Monday, February 9, 2009


Mafia Hit Man On The Run
There was this family of three, the Smiths, who lived together in a mansion. The mansion was made of red brick with a huge porch containing a huge heated pool, one master bedroom, eleven guest bedrooms, two kitchens, two dining rooms, one on the first floor and one on the second floor, a huge living room on the first and second floor, along with two basketball courts off of each side of the curve driveway. All rooms had black leather furniture in them, all the bedrooms contained water beds with wooden shelves at the top of the beds along with two oak dressers, and a side table on both sides of the waterbeds. In the entertainment room, there was two big pool tables, a treadmill, which had two steps on it, and operated, like as if you were walking up stairs, two weight benches including up to two hundred and fifty pound weights, which contained a weighted section on the end of the benches, for exercising the legs, a ski machine, a regular treadmill to either walk or run on, and a basic weight machine, which exercises the whole body, including the legs. In the living room area on both floors, there are eight black leather couches, two glass coffee tables, two flat televisions, along with plenty of black leather lazy boy chairs with lifts on them. On both of the floors, the living room areas connect to the entertainment area, on one side, and, also, connect to the dining area on the other side. The porch area is separated from the living room on the first floor, by glass doors, and all around the porch area, are glass doors, which can be opened in the warm weather to let all the breeze in. Also, in the porch area, are two bamboo tables, with four bamboo chairs around these tables, along with white lounge chairs around the whole porch area, ideal for laying on for just relaxing or for getting a good tan underneath the ceiling, which contains four sun windows built into the ceiling, to let the full rays of the sun in during the day. Except for the porch area, which has a white tiled ceiling, with glass doors all around on three sides, with a portion of white wall on the side, where the glass doors, separating the porch area from the living room area, the rest of the rooms in the house, all have bright red walls and ceilings. The only area in the entire mansion, that doesn’t have sun windows in the ceiling, is the kitchen, to keep the room, from getting too warm during and after the cooking is done for the lunch and dinner meals. And the dining area on both of the floors, contain big oak tables, which have eight oak chairs around each table. And in the kitchen areas on both floors, the counters in the kitchens are huge, and of a reddish white marble, which curve around in the middle of the kitchen areas. Also, this mansion is located on Vine St. in California.
George and Christie, the parents of Nick, both work during the week and hold different jobs. George is an actor and director for Warner Brothers Company, and mostly, makes movies about twice a year. He, usually, receives good pay for each movie, he makes, and, usually, gets ten million dollars for each movie made, but sometimes, when a movie turns out to be bad viewing for the general audience, he is lucky, if he even gets one dollar for that kind of movie. And his latest movie, Syrianna, had a good turnout, so, he ended up, getting at least two million for that movie. When he can’t get a good deal on a movie and won’t accept low pay for it, he tries to get a part in a series for at least one season. But if the program ends up, getting good ratings throughout the whole season, then, he stays with the series for the whole season, for as many seasons, as the program lasts on television.
One of the series ER, for several years, that it was running, while he had a good part on the series, he ended up, getting very good pay for his part all the time, he was in the series. But after few years, when his part as Dr.Ross became worn out, when his writers could no longer, think of any more lines for him, to keep being in the series, he, then, went off the show, when Dr. Ross couldn’t get his two contract renewed with the hospital, mostly, being it was a teaching hospital, and he got to the point, where the hospital couldn’t continue, keeping him on staff as a doctor, anymore. So, when his contract with the hospital, couldn’t be renewed, he left the staff of the hospital, and went on with his life, getting a new job in a city, quite far away from that hospital; landing the job, mostly, because he, then, was a full-fledged doctor and no longer a resident. In no longer being a resident, is what made him, have to move on to a different location, and have to leave his girlfriend, behind, even though, the two had been planning to get married, sometime, in the future. And then, in a future episode, the two got reunited, when his girlfriend, formerly, a nurse with the teaching hospital, had twin babies, but had to leave them behind with her mother, so, she could go back to Doug. That was, being that keeping the babies would have gotten in the way of getting reunited with Doug, because even though, the babies were Doug’s, too, there would be no way, that the two would be able to stay together, a second time, and his girlfriend stay buried in trying to take care of the twins. If she had brought the twins with her, when she moved back with him, the twins would just have drawn the two apart, again, and it would have turned out to be a hopeless case, in the two trying to stay together in a relationship. That was, mostly, because their relationship has been on the rocks, before, when Doug used to think, that acting boyish towards his girlfriend, would help them, develop a good relationship with each other.
