Tuesday, September 8, 2009




Mike hopped out of his black Rolls Royce, holding a black suitcase under his right arm, one night when there happened to be a full moon in the hazy dark skies. He was making his way over to the apartment building from the parking lot. He couldn’t believe how tired, he was feeling, that night, and how those long office hours over at his office, made him, feel so weary.

It was so quiet around the area, outside, that all one could hear, that night, was the sounds of the crickets, mating. They all were making their way through the green grass, which seemed to catch all the light from the full moon, shining on the grass in the area right in front of him. The first floor of the apartment complex was well lit. So, he could, easily, see where he was going as he headed over to the apartment building.

What happened to be going through his mind as he walked into the apartment building was when all these long office hours, ever going to let up.

He thought, “I jus can’t seem to understand, how much longer, I’m going to be able to put up with what has seemed like endless days and nights on my job as a FBI agent. It’s not that I don’t like my job. Its one job, I’ve had for countless years, which I can say, I have, really, enjoyed doing. Every day and night, I seemed to be absorbed, most of the time, on some interesting case.”

Most of these cases, which he has worked on, either, seem to be solved in a week’s time or seem to go on for endless weeks. The case, which he has been working on, lately, has lasted for at least two weeks, already. Being this case has been involving around some kidnapping, which has occurred right in this apartment complex, it’s a wonder that he hasn’t ended up becoming a victim, himself, of some kidnapping.

Jus as he happened to be walking down the hall and over to the elevators, he couldn’t help hearing some noisy neighbors at the other end of the hall. Whenever he came back home, it, always, seemed to be dark, already. So, one would think, that by that time, most of the neighbors would be in bed by that hour of night. But there were some late nighters, who seemed to, mostly, be awake until the early morning hours, and here, already, it was eleven o’clock at night.

But it was a real relief for him, for him to, finally, gets onto an elevator to take him to the second floor of the apartment building. At least, jus in being inside an elevator seemed to drown out all the noise, which seemed to be going on inside the building.

But he seemed to, sometimes; get the surprise of his life, upon reaching the second floor, and stepping out into the hall. Not very often, would he happen to run into his next door neighbor, if he was lucky, not more than jus a few times, a month.

This time, his neighbor, Melody, happened to be walking down the hall with a date of hers. And being she seemed to be a little shy, whenever she bumped into him in the hall, half the time, she would be a little hesitant about striking up a conversation with him. However, tonight turned out to be an exceptional night for him, jus because she was eager to introduce her date to him.

Melody and her date, Doug, didn’t know Mike very well, jus because he jus seemed to be a scarce neighbor around the apartment building. This happened to be true, jus because his job required him, to, sometimes, be gone out on long searches for crime victims, or jus requiring a lot of researching through his computer over at his office. And all this researching, to him, had to do with hunting down over the computer, different clues. Sometimes, he would end up getting leads to different cases, which he would end up, spending a lot of time looking for.

Jus trying to spark up some conversation with Mike, jus because she wanted to show off her date to him, with a curious look on her face, she said to him, “Oh, hello, I’d like you to meet my date, here, Doug, and Doug; this is my next door neighbor, Mike Cassidy. To me, though, you would think, we should be seeing more of each other. However, jus because he lives next door to me, things never seem to turn out that way.”

Jus in being a bit curious, himself, as they all were reaching the other end of the hall, where both Melody and Mike have been living next door to each other, trying to break the silence, again, Doug, then, said to Mike, jus before Mike entered his apartment.

“Well, although, Melody and I have been dating each other for about a week or so, this seems to be only about the second time, we’ve bumped into you. What seems to bring you, home, all the time, at the late hours of night? Do you happen to have some job, which requires a lot of hours at the office or some other place?”

“In fact, I do happen to have the type of job, which requires a lot of time at the computer over at my office, which is located, only, about ten minutes away from here. It jus happens that I’m a special agent, and I work for the FBI, may I say, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As you, probably, have noticed by now, is that I, always, carry a gun by my side along with special identification and of course, a badge that proves I work for the FBI.”

Then, Melody was about to see her friend, Doug, off back home, again. But she waited until Mike walked into his apartment, and has closed the door behind him. When she happened to notice, that he was, finally, inside his apartment, she was not aware Mike was trying to eavesdrop in on her and him. However, she sensed he was doing this to her and Doug. So, jus in not trying to get Mike’s attention, and hoping he was sensing her’s and Doug’s conversation, she, then, said to Doug in a curious voice.

