“What are you trying to tell me, doctor?”
“I’m afraid that she might be having migraine headaches, or it could turn out to be something more serious than this. The nurse is on her way over here, and so an intern with a wheelchair. What she, really, needs at time, is an MRI, which when we have the results of the x-rays, should explain jus why she’s having these bad headaches, and insomnia.”
“Another thing is that at times, she’s been fainting and falling out of bed at night. And she hasn’t seemed to hurt herself, yet, but she can’t continue this way, either. It could undermine her health in every way.”
“Don’t worry about anything, yet, because she has to have this MRI, first, before I can make any judgment on her condition.”
So, then, the nurse has jus arrived, and also, an intern with a wheelchair for Mark’s wife.
He was jus sitting in the lobby at this time, feeling very worried over his wife, and especially, that something could be very wrong with her. Then, all of a sudden, he started hearing these screeching voices, which seemed to subside, as his wife was having her MRI, a half hour later.
While she was having her MRI, he, still, patiently, waited in the lobby, for the doctor to come and get him and tells him, what’s been going on with hr? So, it didn’t take long for his wife, to have her MRI. And she seemed very scared to the doctor, whom was watching the x=rays as she was having her MRI.
As soon as the MRI was finished, an intern came to get her, and he, upon helping her into a wheelchair, then, took her back to her bed.
And there, Mark met her, jus after the doctor was telling him, some information; he needed to know about her. He said to Mark, “The thing is that it won’t be long before the x-rays are read. And the specialist, whom performed the MRI on your wife, is reading the x-rays, right now.”
So, then, Mark stayed with his wife, whom seemed to be out of it, again, which, deeply, worried him.
In the meanwhile, as the doctor looked at the x-rays, he then, walked over to him, whom was sitting on the edge of a bed. Jus as the doctor took him over to the x-ray room, his wife, still, seemed jus to be lying, there, on a bed, seemingly, out of it at this time, as he has this worried look on his face.
Then, the doctor said to him, jus as he stood up and was looking at the x-rays with the doctor, “For one thing, it is very apparent that there is this big mass on her brain, which means that she has a brain tumor, which has to be opened on right away to save her life.”
However, Mark couldn’t say a word, being that tears came to eyes, and that made him, choke up inside.
Then, he walked over to his wife along with the doctor, and the doctor told her, “We are going to have to operated on you, right away, and do some brain surgery on you, which is going to be very risky. And chances are good, that the brain surgeons will get the entire tumor out of your brain.”
She couldn’t say anything to him, being tears were in her eyes, and she was aware, she might not live through the operation, although, chances of survival were pretty good with the operation.
So, then, Mark ended up waiting in the lobby, while the brain surgeons went to work on his wife, and it happened, that the surgery took a few hours. During the whole time, the surgery was going on, Mark jus tried to stay calm.
Also, he jus allowed himself to take a big nap, hoping that the surgery, soon, would be over with, and that his wife would end up being able to live through the surgery, and have a full recovery, afterwards.
A few hours later, jus after all the surgeons left the operating room, it jus happened that he noticed that his wife wasn’t in her bed at this time. So, then, as the doctor came into the waiting room, he has a gloomy look on his face.
So, Mark, jus knows his wife didn’t survive the surgery after all, so the doctor said to him, as he was sitting in the lobby, “I’m afraid I have some bad news for you,” as Mark, again, has tears in his eyes, “you wife, apparently, didn’t live through the surgery. The brain surgeons were unable to remove all of her tumor”
Then, Bill didn’t know what to say at this time. All that went through his mind at that time is what happened jus before his wife went in for surgery.
On the way to the hospital, hours ago, Mark, somehow, had ended up getting sidetracked. And on the way, he and his wife had stopped at Captain’s Place jus off of the highway in New Pleasant, to get something to eat. However, although, he had ordered something to eat, for some odd reason, he couldn’t figure out at that time, she wouldn’t eat anything.
Upon the two getting back into his car, jus after he had finished eating a hamburger and had some hot green tea along with it, and had, then, paid his bill, he had made a big mistake in allowing her to drive. And at that time, he had, also, been uncertain about how she would be able to take driving, there, to the hospital in her current condition.
On the way, although, he hadn’t been aware of it at the time, his wife jus had happened to see this black creature, flash before her eyes in the form of red lights, which creature, to her, had appeared to her like some huge inhumane black moth man in a black cloak.
Jus because the creature had wanted this to happen to her of all people, this moth-like creature had caused her to lose track of where she had been driving, and had, also, made her, become uncoordinated, and not able to see jus where she had been heading with Mark’s car.
