The Changeling
Back in June of 1928, this woman with black curly, and a tall build, before she left for work, that night, her only son, Walter Collins, whom has no father, because he didn’t want to accept the responsibility of taking care of his son, has been told by his mother, That he’s going to be all alone, that night, and that she trusted him to take care of himself. And jus before she left for work at a phone company, where she was a supervisor, and supervised the entire woman at the switchboard, she hated to leave him, all alone. However, she has confidence, that her son, Walter, can take care of himself, like he, always, does, when she’s gone at work.
However, this night is going to be the first, on which he’s going to be left all alone at night, because his mom and father got a divorce when he was younger. And he’s been trusted to take care of himself at night, while she’s gone at work at the phone company in the city of Ash berg, Virginia.
And that night, he didn’t, really, want to be alone while she was gone at work, jus because he’s afraid his dad might stop over that night, and try to take him away from his mother. However, his mom seemed to sense this in him, tonight; however, she has no one to baby-sit for him, while she’s at work.
So, then, jus as she was ready to walk out the door, he questioned her about his dad, because he hasn’t. Lately, been coming over to see him. And that makes him, feel, as though, his dad doesn’t love him, anymore, which, of course, is the bare truth, which he doesn’t want to accept, because he isn’t used to his dad, not being interested in his well-being, like he used to do.
Then, that night, especially, he was wondering, jus why his dad isn’t coming over to see him. And she let him know, that his dad jus wasn’t the right type to have a son like him, to want to worry about taking care of him, anymore. And she, also, has to let him know, although, she doesn’t want to have to tell her young son, this, that his dad never wanted to take on any responsibility for his son. And that he’s been this way, ever since, his son, Walter, was born.
So, then, trusting that he would turn to a neighbor, or call her at work, if he happened to have any problems, or need help with anything while she was gone at work. Or that he would have enough sense, to at least, call his dad for support, which she knew darn well, he would be afraid to do, being he, now, at this point, since, he hasn’t been having any contact of any kind with his dad, wouldn’t even think of calling him. Although, she has, always, been leaving his phone number, of where he’s been staying at, with her son.
She, then, walked out the front door, since, she was all refreshed, and all ready to go to work.
And while she was gone at work, he started to feel uneasy at being home all by himself. She shouldn’t have let him, alone, at his age, over at the house, where he has been in custody with his mom, since, her and his dad went through a divorce. And after the divorce, his dad wasn’t left with much of any visiting rights to see his son over at his mom’s house.
Since, he hasn’t been even paying his visits to his son, anymore; his mom has, recently, brought his dad to court. And during this court session, his dad lost any visitation rights to see his son, jus because he has refused to keep in contact with his son, like was agreed upon at the time of the divorce.
So, then, his mom left for work as usual, and drove over to her job over at the phone company, as a supervisor. And while there, she, not on purpose, got so busy at work, that she didn’t call her son at home, to see how he was doing. Also, he didn’t even have the sense, to call her, jus because while she was gone, that night, he was afraid, that someone, like his dad, jus might come over to the house, and try to kidnap him.
After her shift was over with, she, instead of stopping anywhere to get some groceries, or anything, she drove right home to her house, which had been left to her by her husband, which the court had agreed upon, being that her husband, during the proceedings, was not trusted to take his son into his custody. This was jus because his dad couldn’t prove while at court, that he was capable of taking care of his son. And this, especially, was because he refused to take on any responsibility of taking care of his son, if he was left in his custody.
Upon her, walking into her house, she kept walking around the house, checking in all of the rooms, trying to find out jus where her son was at, because he had promised her, that he wouldn’t go anywhere without her. However, he was supposed to have been waiting for her, at least, in his bedroom, and to have been to bed by now.
However, upon her, checking into each and every room, she jus couldn’t seem to find him, anywhere. And another thing was that he didn’t even seem to have taken any food with him, wherever he has gone, because she happened to find his sandwich and other things left for him, in the refrigerator.
So, at this time, she started feeling very frantic inside, and knew that she had to do something, right away, to have her son, found. And the thing was that she hasn’t the slight idea, of where her six year old son, Walter, could be at this time.