“To me, Mike’s considered to be what I refer to as the dangerous type of guy. To him, he thinks he’s the wild and sexy type, which a woman like me would even ever care two hoots about.”

“What you’re trying to say, is that he’s the type, who a woman like you, wouldn’t even think of going out with, is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s, exactly, how I, always, have felt about him, from the very first day, he happened to move into the apartment next door to me.”

“Okay, by the expression on your face, you’re about to let me in on a big secret of yours.”

“Since, I should have never kept any secrets from you, I promise you, as of now, that I’ll never pull this stunt on you, ever again. So, you don’t have to worry about Mike, stealing me away from you, because I’ve never allowed myself to get interested in him. What I’m getting at is that you, Doug, are the guy, who I have been having an interest in, and have been, ever since, that day, when we, first, met over at the high school in town.”

Being it, already, was quite late at night, Melody figured, she should, casually, see her date off for the night. She knew darn well, that by this time, Mike has better things to do, than to keep eavesdropping in on her and Doug. Jus before Doug took off on his way back home, she said to him in a casual way jus before he was ready to take off for the night.

“Now, that Mike has, probably, settled down for the night, and has gone to bed, let’s call it, a night, because I, really, enjoyed going to the movies with you, tonight. I’m jus glad you’re not the dangerous type of guy, because I prefer you as real sexy-looking, jus the way, you are.”

Mike was in the middle of getting himself, something to snack on before getting bed being it, already, was late at night. And from all those hours, which he has put in during the day all through the night, he, certainly, was ready to cash in for the night.

Jus before he had opened his apartment door, however, she, really, hadn’t been paying any attention to him at that time. He had entered his apartment, so quickly, he, really, had given Melody, that suspicious look. He didn’t even care if she had even been around, jus because he didn’t care two hoots, she has been dating. For one thing, even if she was the last girl on earth, he, still, wouldn’t have said goodnight to her, anyways.

Jus because the walls of the apartments were not well made, she was very sure, Mike couldn’t help be listening in to what her and Doug were saying to each other. So, she said to Doug, to ward Mike off of her, “Doug, goodnight, but when will I be seeing you, again?”

“How about next weekend, will that be okay with you? I have to work on my job as a school teacher through Friday, because not only do they need me over at the school for my regular job. But, also, besides Monday through Wednesday, also Thursday and Friday, over at the school, they need me, too, because one of the teachers for the English class for elementary school has gone home, sick. So, will Friday night be okay with you, or do you prefer Saturday or Sunday, instead?”

“I think the whole weekend will work out fine for me, unless you have some other plans on part of the weekend.”

“You act, as though, you are attached to me or something. Do you need to see me that badly, or will Friday and Saturday, then, work out alright for you?”

“Okay, it’s not, as though, I’m going steady with you, yet. However, the nights, you jus mentioned will work out fine for me. And I’ll allow you to pick out what’s on your mind for those nights.”

“Well, I was thinking of going out on a dinner date for Friday. And then, on Saturday, we can make an all day and all nighters for that one. So, I’ll take you to a Tigers’ game, and then, out to dinner after the game, that afternoon. So, I’ll see you at about twelve thirty, this coming weekend, jus in case, we decided to get a bit to eat before the game starts. Bye for now, see you, my girl.”

“Goodnight and see you at school, tomorrow morning or afternoon or whenever we happen to bump into each other, probably, at lunchtime, if the day is extra busy.”

So, then, she walked into her apartment, and closed the door behind her, as he headed towards the stairs, being that he loved the extra exercise, because he was an exercise fanatic, himself.

Mike had been trying to eavesdrop on him and Melody, while he was reading the newspaper before going to bed. He thought that Doug was a real wacko of a guy, because he, himself, really, seemed to like Melody. And for that matter, Mike, really, didn’t like that guy being around Melody, jus for the fact that every time, he seemed to bump into Melody, that guy seemed to be with her.

Though, he didn’t know Melody, that well. He found that every time, he and Melody seemed to come across each other whether it is in the hall or near her door, there was something about her, which, always, seemed to make his heart skip a beat.