George’s and Christie’s son, Nick, just graduated from high school, and at the present time is lead singer and lead guitarist for the band, Glass Mountain. Most of the year, the band would hold their concerts in the eastern part of California, and sometimes, they would go on tours during the warmer months of the year, especially, in the spring, and have been on tour, already, all over the United States, especially, in Florida, where during the winter months, it has been the best time with good temperatures, similar to the summertime, and not too hot, that it makes you sweat. When it gets hot down in Florida, you, only, feel hot, and don’t sweat, easily, unless you are into some heavy physical activity, or are out in the sun too long especially, without a sunscreen on.
When the weather was just right and warm enough, the band, Glass Mountain, they held their concerts in the porch area of the mansion, and could get a good tan at the same time, as long, as they, always, took the time, to put on a good sunscreen before playing their music. The porch area was roomy enough, to hold all the band’s equipment needed at the time of their practice sessions, so, the band could hold many practice sessions, there, as long as it wasn’t foggy outside. That was being that fog brought on smog, and during warm weather, when the glass doors to the porch were open, it could put a damper on their practice sessions. The smog could roll in and make it very difficult, for the band to hold a practice session, being it would make it hard for the band members to even see their equipment and lead sheets. And the lead sheets, especially, would turn damp, and possibly, ruin the lead sheets, so, the members of the band, playing their instruments or even just singing at the time, would, soon, be unable to finish that practice session. So, during those kinds of days, the band would have to go into the basement in order to get in enough practice for the day and part of the afternoon.
But during the summertime, when the smog and storms were at their worst, the band couldn’t play their music in the basement, being that if lightening struck the house, while they attempted to play their instruments, it could short out all the instruments in the basement at the time. And then, that would ruin all practice sessions until they could get out to get new equipment, to use, or keep instruments that didn’t require electricity to play, in the basement at all times, so, the band could, still, play their music, but wouldn’t have access to speakers or even synthesizers, which, always, seem to enrich their music, when used.
Rather than take chances of their equipment, shorting out during a thunderstorm, or getting wet from smog in the air, most of the time, during the summer and during other warm months, the band, usually, had to go to a studio for their practice sessions. But going to the studio, would cost a pretty penny, so, then, most of the time, especially, during the summertime, the band would practice at summer camp in another area of California. And summer camp would be a lot better place, to hold practice sessions at and, to, also, do concerts. So, since, it was in the peak of summer at this time, the band, Glass Mountain decided to leave and go to the other side of California, to hold some concerts for the summer. And there, the weather was a lot nicer, and there were fewer storms, if any, and no smog, whatsoever, there, at this time of year.
So, one bright and sunny, clear day in June, the weather was perfect for traveling, and also, a perfect time to take off to summer camp. There wasn’t even one cloud in the sky, and the sky seemed to be a pure blue, except where the sun was shining, bright rays of sun down to earth. There wasn’t even a drop of moisture in the sky, and there wasn’t any rain forecast for the rest of the day or even the evening, either, for the next few days and nights. It was a warm morning and the temperatures were, already, in the fifties, and definitely, would be much warmer, once, the group, Glass Mountain, arrived at summer camp.
So, the group, Glass Mountain, met at the mansion, after everybody had a good breakfast and some stiff coffee, to keep them all awake throughout most of the trip to summer camp. At that neither George nor Christie were home at the time, being that both of them, were away, enjoying a weekend in a classy motel in Florida, probably, in the section, where there were fabulous resorts to stay in, to just enjoy staying at, and getting some exercise out on the lake, or even catching a bus to one of the theme parks in Disney World, to do a lot of walking, and catch some of the attractions and rides, which make up these theme parks. It was a good day for walking and was going to be a good one in the evening, too, with temperatures in the sixties in Florida, while back in California, temperatures, already, were in the upper sixties. And the temperatures were going to creep up to the eightys towards the ninetys all week long in the Disney World area of Florida, while the temperatures were going to be in the upper seventies in California, where the Glass Mountain was going to be heading for on the trip, once, Glass Mountain reached the summer camp.
