Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Koala Bear

Being a herbivore, the Koala bear lives almost entire on eucalypt leaves. The eucalypt leaves are known to be low in protein, high in digestible substances and a very small amount of toxins. The Koala bear has a very slow metabolic rate, one of the slowest in the world. Due to the metabolic rate, the Koala bear can remain and rest motionless for about 16 to 18 hours a day, sleeping for the majority of the time. Koalas are known to spend about 3 of their 5 active hours eating, usually at night. The Koala bear can eat an average of 500 g (or 18 oz) of eucalypt leaves per day, chewing them to a very fine paste until swallowing. The Koala bear can eat leaves of wide variety of eucalypts, and some non-eucalpyt species as well.
The Koala bear can be aggressive, but it is a behavior only shown to other Koala bears. Koala bears can throw a foreleg around their opponent and also bit if needed. These aggressive behaviors is shown mainly during little squabbles.

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