Then, this moth-like creature’s flashing red eyes had caused her to steer out of the lane, and this semi-truck driver, upon having noticed her, going in and out of her lane, had ended up crashing right into Mark’s car through the back window of the car.
Jus as this semi-truck driver had crashed into the car, it had caused her hands to slip off the steering wheel as she had been thrown off track.
Mark had ended up on the floor of the car, being he hadn’t been wearing his seat belt. However, being she had been wearing her seat belt, she hadn’t gone through the windshield, but had end up half lying on the front seat of the car, as the force of the semi-truck had caused the windshield to shatter. And this glass had cut her face and arms up, as the shattered glass had fallen all over her face and arms.
Then, he had, slowly, been able to help himself, back up, and as he had, then, leaned over the front seat, and had asked her if she was alright, she hadn’t responded to him at all. So, then, he had kept leaning over the seat, and, carefully, had checked her out. Upon doing so, he, finally, had, blindly, seemed to have awakened, abruptly, to reality.
And then, he couldn’t help noticing, that she had seemed at that time, as though, she could be in a coma, while she had, still, been lying on the back car seat with blood all over her face and arms.
Since, at that time, he hadn’t been able to revive her, and hadn’t gotten any pulse out of her, except for a faint pulse, he hadn’t wanted to fool around with her. However, he, quickly, had thought, that he had saved her life, at least, jus because he, finally, he had been able to get a pulse out of her.
So, then, really, not knowing, exactly, what he should have done at that time, he, then, had left her, lying in the back seat of the car, while she, still, had been in a comatose state. And then, after having tied her down to the back seat with some rope from the trunk, so, hopefully, her injuries wouldn’t get any worse, he, then, had crawled back into the driver’s seat.
And after he had done so, he had taken it upon himself, as he had no other choice, to drive her the rest of the way right over to the hospital, jus because at that time, he had felt, he could get her to the hospital in time. Also, he had felt at that time, that she couldn’t become any worse, for him, to have to call 911, and that it wouldn’t do much good if he did call, anyways.
He figured, that it would be better for her, if he jus went ahead, and drove her, there, instead of waiting for the paramedics, which he thought, wouldn’t do much good for her, right now, anyways.
And at that time, for some uncanny reason, some unknown force had driven him to take her over to the hospital, himself, although, at that time, to him, it had seemed, as though, she, soon, would be out of her coma.
By the time, he had arrived over at the hospital, to him; she had seemed to be out of her coma. Although, jus for safety, he had to get an intern to take her in a wheelchair right over to emergency at that time, jus because he had felt, that she hadn’t been in any condition, to try to walk with him over to the emergency entrance.
Then, by the time, the intern had gotten her into the emergency area, and into one of the beds, there, she had slipped back into her coma. And then emergency physician, then, had to place her on oxygen, right away, being that she hadn’t been able to breathe on her own at that time, and had been in very bad shape, jus because while he had been signing her into emergency, she continued to stay in her coma.
Then, the emergency physician suspected that in her, having had her severe headaches, and brain fogginess for a week or so, that something very serious had been wrong with her at that time, from what Mark had told the emergency physician. And that this hadn’t been something, which he could fool around with, being that he had sensed, that something could be, deadly, and wrong with her.
So, then, a nurse had, immediately, been ordered to bring her to the next floor for a MRI, while he had been waiting in the lobby for the latest news on her.
Jus after she had been put through this machine for her MRI, the emergency physician jus had happened to find this huge mass on her brain. So, then, Bill, still had to wait a few hours more in the lobby, while emergency surgery had been performed on her brain.
And then as soon as the surgeons had been done on her, the emergency physician had received the latest news on her.
As he, personally, had gone over to the lobby, to talk to him, at that time, the doctor had said to him, “Well, I have some bad news for you. Upon her, having been put through the machine for her MRI, the doctor had happened to find this huge mass on her brain.”
Jus because the doctor had paused at that point, Mark, then, had said to him, while feeling very impatient and nervous, “I known darn well, jus by the way, you’re acting at this time, that something has gone wrong with my wife. Now, tell me, what’s going on with her at this time?”
“Well, the bad news is that from the MRI, this huge mass has been discovered in her brain. And not even knowing for sure, what this huge mass was, the brain surgeons had done emergency surgery on her. However, the brain surgeons weren’t able to remove the entire tumor from her brain.”
At this point, he jus hadn’t known what else to say to the doctor, although, the doctor had said to him, a bit inpatient, himself, “You can go to the critical care unit to see her, however, I’m afraid that she might not live much longer. In fact, she could die any time, now.”
He jus hadn’t known what to say to the doctor at that time, as the doctor, then, had led him right over to the critical care unit. And once, they had arrived, there, his wife had seemed to be in a coma and on a ventilator.
