Friday, April 24, 2009


Are Your Thoughts Keeping You in a State of Panic?
Aaron T. Beck is well-known for his contributions to the field of cognitive therapy. Beck recognized how cognitive (thought) distortions or errors of logic contribute to depression and other emotional difficulties. Simply put, errors in one's reasoning lead to faulty assumptions and misconceptions. If you have panic disorder (PD), agoraphobia or another anxiety disorder, such misconceptions are likely to perpetuate your symptoms and hamper your recovery.
Let's take a look at some examples.
Arbitary Inferences
Do you imagine the worst case scenarious in situations? Do you “castrophize” possible outcomes when thinking about how your panic attacks may affect your ability to do certain things? This type of thinking is probably based on arbitrary inferences. Basically, this means you are making an assumption without any real evidence.
For example, you imagine that you are in a work meeting and e xperience a panic attack. You envision yourself being unable to recover and fainting in front of your co-workers. But, the fact is, you have never fainted during a panic attack.
Selective Abstraction
Do you tend to focus on your perceived shortcomings rather than on your successes? Selective abstraction is when you make conclusions based on only the negative details of an event or situation.
Let's say going to the grocery store triggers your panic response. But, you courageously enter the store and do your shopping. While standing in line, you begin to feel your anxiety rising and the impending panic that follows. You get through the situation and feel relief as you head toward the exit door. But, your thoughts are entirely focused on the panic attack while standing in line and your perceived “failure”. In reality, you had great courage and many “successes” when you went into the store and did your shopping despite your fears.
Sometimes we have assumptions based on an isolated event that we inappropriately generalize to other events or situations. For example, you're having a difficult time with your teenager. You conclude that you're a bad mother because you can't get through to your child. You then go on to doubt your parenting abilities.
Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Some are big, and some are small. But, if you find yourself focusing more on your mistakes than they truly deserve, you are probably making the cognitive error of magnification.
You had a date last week and thought it went pretty well. But, you were a little nervous. You date said he'd like to see you again, but he hasn't called. You become convinced that he didn't call because he sensed your nervousness and wanted nothing more to do with you. This cognitive distortion puts you in a position of relating external events to yourself. There could be many reasons your date has not called yet that are completely unrelated to your or your nervousness.
Labeling and Mislabeling
How do you see yourself? Do the challenges of PD show you how courageous you are? Or, do you let the negative consequences of your PD symptoms define you identity?
Dichotomous Thinking
Extreme, or black and white thinking, is a problem because it doesn't allow much room for any imperfections. You may define yourself as being a success or a failure—there is nothing in between. For example, let's say you're sitting in a restaurant and start to panic. You excuse yourself, go to the bathroom to regain your composure and rejoin your date a few minutes later. With black and white thinking, there's only success and failure. Because you had a panic attack, you label yourself as having failed. You've forgotten about the courage it took to put yourself in the situation in the first place, and the fact that you successfully returned to the fearful setting.


I'm a smoker,. In 1999 I quit and it lasted for 3 years or so-and I never got over wanting to smoke. Finally I decided to heck with it and started again, and I'm set for life. I like to smoke. As Robin Williams said in one of my favorite movies, Dead Again, “Someone is either a smoker or a nonsmoker. There's no in-between. The trick is to find out which one you are, and be that.” Well, I'm a smoker and happy about it
But does my smoking have to do with having bipolar disorder? A newly published study suggests that it might. Tobacco smoking in behaviors in bipolar disorder found that people with BP are 7.3 times as likely to be current smokers as the general population, and 4 times likely to have smoked in their lifetimes. A whopping 66% of bipolar people in the study were currently daily smokers.
Poll: Are You a Smoker?
Absolutely! I love it! I'll never quit!
Yes, but I wish I could quit.
Yes, but I've quit many times before deciding to stay a smoker.
Yes, but I'm in the process of quiting.
Used to be, but I quit and I'm miserable now.
Used to be, but I quit and I'm happy now.
Never smoked-good for me!
thordora says.
Oh man I LOVED smoking. Every second of it (except for the paying part). I quit almost 5 years ago, and I can still taste it. I don't dare have a drag-I'll start back up again.
makeworldgoaway says:
I adore it, finally a place I can say LOL!
Sometimes it's the only thing I have to look forward to, sad to say.
I read somewhere long ago that nicotine actually helps the mentally ill think better, or something like that? Maybe they've retracted that by now but it surprised me to read anything somewhat positive about smoking.
Stefanie says:
I, too, quit for three years, but then when I had some really difficult marital problems and my husband, who'd NEVER been a smoker started smoking nasty little cigars around me...Well, that was that. I was smoking again. I was a more of a wreck for the three years that I didn't smoke and replaced it with drinking wine. Now, I smoke, take my medication, work out and eat right, and am beginning to even out once again. I would like to quit again. Physically I feel better until I started drinking wine all the time, but mentally I just wasn't able to deal with things. Oh well...Guess you have to choose the lesser of the evils!
chiron says:
the link to the study is broken....can you check on this? I would like to read the study mentioned in your article. Thank you.
Mindorbitor says:
I think the need to smoke is actually just about smoking in general, but the need for nicotine. Smoking is not something I wanted to make a habit out of, but I felt I 'needed' nicotine. So I started chewing tobacco. Being a female it is an odd thing to pick. But I loved it! I have smoke on occasion but I don't like the after taste or smell. I finally quit all forms of nicotine and am glad of it. But sure, sometimes I miss chewing that tobacco. (I did it in private. How embarrassing!)
Heidi says:
Nicotine is definitely a strong drug. I used to do it and other street drugs. The side-effects are deadly. It was the most addictive drug I've ever done-It felt like the cigarettes wanted me to smoke them, not the other way around. I'd rather stick to my prescribed meds. I want something that'll work in the long term, and my insurance won't cover it. You can't smoke when you're on oxygen, anyway.
Antonina says:
I'm a smoker, have been for about twenty years (I'm 38), and quite frankly with the bipolar couldn't quit if I tried. I gave up for a whole ten days (yes-10 whole days) about six years ago, but went right back onto it after the death of my (bipolar) father (by his own hand). I shan't quit again I don't think, living with bipolar is bad enough, but living with it without the cigs would be just darn daft! Am going through ECT at the moment (second batch), and it's not working as well as the first lot. Can't imagine life without a cig...
Lea says.
I am totally addicted to smoking and I love it except for the cost. In addition to being diagnosed with type I bi-polar disorder, I have been tested and have been found to be off the charts with AD/HD. Smoking helps me focus and concentrate and so does caffeine. I am addicted to coffee, too, as it also helps my focus and concentration.
I self-medicated with alcohol for 27 years, but I am NOT an alcoholic. I stopped doing that 5 years ago when my bipolar and AD/HD meds started working and I find I can drink socially and not get drunk with no problem whatsoever.
I also believe that people who mothers smoke while they are pregnant, like my mother did, are predisposed to smoking because after all they are addicted to nicotine in the womb and go cold turkey off of it when they are born.
I would be curious to know the percentage of how many “fussy” babies are born to women who smoke versus women who don't.
Bill says:
When I was 25 (I'm 68, now), I was was smoking (NOT just letting them burn in the ashtray) FOUR AND A HALF PACKS of cigarettes PER DAY. I started smoking when I entered college at age 18. Strangely, perhaps because of the generation in which I was raised, I have never in my life used any street drugs, nor have I abused prescriptions drugs or alcohol (alcoholism, however, runs in my family). I finally quit smoking following quadruple-bypass surgery. I have been formally evaulated by three psychiatrists and subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type II (hyper-rapid cycling type: as much as three cycles DAILY), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Adult Onset Attention Deficit Disorder. When I finally quit smoking 12 years ago, my withdrawal symptoms were so scary that my wife considered having me involuntarily committed to a mental hospital: I laid, naked, mute, unresponsive, and curled in a fetus position, refusing to take in any food or liquid of any kind. Would I take smoking back up, give that I LOVED to smoke? I would depend on many things happneing, none of which I know will happen-no healthy consequences of any kind for me, no persons “passively” smoking, no one sincerely having any objections whatever to my smoking, no “No Smoking” areas anywhere, no obsessively checking ashtrays at bedtime to assure that all cigarettes are out. Need I go on?
Rhiana says:
I am a smoker and have Bipolar Disorder. I found this post so interesting I wrote a song about it.
The tune is from “If You're Happy and You Know It.” I just changed the lyrics. I hope everyone finds it entertaining. It's all in fun. LOL
mary edwards says:
I, too, was a smoker for 20 years and just loved it! But for each of those 20 years I tried quitting every day. I'd buy a pack, smoke one, then throw the pack away. This went on day after day. I finally was able to kick the habit l0 years ago and don't miss it a bit now. In fact, it gags me to think about it. The secret is to just keep trying-never give up. Eventually, you, too, will be able to quit.
Joyce says:
I have been smoking for over 40 years. Have tried many times to quit. Once for 14 months. If the suggestion is that having bipolar makes one more predispositioned to smoking and harder to quit seem reasonable. It is said that being bipolar makes one more predispositioned to becoming an alcoholic and hooked on drugs. Nicotine is also a drug and addictive so it stands to reason this could be a good possibility. I'd like to think that I will be able to stop smoking but I really don't think that will a real possibility.
Paddy says:
I started smoking at the age of 28 when I left my first husband. I had craved cigarettes since I was 18. I mean craved!! The divorce was a good excuse to start, so I did. I smoked for 18 years. Tried quitting a couple of times but the longest I made it was just about a year. I quit the last time 2 years ago. I'm glad I don't smoke, and I hate smelling other peoples smoke. But damn if I don't crave them every now and then. At times I think about starting again because it seems to help with the nerves, but I couldn't afford it now, so I won't. Take care all and do what is necessary for you as an individual.
Suzy says:
I've been diagnosed bipolar since 1987. I started to smoke Marlboro Lights around the year 1983. So all in all, I've been smoking for quite a while, and even though, I do like smoking, I also know the imminent dangers that lurk around each cigarette I light! Sometimes I think some people think smokers are so stupid! Lol. I guess smokers like me on some level have 2 be stupid 4 starting in the lst place, but let me tell you, a day does not go by w/o realizing just how dangerous smoking is to my health, and to the health of others around me. On the same token I enjoy every single puff I take.
eyddiniduit says:
ya know I smoked in ma twentys and then stoped in my thirtys when I couldnt breathe now in my fourtys I started back and I love smokeing but yes ya guessed it I gotta give it up if I wanna see fifty. This bout of cough attacks has really got me cough cough and cough some more—bad as I hate to I do think its time I quit for good
Dee says:
I have smoked cigars on occasion since I was 14-and am thinking I developed BP around 12 years old. [I can remember just knowing something wasnt quite right, esp the rash of incoming thoughts; and the cigar would help me “focus” better.]. Dont think my parents knew as they both smoked and prob couldnt smell it.
Didn't start drinking coffee until age 40; helps me with concentration at work, and I only drink 1-2 cups in the morning. But even now I feel like I COULD drink a lot more—that subtle urge is there...along with more wind and more cigar smoking...
I'm also under a natropath's supplementation program and think that helps me only take a miminum of Lamictal. Before the BP dx, I was getting worse in up/down, maybe rapid cycling, and I was smoking more and also drinking a LOT of wine daily-mainly to help stop the tinnitus and thought overload at night. No one had ever even thought to see if I had BP so many years of useless suffering by me and my family...sad.
Everything has calmed me down so much for the better since my Dx two years ago-after 5-6 different Drs always trying to get me on tranquilizers or antidepressants. I would spin out of control on those meds, much to the detriment of my girls. And all they wanted to do it UP the doses! Jeez...
Still, I'll have a glass of wine about every other night, almost always when visiting with a neighbor out on the front porch. As is a cigar once a week now.
But, I bet I probably could smoke more; reading your posts made me realize “yeah, daily smokes WOULD be good!
But we've got to NOT let our BP condition take over so its an excuse; with medicine, we can develop our choices now, and make a decision to at least smoke less, and with purpose. Like really enjoying it and not rushing through a smoke.
Perhaps that thought helps me, since you really cant breeze through a $4. cigar-lo!
Good luck to all on this forum-Dee
Marcia says:
I quit once for a little over two years. I was manic then. I could get out and walk at that time. Not so today. Need hip replacements and have a lot of leg pain. The worse? I have COPD and the cost.