When the two, Mike and Melody would happen to discover each other in the hallway, to her, he, always, seemed to catch his sight, and being he was the dangerous type, which alone, seemed to bring her to attention like if she was in the army or Navy.

It seemed to her, that she and Mike never failed to get into some conversation, whenever they bumped into each other whether it is in the hall or right by their apartment doors. So, whatever words, she spoke to him, always, seemed to be quite brief most of the time. But the conversation, always, seemed to be centered on her. So, each time, she, always, seemed to thwart him off, so, she wouldn’t become the center of attention.

Ever since, the first day, Mike had moved into the apartment next door, she, always, vowed to herself, she wouldn’t even have anything to do with him. And she kept reminding him; she never wanted to get herself, mixed up with another guy, again, after what she has gone through with past guys, jus because she’s never seemed to be able to keep a boyfriend for along.

Jus like the guy, Doug, she’s been dating for about a few weeks, although, she, always, seemed to bump into him during the lunch hour over at the high school, she has to keep promising herself, she won’t allow herself to get mixed up with another guy or even close to another one, as long as she lived.

It has happened without a doubt, that every time, in the past, she thought, she had a guy in her life to stay and go steady with in her past 20 years of life, it didn’t end up that way. More than once, she has had to break off with a guy, jus because something went wrong between them, like none of these guys ever seemed to be compatible with her. Or else, she never has seemed to be able to get herself into a relationship with any of her former would be boyfriends, who, really, haven’t ever become more than friends to her.

So, it seemed no matter how any guy ever made her, feel excited inside, jus like the guy next door, she, simply, didn’t ever feel that the dangerous, sexy type was ever made for her. More than once, she has vowed herself right in front of Mike, never to give into another guy’s vibes, ever again. However, she knew darn well, that there, certainly, was something about Mike, which couldn’t be explained, which, always, seemed to give her, the heart flutters, every time, she happened to see him.

That, certainly, was one of the reasons, why she couldn’t ever get herself, from the first day, he moved in next door, to stop burying all of her feelings inside her, making herself, appear very shy to him all the time. And for this very reason, she has managed to stop herself, from getting to know him better, and giving into the liking, she has had for him for awhile.

Another thing was that what drove her crazy about him, anyways, were all these dreams, which she has had about being in bed with Mike. She was afraid of finding out in real life, what these dreams could do for her. So, she won’t allow herself, to give into the dangerous, sexy type of guy, which he, really, has, always, seemed to her.

Lately, she has been thinking of him, as being a real wipeout when it comes to being in bed with him in her dreams. But because she doesn’t believe in herself, she won’t allow any of these dreams about him, to have any chance, whatsoever, to become reality.

She jus can’t ever allow herself, becoming head over heels over him, jus because she never thought that her dreams about going to bed with any guy, could, actually, become reality if she ever allow them to do so.

So what she has been doing is putting her down. That’s why she hasn’t gotten very far with this Doug, who she has been dating for a month, now. She can consider herself as not, really, being in a relationship with him. Thought, he has been trying to get into one with her. One can say she never has given him, enough room to even start one with her. The two never have done anything more than casual dating with each other. Never has gotten any room from her, to become something more than jus casual dating.

Being she knew that Mike was a FBI agent, she didn’t ever seem to dig going out on any dates with a man like him, who she, always, referred to as the dangerous type. She had developed this opinion about him, jus because she didn’t want to be around any guy, who, always, carried a gun on him. What she didn’t know about him, she figured, wasn’t going to hurt her in any way, because she didn’t have any good reason to fear going out with his type.

It jus so happened that she’s had many dates in the 20 years of her life of the dangerous type. Her dates in her past, which turned out to be either detectives or special agents, always, seemed to like to make her, feel uncomfortable around them. She figured she has a good reason to stay away from those kinds of guys, jus because she, surely, didn’t want any of that type, spying on her.

In fact, she never was able to figure out why she, always, seemed to be attractive to dangerous type of guy in her life. From the very first time, she happened to get herself, mixed up with the dangerous type; she never has been able to think of herself as being compatible with any of them. when she has dated this type, it, always, seemed to end up, that the guy ended up making her feel as if he was following her around, thinking like she was some suspect in a case.