So, then, although, he had been in tears at the time, and jus hadn’t known what to say to his wife, he, then, had held her hand for awhile, hoping she wouldn’t die on him, and that she would come out of her coma jus for him.
At that time, for some uncanny reason, she hadn’t been able to sense, exactly, what he had been saying to her. Although, usually, when a person is in a coma, that person, usually, is able to hear and sense everything, which has been going on around her or him at that time.
After being with her for a few hours, all of a sudden, she had started moving all over the place. So, immediately, he had called a nurse into the room. However, by the time, the nurse had arrived into the room where his wife, still, had been on a ventilator, suddenly, she had started shaking.
However, then, the nurse had noticed that she, still, had been in a coma. So, then, she, noticing that his wife, suddenly, had seemed to come out of her coma about a half hour later, at that time, the nurse had given her, some medicine through her IV . And then, the nurse had been hoping that the medicine, she had jus given her, would have been able to stop her from having any more seizures, thus having kept her from slipping back into a coma.
Jus as the nurse had left the room, then, he had noticed, that his wife wouldn’t even respond to him. However, jus then, the doctor had walked into the room to see how she had been doing. Then, he jus had happened to notice, that she hadn’t been doing good at all at that time.
So, then, he, unwillingly, had gone ahead, and had signed some papers, for his wife, not to be revived, anymore, if she had coded. And that had been, exactly, what had happened to her. So, then, he had jus stood by his wife’s side, and had been watching her, die, while having been, fully, aware, o what his wife had been going through at that time.
And jus as he had noticed his wife, take her last breath, at that time, the moth-like creature had appeared to him in flashing red lights. So, then, he had known, exactly, what had caused her to die from a brain tumor.
Her body had happened to be over at the morgue, and an autopsy had been performed on her by order of the doctor, who had looked after her over at the hospital.
After the actual autopsy had been performed, no cause was found for her death, not even a brain tumor was found in her brain, which, really, puzzled Mark and the doctor, too.
Jus after this incident, the police woman agreed to team up with Bill, again, try to try to handle his wife’s case, and to try to find out, if her death, in any way, has been linked to the moth man.
Everyone knows about his horoscope, but does anyone know how to ask questions to the star? It can be done. I's called “HORARY ASTROLOGY”. Simply write down the question and the date, and place when it first enters your mind. An astrologer can draw a picture of the sky at that time and place and include the sun, moon, plants, and stars.. Based on what he finds there, he cn calculate an answer to your question. But be a advised-he can also tell if a question if frivolous, already answered, or if you are trying to test him. Sometimes it is too soon to tell or too late to do anything about it; the astrologer can tell that, too.
For all questions in Port Huron, MI; the location is:
Everyone knows about his horoscope, but does anyone know how to ask questions to the star? It can be done. I's called “HORARY ASTROLOGY”. Simply write down the question and the date, and place when it first enters your mind. An astrologer can draw a picture of the sky at that time and place and include the sun, moon, plants, and stars.. Based on what he finds there, he cn calculate an answer to your question. But be a advised-he can also tell if a question if frivolous, already answered, or if you are trying to test him. Sometimes it is too soon to tell or too late to do anything about it; the astrologer can tell that, too.
For all questions in Port Huron, MI; the location is:
On February 6 (my birthday) of this year (2009), my husband and I went to the Sandusky Wal-Mart Store and that is located on M-46 (WEST from M-19). As soon as we got there and went into the building we went into the “Subway” Cafeteria Dept. and CELEBRATED my BIRTHDAY of my 49th year for living. We had other people coming to our party celebration; plus on top of it all, my husband and I bought a Birthday Cake (already made) from the Bakery Dept. inside the Wal-mart Store. Then we used it for our party celebration and took the leftover home.
Written by A.W.
Written by A.W.
My husband and I had to start our independent living LIFE all over again (set it all up again), as soon as we moved from Melvin to Sandusky. The purpose of why we had to set up our independent lives (on our new location/property) again; is because of what happened in the past on our personal property in Melvin; “house robbing (stealing).” So, we had to buy and order furniture, pick up clothes, buy new kitchen equipment (also order), etc. It took a few years “AT LEAST” to get ALL/A LOT of the equipment/our new independent property parts bought and ordered, by doing a lot of fighting work, to get set up at our new home (apartment), and start CONTINUING our independent living lives together, with all of our NEW EQUIPMENT which we have so far (since we're Legally Married).
Written by A.W.
Written by A.W.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My husband and I play Billiards Pool Games with the Pool Table, which we bought from the Sandusky Wal-Mart Shopping Center, located on M-46. We play pool games ONLY from Fridays-Sunadys; from 12 PM (NOON)-6P.M. (all 3 days).
