Monday, March 28, 2011



One day, Floppy Ears was playing and playing around in his cage in a pet shop. Floppy Ears hated having to live in a cage by himself. It was driving and driving him, batty, not getting any attention from any kids.

Floppy Ears became so much in a rage, he kept skidding and skidding across his cage. Floppy Ears craved and craved for some boys and girls to come along. And give and give him, some treats of different seeds.

The owner thought grass and hay, was what he needed for treats. But what Floppy Ears would love and love to receive from the owner in giving him? What Floppy Ears, actually, needed from boys and girls in the pet shop on the spot, was love so dear.

Since, Floppy Ears wasn’t getting enough love from boys and girls. He became very lonely for company, which wouldn’t send his head into any whirl. He had no other rabbits in the cage with him. So, he’s lonely for another rabbit.

Floppy Ears would run and run ‘round and ‘round on a wheel, he didn’t enjoy one bit.

Floppy Ears walked over to his water bowl. He thought he heard another rabbit around and around. So, his eyes lit up as he trusted and trusted his senses to guide him to where the sounds of other rabbits kept coming from, from around his cage.

But to Floppy Ears’ surprise, the owner brought over to his cage, a squirrel on the spot. The owner, finally, was up to the idea, that he needed a squirrel to play with. Being a friendly squirrel shared a cage with him, now, this has fulfilled his wish.

Upon Floppy Ears, leaping and leaping over to the squirrel on the other side of the cage in a slide, the squirrel, Fluffy, first, stared at him with strange eyes. Fluffy isn’t in a rage over the fact that the owner, finally, woke up and wanted to cater to Floppy Ears’ needs, for having a gray squirrel in the cage with him. Which like Floppy Ears; Fluffy loves to eat and eat seeds?

Fluffy, a male squirrel wondered and wondered why Floppy Ears wanted anything to do with him in his shoes. But Fluffy met Floppy Ears gaze. And even offered some of his nuts to him. Which nuts, Floppy Ears wouldn’t eat. Because they weren’t even a part of his diet.

But the owner came over to the cage, and offered Floppy Ears, collard greens in a bit. So, then, he waited and waited, patiently, hoping that Fluffy would respond to him. Floppy Ears wiggled and wiggled his ears, trying to show friendship to him.

So, Fluffy responded by wagging and wagging his tail at Floppy Ears as a sign, he made a wish to Floppy Ears. He was hoping that the rabbit, would accept him as a friend in the end. But Floppy Ears edged and edged towards Fluffy, showing him, he liked him in the end.

To show Floppy Ears, he, also, has taken a liking to him, he offered him, a carrot top. So, he took this carrot top from Fluffy. And was hungry and ate it in a flop on the spot.

Floppy Ears treasured this carrot top on the spot. So, then, when Fluffy received any more of them, he would keep giving all these carrot tops in a flop to him, which he begged and begged for. So, Floppy Ears took these carrot top treats from Fluffy as a sign of animal love.

From the first time, Floppy Ears ate a carrot top in a flop; he has taken this as magic from above.

One day, Fluffy offered Floppy Ears, a bunch of seeds as a mating gift. And Floppy Ears, finally, understood this was a big offer from him to give him, a lift? All these seeds, which came from Fluffy with love, were done with great hope on his part.

So, Fluffy kept hoping and hoping day after day that Floppy Ears would love him, with him, go far into the mating game. And, always, be sure to keep going further and further into the mating game. Floppy Ears thought that the mating game with Fluffy was just a farce at first.

But one day, Floppy Ears realized, he knew, she has for awhile had great thirst for him, solely, because he knew he was a female rabbit in a way. Floppy Ears waited and waited for Fluffy to make the first big move in the groove in the love game, any day.

Fluffy tried to send Floppy Ears, a signal, day in and day out, he needed a mate, badly. Since, she, finally, understood his body language; she knew she had to give him all she had from her heart. Floppy Ears gave him, messages back to go on with the mating game.

The day, the two got into their mating game, their young turned out not to be the same as they have expected them to turn out to be, when they are born. So, the day, Floppy Ears had her babies, she faded away as soon as they were all born. Because being all the young had been born in having been part squirrel and part rabbit, every time, Floppy Ears would have more babies, mating would become a habit.

It became a habit in which neither one have been able to break at any time. Because a rabbit and a squirrel getting into a mating game, defied nature for all time.

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