Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thanksgiving & Fall

Thanksgiving is a time where family and friends come together and bring a plate to pass. The pilgrims are the ones who started Thanksgiving, thanks to the pilgrims for starting Thanksgiving.
On Thanksgiving day, my family and I would see Thanksgiving day parade. We'll, my husband and I would be cooking. Then when everything is done, we go get Grandma-mom and bring her over our house to spend the night; she has fun with us. But my mom had been passed away in 2004; we all miss her a lot, she's not in pain anymore, so may my mom be in peace.
From Christine Campus 10-14-08
The beautiful leaves fall from the tree, I love. All the lovely colors, Yellow, Orange, Red. Then when my family rakes the leaves in a pile, I mean a big pile, then everyone jumps in it. It's fun to do. Also what is fun to do, is going to apple orchard, picking apples from the trees, then eating carmel apples and drinking apple cider, eating donuts.
From Christine Campus 10-14-08

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