The way we play is: we play a “certain amount” of Billiards Pool Games; approximately 50. The “certain amount of games” is called a TOURNAMENT; Pool Tournament! Whoever “wins” the tournament (big amount of pool games) receives/gets a home-made “GOLD” TROPHY!!
The Pool Games we play and types of trophies we win are under the “title” of “PRIVATE.” The purpose of why the whole sport is private on our side is because we do the action of pool players AT HOME instead in a public area with other people
Written by A.W.
The way we play is: we play a “certain amount” of Billiards Pool Games; approximately 50. The “certain amount of games” is called a TOURNAMENT; Pool Tournament! Whoever “wins” the tournament (big amount of pool games) receives/gets a home-made “GOLD” TROPHY!!
The Pool Games we play and types of trophies we win are under the “title” of “PRIVATE.” The purpose of why the whole sport is private on our side is because we do the action of pool players AT HOME instead in a public area with other people
Written by A.W.
I was/used to be the Billiards Pool Tournament “REFEREE” at the “Integrity Clubhouse,” located in Yale; on North Street East from main corner (M-19).
This was at the time when the clubhouse (of Yale) was open and we had Pool Tournaments, there, every other month; after I was there, by being a Clubhouse Member for AT LEAST 2 years in-a-row.
So, no, I'm thinking of starting-up Pool Tournaments, again, one per month/every other month; by me being a 'REFEREE' again; but this time at a different/another clubhouse and that location of the clubhouse that is called Blue Water Clubhouse!
We always gave/loaned out to each tournament winner, some type of a winning certificate, as prizes, lunch tickets (FREE0, awards, etc. This happened at the clubhouse in Yale. And I'm thinking about offering out all the same ideas at the other clubhouse, located in Port Huron. What brought it to my attention to be a “REFEREE” of Billiards Pool Tournaments is from “winning a 2nd Place Trophy at a Pool Tournament; also for being a “REFEREE”, the Billiards Pool Sport is my Number One “SPORT” of all sports in the world.
That's why my husband and I bought a POOL TABLE of our own into/inside our apartment; and we play at times until we wind-up into a TOURNAMENT!!
This was at the time when the clubhouse (of Yale) was open and we had Pool Tournaments, there, every other month; after I was there, by being a Clubhouse Member for AT LEAST 2 years in-a-row.
So, no, I'm thinking of starting-up Pool Tournaments, again, one per month/every other month; by me being a 'REFEREE' again; but this time at a different/another clubhouse and that location of the clubhouse that is called Blue Water Clubhouse!
We always gave/loaned out to each tournament winner, some type of a winning certificate, as prizes, lunch tickets (FREE0, awards, etc. This happened at the clubhouse in Yale. And I'm thinking about offering out all the same ideas at the other clubhouse, located in Port Huron. What brought it to my attention to be a “REFEREE” of Billiards Pool Tournaments is from “winning a 2nd Place Trophy at a Pool Tournament; also for being a “REFEREE”, the Billiards Pool Sport is my Number One “SPORT” of all sports in the world.
That's why my husband and I bought a POOL TABLE of our own into/inside our apartment; and we play at times until we wind-up into a TOURNAMENT!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I'm a smoker. In 1999 I quit and it lasted for 3 years or so – and I never got over wanting to smoke. Finally I decided to heck with it and started again, and I'm set for life. I like to smoke. As Robin Williams said in one of my favorite movies, Dead Again, “Someone is either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There's no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are, and be that.” Well, I'm a smoker and happy about it.
But does my smoking have to do with bipolar disorder? A newly published study suggests that it might. Tobacco smoking behaviors in bipolar disorder found that people with BP are 7.3 times as likely to be current smokers as the general population, and 4 times as likely to have smoked in their lifetimes. A whopping 66% of bipolar people in the study were currently smokers.
What about you? Take the poll on smoking and/or leave a comment while I have a cigarette.
Poll: Are You a Smoker?
Absolutely! I love it! I'll never quit!
Yes, but I wish I could quit.
Yes, but I've quit many times before deciding to stay a smoker.
Yes, but I'm in the process of quitting.
Used to be, but I quit and I'm miserable now.
Used to be, but I quit and I'm happy now.
Never smoked – good for me!
View Results
thordara says:
oh man I LOVED smoking. Every second of it (except for the paying part). I quit almost 5 years ago, and I can still taste it. I don't dare have a drag – I'll start up again.
makeorldgoaway says:
I adore it finally a place I can say so LOL!
Sometimes it's the only thing I have to look forward to, sad to say.
