Monday, January 12, 2009


Many heart patients experience feelings from anger to despair while recovering from a heart attack

While you probably expect to feel physically frail following a heart attack, you may be surprised to find yourself feeling emotionally out-of-sorts as well. It’s normal to experience a wide range of feelings, such as relief, worry, anger, or depression. These reactions are very common, and most patients find that the negative feelings pass within a few weeks. Here re some tips to help you get through it.

Take one day at a time. Try not to think too much about next week or next month. Do what you can do today. Enjoy small pleasures: a walk in your neighborhood, a conversation with a loved one, a snuggle with a pet, or a good meal.
Share your concerns. Talk wit family members and friends about your feelings, and ask for support. Be sure to ask for the kind of help you need—if you want a sympathetic ear rather than advice, gently let your loved ones know. Be sure to give family members time to say what they feel and need, too. Supportive relationships may actually help to lengthen your life.
Get support from “veterans” Consider joining a support group for people who have had the same experience. Groups for heart patients can provide emotional support as well as help you develop new ways of handling everyday challenges.
Keep moving. Regular physical activity not only helps to reduce the risk of future heart problems, but also helps to relive anxiety, depression, and other difficult feelings. Any regular physical activity—even gentle walking—can help to lift your mood.
Seek help for depression. Up to 20 percent of heart-disease patients battle serious depression and many more suffer milder cases of the “blues,” If you find yourself feeling sad or discouraged for more than a week or so, be sure to let your doctor know. Counseling and/or medication can often be very helpful. Seeking help is very important, not only because you deserve to enjoy life as fully as possible, but also because heart patients who are successfully treated for depression are less likely to have future serious heart problems.

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