Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Urinary tract infections or UTI's cause more than 8 million doctor visits annually in the U.S. In fact, UTI is the second most common type of infection contracted by people living in the US and, while the reason remains unclear, far more women than mene experience this painful infection.
You may have heard that the acidic nature of cranberry juice helps to prevent urinary tract infections (UTI), but it turns out it's not the acidic of cranberry juice that helps to prevent this common and painful condition. Cranberries contain chemicals called Proanthocyanidins (PACS) which prevent E. coli bacteria from adhering to the cells lining the urinary tract. E. coli is responsible for 85% of UTIs andd 90% of pyelonephritis which is an inflammation of the kidneys and its' pelvis caused by a bacterial infection. Other causes of UTI include chlamydia and mycoplasma genitalium, as well as, mostly hospital-related, catheter-associated UTI's.
A recent study, reported in the Journal of Medicinal Food, found out that the longer E. coli bacteria were exposed to cranberry products (cranberry juice and PACS), the greater the decrease in the ability of the bacteria to adhere to the urinary tract lining. So keep drinking that cranberry juice, and eating cranberry foods.
Jeanette Pufford says:
Cranberry juice upsets my stomach. Instead I use AZO Cranberry with probiotic and vitamin C, best price is at Walmart. At the health food store I purchase Cysticare by Health Aid and Pau d' Arco by Nature's Way.
Sarah says:
After taking 2 antibiotics that didn't cure my UTI I started taking cranberry supplements which are still working great. Any drugstore has them, just read the label, some brands recommend taking 4 a day, the brand I use recommends 2 a day.

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