The main reason, she, always, felt this way towards theses guys, who never seemed to end up becoming any boyfriend of hers for very long, she figured, always, had to end up being her fault for hanging out in all these clubs in the city. This came to be because to her, it seemed like policeman or special agents jus loved to have a lot of thrills in their lives.

And for these guys, these clubs, somehow, seemed to give them all a break from the boring lifestyle, which each one led in life. And their lifestyles seemed to her, to be full of long days and nights over at the office or a police station, jus in being slaves to a computer, trying to track down some criminal.

And she can, clearly, remember that it has happened more than once, that she has become a suspect in a certain case from time to time, jus through an agent or policeman boyfriend. During these times, which such a mistake has occurred in her life, more than once, an agent or policeman has gotten her mixed up with the real suspect on a case. And the times, when this has happened to her, more than once, she has been arrested. And all these times, she never has been involved in a certain case.

So, all of these times seemed too numerous to count, through her, having spent countless hours behind bars. and then, in the long run, she ended up having been proved innocent in the end, has, really, made these last 20 years of her life, turn out to be very hectic some of the time. And a few of these times, she has been released out on bail, or jus having had to do some time of community work on probation, which she never has gotten any fun out of having to end up doing.

So, for these very reasons, she has, finally, made a promise to herself. That she will do all in her power from now on, to stay away from any guy, she happened to meet over at a club, who she finds out, is an agent, detective, or even a policeman.

Any of these types of guys, who happened to be any boyfriend of her in her past, made her go through a very shaky relationship as a girlfriend. And because she has found herself, prone to meeting any of these dangerous types of guys, this is not going to make her, stay away from any of these clubs in the area of Asheville. It’s jus that any guy, who she happens to meet in life, who even in the least, seems to act very suspicious towards in any way. She has vowed to herself that she won’t ever allow herself to get mixed up with any of them.

In fact, the lifestyle, she has been leading, ever since, the last dangerous type, she has met including the guy, Mike, the FBI agent, who lives next door to her, has turned out to be a more independent one. And to her, in being independent means, that she, mostly, has been making meeting any guys over at the club, and going out on a date with any of them, the last thing in life, which she’ll ever do.

Another thing is that she never plans to make any type of commitment to a guy; ever again, no matter what type he happens to be, because she, certainly, didn’t want to end up in a bad relationship, as long as she lives.

But, though, she, really, has never gotten to know Mike, and he’s a complete stranger to her, the only thing, she’ll allow him to do is to have an occasional visit with her over at her apartment, like she has, lately, started doing. One thing, she doesn’t realize about this guy, yet, is the fact, that she, possibly, could be having an attraction to him. And if she ever figures this out, she jus may have the surprise of her life.

What she has been seeing in Mike for the last month or so, is that although she, still, labels him as the dangerous type, to her, he has seemed, lately, to be more than dangerous to her. In fact, every time, she has run into this guy, especially, lately, she can’t seem to figure out, what it has been about him, maybe the way, he acts towards or talks, that has seemed to be sending these chills through her.

Another thing, she has found out about this guy, is that he jus doesn’t seem to act casual when around her. He, always, at least, lately, has been, actually, trying to follow her. So, she has been wondering if he might be falling for her after all this time, he’s been living next door to her.

Another thing about him is that he has seemed to be irresistible to her. And she knows this, but has been trying to avoid any feelings, which he has been stirring up in her. She has been doing this jus because there’s been something about him, which she can’t seem to understand about her. Lately, he has been seeming to come on to her, and for the last year, she has vowed to herself, that she’ll never, again, allow any guy, she meets in life to get close to her. This includes this school teacher; she has been dating for the past week or so, who seemed to have a liking for her.

One afternoon, that school teacher, who she has seemed to be having a crush on, jus happened to walk up to her, while she was taking a break for lunch. As usual, he sat down across from her inside the cafeteria. And at this time, it seemed to be, unusually, quiet in the cafeteria, because, usually, when they happened to bump into each other inside the cafeteria, there happens to be a noisy crowd of students around. There jus weren’t that may students hanging out in the cafeteria, lately

In fact, at this particular time in the afternoon, that one school teacher friend of hers seemed to be a little irresistible to her. Being she wasn’t used to having this feeling when around the school teacher, she was afraid; she would lose her independence, if she kept meeting him for lunch.

