Monday, December 28, 2009



The beginning of a new year has always been a time we reflect on the changes we want or need to make. It is a time we make resolutions for change, and resolve to follow through on those changes. If you are thinking about making some changes in the coming year on you approach the care and treatment of your heartburn, the resolutions below will make a good start.

1.“I resolve to learn the basics about my treatment options.”
Your doctor will likely suggest lifestyle changes to help you control your heartburn. Other options include using antiacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to control your heartburn. Learning what your treatment options are is an important step in controllling your heartburn.

2.“I resolve to keep a food diary.”
It is important to keep a food diary or heartburn record so you can see what foods trigger your heartburn, and what helps relieve it.

3.“I resolve to make a mealtime a heartburn-free time.”
If certain foods cause your heartburn, mealtime may not be a pleasant experience for you. There are meal planning tips you can follow that can help you enjoy meals again.

4.“I resolve to learn how to prevent my heartburn at night.”
Eight out of every 10 heartburn sufferers will experience heartburn at night. You can prevent heartburn from keeping you up at night by following a few nighttime heartburn prevention tips.

5.“I resolve to take my heartburn medication everyday.”
Heartburn medication can work effectively for many people, but only if it is taken consistently and every day. If you find yourself forgetting to take your medication every day, you can try using a medication organizer. Some have alarms that will alert you when it's time to take your medication.
6.“I resolve to be realistic.”
It can take awhile to bring your heartburn under control. Don't despair if your heartburn isn't totally gone after your first dose of medication or after the first meal you eat that doesn't contain your trigger foods. It can take time to take your heartburn under control, especially if it's frequent and severe.

7.“I resolve to plan ahead.”
If you know you are going to a family gathering or restaurant where you won't have as much control over what is being served, you can plan ahead and take the steps needed to avoid heartburn. You can let your family know what foods are your heartburn triggers. If this won't always work, you can plan on taking your own food that you know won't trigger your heartburn. When it comes to restaurants, planning ahead and knowing what to order will go a long way in helping you prevent heartburn while dining out.

8.“I resolve to ask for help.”
There may be times when it seems that no matter what you do, nothing works and your heartburn keeps returning. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You can discuss your concerns with your doctor. The two of you may decide that a change of treatment is needed. Perhaps what you need is to be able to discuss your situation with other heartburn sufferers and get their tips for coping. The Heartburn Forum is a great place to do this.

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