Monday, October 19, 2009



There are all kinds of ship wrecks. Whether it is running aground, running into sandbars.

According to the UNITED NATIONS there are more than 3 million ship wrecks in the ocean floor.

As I had previously said every ship wreck has a story behind it.

The MARITIME ARCHEOLOGISTS are attacked to ship wrecks.

The (Mary Rose) has told a story about the warfare in the 1500 hundreds and the rebellion at sea.

Some other discoveries such as TREASURE SHIPS had been found at sea.

Some regular ship wrecks as the (PRESTIGE A ND ERIKA) which are sunken ships are a danger to the waters; because of their cargo, or they are in shallow waters.

Other wrecks have happened because they were in a hurry.

The (Adolphus Busch and the Ocean Freeze and the SS Thistlegorm) had awakened sea creatures in the waters.

There are some famous ship wrecks also. They have been abandoned or were just lost at sea. Some smaller ship boats pose a danger to divers because of the marine life.

The causes of ship wrecks are:

A. Poor design
B. Improper storing of cargo
C. Navigational or human error
D. Severe weather
E. Being in a war
F. Fire
G. Too much cargo on board
H. Battling between themselves
I. To scam the insurance companies
J. Poor workmanship
K. Equipment failure
L. Motor problems
M. Not being able to get cargo in or out
N. Too windy
O. Too much fog
P. Waves are too high
Q. Water too shallow
R. Hitting a sandbar
S. Heavy rain
T. Blizzard conditions
U. Bombing in a war
V. Hitting shore
W. No safe harbor
X. Combustible cargo
Y. Explosives not stored properly
Z. Collisions at sea

Collisions are the major causes of ship wrecks, because their navigational systems were not up to date. And also, they were using the stars to navigate them.

Since over the years they have improved the technology.

A. International rules for preventing collisions on the water.
B. Pilot aids such as more lighthouses and lighted buoys.
C. Better telecommunications.
D. Ship quality and maintenance of the ship.
E. Better intelligence and defense for protection for war at sea.
F. Better storing of cargo.
G. Better devices on board to rescue other ships.
H. Better tug boats to help ships to get to the nearest shipyard.

There are also a number of features whether this ship wreck should be saved or not.

A. Construction material
B. A wreck covered in fine sand
C. How much salt is in the water
D. How badly the ship is damaged
E. How bad the cargo was
F. What the depth of water is
G. The strength of water current
H. Surface weather
I. The presence of marine life on the vessel

The silt or any kind of problem could change the shape which the ship is in.

Wooden ships seem to decay faster than other ships do. They become covered in silt and decayed the ship faster along with other things like sea creatures (like octopuses and crustaceans) are occupying the ships.

Often steel ships maintain their design over the years as they do not decay in fresh water as fast as they do in salt water.

Here is some of the severe destruction of freighters

A. Hitting of the rock by being too close to shore.
B. The wind being so strong that they are blown aground.
C. Collisions
D. Explosives
E. Fire

Sue owners have attempted to save the wreckage of their ships.

Usually freighters in more shallow water are destroyed because it poses a threat to other ships.

The ships that are in more shallow waters are usually broken up by the waves. While ships in deeper water are more protected as they are saved from less water movement.

Most military ships are protected by the government.

Some countries claim their own ships and protected by salvagers, while non-military ships are usually up for grabs.

The British and Americans have two different rules. The British Act of 1896 says no one can touch a war grave, while the Americans allow more access to these ships wrecks as they are of some history value.

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