Here's a scary one...
Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine reviewed 48 years' worth of studies focusing on 'bipolar disorder and medical mortality.” They were checking on early deaths from natural causes and specific medical conditions. The compared the findings with an age-and gender-matched control group of people without mental illnesses.
What they found is that people with bipolar spectrum disorders are more likely to die early from general medical illnesses. This review doesn't count deaths or suicide or accident. The most common cause of premature death was heart disease.
The researchers theorized that factors to blame for these findings might be unhealthy lifestyles, biological factors, negative effects of medications, and differences in health care.
As we have reported, a high percentage of people with bipolar disorder are smokers, not to mention that more often than not, we gain significant weight from our medications. So I guess these reseaarchers' findings aren't surprising. Still, it's a bit chilling to see it in black and white.
Susan says:
I would like to know a little bit more about the stats. Was there a big difference?
Thomas says:
This has been an ongoing discussion in my group therapy sessions. We are all nervous about the long term effects of these drugs. I take 3 different meds for bipolar, plus 2 more for triglycerides & cholesterol. I'd like to see more data to bring to the therapists & psychiatrists that treat us.
Kim says:
It's not scary to me cos if I can have a shorter life; I suffer less then; hopefully...
(4)cbt1 says:
I cant see myself using medication for the rest of my life that might kill me... And Kim...I am really sorry you feel that way...while you are logically right, your statement speaks volumes about quality of life issues.
Denise says:
Here's a scary one...
I do have a few issues with my health beyond the bipolar disorder. Iam extremely ADHD-I think it isn't just racing thoughts.
I have arthritis and fibromyalgia-both of which the PT said were severe enough that if I was in my late 60's or so, I would be told to sit on the couch and let other people do my housework.
Only problem is that we adopted a bit late. I have two boys and one beginning to show signs of bipolar (and an IQ of 150) and one with attachment disorder.
I have had my gallbladder removed, a hysterectomy, and am quite overweight.
I have high cholesterol and family history of heart disease-so why am I still not working on it?
I am not cynical-but I do believe that depression, stress and mania will take a toll on me, at least.
That is not to say that I lying down and giving up-not yet. I will keep working to improve my mental health and other areas of my life.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it,
kym says:
I have been diagnosed with bipolar for 30 years-I am almost 55 now. After seeing many Dr.'s and settling in on a great one for the past 14 years I see myself as an example of what has become possible for me. I love to live”! I am on 10 meds. For the bipolar and once in awhile I have to break down and go in for ECT treatments which I don't like but are very helpful for me. I am working on going to exercise at least 3 times weekly (which is very hard at times) but have put on about 40 extra lbs. Which I would like to TRY to lose. I also have fibromyalgia and migraines but the biggest ordeal I've tackled the past two years is cancer, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, of the bone marrow and spleen. I have been cancer free for 1 ½ years and feel blessed for each and every day that I have. Even if it is a bad bipolar day!! God bless you all!!


Coping With Panic Disorder
Enhancing your coping techniques can help you deal with anxiety-provoking situations. If you have panic disorder, agoraphobia, or another anxiety disorder, such situations may occur on a daily basis. Here are some tips to help you refine your coping skills during stressful events.
Identify Your Panic Triggers
With the exception of uncued panic attacks, they're probably easy to spot. Does just the thought of standing in a long grocery store line make you panic? That would be a definite trigger.
Avoid Avoidance
In order to learn to cope with your panic and anxiety, you have to practice your skills while experiencing your distressing symptoms. If certain situations are just too difficult, or you are too fearful to do this, you can experience the situation by means of roleplaying or just imagining yourself in the situation.
Rate Your Anxiety Level
Are you at 2 with little discomfort or are you at an all out 10? Evaluate and think about your anxiety level while in the stressful situation.
4 Use Relaxation and Coping Techniques
Some techniques that may help you deal with anxiety or diffuse a panic attack may include:
Positive Self-Talk
Deep Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Thought Stopping
Reevaluate Your Anxiety Level
Are your coping techniques working? The goal is not necessarily to be anxiety-free. Rather, can you feel a change in your anxiety level, no matter how smell, as a result of your efforts?
Practice, Practice, Practice
The more often you are able to use your coping techniques to minimize panic and anxiety, the easier it will be to call upon skills. Soon you will realize that you are able to control your panic. What a great feeling when you may have been at its mercy for so long!


Reduce Your Panic Attack Symptoms
Recurring panic attacks are the hallmark features of panic disorder. Panic attacks are sudden and intense feelings of terror, fear, or apprehension without the presence of actual danger. The symptoms of a panic attack usually happen suddenly, peak within 10 minutes and then subside. However, some attacks may last longer or may occur in succession, making it difficult to determine when one attack ends and another begins.
But, there are some steps you can take that may stop a panic attack from escalating out-of-control and reduce your overall anxiety.
Practice Deep Breathing
Most people are not really conscious about the way they are breathing, but when people are anxious they tend to take rapid, shallow breaths that come directly from the chest. This type of breathing is called thoracic or chest breathing. Chest breathing causes an upset in the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body, resulting in increased heart rate, dizziness, muscle tension and other physical sensations.
Learn Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a stress and anxiety management technique. If you have panic disorder, agoraphobia or another type of anxiety disorder, you may experience frequent muscle tension. In fact, chronic muscle tension may be so automatic that it seems normal, and you may have forgotten what it feels like when your muscles are completely relaxed. By employing the muscle relaxation technique, you will be able to quickly discover the distinctions between relaxation and tension of various muscles groups.
Use a Self-Modification Program
Self-modification programs focus on helping people manage unwanted or dysfunctional behavior responses when dealing with their problems. For example, if you have panic attacks as a result of panic disorder, a common dysfunctional behavioral response is avoidance. Unfortunately, avoiding fearful situations does nothing to help in your recovery from PD.
Use a Panic Diary
If you have panic disorder or agoraphobia, a panic diary may help you to identify your panic triggers and your responses to anxiety-provoking situations. It is usually best to record in your panic diary as you are experiencing (or shortly thereafter) anticipatory anxiety or a panic attack.
Develop Your Coping Techniques
If you have panic disorder, agoraphobia or another anxiety disorder, anxiety-provoking situations may occur on a daily basis. Enhancing and refining your coping techniques can help you deal with them.