I read somewhere long ago that nicotine actually helps the mentally ill think better, or something like that? Maybe they're retracted that by now but it surprised me to read anything somewhat positive about smoking.
Stefanie says:
I, too, quit for three years, but then when I had some really difficult marital problems and my husband, who'd NEVER been a smoker started smoking nasty little cigars around me...Well, that was that, I was smoking again. I was more of a wreck for the three years that I didn't smoke and replaced it with drinking wine. Now, I smoke, take my medication, work out and eat right, and am beginning to even out once again. I would like to quit again. Physically, I feel better until I started drinking wine all the time, but mentally I just wasn't able to deal with things. Oh well...Guess you have to choose the lesser of the evils!
chiron says:
the link to the study is broken...can you check on this? I would like to read the study mentioned in your article. Thank you.
Mindorbitor says:
I think the need to smoke is actually not just about smoking is general, but the need for nicotine. Smoking is not something I wanted to make a habit out of, but I felt I 'needed” nicotine. So I started chewing tobacco. Being a female it is an odd thing to pick. But I loved it! I have smoked on occasion but I don't like the after taste or smell. I finally quit all forms of nicotine and am glad of it. But sure, sometimes I do miss chewing that tobacco. (I did it in private. How embarrassing).
Heidi says:
Nicotine is definitely a strong drug. I used to do it and other street drugs. The side-effects are deadly. It was the most addictive drug I've ever done—it felt like the cigarettes wanted me to smoke them, not the other way around. I'd rather stick to my prescribed meds. I want something that'll work in the long term, and my insurance won't cover it. You can't smoke when you're on oxygen, anyway.
Antonio says:
I'm a smoker, have been for about twenty years (I'm 38), and quite frankly with the bipolar couldn't quite if I tried. I gave up for a whole ten days (yes – 10 days!) about six years ago, but went right back onto it after the death of my (bipolar) father (by his own hand). I shan't quit again I don't think , living with bipolar is bad enough, but living with it without the cigs would be just darn daft! Am going through ECT at the moment (second batch), and it's not working as well as the first lot. Can't imagine life without a cig...
Lea says:
I am totally addicted to smoking and I love it except for the cost. In addition to being diagnosed with type I bi-polar disorder, I have been tested and have been found to be off the charts with AD/HD. Smoking helps me focus and concentrate and so does caffeine. I am addicted to coffee, too, as it also helps my focus and concentration.
I self-medicated with alcohol for 27 years, but I am NOT an alcoholic. I stopped doing that 5 years ago when my bi-polar and AD/HD meds started working and find I can drink socially and not get drunk with no problem whatsoever.
I also believe that people whose mothers smoke while they are pregnant, like my mother did, are predisposed to amoking because after all they are addicted to nicotine in the womb and go cold turkey off of it when they are born.
I would be curious to know the percentage of how many “fussy” babies are born to women who smoke versus women who don't.
Bill says:
When I was 25 (I'm 68, now), I was smoking (NOT) just letting them burn in the ashtray) FOUR AND A HALF PACKS of cigarettes PER DAY. I started smoking when I entered college at age 18. Strangely, perhaps because of the generation in which I was raised. I have never in my life used any street drugs, nor have I ever abused prescription drugs or alcohol (alcoholism, however, runs in my family). I finally quit smoking following quadruple-bypass surgery. I have been formally evaluated by three psychiatrists and subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type I (hyper-rapid cycling type: as much as thrree cycles DAILY). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Adult-Onset Attention Deficit Disorder. When I finally quit smoking 12 years ago, my withdrawal symptoms were so scary that my wife considered having me involuntary committed to a psychiatric hospital; I laid, naked, mute, unresponsive and curled in a fetal position, refusing to take in any food or liquid of any kind. Would I take smoking back up, given that I LOVED to smoke? I would depend on many things happening, none of what I know will happen---no health consequences of any kind for me, no persons “passsively” smoking, no one sincerely having any objections whatsoever to my smoking, no “No Smoking” areas anywhere, no obsessively checking ashtrays at bedtime to ensure that all cigarettes are out. Need I go on?
Rhiana says:
I am a smoker and have Bipolar Disorder. I found this post so interesting I wrote a song about it.
The tune is from “If You're Happy and You Know It.” I just changed the lyrics. I hope everyone finds it entertaining. It's all in fun. LOL
mary edwards says:
I, too, was a smoker for 20 years and I just loved it! But for each of those 20 years I tried quitting almost every day. I'd buy a pack, smoke one, then throw the pack away. This went on day after day. I finally was able to kick the habit 10 years ago and don't miss it a bit now. In fact, it gags me to think about it. The secret is to just keep trying – never give up. Eventually, you, too, will be able to quit.
