Tuesday, April 21, 2009



From what I’ve learned about some persons, I know, no one can make me, feel lonely when I’m all alone, because at those times, I’m writing or taking a nap or dreaming about pleasant things. That if you think positive, and know that the bad forces aren’t around you, then, you know there’s no way, you can feel bad, if your mind’s thinking in a different way, like how precious that walk was this morning, or how warm the sun feels on your skin. And that no bad forces or persons can stop you, from having a good time. And that one good nap can chase all your troubles and worries and sadness away, leaving you, feeling like the whole world loves you. Believing that nobody can put you down, if you ignore whoever is trying is trying to do to this to you, can, truly, bring about the positive inside you.

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