Mike didn’t desire to compose any promise to his woman, Laura. She was, really, living in a high style of life, in living, independently. And she jus desired to be in her own world devoid of any gentleman like Mike, prying with what she, really, projected for her in life. She jus didn’t have any craving inside her to get implicated with any guy in her life.
She, really, didn’t want to have to agonize about if she was ever going to get caught in a stranglehold. And for her, being in a relationship never has become her destiny to be able to last too long, from what she has experienced in life in her past.
Even though, she was committed to her profession as an English and Math and gym instructor, this was the manner; she wanted her life to be. She jus didn’t fancy having any guy to have to entrust to her in life. And Mike rather felt the same approach about having a relationship with her. Since he was a policeman, he couldn’t meet the expense being caught up in a relationship, jus because he didn’t to have to report to a woman, waiting for him to come back home to her.
Even though, he lived in an apartment next door to her, he, still, wanted to be no more than companions in being a neighbor to her. And he was keeping himself in check. So, that he wouldn’t discover himself, falling in love with her.
For one thing, he couldn’t tolerate himself to get into a serious relationship with the woman, next door, who he had taken a fondness to. Because if he started asking her over at his apartment, and to hit the sack with him, who knows what would come to pass afterward. And once, he even ever landed a woman in bed with him, they both would endure the consequences.
Eventually, the two would experience tattered hearts. So, then, whenever he dropped over to see her after being over at the office, long hours, he wasn’t even permitted to disclose anything, which went on over at the police station. Because if he ever exposed anything on any case or criminal, he was running a search on to get leads on, the gal, next door, could wind up twisting any state-of-affairs around.
This then, could wind up making Mike, lose his job as a policeman, if a certain situation, involving a criminal case, turned around, ever came back to the police of all things.
And the next thing, he would stumble on, was that she would be squealing to every neighbor in the apartment building, who she had drop a line to. And then, somehow, it could all to the police station. The next thing, that, probably, would materialize, was that he could wind up having to surrender his job as a policeman, for ever allowing anything top secret to loophole.
Or eventually, the criminal, who he was trying to get leads on, would follow after him, and wind up assassinating him like dead meat. So, Mike wouldn’t dare inform anyone, not even the gal next door, about anything, he took up a search on over at the police station during his shift.
For one thing, because he turned lonely, he kept going next door to visit with the gal. However, not even once, did she refuse to let him for a visit. So, the two kept up visiting with each other. Even though, sometimes, he would be gone out of state on a criminal case. And not even know when he felt like he was without a friend in the world, that he, in all likelihood would be back, again, to have a glimpse of her.
However, jus because on occasion, he vanished for a few weeks at a time, this didn’t seem to turn out to be a hassle to the gal, next door. This was the truth, jus because she has been dating a school teacher from the high school, at which she educated her students. And this teacher, Patrick, she realized, one day, that she could be falling in love with him, being the two kept on mingling with each other during the lunch hour, and a lot of times on their breaks.
So, one day, when the two were meeting in the cafeteria like usual, consuming lunch, together, who happened to put in an appearance, there, was this policeman, Mike, the guy, next door, because something was happening over at the high school. And as it was, he was over there to scrutinize the case of some student, vanishing during the time, during which she was believed to be in class.
And some professor, who Brooke seemed to know about having something up his sleeve, jus happened to be on vacation. Instead of him, having departed, somewhere, like he, originally, claimed to the principal, he was turning up over at the high school jus as the students were getting out of school.
Since, he has kidnapped this one student, a girl with brown hair and a tall build and skinny, through grabbing her jus as she walked over to the cafeteria, when all of the students were believed to be making a departure from the high school, he was believed to be in a lot of hot water.
So, this policeman, who happened to show his face inside the cafeteria, had a desire to talk to his companion from next door about this one teacher’s state of affairs. This came about because he thought; she knew something about this state of affairs, which, really, shocked the school teacher, Brooke. She couldn’t believe that Mike had the nerve to show his face during the lunch hour, when he knew darn well, she, usually, met with a school teacher during that time.
At first, the cat had her tongue, and she, actually, found herself, terrified of communicating to Mike, although, she knew him, quite well, as her next door neighbor. Then, nonchalantly, Mike trudged over to her, and alleged to her face-to-face right in front of the school teacher.
“I wish to converse to you about something, which has been going on, roughly speaking, here, over at the high school. I anticipate you don’t mind me, chatting with you about this, because this one student hasn’t been showing up for her curriculum, like she should be doing. And her mother has been quite troubled about her, too, being she, lately, hasn’t been coming home right after school, like she’s believed to be doing.”
After she caught her breath, the school teacher, who she was having lunch with; jus trudged out of the cafeteria, without saying a word to her, because he jus didn’t know what to do, otherwise. He figured that Mike wished to converse with her, personally, and didn’t wish for him to be in the region of the cafeteria at this time.
