Monday, December 6, 2010


Did you know…?
1. The name January comes from Janus or Ianuarius, the god of the doorway. So, January opens the door to a New Year.
2. January begins on the same day of the week as October, unless it is Leap Year. In Leap Year, January begins on the same day as April & July.
3. The original Roman calendar had only ten months. The period of winter (about 51 days) was month-less.
4. Supposedly, January and February were added to make a 9 standard lunar year of 12 months of 28 days which equals 355 days.
5. The month of January has different names in Russia and Iceland. The names mean things like the Ice month and the core of winter.
6. Winter was probably a tough time for the peoples of these regions. So, it is easy to understand why these cold – sounding names existed.
7. Of course in the Southern Hemisphere, January means the middle of Summer as July in the Northern Hemisphere.

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