In Florida, neither George nor Christie were planning on spending much time on the beach, if any, at all, being the weather was going to be too hot to lay out in the sun for long periods of time, which both just loved doing, once, at a beach, somewhere. Most of their time was spent in the motel, keeping cool and having as much as they could get in as far as romance was concerned. And when they were in the mood for it, they would spend a lot of time, making love after having some hot romance every night, if they could get it in, without getting too tired, afterwards. Romance and making love was all for them, just to kill the weekend away. That was, being that they both were in good spirits most of the time, while gone at the resort, and feeling like their worlds were joined together in perfect harmony.
Back at the mansion, the group, Glass Mountain, was in the process of packing their things in Nick’s sporty orange Mustang. They packed all the equipment and instruments needed for their concerts in a black trailer, which had three sides to it, along with a moving ramp. This moving ramp was of a black color, folded up on the trailer, to keep anything packed into the trailer, from falling out of the trailer, while it would be moving at any time. Also, the group couldn’t fit all their suitcases and other things in the trunk, being all of it wouldn’t fit into the trunk, so, the boys set some of the suitcases into the trailer, and then, Nick pushed the ramp back up, until it was locked, securely.
Now, all the boys in the group, Glass Mountain, were more than ready, to take off on their trip to the other side of California. So, they all hopped into Nick’s car, feeling like a guardian angel was with them, and was going to be flying along the car, all the while, it was moving, until they could reach their destination. Since, the car was a convertible, and it was, now, warm enough, outside, to catch the breeze, while the boys were traveling, Nick put the top down on the car, and then, they all took off for the other side of California in good spirits. Drinking a beer, while they all had been packing their things for the trip, was responsible, for putting the boys into good spirits. With all the boys having a beer in hand, except for Nick at this time, being he was the driver, they all took for their destination, the summer camp. While on the road, the breeze was swooshing on them from the front of the car, giving them all the feeling, as if they were floating away with the wind, as the strong breeze hit their faces, and made their hair, go wild in the wind.
The trip took them, a few hours, to get to the summer camp, so, they had to make a few stops on the way, there. A couple of the stops were rest stops and to get a cup of coffee, and the rest of the stops, were to stop at a restaurant to get in the early evening, where they all ordered fish and chips and coffee. After the boys from Glass Mountain, had finished eating, they all filed into Nick’s car, and took off for the summer camp, only, a half hour away.
Before the boys realize it, Nick was pulling the car into the parking lot, which by this time, was full of cars and he was lucky, to even get a parking space, which was a few minutes from the summer camp. Upon all the boys, getting out of the car, they had a bell boy, who had been waiting near the parking lot for the group, load all their bags and things on a luggage cart, while another one, loaded their equipment and instruments into a truck. One bell boy drove the equipment and instruments right to the big building, where the group, Glass Mountain, would be have all their concerts during their stay at summer camp. The other bell boy wheeled the luggage cart right over, to where the cabins were, to where the boys would be staying for the duration of their stay at summer camp. And all the cabins were nearby, so, the bell boy didn’t have too far to go. As the bell boy wheeled the luggage, the boys followed, and went right to their cabins.
Being the big building, where all the entertainment was held, was close by, after the boys all changed into some more comfortable clothes, they all met, shortly, over at the big building. There at the building, all their equipment were warmed up, already, so, the boys from Glass Mountain, could, immediately, start practice, and got in a few hours of practicing that evening, being they, still, had plenty of time, for their practicing, that night. They all rehearsed some old songs, plus some new ones, which Nick, recently, had written with the help of one of the other boys in the group. And another boy had arranged and put music to the new songs, so, when the boys got to the building, the new songs were, already, to be played and sung.
The guys from Glass Mountain, spent all their nights, rehearsing all the music, which they had brought with them, which took at least three hours to cover all the songs. In that time, they had some instrumentals to play, so, they, always, included these instrumentals in their practice time, every single night. And in the mornings, they held their concerts, and then, spent, mostly, their afternoons, relaxing by the beach, trying to get good tans, and when, it was, really, hot in the afternoon, the boys spent a lot of time, swimming in the huge heated pool at the summer camp.