So, she said to Mike, trying to be like a companion to him, “It jus so happens, that I’ve overheard one of the other teachers, conversing about this state of affairs, today, jus about a half hour ago, right here in the cafeteria.”
“Okay, please hang about, tranquil and jus be laid-back about the whole state of affairs because you’re not in dilemma for anything I jus require some information about this student, who used to be in one of your curriculum.”
“What I have overheard about this state of affairs, is that this teacher is believed to be on vacation for the Bahamas. However, what I have overheard is that he’s been presenting himself, somewhere, near the school; right when the school signal has been going off and the rest of the students are departing out the doors to go back to their dwellings, again.”
“Do you recognize anything that this individual school professor has been doing to this student? Because from what information, we have gathered over at the police station, this one student might have been kidnapped by this professor.”
“Yes, that’s, precisely, what has happened to her. However, I don’t make recognize any more information about this student.”
“Okay, I don’t necessitate you, anymore, at this time. If I ever require you, again, for anything or even about this case I’ll consent to you knowledge about it. If you don’t mind my dear, I’ll, probably, be over at your apartment, as soon as I can get off my shift. Is this satisfactory with you, my dear?”
“Yes, it is, Mike, as long as you don’t attempt anything on me, like trying to get me to kiss you or nothing like that. Don’t overlook that I don’t ever wish to get implicated with any guy, counting you or even that school teacher, who has claimed, that he and I have been going steady. That’s because we don’t have anything other than a companionship, going on between us, and I desire to carry on that way, and the same goes for you, Mike. I don’t ever want to get serious with you, either, because you’re jus too becoming of age for me.”
So, then, Mike left the building, and he drove the police car right back to the police station. And as soon as he arrived there, he went right over to a computer where he, usually, parks himself when on shift. And then, he deposited some information on the computer, making an attempt to gather up some information which would bring him to a lead on this kidnapping case.
After a few hours, he, finally, came up with a lead on the case. And this lead enabled him to start the investigation on the student, hopefully, leading him to where she was being held.
So, then, Mike rode along with another policeman, in the vicinity, as they were trying to search for the street and the address, where the girl was being held. After about a half hour, encircling the streets, they managed to track down this house, where the girl was, allegedly, being seized against her will. One policeman stayed inside the police car, while Mike trudged up to the door with a gun pointed out in front of him.
Then, since, the door was locked, securely, and it didn’t happen as expected in breaking the lock. Mike, then, kicked the door open with his foot, and the two cops proceeded inside the house.
Upon Mike and the other cop, reaching the living room, a gal was, there, tied up, which gal, he noticed as being his next door neighbor, Brooke, which, really, was appalling to him. As the other cop and Mike, took all the ropes off her, there were many tears, rolling down her cheeks. As Mike, then, carried her out to the police car with the other cop, following him, the school teacher happened to show up.
However, Mike and the other cop maintained their security. And upon Mike, checking out Brooke, and discovering she was alright. He, then, carefully, laid her inside the police car in the back of the car. He, then, approached the school teacher with his gun, pointed out in front of him. Since, the guy started firing at him, he, then, kept shooting at the school teacher in self-defense until he became dead meat.
Then, because the guy was dead meat, Mike and his partner took the body, after probing for any evidence on the guy. Then, they both set the guy inside the cop car. And one of them drove the body right over to the police station, jus after they set what evidence was discovered on the guy in the front of the police car.
Once, the two cops arrived over at the police station. Then, since, there was a river nearby; they jus took the body out of the trunk. And then, they tossed the body into the river, to Brooke’s surprise.
She jus hoped that she wouldn’t wind up becoming a suspect in the shooting of the body. However, she never did, and Mike and his partner, eventually, found out that the body had been discovered by other policemen in the river. Mike was held responsible along with his partner for having tampered with the body before it was thrown into the river. Then, the two cops, automatically, became suspects in this case.
Since, there was no evidence on Brooke; she was free of the case. And after Mike and his partner were thrown in jail, Brooke wouldn’t even attempt to do anything to help Mike or his partner, get out of jail.
She stopped seeing Mike, when he was taken into custody, and after he had been released from jail. She didn’t trust him, anymore, after what he and his partner had pulled. And she got closer to the school teacher, who she has been meeting for lunch and breaks over at the high school for some time.
The school teacher and she even were going steady by now, and jus got engaged. The two ended up getting married right in the school teacher’s backyard along with the wedding, being held under a trellis full of roses. They didn’t have a honeymoon, right away, because they weren’t able to have any time off for the honeymoon, jus because they both were, still, teaching during the season. And only after the school season was over with, did the two, then, have a honeymoon in the Bahamas.
Until this very day, the two, a few years later, still, have been able to keep the knot, tied between each other. And are, deeply, in love, and have two sons, of the ages of two and four years of age.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
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