Joyce says:
I am so glad that you are bringing up this issue. I have tried to many times to quit but always have gone back and I've always suspected it had something to do with my manic-depression But I was afraid that I was rationalizing. Now that I know that I didn't make it up in my head – that there is really a connection.
(Joycelyn says:
I have been smoking for 40 years. Have tried many times to quit.. Once for 14 months. If the suggestion is that having bipolar makes one more predispositioned to smoking and harder to quit seem reasonable. It is said that bipolar makes one more predispositioned to becoming an alcoholic and hooked on drugs. Nicotine is also a drug and addictive so that it stands to reason this could be a good possibility. I'd like to think that I will be able to stop smoking but I really don't think that will be a realisitic possibility.
Paddy says.
I started smoking at the age of 28 when I left my first husband. I had craved cigarettes since I wa 18. I mean craved! The divorce was a good excuse to start, so I did. I smoked for 18 years. Tried quitting a couple of times but the longest I made it was just about a year. I quit the last time 2 years ago. I'm glad I don't smoke, and I hate smelling other peoples' smoke. But damn if I don't crave them every now and then. At times I think about starting again because it seems to help with the nerves, but I couldn't afford it now, so I won't. Take care all and do what is necessary for you as an individual.
Suzy says:
I've been diagnosed bipolar since 1987. I started to smoke Marlboro Lights around the year 1983. So all in all, I've been smoking for quite a while, and even though, I do like smoking, I also know the imminent dangers that lurk around each cigarette I light! Sometimes I think some people think smokers are so stupid! Lo!. I guess smokers like me on some level have 2 be stupid 4 starting to smoke in the 1st place, but let me tell you, a day does not go by w/o me realizing just how dangerous smoking is to my health, and to the health of others around me. On the same token I enjoy every single puff I take.
eyedintduit says:
ya know I smoked in my twentys and then stopped in my thirtys when I couldn't breathe now in my fourtys I started back and I love smoking but yes ya guessed it I gotta give it up if I wanna see fifty. This bout of cough attacks has really got me cough cough and cough some more—bad as I hate to I do think its time I quit for good
Dee says:
I have smoked cigars on occasion since I was 14—and am thinking I developed BP around 12 years old. [I can remember just knowing something wasn't quite right, esp the rash of incoming thoughts; and the cigar would help me “focus” better.] Don't think my parents knew as they both smoked and probably couldn't smell it.
Didn't start drinking coffee until age 40; helps me with concentration at work, and I only drink 1-2 cups in the morning. But even now I feel like I COULD drink a lot more – that subtle urge is there...along with more wind and more cigar smoking...
I'm also under a natropath's supplementation program and think that helps me only take a minimum of Lamictal. Before the BP dx, I was getting worse in up/down, maybe rapid cycling, and I was smoking more and also drinking a LOT of wine daily—main to help me stop the tinnitus and thought overload at night. No one had ever even thought to see if I had BP so many years of useless suffering by me and my family...sad.
Everything has calmed down so much for the better since my DX two years ago – ater 5-6 different Drs always to get me on tranquilizers or antidepressants. I would spin out of control on those meds, much to the detriment of my girls. And all they wanted to do is UP the doses! Jeez...
Still, I'll have a glass of wine about every other night, almost always while visiting with a neighbor on the front porch. As is a cigar once s week now.
But, I bet I probably could smoke more; reading your posts here made me realize “yeah, daily smokes WOULD be good!
But we've got to NOT let our BP condition take over so its an excuse; with medicine, we can develop our choices now, and make a decision to at least smoke less, and with purpose. Like really enjoying it and not rushing through a smoke.
Perhaps that thought helps, since you really can't breeze through a $4 cigar – lo!
Good luck to all this forum – Dee
Marcia says:
I quite once for a little over two years. I was manic then. I could get out and walk at that time. Not so today. Need hip replacements and have a lot of hip pain. The worse? I have COPD and the cost.
I'm a smoker. In 1999 I quit and it lasted for 3 years or so – and I never got over wanting to smoke. Finally I decided to heck with it and started again, and I'm set for life. I like to smoke. As Robin Williams said in one of my favorite movies, Dead Again, “Someone is either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There's no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are, and be that.” Well, I'm a smoker and happy about it.
But does my smoking have to do with bipolar disorder? A newly published study suggests that it might. Tobacco smoking behaviors in bipolar disorder found that people with BP are 7.3 times as likely to be current smokers as the general population, and 4 times as likely to have smoked in their lifetimes. A whopping 66% of bipolar people in the study were currently smokers.
What about you? Take the poll on smoking and/or leave a comment while I have a cigarette.