Getting a handle on everyday stress can help you better manage the pain you're experiencing.
It's easy to get stressed out when the pressure of work, family, and everyday life are weighing on you. These stresses can have not only an emotional impact, they can cause physical pain as well.
Stress and pain are often closely linked. Each one can have an impact on the other, creating a vicious that sets the stage for chronic pain and chronic stress. So, part of getting pain relief is learning how to better manage stress.
“Lots of studies support the conclusion that what happens in the brain—depression, anxiety, being stressed out—can increase pain. At the same time, if you have more pain, you may be more stressed,” says Jennifer Schneider, MD, PhD, a chronic-pain specialist and author of the book Living With Chronic Pain. “Each makes the other worse, so if you decrease pain, you'll likely also decrease stress and anxiety.”
Pain Relief: Understanding the Stress-Pain Connection
It's not completely clear yet to researchers how stress and pain are related. However, stressed-out people often experience neck, shoulder, and back pain. This could be due to the link between stress and tension in the muscles. It could be also related to brain chemicals.
To allow us to keep functioning despite pain, the brain tries to maintain balance when it receives pain signals by minimizing these signals, says Steven Stanos, DO, medical director of the Center for Pain Management at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, and assistant professor in the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Northwestern University Medical School. But chronic stress can offset this balance.
“Because pain [is regulated by] the nervous system, the brain is a key player in how we perceive pain,” says Dr. Stanos. “The brain is always trying to inhibit pain signals. But if you're stressed, simply put, the brain's ability to filter these pain signals is affected in a bad way and pain can be increased.”
Pain Relief: Start With Stress Relief
One thing is clear: for many people, stress relief, be it avoiding stress or learning how to cope with it, can lead to pain relief.
“Patients need to manage their stress to be in the best psychological state to benefit from other therapies,” says Carmen Green, MD, associate professor of anesthesiology and director of pain medicine research at the University of Michigan System in Ann Arbor.
Try these tips:
Get moving. Being active can help decrease stress levels. “Make exercise a priority, whether it's 30 minutes on an exercise or going to the gym four times a week,” says Stanos. Other stress-relieving activities can include walking or pool therapy. Consult with a doctor first if you're concerned about how exercise may impact your pain.
Get more restful sleep. Proper sleep can also help you cope with stress. “Restorative sleep can help you better face the turmoil of the day. So get enough sleep and better quality sleep,” says Dr. Green. “We know sleeping impacts healing.”
Find a balance. Our schedules are often packed, with little down time. Take the time to examine your daily routine and modify it for better stress control. “Identify leisure things you like to do and make them a bigger part of your daily routine,” Green suggests.
Chill out. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, guided imagery, and medication can essentially force your to relax and decrease stress levels. Once you've learned these techniques you can do them on your own at any time throughout your day.
Seek support. Evaluation by a mental health professional, whether it's a social worker with expertise in pain or a pain psychologist or psychiatrist, can also help you deal with stress and provide pain relief, says Green.
Recurrent pain can definitely affect your quality of life, by learning how to cope with stress can help you manage that pain and lessen its harmful impact.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Certain tools and devices, like braces and trash cans on wheels, can relieve stress and minimize damage to osteoarthritic joints. Get tips on how these devices can help you manage your osteoarthritis symptoms.
Osteoarthritis symptoms tend to get worse with activity and get better with rest. One in six people with osteoarthritis report that it limits their daily activities. In addition to the lifestyle changes and medications used to treat osteoarthritis, specially designed or modified devices can help a person with osteoarthristis avoid painful stress and damage to osteoarthritic joints.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Braces
Braces are medical devices that steady and support your body, such as canes, crutches, canes, walkers, or lightweight, fitted braces that attack to the body to support specific joints. A brace can protect a weakened joint and take weight off the joint. Each pound of weight on a joint increases the stress load by three to six times.
Many people with knee osteoarthritis get relief from wearing a fitted knee brace. For someone with hip osteoarthritisa straight cane might be the most useful device, but even something as simple as a cane requires instruction for proper use. A person using a cane should hold it in the hand opposite the affected joint, and the height of the cane needs to be adjusted to the person's body. Using a walker correctly also requires instruction, so work with your doctor and your physical therapist before using any bracing device.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Footwear Orthotics
Footwear orthotics are foot devices that redistribute weight or cushion the impact on your joints while you are walking. Wedges can be designed for your shoes to relieve pressure on an osteoarthritic knee but the evidence from clinical trials is not strong that these are helpful. Cushioned soft plastic inserts, however, are inexpensive devices that can be put inside your shoes and one study found that they absorb up to 42 percent of incoming shock waves from the ground. In people with osteoarthritis symptoms, 78 percent reported a decrease in pain with cushioned inserts.
Help for Osteoarthritis Symptoms: Assistive Devices
There are dozens of assistive devices designed to help you mange your osteoarthritis. These devices can take stress off a painful joint and help you avoid painful osteoarthritis symptoms. Here are just a few:
Wheels. Trash cans, furniture, or anything else that has to be moved can more easily be pushed around on wheels than picked up and carried.
Hand savers. Avoid painful stress on osteoarthritic fingers by using jar openers, which are widely available in kitchen stores. You can also get door knob extenders and key turners that allow you to open doors without twisting your wrist. Writing devices are available to transfer the stress away from your fingers to your arm. Substitute Velcro fasteners for buttons. If you don't like Velcro there are even button loops you can use. Think about adding large pull tabs to zippers.
Bathroom benches, raised seats, and hand rails. Take stress off your knees and make your bathroom safer with a shower bench that fits over the tub. You can also get a raised toilet seat. Install hand rails anywhere in the house you need support getting up and down.
Kitchen tools and gadgets. There are ways to make your life easier in the kitchen, too. These suggestions can help:
Use electric tools in the kitchen whenever possible to avoid straining your hands.
Keep everything you need at waist level so you don't have to reach or get up and down to retrieve what you need.
Get a grasping device to help you reach items in cabinets above your head.
Use faucet openers to turn water off and on.
Buy molded and padded handles for pots and pans; larger grips on knife handles can also help.
Use tongs to turn meat when cooking.
Buy a mitt made of spongy, non-slip material that can help you grip wet dishes.
Anything you can do to avoid putting stress on your joints with osteoarthritis will help to decrease your pain and increase your overall function. This may help you delay or avoid the need for stronger medications or surgery.
Assistive devices can make managing osteoarthritis a lot easier. To find these devices, try the Arthritis Foundation; another good source are medical supply company catalogs. Talk to your doctor or your occupational therapist the kids of assistive devices that might be right for you.


Coronary artery disease caused by atherosclerosis is treated with:
Lifestyle changes. These include weight loss in obese patients, quitting smoking, diet and medications to lower high chloresterol, regular exercise, and stress reduction techniques (medication, biofeedback, etc.).
Nitrates (including nitroglycerin). These medications widen blood vessels (vasodilaators). Nitrates widen the coronary arteries and increase the blood flow to the heart muscle. They also widen the body's veins, which lightens the heart's workload by temporarily decreasing the volume of blood returning to the heart for pumping.
Beta-blockers, such as atenolol (Tenormin) and metoprolol (Lopressor). These medications decreases the heart's workload by slowing the heart rate and reducing the force of heart muscle contractions, especially during exercise. People who have had a heart attack should stay on a beta-blocker for life to reduce the risk of a second heart attack.
Aspirin. Aspirin helps to prevent blood clots from forming inside narrowed coronary arteries. It can reduce the risk of heart attack in people who already have coronary artery disease. Doctors often advise people older than 50 to take a low dose of aspirin every day to help prevent a heart attack.
Cholestoerol-lowering medications. Statins—such as lovastatin (Mevacor), simvastatin (Zocor), pravastatin (Pravachol) and atorvastatin (Lipitor)-have had the greatest impact on improving the risk of a heart attack and death in people with coronary artery disease and those at risk of coronary artery disease. Statins lower LDL cholesterol and may raise HDL cholesterol slightly. Taking a statin regularly also helps to prevent plaque from tearing or breaking, which decreases the chance of a heart attack or worsening of angina. Niacin lowers LDL cholesterol, raises HDL cholesterol, and also lowers triglyceride levels. Medications called fibrates, such as gemfibrozil (Lopid), are used primarily in people with high triglyceride levels. Ezetimibe (Zetia) works with the intestine the decrease the absorption of cholesterol from food.
Calcium channel blockers, such as long-acting nifedipine (Adalat, Procardia) verapamil (Calan, Isoptin), diltazem (Cardizem), amlodipine (Norvasc). These medications may help to decrease the frequency of chest pain iin patients with angina.
If your stable angina limits you physically because of chest pain, your doctor likely will advise you to have a coronary artery angiography (cardiac catheterization) to look for significant blockages. A heart specialist (cardiologist) also may do this test to diagnose coronary artery disease when other tests are not conclusive, in an emergency when a person is having a heart attack, and in some people with newly diagnosed congestive heart failure.
When one or more significant blockages are found, the specialist will determine if the blockage(s) can be opened with a procedure called ballon angioplasty, also called percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or PTCA, in balloon angionplasty, a catheter is inserted into an artery in the groin or forearm and then is threaded through the circulatory system into the blocked coronary artery. Once inside the coronary artery, a small balloon at the catheter tip is inflated briefly to open the narrowed blood vessel. Usually, balloon inflation is followed by the placement of a stent, a wire mesh that expands with the balloon. The wire mesh remains inside the artery to keep it open. The balloon is deflated and the catheter is removed.
If the blockages cannot be opened with balloon angioplasty, the cardiologist will likely suggest coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG). CABG involves grafting one or more blood vessels into the coronary arteries to bypass the narrowed or blocked areas. The blood vessels to be grafted can be taken from an artery inside the chest, an artery in the arm, and from a long vein in the leg.
The goal of treating heart attacks or sudden worsening of angina is to restore blood flow rapidly to the section of heart muscle no longer getting blood flow. Patients immediately received medication to relieve pain. They also receive a beta-blocker to slow the heart rate and decrease the work of the heart and aspirin combined with other medications to dissolve or inhibit blood clotting. When possible, patients are transferred to a cardiac catheterization laboratory for immediate angiography and balloon angioplasty of the most significant blockage. In some people with coronary artery disease, other symptoms or complications will require treatment with additional therapies. For example, medication may be needed to treat cardiac arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm), low blood pressure or heart failure.