One night, when Nick was relaxing in his cabin, just after the group finished their practicing and rehearsing, an uninvited guest, with long brown hair, and a good build, and brown eyes, going by the name of Jack, a hit man for the mafia, showed up, unexpectedly, at his cabin. It was about eleven o’clock at night, when it, already, was dark outside, when this guy, Jack, very suspicious-looking, happen to drop by to see Nick. How he even knew Nick was staying at this cabin, was, really, a mystery to Nick, and he never remembered, meeting this guy, anywhere at any time, before, especially at summer camp. This was, although, Nick could have met him, before, and not remembered ever speaking to him, although, the guys’s name didn’t in the least, seem at all familiar to him at all. As this guy, Jack, appeared at the front door, he knocked on the door, very loudly, scaring Nick in some way, so, Nick wouldn’t even open the door, until this guy, almost, pushed the door in. Only, then, did Nick answer the door, and then, Jack, suddenly, changed into a different person, and told Nick, he was sorry for making so much noise, but, only, had done so, being Nick hadn’t answered the door on the first couple of knocks. Nick was shaking like a leaf at this time, and Jack could sense this in him, so, he went ahead for no reason at all, and placed a threat on his family and group friends. He threatened to kill him, his family and also, all his group friends, unless Nick cooperated with him. Jack let Nick know, that he would think, about trying to spare all of their lives, as long as he let him in free for the rest of his groups’ concerts. And if Nick didn’t go along with Jack, and let the ticket guy over at the building, know, that Jack was a special friend of his, and that for this reason, he wanted to see, that Jack was let in free for the rest of Glass Mountain’s concerts for the duration of their stay, here, at summer camp. So, even though, he was, still shaking and nervous, Nick let Jack know, that he would see to it, that he didn’t have to pay to get in the building, to see any more of his concerts, and that he would call up the ticket guy, tonight, and let him know, that he was going to lose his job, unless he let in Jack in free for the rest of Glass Mountain’s concerts. Jack, then, didn’t even say another word, being he was afraid, to ask Jack, why he was putting a threat on his family, friends, and, also, him, and if someone had brainwashed him, into getting down on Nick, his friends, and his family. So, then, Jack left as quickly, as he had appeared at the door, and never encountered Nick, again, all the while, he and his group were at the summer camp. Not even during the rest of Glass Mountain’s concerts, did he ever, again, come in contact with Nick, or even the rest of the group. During the rest of the groups; concerts, Jack, just merely, sat in the audience, like if he never had met Nick or even his group, before, and didn’t even yell out one word to the group, all the time, they were in concert. Now, even though, Jack hadn’t said anymore to Nick, since, that night, he had encountered Nick at his cabin, Nick and his friends were, still, in danger, and Nick was aware of this, all the time, he and his group were at summer camp.
So, the next morning after the last concert for the season at summer camp, all the members of the group, Glass Mountain, were too scared for their lives. So, in knowing, that all their lives were in danger, and possibly, even Nick’s parents, they weren’t feeling like themselves at all. In fact, they were very scared to even return to George’s mansion. But the group took off for home, just after the bell boys loaded all their stuff into the trailer and into the truck of Nick’s car, and all of Glass Mountain had hopped into Nick’s car, and Nick put the top down on the convertible, being it, already, was warm enough, to catch some fresh air, which, mostly, was felt, as Nick was driving on the main thoroughfare.
The bell boys had been very good about transferring all their stuff from the building, and from all the cabins, the boys had stayed at, during their stay at summer camp. So, Nick had given both of the bell boys, good tips, for doing a good job, in protecting their equipment and instruments over at the entertainment during the whole stay for the group at summer camp.
Upon hopping into Nick’s car, and him, putting the top down on the convertible, they all took off for George’s mansion, and the trip took about five hours to get there, and the Glass Mountain, only, made two stops, one to get some breakfast, and another one, to get some lunch at a carry out place, which they all ate in the restaurant.
As soon as they all arrived at George’s mansion, they all got of Nick’s car, and ran inside, to relax for awhile on leather couches, but within a half hour, except for Nick, who was too scared to leave the mansion, at this time, the rest of Glass Mountain unpacked their luggage into a red and white van, which the rest of Glass Mountain had come to Nick’s house in. And the equipment and instruments were left in the trailer until the next morning, and the trailer, then, was taken into the garage, with Nick driving the car, which was pulling all these things into the garage. Upon arriving in the garage, he hopped out of the car, and went through the garage through a side door in the garage into the living to join the rest of the group.