Poll: Are You a Smoker?
Absolutely! I love it! I'll never quit!
Yes, but I wish I could quit.
Yes, but I've quit many times before deciding to stay a smoker.
Yes, but I'm in the process of quitting.
Used to be, but I quit and I'm miserable now.
Used to be, but I quit and I'm happy now.
Never smoked – good for me!
View Results
thordara says:
oh man I LOVED smoking. Every second of it (except for the paying part). I quit almost 5 years ago, and I can still taste it. I don't dare have a drag – I'll start up again.
makeorldgoaway says:
I adore it finally a place I can say so LOL!
Sometimes it's the only thing I have to look forward to, sad to say.
I read somewhere long ago that nicotine actually helps the mentally ill think better, or something like that? Maybe they're retracted that by now but it surprised me to read anything somewhat positive about smoking.
Stefanie says:
I, too, quit for three years, but then when I had some really difficult marital problems and my husband, who'd NEVER been a smoker started smoking nasty little cigars around me...Well, that was that, I was smoking again. I was more of a wreck for the three years that I didn't smoke and replaced it with drinking wine. Now, I smoke, take my medication, work out and eat right, and am beginning to even out once again. I would like to quit again. Physically, I feel better until I started drinking wine all the time, but mentally I just wasn't able to deal with things. Oh well...Guess you have to choose the lesser of the evils!
chiron says:
the link to the study is broken...can you check on this? I would like to read the study mentioned in your article. Thank you.
Mindorbitor says:
I think the need to smoke is actually not just about smoking is general, but the need for nicotine. Smoking is not something I wanted to make a habit out of, but I felt I 'needed” nicotine. So I started chewing tobacco. Being a female it is an odd thing to pick. But I loved it! I have smoked on occasion but I don't like the after taste or smell. I finally quit all forms of nicotine and am glad of it. But sure, sometimes I do miss chewing that tobacco. (I did it in private. How embarrassing).
Heidi says:
Nicotine is definitely a strong drug. I used to do it and other street drugs. The side-effects are deadly. It was the most addictive drug I've ever done—it felt like the cigarettes wanted me to smoke them, not the other way around. I'd rather stick to my prescribed meds. I want something that'll work in the long term, and my insurance won't cover it. You can't smoke when you're on oxygen, anyway.
Antonio says:
I'm a smoker, have been for about twenty years (I'm 38), and quite frankly with the bipolar couldn't quite if I tried. I gave up for a whole ten days (yes – 10 days!) about six years ago, but went right back onto it after the death of my (bipolar) father (by his own hand). I shan't quit again I don't think , living with bipolar is bad enough, but living with it without the cigs would be just darn daft! Am going through ECT at the moment (second batch), and it's not working as well as the first lot. Can't imagine life without a cig...
Lea says:
I am totally addicted to smoking and I love it except for the cost. In addition to being diagnosed with type I bi-polar disorder, I have been tested and have been found to be off the charts with AD/HD. Smoking helps me focus and concentrate and so does caffeine. I am addicted to coffee, too, as it also helps my focus and concentration.
I self-medicated with alcohol for 27 years, but I am NOT an alcoholic. I stopped doing that 5 years ago when my bi-polar and AD/HD meds started working and find I can drink socially and not get drunk with no problem whatsoever.
I also believe that people whose mothers smoke while they are pregnant, like my mother did, are predisposed to amoking because after all they are addicted to nicotine in the womb and go cold turkey off of it when they are born.
I would be curious to know the percentage of how many “fussy” babies are born to women who smoke versus women who don't.
Bill says:
When I was 25 (I'm 68, now), I was smoking (NOT) just letting them burn in the ashtray) FOUR AND A HALF PACKS of cigarettes PER DAY. I started smoking when I entered college at age 18. Strangely, perhaps because of the generation in which I was raised. I have never in my life used any street drugs, nor have I ever abused prescription drugs or alcohol (alcoholism, however, runs in my family). I finally quit smoking following quadruple-bypass surgery. I have been formally evaluated by three psychiatrists and subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type I (hyper-rapid cycling type: as much as thrree cycles DAILY). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Adult-Onset Attention Deficit Disorder. When I finally quit smoking 12 years ago, my withdrawal symptoms were so scary that my wife considered having me involuntary committed to a psychiatric hospital; I laid, naked, mute, unresponsive and curled in a fetal position, refusing to take in any food or liquid of any kind. Would I take smoking back up, given that I LOVED to smoke? I would depend on many things happening, none of what I know will happen---no health consequences of any kind for me, no persons “passsively” smoking, no one sincerely having any objections whatsoever to my smoking, no “No Smoking” areas anywhere, no obsessively checking ashtrays at bedtime to ensure that all cigarettes are out. Need I go on?