One of the most concerning aspects of treating ADHD/ADD with stimulant medication is the suppression of appetite. This problem is almost universal. Almost no one escapes this side effect. If the patient is young and growing, it can terrify the parent to see the child almost stop eating. In the growing adolescent male, lack of appetite becomes very annoying because eating is very pleasurable and it is very frustrating to never have an appetite. In the moderately obese female, or in the female adolescent who worries about her weight, lack of appetite can actually be very comforting. In all situations, lack of appetite as a side effect of ADHD medication needs to be addressed and followed by a physician.
Some of the stimulant medications suppress the appetite more than others and differently in certain individuals. The dextroamphetamines (Adderall, Vyvanse) seem to have the highest incidence of suppressing appetite. When a patient is started on ADHD medication, I always advise the parent or patient that this side effect might occur. I suggest that a big breakfast is served, including meat, vegetables, and fruit because often this is the only time of the day when the individual will be hungry. The ADHD medication can be given at the breakfast meal, although you should be aware that sometimes this may decrease some of the medication's effectiveness. If that is the case, I usually put my ADHD patients on a higher dose of medication.
Very often, a child can be encouraged to drink even if they refuse to eat. I usually suggest using protein drinks like Boost, Ensure, Carnation Instant Breakfast, etc. This provides some nourishment even if the ADHD patient will not eat a meal. You can put these drinks into the day at any time such as in the morning, noon or evening. Sometimes the ADHD patient is starving when the medication wears off and I suggest that they not eat a sugar snack when that happens. Instead they should eat a big meal that is high in nourishment. This extreme hunger may even happen right before bedtime. When that happens I still encourage the ADHD patient to eat despite the late hour.
I also point out that during the day the child (or adult) may become irritable or extremely restless. This may be due to hunger, therefore, the ADHD patient should eat is this behavior is exhibited. This is when a protein drink may be appropriate.
Frequent followup appointments are needed to keep an eye on the growth and weight of the ADHD patient. Sometimes the benefit of the medication outweighs the poor appetite and I have to follow the child's progress carefully. This also helps the parent know I am concerned but not alarmed. Other times, a change of medication is needed even if the child has done well on the medication causing poor weight gain.
The side effect of poor appetite can go away. With careful routine evaluations by the physician, this concern can be handled with a positive outcome for the child and the continued use of stimulant medication.


Parenting a child with ADHD can take an emotional toll on you every day. Here are strategies you can use right now to recharge your batteries and refresh your outlook.
As the parent of a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, your parenting skills are challenged every day. You may often find yourself feeling tense, not knowing when you child is going to misbehave disruptively. Your child's ADHD symptoms, such as being inattentive, impulsive, stubborn, and unable to sit still, can leave your frustrated and, though it's hard to admit, angry and even resentful.
ADHD Parenting: Easing Your Emotions
Not only might you feel isolated from other parents whose children do not have ADHD, but you may even feel envious of them. The good news is that there are strategies to help you feel less alone and overwhelmed.
Parenting a child with ADHD doesn'[t have to be so emotionally exhausting, says Edward M. Hallowell, MD, director of the Hollowell Center for Cognitive and Emotional Health in Sudbury, Mass. “One of my biggest recommendations for a parent is to try and catch onto the spirit and essence of your child. It is tragic how many children with ADHD lose their spirit,” adds Dr. Hallowell, who has ADHD himself and is the co-author, with Dr. Peter S. Jensen, of Superparenting for ADHD.
ADHD Parenting: 10 Ways to Recharge
Here are 10 important tips Hallowell recommends for parents who feel frustrated, and angry.
Change your perspective. Instead of seeing ADHD as a “disability,” try to change your prespective and see how special your child with ADHD is. Children with ADHD are often very imaginative and creative—don't hesitate to nurture your child's gifts.
Look for the good. Reframing your child's symptoms can be a great way to start changing your point of view on ADHD. For every negative trait associated with ADHD, there is a way to frame it as a more positive trait. You can view disorganization as being spontaneous, for example, or stubbornness as tenacity. This outlook not only boosts your child's self-esteem, but also helps offset your frustration.
Make a plan. If you have a plan to deal with problems that arise, you automatically feel more in control and less worried. And it doesn't matter if one plan fails; simply come up with a new plan until you find one that works.
Get the facts. Worrying usually comes from a lack of information, so talk to your pediatrician and ask for resources to learn more about ADHD.
Don't worry alone. Talk to a friend, your spouse, your child's pediatrician, or your own doctor. Sharing your feelings helps you release steam and feel less resentful.
Lose yourself to laughter. Surround yourself with people who can laugh. It is important to be able to regain a perspective that allows you to see the humor in parenting.
Look for support. Start a support group of your own or join the local chapter of Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD).
Reach out to your child's teacher. No one wins when parents and teachers of children with ADHD don't communicate. View your child's teacher as an ally, someone you can work with to develop strategies that encourage your child's best performance at school.
Support your child's interests. Rather than always fussing over disappointing grades and other shortcomings, put your energy into supporting you ADHD child's strength, whether it's drawing, playing soccer, or coming up with creative inventions.
Love your child. Love is the single most powerful tool you can use to draw out your child's strengths. With your love, trust and patience, the strengths of your child with ADHD will continue to grow and evolve.
These strategies will give you a fresh perspective to help cope with the challenges of parenting a child with ADHD and help you focus on the positives to keep the negatives from getting you down.


For many people living with Crohn's disease, having an attack in public is a big fear. One woman who learned to cope now shares a decade's worth of advice.
While Crohn's disease has a wide range of symptoms and affects each person differently, most people with Crohn's share the need to use the bathroom frequently throughout the day. And that presents unique issues—bathroom accessibility and the ability to clean up after an attack being two big ones.
Nichole J. was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 1999. A graduate student now living in Washington, Nicole says there are ways you can deal with the disease, all while keeping your dignity. Here, she shares what she has learned.
Crohn's Disease: Start by Preventing Attacks
Nicole recommends that you pack extra medications in your tote or knapsack and keep a supply at you desk at work. “It can be easy to forget to take your medications in the morning as you run out the door,” Nicole says. When you're in remission you feel good, so medications are sometimes overlooked in the rush to find your keys and make a commuter bus or train. But properly following all facets of your treatment plan, including taking needed medications, is what keeps you feeling good. She says, “if I forget to take them, I notice that I start to feel a little worse as the day goes on, so it's great to have a supply right there.”
Crohn's Disease: Managing in Public
Part of your time managing Crohn's disease symptoms is going to be in the bathroom. “The bottom line of this disease is that you spend a lot of time thinking about bowel movements. How many times a day, how bad it is, and if blood is present,” acknowledges Nicole. Here are her practical tips to help you prepare for an attack when you are away from home or out in public.
Always know where bathrooms are located. Nicole says, “If I were in the middle of a flare-up, I would pay attention to where the restrooms are.” Of course, you may not have any time to spare when an attack is imminent, so be sure you know where the toilets are before you need them. Take a few minutes to survey your surroundings if you're in a new environment. Make note of public restrooms along along your commute to work or school. Knowing exactly where the bathrooms are can save you time when you need to get one in a hurry.
Carry a change of underwear. Nicole says her body usually gives her advance warning so she can make it to the bathroom in time. “It's not often that you don't make it, but when it does happen, you know you just won't make those last few steps and there's nothing you can do about it. That's a bad feeling,” she says. Nicole knows fellow Crohn's sufferers who always carry a change of underwear in case of emergency; she says she does so if she notices signs that indicate it might be that kind of day. Don't forget a zip-closing plastic bag to store the old pair.
Always have your own tissues or toilet paper. Nicole says carrying a supply of tissues is “prudent.” In a situation where you have to go immediately, you may not have time to inspect each stall for an adequate supply of toilet paper.
Crohn's Disease: Sharing Your Situation
Finding the balance between confidentiality and disclosure can be hard. The nature of Crohn's attacks makes them an awkward topic of conversation, but you want people to know enough about your condition so that they understand why you might have to run to the restroom. Nicole says it helps to tell close friends “mostly so they don't worry, or think it's weird when I have to go to the bathroom all the time.” But she prefers not to disclose her personal information to people she doesn't know as well.
Deciding on who tell will also depend on your personal school or work situation. Because Nicole is in graduate school and can slip out of class when necessary, she does not need to tell her professors about her medical condition. But people who must ask to use the restroom, like schoolchildren, or whose jobs require someone else to cover for them when they take a break, might benefit from telling the appropriate people—a manager, co-workers, or teachers.
Public attacks can be among the most upsetting situations for those with Crohn's disease, but being prepared will allow you to handle them without becoming overwhelmed and without the fear of drawing unwanted attention to yourself.



Kate, well up in her years, a woman with wavy blond hair and blue eyes, wearing blue jeans with a white blouse and a cranberry blazer, was supposed to be engaged to Charles, a guy with short, black hair and brown eyes, who, always, seemed to be able to carry himself well. The two have been going steady together for about two years, and Kate has the impression, that everything between them, was jus like a life of roses.

Kate jus happened to be in the middle of this situation, where she wasn’t doing too well with her current boyfriend, Charles. The two were supposed to be so in love with each other, and, really, it was true, the two were in love on the very night, on which she has the urge to have him, make love to her. And, usually, he, always, gives into her on these nights, which are supposed to turn out special for the two of them, of course, because to her, he has seemed to have been in this special love with her for about a year or so, now.

However, she knew, he was aware of the fact, she, really, has been in the mood for making love right into the night. And she has even gone out of her way, to put on his favorite negligee, the sexy green one, which he, always, has loved seeing on her.