As he entered the house, neither of his parents were home, and the mansion appeared to be disheveled. So, as the rest of the group were resting on leather couches and chairs, he, immediately, called the cops, and left a report at the station, about his father’s mansion having been disheveled, and, possibly, that his parents had been kidnapped, while the Glass Mountain was gone on their trip to summer camp. And a couple cops came out, that evening, to check out the place, but couldn’t find out any clues, leading to his parents’ disappearance. So, the cops made out reports on the situation, and also, what Nick had encountered, while at summer camp, about that hit guy from the Mafia. And that guy could have something, to do with Nick’s parents’ disappearance, too, and could have broken into the place, while the group was gone, and left the place, disheveled, and could have taken anything from the mansion, that Nick was unaware of at the time, of being gone or tampered with. Since the cops could find some information, leading to whoever could be responsible, for his parents’ disappearance, or anything of his parents’ or his, found missing, after a more thorough search, during the rest of the night, and from now on, the place was kept, constantly, guarded. But neither Nick nor the cops could find a phone or even an address, to where his parents might have gone. And when one of the cops went back to the police station, Nick’s parents were reported as missing from when the group, first, left for their trip to summer camp.
Upon having gone inside the mansion, even the rest of Glass Mountain had grown scared for their lives and for Nick’s too, and were, still, feeling like their worlds were closing in on them, and were going to suffocate them in some way, if Nick’s parents or that Mafia hit guy, Jack, weren’t found, soon. So, even that cops were, now, all around the mansion, guarding it, Nick’s friends, still, were feeling scared, inside, so, they all, quickly, ran out the door of the mansion, and over to the van. As the boys, all, were, running over to the van, Jack, the hit man from the Mafia, seemed to appear from nowhere, so, the boys never made it to the van, and were frozen in their paths. Now, the whole group, really, were in immediate danger for their lives, and were lost as what to do at this time.
Jack ordered all of Nick’s friends to their knees, and none of them, were prepared for this one, either. But Nick, still, was inside the mansion, so, Jack didn’t know, that Nick was hiding inside the mansion at this time. Now, the whole group were in immediate danger for their lives, and Nick didn’t know this at the time, being he thought, that his friends, all, had made it safely home by now. But Nick hadn’t missed the sounds of Jack’s motorcycle pulling up into the driveway, which was, what made him, feel like hiding at this time. So, he just looked out the front window, hoping that all his friends’ lives would be spared, this time. But as Nick noticed each one of his friends, on his knees, he knew, they were all feeling, as if they were scared. And as if the earth was ready to cave in on them and crushing them to pieces, any time, now. Being all Nick’s friends were, still, on their knees, they were afraid to get up, for fear, that this guy might pull something else on them, tonight.
But Jack walked up, stealthily, to each member of Glass Mountain, except for Nick, who, still, was hiding inside the mansion, and afraid to come out the door, for fear, that Jack might shoot him down, and mercifully, too. Now, he was afraid, that Jack was about to pull some dirty trick on each of his friends, and he didn’t want to be outside, to witness anything, Jack could pull on his friends, so, he closed the drapes.
Upon him, closing the drapes, he heard something, he dreaded to hear, and that was some shots from a gun. So, as he opened them, again, Jack was walking up to each member of Glass Mountain, and shooting each one, with no mercy, whatsoever, until each one was stone dead. Then, as quickly, as he had come to the mansion on his motorcycle, he was about to jump back on his motorcycle at the time, but he knew better than that, from having been a hit man for some time.
Unexpectedly for Nick, he snuck up to the front door of the mansion, with something up his sleeve and being suspicious-looking and acting very sly. He, then, knocked on the door, very loudly, and then, Nick went up to the main front door, and peaked out the eye hole, noticing that it was Jack, at the door. Nick, then, opened the door, slowly, and demanded what he wanted at this time. But Jack just looked at Nick with a suspicious and evil eye, and pointed his gun at him, as Nick backed away, but Jack spared his life, being he trusted him, in not knowing where parents had gone to, being that he hadn’t even seen the whereabouts of any of them, even before he had left for summer camp with his group, a few days ago.