Rhiana says:
I am a smoker and have Bipolar Disorder. I found this post so interesting I wrote a song about it.
The tune is from “If You're Happy and You Know It.” I just changed the lyrics. I hope everyone finds it entertaining. It's all in fun. LOL
mary edwards says:
I, too, was a smoker for 20 years and I just loved it! But for each of those 20 years I tried quitting almost every day. I'd buy a pack, smoke one, then throw the pack away. This went on day after day. I finally was able to kick the habit 10 years ago and don't miss it a bit now. In fact, it gags me to think about it. The secret is to just keep trying – never give up. Eventually, you, too, will be able to quit.
Joyce says:
I am so glad that you are bringing up this issue. I have tried to many times to quit but always have gone back and I've always suspected it had something to do with my manic-depression But I was afraid that I was rationalizing. Now that I know that I didn't make it up in my head – that there is really a connection.
(Joycelyn says:
I have been smoking for 40 years. Have tried many times to quit.. Once for 14 months. If the suggestion is that having bipolar makes one more predispositioned to smoking and harder to quit seem reasonable. It is said that bipolar makes one more predispositioned to becoming an alcoholic and hooked on drugs. Nicotine is also a drug and addictive so that it stands to reason this could be a good possibility. I'd like to think that I will be able to stop smoking but I really don't think that will be a realisitic possibility.
Paddy says.
I started smoking at the age of 28 when I left my first husband. I had craved cigarettes since I wa 18. I mean craved! The divorce was a good excuse to start, so I did. I smoked for 18 years. Tried quitting a couple of times but the longest I made it was just about a year. I quit the last time 2 years ago. I'm glad I don't smoke, and I hate smelling other peoples' smoke. But damn if I don't crave them every now and then. At times I think about starting again because it seems to help with the nerves, but I couldn't afford it now, so I won't. Take care all and do what is necessary for you as an individual.
Suzy says:
I've been diagnosed bipolar since 1987. I started to smoke Marlboro Lights around the year 1983. So all in all, I've been smoking for quite a while, and even though, I do like smoking, I also know the imminent dangers that lurk around each cigarette I light! Sometimes I think some people think smokers are so stupid! Lo!. I guess smokers like me on some level have 2 be stupid 4 starting to smoke in the 1st place, but let me tell you, a day does not go by w/o me realizing just how dangerous smoking is to my health, and to the health of others around me. On the same token I enjoy every single puff I take.
eyedintduit says:
ya know I smoked in my twentys and then stopped in my thirtys when I couldn't breathe now in my fourtys I started back and I love smoking but yes ya guessed it I gotta give it up if I wanna see fifty. This bout of cough attacks has really got me cough cough and cough some more—bad as I hate to I do think its time I quit for good
Dee says:
I have smoked cigars on occasion since I was 14—and am thinking I developed BP around 12 years old. [I can remember just knowing something wasn't quite right, esp the rash of incoming thoughts; and the cigar would help me “focus” better.] Don't think my parents knew as they both smoked and probably couldn't smell it.
Didn't start drinking coffee until age 40; helps me with concentration at work, and I only drink 1-2 cups in the morning. But even now I feel like I COULD drink a lot more – that subtle urge is there...along with more wind and more cigar smoking...
I'm also under a natropath's supplementation program and think that helps me only take a minimum of Lamictal. Before the BP dx, I was getting worse in up/down, maybe rapid cycling, and I was smoking more and also drinking a LOT of wine daily—main to help me stop the tinnitus and thought overload at night. No one had ever even thought to see if I had BP so many years of useless suffering by me and my family...sad.
Everything has calmed down so much for the better since my DX two years ago – ater 5-6 different Drs always to get me on tranquilizers or antidepressants. I would spin out of control on those meds, much to the detriment of my girls. And all they wanted to do is UP the doses! Jeez...
Still, I'll have a glass of wine about every other night, almost always while visiting with a neighbor on the front porch. As is a cigar once s week now.
But, I bet I probably could smoke more; reading your posts here made me realize “yeah, daily smokes WOULD be good!
But we've got to NOT let our BP condition take over so its an excuse; with medicine, we can develop our choices now, and make a decision to at least smoke less, and with purpose. Like really enjoying it and not rushing through a smoke.
Perhaps that thought helps, since you really can't breeze through a $4 cigar – lo!
Good luck to all this forum – Dee
Marcia says:
I quite once for a little over two years. I was manic then. I could get out and walk at that time. Not so today. Need hip replacements and have a lot of hip pain. The worse? I have COPD and the cost.
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