But for some reason, she couldn’t understand, he doesn’t seem to be giving into her, tonight, although, she’s lying on their waterbed amongst all this candlelight, smelling like lavender, which to her, has been seeming for some time, now.

It has jus turned dusk, and jus the right night for making love, because there jus happens to be all this bright moonlight, shining right into his bedroom over at his apartment. And the rays from the moonlight seem to be shining right onto the waterbed, making the blue and red and white quilt, seemingly, dancing with the colors of an American flag, twinkling against the moonlight.

However, for some uncanny reason, which she can’t seem to figure out, tonight, he jus doesn’t seem to be acting like himself. And he’s inside the bedroom, but he jus seems to be having a good old time, relaxing in his brown leather lazy boy chair. And he’s acting like if she’s not even in his bedroom, tonight.

She’s tired of waiting for him, to join her in his waterbed. So, she jus allowed herself, to fall asleep right in her negligee, and at this time, she seems to have some tears in her eyes, jus because he won’t even make any effort, to join her in his waterbed. He knows darn well, what she’s lying in the waterbed, so early in the evening for.

After having fallen asleep in the waterbed for about an hour’s time, when she jus happened to wake up, an hour later, and to his surprise, she took off her negligee right in front of him, trying to make him, pay for what he pulled on her, tonight. Then, upon putting on a pair of jeans along with a Red Wing tee shirt, she started rushing around inside the bedroom, while he jus kept sitting in the lazy boy chair, not sure how he was supposed to act to this situation.

Then, upon noticing her, grabbing her purple and black duffle bag out from underneath the waterbed, he jus couldn’t believe his eyes at this time. To his amazement, she was refusing to talk to him, while she kept rushing around the bedroom, packing as much as she could in her duffle bag.

All he could do was jus stand, there, near the bed. He, certainly, surprised himself, being he was lost for words at this time. And then, as soon as she seemed to have packed the last couple things into her suitcase, her passport along with her birth certificate, he, finally, seemed to wake up to how she seemed to, suddenly, have been acting so strange to him.

He, then, tried to plead with her not to leave, however, she jus wouldn’t listen to a word, he was saying to her. So, then, in a few words as possible, she, then, said to him in a somewhat sorrowful voice, “My dear, what do you think you’re doing? You’re not leaving me, now, are you? Don’t you realize, the two of us jus have gotten engaged to each other to get married? What’s the matter with you, tonight, my dear?”

“Now, Charles, I’m sure, you know darn well, what’s going on at this time. You can’t expect me to stay engaged to you, now,” as she took the engagement ring made of pure gold, and jus threw it onto the bed, as if it is a very cheap ring.

“Leaving you, is, exactly, what I’m planning to do, tonight. In fact, you’re the one, whom caused me to want to leave you in the first place. For the last few nights in a row, every time, I wanted to make love with you, you jus had to be doing things your own way, through ignoring me, and acting like if I’ve never existed in your life.”

“C’mon, my darling, please don’t leave me like this. I’m sure that the two of us jus have had some bad times, lately, and that the two of us should sit down, and have a talk, tonight. I’m sure this all can be worked out.”

“No, my dear, there’s nothing more, that we can do to hold our relationship, together. In fact, the reason, that I jus have thrown my engagement ring on the waterbed, is because I, no longer, consider myself, engaged to you.”

So, then, she jus grabbed her duffle bag and whatever she could carry, and she was out the front door, before he could, possibly, say another word to her.

Upon her, running over to the street, she jus hailed a cab over to the Los Angeles airport, although, she, always, has been very afraid about taking a plane over to Paris, France. And tonight was going to turn out to be the very first time for her, to be flying on a plane, and this was if she could succeed in getting herself to board the plane to Paris.

Upon the cab arriving over at Los Angeles Airport, the next flight was jus another half hour away. And this gave her, enough time to buy her ticket to Paris, and pick up some literature on Paris, being she never has been in Paris before in her life.

As the woman, finally, announced her flight to Los Angeles over the loud speakers, her heart started to beat very fast, like if it was ready to jump out of her chest. And she wasn’t about to allow this, tok stop her from boarding the next flight to Paris, which was going to be at least a seven hour trip for her.

And as she, finally, boarded the plane, at first, something inside her mind, was trying to hold her back from grabbing her seat on the plane, jus because it has turned out to be a wing seat. However, she, somehow, managed to get herself seated on the plane, but although, her finance wasn’t on the plane with her, some Frenchman with short black hair, sitting next to her, somehow, was able to comprehend how scared, she was to be on the plane, tonight.

So, then, he said to her, “My dear gal, what’s the matter, tonight? Jus by the look in your eyes and the way, you are flinching, I can tell, you jus don’t seem to be fitting right on tonight’s flight. C’mon, tell me, why are you so scared of being on a plane, tonight?”

“I can help being scared of being on a plane, because tonight is going to be my first night on a plane, and I jus am not used to being on a plane.”

So, then, he hopped out of his seat and went to the back of the plane, and upon coming right back to his seat, he, then, offered a drink of champagne to her, which she, gladly, accepted with his compliments,because she, really, needed a drink at this time, because she’s, still, feeling so nervous.

However, he kept trying to assure her, how nice it feels as the plane wheels are starting to turn, and soon, the plane will be down the runway, ready to take off into the air.

So, once, she drank a couple of glasses of champagne, she, finally, was starting to relax a little in the plane as it was taking off up into the clouds. However, she couldn’t help screaming a little, because she, still, was so scared of being in a plane. When she, finally, calmed down, not too much time later, then, the guy sitting next to her, something about him, his friendliness as a Frenchman seemed to be helping her, stay more relaxed. And at this time, she, actually,found herself, starting to enjoy her flight to Paris.

While on her flight to Paris, France, she jus happened to remember the phonecall, which she had gotten over her cell phone, jus before boarding the plane to Paris. And during this phone call, in her memory, her finance was saying to her in a surprised voice, “My darling, I have some surprising news for you, and I don’t have the slightest idea, of how you are going to take this news. However, it seems that in the past few weeks, in which I have been gone at night, and having told you at these times, that I have been with my family, at some bar in the city, I jus happened to meet this lovely looking girl with black hair. And I’m afraid, I’ve fallen in love with her at first sight. So, this means that the two of us, can’t see each other, anymore.”

So, upon slipping into a brief nap, and starting to dream about this phone call, she then, woke up from a fitful sleep. And upon the Frenchman, Luc, noticing jus how restless, she has become, he, then, got her another glass of champagne, which seemed to work good on her.

And then, he said to her, “What’s the matter, my darling? I’ve noticed that you have managaed to catch some sleep, tonight, while on your plane flight to Paris. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“No really, I’m supposed to be engaged to my boyfriend, however, jus before I boarded my flight to Paris, tonight, he jus happened to call me on my cell phone, right over at the plane terminal. And during this phone call, he, finally, revealed to me, that he’s been in love with this one gal for about a few weeks. Also, he told me,that he’s fallen in love with her, and that he can’t see me, anymore. So, if I seem to be teary-eyed, right now, and shaken up, it’s because of that one phone call from Charles.”

Then, her mind, suddenly, seemed to be very far away, like she wasn’t aware of being on an airplane to Paris. What seemed to be going thorugh her mind, wasn’t the least bit pleasant to her at this time. She, suddenly, was having a memory of that one phone call, which she had jus happened to receive through her cell phone, jus before boarding a plane to Paris, France.

She seemed to be remembering that one day, he had been doing something else, which she didn’t have any knowledge about right behind her back. And he, usually, made it, a point to show up at her apartment, which was located in Ontario, Canada. So, since, she had been born in Ontario, Canada, this made her, a true Canadian.

One day, he failed to show up over at her apartment, which turned out to be a big disappointment to her. He, originally, like usual, had promised her, the last time, he saw her, that he was going to show up over at her apartment, jus so that the two of them could spend the day and all through the night, together.

In fact, he, originally, had promised to not only spend the day with her, after cooking her favorite breakfast. And then, the two of them had planned to spend part of the morning and well into the afternoon, shopping at some of her favorite stores over where the well-known casino was located in Ontario.

And then, after having shopped over in that area, the two, originally, were supposed to spend the rest of the afternoon into the early evening over at her apartment, maybe, even having a drink or two of champagne, and then, having dinner and listening to Montrose over at Captain’s Place.

Being he never showed that day or evening at all, she, truly, had turned so mad at him, all she had wanted to do was turn off their engagement, and get away somewhere to where she could throw away all her troubles, and get away from it all.

Then, through her mind, traveled some more memories, some very unpleasant ones, more unpleasant than the other memories of her so-called engagement with Charles. What else went through her mind, was that time, jus before she had boarded the plane for Paris.


The very last time, Charles had gotten together with her, the two had met each over at a local restaurant, “Captain’s Place”, which served, mostly, fish and other seafoods like clams. And this restaurant had overlooked a river in the city. And at that time, during the night, the two had had such a good time, having some “Scotch on the Rocks”, while having listened to a famous band, “Montrose”, through the night, which band has been well known for its rock. And this group had happened to gets its start back in London, England.

During that morning, she had expected him to be over at her apartment, to make some breakfast of egg quiche, her favorite dish. And then, when she had become tired of waiting for him, to show up over at her apartment, she, then, had decided to have her breakfast, alone, this time.

That morning, she had ended up making herself, a breakfast consisting of bacon, sausage, and eggs without the usual toast, because she had wanted to start watching her figure, more closely, being that she had been eating out a lot with him. And she hadn’t been watching what she was eating, close enough, because, lately, she had noticed, that she had put on a few pounds.

Then, she had spent the rest of the day into the night, jus doing some cleaning around her apartment, and had caught up with some story, she had been working on during her free time.