She, even, has checked outside across the street, and around the house, and couldn’t find him, playing around with any of his friends, either, which she jus thought, he could be doing at this time of night. Although, it’s starting to get dark outside.
Not knowing what else to do, she, then, grabbed the phone in the living room, and called the police. She jus had to report him to the missing person’s bureau. And then, she had to hope, that the police would take some action, to try to find her son, and get him back home, again, that night.
However, upon her, talking with one of the police, which station has been known to be rash with anyone, whom even becomes frantic with them for any reason. Or even if someone calls in about a missing person and sounds very upset, while calling them.
One of the police, she happened to talk to, didn’t seem to show much interest in trying to find her son for her, right away. This policeman jus riled her up, even more so, through telling her, that there wasn’t much that could be done at this time of night. That she would have to keep worrying about her son, being found, for at least, twenty four hours.
Then, this policeman got even more rash with her, and tried to tell her, that most cases, which the police have dealt like this, having a son or daughter, missing in the family. That for her, not to worry about anything, because in most of the cases, the police have dealt with through the years, that, usually, when a son or daughter comes up missing in the family. That son or daughter has, usually, just happened to stray away from the family, and then, usually, shows up later on, at night, or even comes home in the morning, wanting to be back home with his or her mommy or daddy.
However, she didn’t like this approach, that the police were taking, and because of the way, the police were treating her, this didn’t cause her to give up on the case.
Another thing was that she, in being so desperate for her son, to be found, and to be brought back home to her, was, really, stirring her up inside. And she jus couldn’t tolerate not hearing anything from the police by phone about her son. Another thing was that none of them even had the courtesy to keep in touch with her on her son’s case.
So, then, she, finally, couldn’t take any more from the police, and then, took it upon herself to go down to the police station, hoping that any of the police, would even start being more considerate to her, about her son, having ended up missing. However, upon bringing up the case, again, to the police, they were trying to tell her, that they couldn’t do anything more on her sons’ case, jus because they didn’t have any proof, that her son, actually, was missing, although, she brought in a photo of her son, hoping that would help them, track down her son.
After that time, she, again, thought, it has been taking an awful long time for the police to track down her son.
Then, finally, one time, during which she was starting to become so desperate for her son to be back home with her, and because her son was, really, the only person, family, she has, finally, one night, she received a phone call from the police station.
And at that time, she thought this was going to be relieving for her, and she, actually, at that time, was feeling very happy inside, that the police, finally, managed to track down her son.
However, upon her, coming down to the police station, again, this body, which, really, looked like her son, happened to be waiting to be picked up, there, at the station. However, when she arrived at the station, and one of the policeman brought the child over to her, she knew down deep inside, that this, really, couldn’t be her son, although, he looked like he was. At least, at that time, being she, still, has been so upset inside over him, that, although, one of the police let her know, that this boy has to be her son, and that he goes by the name of Walter Collins.
She jus kept denying the fact, that this young boy was her son, jus because, he, really, didn’t seem to appear to her like he was, although, he went by the name of Walter Collins. And the policeman, also, tried to tell her, that because this boy has been gone for, at least, five months. That he, possibly, has gone through a lot, and that this alone, could have brought changes in him, like looking three inches shorter than he should be, which she seemed to notice, when she brought the boy back home, that night.
Another thing was that the boy was wearing clothes, which she never has seen him, wear before, and the policeman claimed, that whomever he might have been staying with during all this time, could have bought him, some new clothes. However, she wouldn’t take this from the policeman, and still, denied him as being her son.
What the policeman, really, pointed out to her, the day, on which the boy has been found in another neighborhood by the police, that this boy, really, must be her son because he matched the description and picture, which she had given to the police, on the very night, on which she had gone down to the police station, to try to get more help in finding her son.
Another thing, which the policeman, really, was trying to tell her, on that very night, on which she brought the boy to her home, was that this boy must be her son. That the reason, she wasn’t accepting him as her son at this time, was because of the state, she was in, at that time. That because of the way, she has been feeling very upset over him, having been gone all this time, that these feelings inside her, could be causing her to feel, as though, this boy, really, isn’t her son. Although, she knew at hand, jus by having looked him over, that this boy, surely, couldn’t be her real son, although, he claimed to be him.
