Monday, March 2, 2009



This one guy started on his day as a mail delivery person for this company, HUDSUCKER, and he was, there, on time, every day, doing his job. However, he became bored doing the same thing, day in and day out. And this guy, Stuart, with a tall build and curly guy, to others, seemed to act a bit weird while on the job, dancing all over the place, instead of doing plain walking to the elevators.

It seemed, though, one day, he had the responsibility of delivering a blue envelope to one of the top employers for the company. He thought, that this special envelope was supposed to go to Mr. Musberger. However, since, he was a newbie on the mail delivery job; he had trouble, finding where this guy’s office was at.

As someone, he came across, who worked for this company, and jus happened to know where this Mr. Musberger’s office was at, on what floor. So, then, after this one person told Stuart, where this person’s office was at, and gave him, the directions to his office, then, she, also, warned him, that this Mr. Musberger tended to be quite a person, not be trusted at any time. Also, she reminded Stuart, to watch it when approaching this person, because you never know what he’s going to do next.

Then, in feeling, quite nervous and impatient, and uneasy, Stuart, then, skipped over to the elevators, and then, upon going up to this Mr. Musberger’s office, he was in for a real surprise.

However, upon getting, there, he was very surprises to find out, that he could, very well, be next in line for a promotion as president of the company, jus because, recently, the former president of the company, who was president jus before he approached his fate, had gone crazy. And then, he had ended up jumping out a window on the top floor of the building, and falling to his death in the meantime, upon falling onto a sidewalk, jus after having a meeting with his colleagues, which meeting caused him to be so jumpy, that he, then, danced across this very long table, and then, was out the window, before anyone, really, could realize what was going on with him.

Upon delivering this special blue envelope to Mr. Musberger, that was when Stuart jus happened to show him, this newly fangled invention, which he had drawn on paper. And the guy was so interested in this invention of his, that he showed it to all the top people in the company. And every one of them grew so interested in this invention of his, that, then, the company started making his invention of the hula hoop completed with sand inside of each one. The hula hoop was rolling out in great numbers, that one day, one jus happened to roll out the door, and upon reaching this one kid down the street on the sidewalk, he, suddenly, became interested and absorbed in playing with this thing, and attracted a lot of kids from a school, nearby.

This, really, helped the hula hoop become very popular, that even Stuart was using a hula hoop when on his job as the president of the company, Hudsucker.

So, the, this drawing of Stuart’s, really, became so popular, that it seemed that every kid in the city, wanted to own one, and this hula hoop became the most talked about thing ever to be produced, and became the sole part of the Hudsucker proxy.

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