That same night, to her surprise, she had received this phone call from him, and what he had said to her, hadn’t turned out to be very pleasant news for her. As he answered the phone, he had talked to her in this voice as if he had been some sleuth,

So, he had said to her in a surprised tone of voice, trying to put her down, “My darling, I don’t know how to tell you this. The reason, I haven’t been seeing you at night for the last few weeks, is because I’ve landed a new girlfriend, and to me, she jus happens to be a sexy one with that long, black hair of hers along with that witchy personality of hers. And another thing is, it jus happened, I have fallen in love with her at first sight.”

“C’mon get to the point; what are you, really, trying to tell me at this time? How could you do this to me? I thought we were supposed to be engaged to be married?”

“It’s jus that I won’t be able to see you, anymore, because it jus hasn’t been working out between us, like I had expected it. So, it’s been nice meeting you, my darling.”

“Here, I thought, everything was going cool as far as our engagement goes. But, now, how could you, dare tell me, that you have been seeing another woman behind my back?”

“I can’t help it, my darling, it jus so happens, that since, I’ve fallen in love with this other gal, I’m not sure, if I love you, anymore.”

“Well, you’d better be listening to me with all ears, because, as of now, I’m, officially, calling off our engagement. And don’t be surprised, if I go ahead, and take off on you, and leave you behind for good.”

“Now, what do you mean by this, my darling?”
“Don’t call me, ‘darling’ anymore, because I jus won’t have any more of this darling stuff from you. And I don’t want you, calling me, anymore, and I don’t want any more to do with you, either. I’m going to allow myself to fall out of love with you, because you jus don’t seem to love me, anymore.”

After a brief pause, she, then, found herself, saying to him, “Well, you’re not my guy, anymore, and another thing is, that I’m going to take off, tomorrow morning, for some place far far away from here. I’m not going to tell you, where I’m going to be heading, either, because I’m not going to go for you, following me around. So, I hope, you have a lousy relationship with your new girlfriend, and have nightmares, every night, about me, killing you, and throwing your body in the river.”

Then, she had jus hung up on him, before he had been able to say another word to her.

After she woke up out of her dreamlike state, the Frenchman, Luc, jus happened to notice, after having awoke from a deep nap, himself, she seemed to be very quiet. However, she, for the second time during the flight to Paris, seemed to be getting very nervous, because she happened to be saying to herself, apparently, unaware, that he has a seat near her by the left wing of the plane.

So, she jus happened to be talking to herself, saying to noone in particular, “I jus wish I could get off this plane. Oh no, what am going to do; I don’t want to stay on this plane and fly all the way to Paris. What in the world is going on around me? I can’t stand being on this plane, any longer. Besides, I hate flying on planes, and never have wanted to fly on one at any time.”

“Then, she yelled out loud, hoping that the pilot would hear her, screaming on the top of her lungs, “Let me off of this plane, right now; I’ve jus told you, I don’t want to go to Paris, at all. I won’t be able to stand being on this plane for six more hours, now.”

Suddenly, the stewardess came running over to her, and then, she tried to be patient with Kate, saying to her, “Can I do something for you? I think, that at this time, you need something to calm you down?”

“No, no, I don’t want anything to drink except for some water. It’s jus that I feel very thirsty, right now, and another thing is, that I have this thing for flying on planes, because this jus happens to be the very first time, I’ve flown on a plane.”

So, then, as the stewardess left the wing area of the plane, Luc, then, said to her, trying to calm her down as best as he could. And he was trying hard to make her aware of the fact, that flying on a plane was supposed to be enjoyable and isn’t so bad after all.

He said to her, in a calm manner, “C’mon now, my dear, flying on an airplane isn’t so bad. When you are flying on a plane, you are supposed to be enjoying every minute, because sometimes, you never know, if you are ever going to get the opportunity to fly on a plane, again.”

“But, like I’ve said, I hate flying on planes. I’m afraid jus because I’ve been watching the wing, split in two, that we are going to crash, somewhere, and that I’ll be dead in no time at all.”

“Now, don’t act so desperate to get off of this plane, my dear. You’ll find out that flying on a plane, isn’t so bad after all. In fact, any time now, in fact, right now, can’t you, feel those wheels turning and turning?”

Then, after a pause, because he, actually, was starting to feel the wheels, turning, and could sense, that she was feeling the same way, “ In no time at all, the airplane will be down the runway, and the plane will be taking off into the air. Look out the window, right now, the plane, finally, has gotten down the runway, and how does the world, look to you, right now. See, you can see down, there, to the earth, and it looks jus like a map, at this time. And soon, before you realize it, the plane will be above the clouds.”

Seeing that she was starting to get a little calmer, but wasn’t sure, she would stay that way, he, then, got up out of his seat. And as he did, he walked to the front of the plane, where he had the stewardess, pour some champagne into two glasses. And while the stewardess was doing this for him, he, without her, realizing it was happening, took the necklace off her neck, a very expensive one, made out of real silver, and slipped it into his shirt pocket, to give to Kate. When he gave it to her, he wanted her to think, it was a present from him jus for her.

As he arrived back in the wing area of the plane, as he sat back down in his seat, he, then, offered her, the glass of champagne on ice, while taking a drink or two out of his glass. And she didn’t even say one word, while he was giving the drink to her. But she jus calmly, this time, started to drink from the glass.

And she finished this one, quickly, because she found it, to be very relaxing. So, then, he got another glass of it from the stewardess, as she approached the wing area,and was giving out champagne to the others on the plane, and pop to whoever didn’t want anything to drink, especially, the younger set.

After Kate had a couple of drinks of champagne, because that was all the champagne, that Luc could get for her, she, then, looked a lot more relaxed. So, then, he said to her, “About this boyfriend of yours, I think that you should jus allow any thoughts about him, which you happen to get in your mind about him, allow to waver in your mind. Especially, because you’re, still, on the plane to Paris,and, really, can’t do anything to make things better between you and him, why don’t you jus try to forget about him for now, and put all thoughts about him in the back of your mind.”

“But how am going to put all thoughts about him away far behind me? The thing is that I, still, love him a lot, and can’t dismiss any feelings, I have left for him at this time.”

“What you, really, have to do, my dear, is to try not to dwell on the situation between him and you for now. There’s, really, nothing you can do about the situation, because the thing is, that you jus might not get to see him, anymore, unless, of course, he happens to show up while you’re in Paris.”

“What makes you, think, he could jus show up in Paris, jus like that? I never left him, any information about where I was planning to go, when I left my apartment, this morning. So, how is he, going to be able to find out jus where I’m heading?”

“For one thing, I don’t know if you’re aware of this at this time, however my brother has known him for a few years, and it’s possible that he could track down your boyfriend, being he’s a detective. Or it jus could happen by chance, being that right at this time, I seem to have this feeling inside me, that he’s going to run into you, somewhere where the shops are at in the main thoroughfare, because I jus know, that you’re planning to go there, sometime, in the near future.”

“I jus don’t know how you can know jus where I’m planning to go, once, this plane lands at the airport in Paris, France. You must have some ESP inside you, don’t you?”

“That’s, rightfully, true of me, my dear; it jus so happens that I do have some ESP in me. And it’s through ESP, that, recently, while I have been sitting, here, in this seat beside you, that I have the notion, he’ll turn up, somewhere, in the main thoroughfare of Paris.”

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Have you ever experienced severe midcycle pain? Does pain and cramping seem to occur during ovulation? What you are experiencing may be Mittelschmerz. Mittelschmerz is a German word which translated literally means “middle pain.” Other words you may hear include: ovulation pain, midcycle pain, menstrual, middle pain, or cramps.
Ovulation usually occurs about two weeks after the first day of your last period. Mittelschmerz occurs during ovulation when an egg is released by the ovaries into the fallopian tube. For about twenty percent of women this causes severe pain and cramps on one side of the lower abdomen. Although the pain may feel like something serious is wrong, midcycle pain or cramps—Mittelschmerz is rarely serious.
Occasionally, in addition to midcycle pain and cramping, some women may experience nausea, and/or light menstrual spotting. Mittelschmerz lasts for 6 to 8 hours in most women; however, occasionaly it can last as long as twenty-four to forty-eight hours.
Taking Care of Yourself
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Use a heating pad (try making a tube sock homemade heating pad), or take home baths to ease the pain.
Use OTC anti-inflammatory drugs such as acetaminophen or naproxen sodium
Check your temperature several times a day to be sure you are not developing an infection.
Call your doctor if the pain is severe and these self-help tips do not ease your midcycle pain.
If you experience midcycle ovulation pain that lasts longer than 2 or 3 days, experience heavy bleeding, or have any unusual vaginal discharge call your health care provider.
Signs You Need Emergency Care
Vomiting blood.
Blood in stool.
Increased pain.
Faintness or dizziness.
High fever.
Difficult or painful urination.
Swollen abdomen.
Difficulty breathing.