She, finally, tried to accept what the entire policeman, have been trying to tell her about this boy, having to be her son. So, then, she decided the police were right about her, that they could be, and that she’ll bring the boy home with her. And maybe, the police are right about this boy, as being her real son.
However, upon bringing him into her house, she, then, noticed, him as being shorter than what she knew her son to be. Another thing was that he was circumcised, and only Jews get circumcised, so, this alone, made her believe even more, that this boy wasn’t, really, her son, because she never has had him, go through this operation at any time. Another thing was that her real son, she claimed, couldn’t be Jewish, because he never was to begin with.
And when she had this boy go to school, none of his teachers, even, remembered him as being one of their students. And to them, he never has worn a hat or those clothes, which he has been wearing to school. And so they all knew, he seemed to be acting differently in school, than the Waller Collins, which they all knew came to their school.
Another thing, which Walter’s mom, really, noticed, one night when he was at the dentist for what seemed to have been an ongoing problem with him, was that in the middle of his mouth, his gums seemed to be split, and that only an operation would correct this problem. However, Walter’s mom refused to take him for this operation or pay for it, because her Walter, never has had this problem with his mouth before, although, the police claimed it could have been present from some tragedy which he had gone through, when he had been gone for five months.
It came to the point, that this boy wouldn’t even attend school, anymore, and Walter’s mom knew that her boy never has had this problem. So, then, finally, she, again, in desperation, kept going to the police, and harping on them, to keep looking for her son, because now, she, definitely, knew that this boy, whom she has been having in her care, couldn’t be her real son.
So, one day, when she was over at the police station, one of the police got the idea, that she was being too rash about the whole situation about her son. And that they weren’t going to take on her son’s case, anymore, because one of them said it has been proven through the reports, they have received on this boy, that he had to be her son for sure.
One time when they felt, they couldn’t take any more from her, about her son, being missing, one of the police called over at the mental ward. And he had some people come over to the police station, and escorted her over to the mental institution, where she was taken, needlessly, because there wasn’t anything wrong with her. It was jus the way, the police kept treating her because they didn’t want to look for hr real son, anymore, and felt that they wanted his case out of their hands.
Over at the mental institution, jus because she refused to believe the doctors, that this boy, which now, has been sent to California to a home, there, is her real son, and she won’t sign the papers, agreeing to this, that they don’t want to release. This has caused the doctors to not to release her, partly, because she won’t take her medication, because she things, there’s nothing wrong with her.
And another woman, who’s in the same mental ward with her, agrees with the fact, that the police were very rash to her. Another thing was that she agrees with her, that they didn’t have any right to forcefully admit her to the mental ward, either, like she has been. And that the police in this city have been this way to a lot of residents in the city. And this police don’t’ deserve the right to have their police station, and none of them deserve to have any jobs, there, at the police station, jus because they don’t seem to know how to treat any residents in the city with the right respect.
Jus because Walter’s mom wouldn’t sign any papers, and agree to taking any medication, jus because she claimed, that nothing was wrong with her, the doctors, there, at the mental institution were about to give her, shock treatment, and had her all tied up in bed when some members of a church, there, in the city, have tried to back her up in the way the police have been treating her, and refusing to find her son for her.
As they all walked in, they confronted the doctors, and because one of them told the doctors, that she, Walter’s mom, has been admitted to this mental hospital without a warrant from the police, and any court orders, that they demanded she be released from the mental institution, and right away.
After she got released from the mental institution and was allowed to go home, again, although she didn’t like going home to an empty house, somehow, the boy, whom had claimed that the police made him, call himself, Walter Collins, tried to tell a detective his story about this guy, Norton. And this guy, the boy knew, had killed, at least, twenty people, jus because someone like this guy, almost, killed him, too. While telling the detective, this story about this guy, he started crying very hard.