Then, without saying another word to Nick, ran over to his motorcycle, as if Nick was planning to shoot him in self-defense, and then, Jack, quickly, took off on his motorcycle, before any of the cops, guarding the mansion at the time, could even have a chance to catch up to him. A couple of the cops did chase him down the road, but lost him, as he disappeared around the curve of the dirt road. Then, both cops lost track, of where Jack went to, so, both of the cops drove back to the mansion, feeling disappointed, that they weren’t able to catch Jack, in knowing, that he was very dangerous in being a hit man for the Mafia, even though, they knew, he had been brain washed to kill, and was kidnapped by the Mafia at a young age.
Then, about an hour later, Jack had the guts to drive back to the mansion, even though, he knew, it was being guarded all around by cops night and day. And this time, he knocked on the mansion door, for the second time, and when Nick opened the door, very slowly, Jack grabbed Nick by the collar, and then forced him, to go with him this time on the motorcycle, if he wanted to save his neck. And at this time, Nick was feeling, like his stomach was crawling. But what he didn’t know at this time, was that his mom wasn’t in the hands of the Mafia; that she had moved to another house, and had gone into hiding, just after Glass Mountain had left for their trip to summer camp, a few days ago. And that his dad had been forced to launder money, after being kidnapped by the Mafia, recently, as he was on his way to work.
So, Jack wanted to stay alive, so, he jumped up on Jack’s motorcycle, and Jack sped along the streets, until they reached the Mafia house on Jack’s motorcycle. Upon them, reaching the red brick circular house, Jack and Nick hopped off the motorcycle, and Jack led Nick inside the Mafia house to the room, where his dad was being held. He appeared very frail-looking, and looking as if he hadn’t slept in days, being there were circles under his eyes. He didn’t appear to be himself at all, and couldn’t even say one word to Nick, being the cat had his tongue. He was on job, laundering money for the Mafia, but as soon as Jack entered the room, he grabbed George by the arms, and tied him up in the corner with tape over his mouth, so, he couldn’t cry for help at all. Upon seeing his dad, Nick broke down into tears and started crying, uncontrollably. He couldn’t bear, seeing his dad in this condition, so, he had to walk outside.
Then, Jack made him, get up onto the motorcycle just behind him on the seat, and sped off again, taking Nick back home to an empty mansion. And he wasn’t shot at all by Jack, which he found very surprising at the time, being Jack had pointed his gun at Nick, just before taking off for the Mafia house. Then, Jack looked Nick, very suspiciously, and then, without another word, jumped back onto his motorcycle and took off for the Mafia house, or to wherever he had planned to go.
That night, on which Jack had taken Nick back to the mansion, from the Mafia headquarters, he had left as quickly as he had showed up at the mansion. But he, still, threatened to kill Nick’s mom and dad, if he could track them down, which he never was able to do, anyways.
Then, soon after Jack had taken Nick back home to the mansion, where he was living all alone and in a world of uncertainty and confusion, Jack showed up at the mansion, again. This time, Jack was planning to shoot Nick down in cold blood, whatever it took to accomplish it, if Nick didn’t let Jack in on where his parents were hiding.
Soon, George was able to contact Nick, after he was able to sneak out of the Mafia house, one, sullen night and get to a pay phone. He let Nick know, that he was free from the Mafia, but could be taken to jail for laundering money against his own free will. But to protect his skin, anyways, he couldn’t give Nick, the address, to where he and his mom were hiding at this time.
Again, one day, Jack showed up at the mansion on his motorcyle, and was walking up to Nick, who was walking all over the place, especially, around the grassy area, looking for clues to his friends’ deaths. At the same time, his parents with some cops, unexpectedly, showed up at the mansion. Nick was running around the outside of the mansion, trying to escape danger. Just then, Nick took a shot at Jack, who was darting all around the top of the garage, and Nick just happened to catch him in the right spot for a good aim with his gun. Nick shot at Jack, until he fell down dead from the garage.
The cop felt for life in Jack, but he was stone dead. Then, the cops took the body away to the morgue. Nick and his family, were, completely, out of the hands of the Mafia for good, now. Two cops busted the Mafia house, and took the whole Mafia to prison. All Mafia members would be serving a life sentence, once, convicted of crime, in having several warrants against them. As Nick’s dad was forced to launder money at the Mafia house to save his skin, all charges against him, were dropped.

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