Are Your Thoughts Making You Panic?
Donald Meichenbaum is a psychologist notice for his contributions to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). He developed a therapeutic technique called cognitive behavior modification (CBM), which focuses on identifying dysfunctional self-talk in order to change unwanted behaviors. In other words, Dr. Meichenbaum views behaviors as outcomes of our own self-verbalizations.
Panic disorder, agoraphiobia or other anxiety disorders often result in certain thought patterns and behaviors that may hinder recovery. For example, let's say you have to attend a meeting at work tomorrow. You're anxious and fearful that you will have a panic attack at the meeting. You may tell yourself, “What if I have a panic attack and have to leave the meeting. I would be so embarrassed.” So, you call in sick to work the next day so that you can avoid a meeting.
But, what if you were able to change your thoughts? And, what if by changing your thoughts, you are able to attend the work meeting instead of avoiding it?
How to Change Your Thoughts
Using CBM, changing thoughts and behaviors, including avoidant behaviors and panic responses, is a three-phase process:
Phase 1: Self-Observation
This phase involves listening to your internal dialogue or self-talk and observing your own behaviors. You want to be especially aware of any negative self-statements that are actually contributing to your anxiety and panic symptoms.
Phase 2: Begin New Self-Talk
Once you recognize your negative self-talk, you can begin to change it. As you “catch” yourself in familiar negative thought patterns, you create a new positive internal dialogue. “I can't” becomes “It may be difficult, but I can.” These new self-statements now guide new behaviors. Rather than using avoidant behaviors to cope with panic and anxiety, you become willing to experience the anxiety-provoking situations. This leads to better coping skills, and as your small successes build upon one another, you make great gains in your recovery.
Phase 3: Learning New Skills
Each time you are able to identify and restructure your negative thoughts and change your response to panic and anxiety, you are learning new skills. Because you are acutely aware of your thoughts, you are better to gauge your anxiet y and react in a more useful manner.
When your negative thoughts control you, it becomes difficult to control your behavioral responses to unpleasant situations. But, CBM can give you back some lost control. As your thoughts change from negative to positive, you start to behave differently in many situations. And, you will likely find that others react differently to the new “positive” you as well!



A woman, Kate, who has wavy blond hair and blue eyes, wearing blue jeans with a white blouse and cranberry blazer, was supposed to be engaged to a guy, Charles, with short black hair and brown eyes with a tall build. The two decided to get engaged after having been going together for about two years. And Kate had the impression, that everything was jus like roses between her and Charles.

However, one day, he didn’t show up at her apartment, after promising to get together with her for the whole day, and then, going to a local bar at night. And the next morning, she was so mad at him, that all she wanted to do was to take off on him, and call off the engagement.

That night, she jus happened to receive a surprise phone call from him, and during the phone call, he said to her in a surprised, sleuth voice, “My darling, I don’t know how to tell you this, but the reason, I haven’t been seeing you at night for the last few weeks, is because I have a new girlfriend. So, because I have fallen in love with her at first sight, I won’t be able to see you, anymore.”

“What are you trying to pull on me? I thought, we were supposed to be engaged, but now, you are telling me, that you have been seeing another woman behind my back. Well, I’m calling off the engagement as of now, and don’t be surprised if I take off the next morning, and when I take off, tomorrow morning, I’m not going to tell you where I’m heading, because I don’t want you, following me around. So, I hope you have a lousy relationship with your new girlfriend, and have nightmares, every night, about you and me.”

Then, the next morning, she took off for Paris, France, and she jus happened to meet a nice guy, while on the flight to Paris. And he jus happened to be sitting next to her during the whole flight. He had been away from his family for awhile, and he wanted to kill his brother, for beating him in a poker game, and winning the complete ownership of the family vineyards.

It seemed uncanny to him, that he could sense all the time during the flight to Paris that she seemed to be quite uneasy, and uncomfortable. He could sense, that she was feeling very nervous during the whole flight, and that this was because she never has been on a plane before in her life.

Jus because she has bumped into this Frenchman, the guy, sitting next to her during the flight to Paris, he went out of his way, to convince the pilot of the airplane, that she wasn’t enjoying her trip to Paris. So, then, he ended up getting her, a full refund for her ticket, although, she, finally, made it to Paris, anyways.

This Frenchman, instantly, started to be able to feel her out, and was, constantly, catering to all her woes about having broken up with her finance, jus because everything went wrong, recently, between her and Charles. So, then, this was one reason, why she wasn’t acting like herself during the flight to Paris.

After getting off the plane, when it arrived in Paris, France, then, although, she didn’t realize this at first, he kept following her around, wherever she went around Paris. And every time, she would catch a cab, somewhere, like to some stores, he would manage to catch up to her.

Upon her, arriving at the stores in the main vicinity of Paris, she realized, that she didn’t have her passport or wallet or even her bags, and because of this, she turned very upset over the whole situation. However, upon bumping into Charles and his brother, Charles let her know, that his brother was the one, who stole her necklace, bags, and passport. But somehow, upon getting into a big fight with his brother, he managed to get the necklace and her bags back, however, his brother spent all the money on her and lost her passport, her Canada passport, being she was from Canada.

Then, she had to go through customs to get a new passport, which ended up taking her awhile to accomplish. And then, she was going to go back to Canada, however, the Frenchman, Luc, convinced her to stay with him in Paris, because he wanted her to meet his family.

Then, Charles, somehow, found out, that Kate’s finance was coming to Paris with his new girlfriend, and Kate didn’t, especially, like this arrangement either, or what her finance has been pulling on her, especially, like showing up in Paris. And she has no idea, of jus how he managed to find out, that she was in Paris, either, because she never left him, any information, to where she took off to. So, she, then, found out from Luc, that his brother knows her fiancé, Charles, and used to be a good friend of his, before her and Charles ever met each other.

Kate gave into Luc’s advice on how to make Charles, suffer, jus because he fell in love with another woman behind Kate’s back, and that it should help her, get him back into her life, being she, still, loved him, although, he has another woman in his life, now.


Originally, Kate met Charles over at some local bar in Canada, and from the very first time, the two met, then, they started going steady with each other for awhile, until two yeas went by. And by that time, she thought, that her and Charles, really, were in love with each other. So, he was hoping, that she would agree to move in with him, jus after the two were engaged, which she never did, because she didn’t think, that this kind of arrangement would work out for the two of them.

Luc, the Frenchman, after getting Kate’s bag and necklace back, and giving them to her when he happened to catch her, taking a cab to a series of stores in the main area of the city, then, had her hop into a car, which he jus happened to steal from his brother, jus after he got in a fight with him and ended up killing him in the long run.

Once, Kate and Luc were in a red Mustang, the two were on their way over to his family’ house, and once, they arrived over there, he showed her, all the vineyards, which the whole family made a living on, through selling wine made from all the grapes from the vineyards.

It was while he was showing her, all the vineyards, that he let her know, jus how his brother had tricked him into playing poker with the family. And during one of the poker games, he had lost a bet, and as a result, lost his part ownership in the vineyards.

So, then, she started getting acquainted with the whole family, and she even would eat meals with them, and help them out in taking care of the vineyards, although, Luc, no longer, has any ownership of the vineyards.

After spending about a week at the family house, then, Luc talked Kate into getting a motel room with her, jus because he felt, he was starting to have some feelings for hr. And this motel room, the two rented out, jus because it was a good size suite, that was, partly, why the two decided to rent it out for awhile.

However, although, the two, now, have a suite rented out, together, he doesn’t want to interfere in her life in any way. So, then, he jus would sleep on a couch at night, instead of sleeping in bed with her, because he felt, that she wasn’t ready to sleep with him, jus because she jus had gone through a separation from her finance, and thought, that she jus might be able to get back with him, if she could make him, suffer for what he has done to her.

But during all the time, he was trying to encourage her, to make her, finance suffer from having another woman behind her back, he jus was getting closer and closer to her, although, he didn’t realize it right away, that he was falling in love with her.

One night, Kate let Luc know, that she jus hasn’t been acting like her usual self, jus because she broke up with her finance, and he has another woman behind her back, because this was what was making her, act weird in front of Luc. Also, she let him know, that at this point in her relationship with Charles, that she has been feeling, lately, that she has lost all love for him, too.

So, then, Charles other woman doesn’t seem to like Kate’s finance being engaged to him, although, at this time, she doesn’t realize, that she jus isn’t considering herself, being engaged to him, anymore, because of the way, she’s been treated by him. So, then, she jus walked away from him, and no longer, wanted anything to do with him or his love for her, for that matter. Although, she kept acting, as though, she was trying to get him back into her life, when the opposite was true.
At this one place, where Charles has been hanging out in Paris, it jus so happened, that Kate caught him, there, at the restaurant and bar, one time. So, then, she encouraged Charles to dance with her, however, she ends up dancing with the Frenchman, Luc, who, then, that night, ends up talking her into making love with him over at the motel suite for the very first time, which she seemed to love to do with him, because it caused her to forget about how she ever loved Charles in the first place.

Being that she didn’t want to get any closer to him, she found herself on the plane, back home to Canada, however, jus as her plane was ready to take off, her French friend encourages her to get off the plane, and to completely forget about Charles. And from the airport, he drove her over to the family house, and while the two were walking through the vineyards, then, he let her know, that she’s wanted by him, which, really, surprised her a lot.

So, then, being that she, finally, realized, that all this time, the Frenchman has been falling for her, she, then, left Charles for good, and then, her and Luc got into a good relationship with each other, making love each and every night over at the motel suite, they, still, were renting out.

The necklace, which he got back from his brother, she returned to a shop, where the necklace jus happened to be stolen from by his brother.

Afterwards, Kate and Luc ended up getting even closer to each other, and then, one day, she and him decided to move in together over at the family house, because the two, actually, have been living with each other over at the motel suite, however, the family house was a better place for them to live in, being that, finally, Luc’s dad accepted her into the family.