And this story was about the fact, that this guy, Norton, had, somehow, managed to capture him, the boy, Arthur Hinchley, and two other boys about his age, including Walter Collins. So, then, he told the detective, that he and these other two boys, somehow, had gotten caught in this mesh of wire at this guy, Norton’s barn. And in trying to get out of this mesh of wire, he, Arthur, and the other guys, almost, couldn’t get out of the wire, being it was twisted all up. However, somehow, Arthur managed to help get the other two boys out of the wire. And as they all tried to run away from this guy, Norton, according to Arthur’s story, all of them were trying to run away from this guy. However, before the other boys could get away, this guy, Norton, managed to kill them off except for Arthur, with his rifle. So, this meant that Walter Collins was shot dead by this guy.
Then, as the detective wanted Arthur to look at all these pictures of the boys, whom all had been killed by Norton, Arthur, only, recognized a few of them. And it seemed that one of those killed by this guy, Norton, happened to be Walter Collins. So, this mean’t that this lady’s son, whom she, so badly, wanted back in her life, ended up getting murdered instead of being found by the police, alive.
After Arthur identified those boys, whom he recognized to have been murdered in cold blood, then, the police made him, go to this barn, where the guy, Norton, lived, after making sure, he wasn’t around at that time. And then, the boy had to dig up some bones of one of the dead bodies, to show the police, that the guy, Norton, a serial killer, had buried the dead bodies right near his barn.
After the police having arrested this actual guy, who was claimed to have killed all these people, then, was brought to court, and Walter’s mom along with members of the church, who have been trying to stick up for her, where, also, there, at the court session. And it took about two weeks for all present at the court sessions, to all get in what they knew about this defendant, Norton, having killed twenty boys in cold blood. However, the police didn’t show up right away for the sessions, and at the sessions, especially, the police chief was ordered to give up his job.
Another thing which the clergy of this church helped happen was that every single policeman at that one station in the city had to leave their jobs. One other important thing, which a member of the clergy, a pastor, tried to tell Walter’s mom, through stopping over at her house, was that it was true, that her son has been murdered by this one guy. And she found it hard to accept the truth about this guy, too.
During the final session of the court case against this man, whom killed twenty people, this guy, at first, pleaded not guilty to all charges. However, with Walter’s mom’s help, the jury brought all these charges against this guy. And the jury proved him, guilty, of first degree murder.
And then, this guy was sentenced to San Quentin for two years, which at the end, he was to be hung according to the laws of California. And jus before being hung, he had agreed for Walter’s mom to meet him over at the prison. And he was going to tell her, the truth a bout her son, having been murdered by him; however, he wouldn’t tell her anything.
And before she could say anything else to him, as she had been shouting at him, to tell her the truth about her son’s murder, then, he was taken off to another room, and there, right before all these people, he, bound by chains on his wrists and ankles, was raised to be hung.
The chief of police along with all the other police at the police station lost their jobs for good. And after they all lost their jobs, then, it turned out, that the woman, whom had had a ward with Walter’s mom, when she was over at the mental institution, had gotten a call from the police.
And during this call, she was told, that her son has been found. So, then, she got anxious and wanted Walter’s mom to go with her to meet her son. So, then, she called over at her house, and upon receiving the call, then, the woman drove over to her house, and took her over to the police station.
And once, they were at the police station, then, the same boy, which she, once, had cared for over at her house, was reunited with his family, and mother. And upon seeing the boy, reunited with his family, Walter’s mom started having tears in her eyes, especially, because she had cared for the boy, when the police figured, he was her son, when she, still, was denying the fact, that he was.
Then, after this situation, this, really, drew Walter’s mom into, really, wanting to believe, that her son, still, was alive, somewhere, although, he had been murdered. And she even had told her woman friend, that somehow, she, still, could feel him around her at times, especially, when she was at home.
Then, she refused to believe, that it was time, for her, to stop searching for her son. And jus because her woman friend had tried to get her to believe her son, really, was dead; she even wanted to look for her son, even more.
And then, to this very day, she never stopped looking for her son. Although, no one ever found out, if she ever tracked her son down at any time.
Monday, March 2, 2009
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