Then, being the two, really, were in love with each other, and he, really, was sure that she was the gal, who he, really, wanted in life, the two then, were married right amongst the family vineyards by a minister. And Luc’s dad was one, who arranged the wedding for the two to get married, right there, at the vineyards. And this wedding ceremony was, really, full of glamour, being that the family was a rich one.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



What’s dragging you farther away from me?
Have no idea what’s getting in the way
We have no problem getting along
There’s no reason why either of us
Should have to pay
For any wrong doing, which has happened between us
Something’s going on between us
Which neither you nor me
Seem to be aware of happening
We seem to like each other
But what’s stopping us, from being lovers?
Gradually, you seem to be slipping away from me
And it’s no fault of yours
Maybe, our chemistry isn’t matching right
Or we jus were never meant for each other
So, it would be best to stop seeing each other



The wheel keeps on turning
The haze in the mountains goes on swirling
The rain comes down in the mountains like cats and dogs
After the rains, you can see the immense fog
When it’s sunny, it tends to produce hot air
So, you tend to want to get out in the air
Because it lifts you up inside
The hills are ever so steep, down them, you’d rather slide
Than take a long walk which can tire you out
However, all the scenery can make you, want to scream and shout
About all the beauty of the mountains, captured
During a lengthy walk or ride on a four-wheeler, all that rapture
You tend to feel when outside in that mountain air
In the long run, far from feeling square
Because all those mountains makes you, wish you, could fly
And the way, it affects your spirit, tends to put you on this high
And all the allure of the mountains
Can make you long for a fountain
Because all this hot or cool breeze in the air
Can make you dream while in a car or chair
Being all these southern winds hitting you
Can cause an instant dreamy state of all the mountain views
Makes you, you wish, you didn’t have to go back to the Michigan house
But North Carolina pictures of mountains, makes you wish of having a year-round house



On one lazy afternoon
All the flowers seem to be in bloom
All the girls are looking pretty
And the boys are looking muscular and fit
Loves seems to be in the air
Guys are interpreting the girls’ stares
As a way of flirting with them
So, the girls’ worlds are turning into mayhem
As their heads are turning
Towards all the guy’s heads, wheeling
With all that love
As each guy has a girl in his cove
Above their heads, the clouds are moving
A sign, that the girls are spinning
Dancing while twirling their umbrellas
While chanting under the bright sun, u-la-la
The guys are wide-eyed
Watching the girls’ figures under the skies
All this time, the girls’ bodies are in motion
While all the guys watch them from the ocean
At the same time, the sun is making their bodies, bronze
The guys are having a good, old time
Lying on their towels, sighing at all the girls in bikinis
Then, a few guys take off to go surfing
At the coolness of the breeze, urging
Them all to hit the ocean
On such a bright and sunny day



Love horses because they’re fun to ride
Although, it’s best to ride a horse
With a saddle on it, because all horses aren’t tame
However, although, when at a camp, one time
I managed to fail to grab the reins
While trying to get up on a horse
And then, couldn’t pull myself up
As the horse took off around the carol
So, I ended up riding the horse
While lying forward on the animal
That time, I was lucky
I didn’t end up falling off the horse
Here, in North Carolina, I wouldn’t mind riding Ranger
Because he’s so gentle
And the horse jus loves eating carrots
However, he’s afraid of that wire fence
Which fence, shocked me, a few days ago
Because when trying to give him, a carrot
I jus wasn’t watching the fence
In bumping that fence, gave me, this weird shock
Which, now, makes me, watch myself
And since then, the horse has been scared of me
Until today, when it, finally, ate a carrot out of my hand



From what I’ve learned about some persons, I know, no one can make me, feel lonely when I’m all alone, because at those times, I’m writing or taking a nap or dreaming about pleasant things. That if you think positive, and know that the bad forces aren’t around you, then, you know there’s no way, you can feel bad, if your mind’s thinking in a different way, like how precious that walk was this morning, or how warm the sun feels on your skin. And that no bad forces or persons can stop you, from having a good time. And that one good nap can chase all your troubles and worries and sadness away, leaving you, feeling like the whole world loves you. Believing that nobody can put you down, if you ignore whoever is trying is trying to do to this to you, can, truly, bring about the positive inside you.



Down south in North Carolina, theres many mountains
And there tend to be many sounds
Of cows, chickens, roosters, bulls, donkeys and horses
Sounds of nature seem so peaceful
Minus all those noisy cars
The roads seem to go farther
Because they’re ever winding
And tend to have deep curves, ever turning
When looking at the mountains
They seem to be farther away than they, really, are
Look away and you can see Dixie Land
All that walking keeps you off your cans



Since, I’ve arrived in North Carolina,
Its beauty has placed me in a daze
It’s caused me not to be able to walk in a straight line
I’ve turned dizzy in being amongst the mountains
All the clouds have been trying to overcome me
All the rain has been pouring down like a fountain
North Carolina’s mountains are driving me wild,
Every time, I’m traveling around the mountain peaks
Right and left, I’m being closed in by its clouds
The mountains, literally, are overpowering me
Vacationing in North Carolina has placed me head in a whirl
Because there in the south, people are, always, so friendly, guys and girls
Who cause my self?
To go wheeling down south, which keeps my heart off a shelf?
Better watch out for Southern girls
Because one could make my boyfriend’s heart go curling
With the sway of the mountain breezes
And keep him being at ease with me



Back down south in North Carolina, a dream, there, can make you long
For having all those steep hills at home
So, you wouldn’t have to be on a strict diet
To get down to that youthful figure, again
However, why Southerners stay so skinny
Is basically through living that farm life
Many of them grow grapes
To make their own wine
While other guys and gals thrive on corn fields
And raising cows and chickens
For food and selling them to make money
To feel themselves and love of that farm life


Affect refers to emotional state that is most evident in a person at a given time. Someone who is jovial may at times experience the emotion of sadness. Someone with sad effect, conversely, may express an affective display of happiness-that is they may smile. But the underlying display of a sad person or a jovial person returns to that affect in the absence of any perceived stiumli.
It may be said that mood or affect are more static or constant, while emotions are often changing. While mood or affect may be elevated or depressed despite present stimuli, emotions are more dependent on the situation or perception of stimuli.
Mood, like emotion, is an affective state. However, an emotion tends to have a clear focus (I.e., its cause is self-evident), while mood tends to be more unfocused and diffused. Unlike instant reactions that produce affect or emotion, and that change with expectations of future pleasure or pain, moods, being diffused and unfocused, and thus harder to cope with, can last for days, weeks, months, or even years.
Positive affect and negative affect represent independent domains of emotion in the general population, and positive affect is strongly linked to social interaction. Recent research suggests that high functional support is related to higher levels of positive affect.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My medical experience

Hi! I"m Matt. I just wanted to write to let you know I was studying my CT scan of my pelvis and my abdomen. I found the images intriguing but, I had a hard time understanding the pictures. maybe that's why doctors and radiologists get paid so much money!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Check Out Our Website!

The Blue Water Clubhouse is part of Touchstone Services, Inc. Our website has loads of information on the clubhouse here in Port Huron, MI and our sister clubhouses, too. Our clubhouse in Bay City, MI is the Opportunity Center. In Ann Arbor, MI Fresh Start Clubhouse carries the Touchstone Services torch. So for info and cool events check us out at

Friday, April 3, 2009


Have you been through numerous drug trials without getting relief from your depression? Do antidepressants only work for a short while before “pooping out”? Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) can be very discouraging for those who have it, but there are options that may be able to help you.
One option is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). While ECT doesn't come without side-effects, it does bring rapid relief for about 80 percent of patients and it can work where other treatments have failed.
A newer option is vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), which involves the implantation of a pacemaker-like device to periodically send a pulse to the vagus nerve, which communicates with brain cells involved in mood control.
If medications have failed you, please don't give up hope. Speak with your doctor about other treatment options available to you, such as ECT and VNS.
Jim says:
Thank you for finally stating the fact that treatment-resistant depression exists. I have had major depression for the last 25 years. For a while medication worked, but then it “pooped out” as you say. I went for year where all I did was try every possible combination of drugs without any luck. I am puzzled why your column never lists psychoanalysis as an option. True, it is very expensive, but it is the only thing that has brought me relief. I feel that it is purposely not talked about because professionals would then have to deal with clients that see an option, but it out of their reach causing more problems. The fact is that many analysts will work with the patient on finances and analysts-in-training will often do it for next to nothing. I believe that this is often the reason that nobody talks about “TRD”, again, professionals are concerned that patients will give up hope if medication doesn't work. Thank you very much for bringing to light two more options that few doctors will every recommend.
Chris says:
I had ECT when I was 18 and it worked excellent. I also had it when I was 35 and it made things worse. It affected my memory so much it affected my job; I could not function. I could not remember simple things like relatives names', simple recipes, my phone number, forgetting what I was saying mid-sentence, getting lost in a town where I grew up and lived my whole life, spelling words (which I never had a problem with), vocabulary and just plain English. To this day, I still struggle. It is a little better but I still have memory issues. It has left me feeling as though my IQ is back to elementary level.
If you do decide this route, go to a good place like an University, that is where I went when I was 18.
Sheri says:
I was 22 and gave my Dr an ultimatum. Have a series of blood studies and if they showed depression, then I wanted ECT. No more “ we can try this” without effect. Will the Dexamethasone Suppression test and Thyroid tests were way off. I was a slug with no motivation or want to thru another day. I was lucky the tests pointed my Dr to an Endocrinologist who sent me to a surgeon for a tumor on my adrenal gland. I had no problems with depression after surgery until recently. That was 26 years ago. It saved my life as I had started muscle wasting.
I found then how many people who are depressed have medical problems that either are the culprit or aggravate the illness. It is very important for anyone with any form of depression to get a thorough medical evaluation which includes the Dexamethasone Suppression test and other labwork. There are medical problems that can be fixed and it will take the depression with it.
No more assuming that it is emotional. Most Dr's have to be reminded to look further. Not just medicate.
Thank you,
Annie says:
ECT does pose a risk of side effects and complications, such as memory loss and confusion.
But now the procedure has become refined, with precisely calculated electrical currents administered in a controlled medical setting to achieve the most benefits with the fewest risks.