However, she found herself, giving into him, like being extra talkative, and giving him, these sly smiles when around him. So, she, surely, didn’t know what to do, if she should accept this feeling from him. Or jus get up from the table and go eat somewhere else inside the cafeteria. And another thing was that Mike, who has been living next door to her, has been coming onto her, each and every time; he decides to drop over to visit with her.

Since, she, surely, didn’t want any of these two guys, getting mixed up with her in her life. She, very casually, after having visited with the school teacher in the cafeteria awhile, she, politely, said to him, “How about if we pass on that date, we had planned for this weekend? I have some things, like a lot of papers, to catch on.” So, she used this as an excuse to dodge him.

However, he seemed to take this, differently, from her, like she, really, has been putting off doing her lessons and correcting papers for her English and Math classes.

So, then, he said to her in a curious way, “It’s not like you to pass up a date from me, because we have been dating, almost, a month, now, and not once, have you done this to me. What’s the matter, Melody? Is your teaching getting to you? or do you, really, have a lot of extra work for tests to do?”

“I guess it’s jus that I have been extra protective with my life. I don’t, really, know what it is, but life has been getting to me, lately. I think that it may be the guy next door to me in that apartment. There’s been something about him, which, really, has been making me, feel as though I’m ready to go crazy. Or maybe, I’ve jus been trying too hard as far as my teaching career goes. Don’t worry about me, now, I’m sure that I jus need some extra rest to catch up on. I’ll see you, Monday, then, over at the high school, here. By next week, I should be myself, again. So, see you, then, my buddy.”

“Okay, if that is what you want, I don’t want to force you to go out with me on dates. However, you’ve got to be aware, that I have been having this crush on you. But I, really, don’t know when this crush on you, started. So, please think about going out with me, again. And if you don’t want to go out ever again with me, that’s your decision. So, goodbye, my sweetheart.”

So, that, that very evening, it jus so happened, that she was feeling extra tired more than usual and wanted to jus go to sleep a little earlier than usual, because after all, she was a little mad with herself, for passing up that date with the school teacher.

However, there was a full moon out that night. And she jus happened to have the urge to stare out one of the windows of her apartment, jus to catch the beauty of the moon. However, as she pushed one of the blinds on the windows, open, she thought, she saw a shadow of someone, going by her window.

Since, she was very curious, she took a better look outside, and she jus happened to see Mike, walking across the lawn to the apartment building. And she couldn’t figure out why he passed by right in front of her window.

So, then, in being a little curious as to what was going on, she wasn’t going to go outside and act like she was following him. Instead, she jus walked outside her door like she was waiting for a date, and waited there, until he came up to his apartment door.

In fact, a few minutes later, she jus happened to notice Mike, coming down the hall, as usual, carrying a gun. And this time, she was surprised to catch him in the apartment building before eleven o’clock at night.

As he approached his apartment, he has a surprised look on his face, a very daring one, as he ended up at his apartment door. At first, he was acting like he wasn’t even aware of her, standing right outside her door, because she happened to be looking the other way, acting as if she was waiting for some other guy or friend. However, he jus stood, there, by his apartment door, waiting to see how she was going to react to him, standing, there, by his door.

However, the cat had her tongue at this time. And she seemed to be choked up on words for now, being that she didn’t expect him to jus stand, there, by his apartment door, waiting to see what she was going to do. So, being she was buried in her world of silence, he, finally, said something to her jus being curious.

“Are you, waiting for a date or something, because you haven’t moved from that spot near your door for the last ten minutes or so?”

“No, not really, the school teacher happened to admit today, that he has a crush on me. However, I, actually, found myself, refusing to go out on a date with him, this weekend. I don’t what’s going on with me, lately, but it seems like everything is going wrong in my life. It‘s not like me to refuse a date from him like I did, tonight. And I, really, am finding myself, having taking a liking to this guy. I jus hope that I haven’t ruined my weekend by refusing a date from him.”

“I’m sure you must have had your reasons, for turning down your date for this weekend. How long have you two been going out? It’s jus that I’m a bit curious about the situation, because you never have seemed much of the boyfriend type, anyways.”

“I guess I jus wasn’t thinking right at the time, we were together in the cafeteria eating lunch over at the high school. I jus hope that I didn’t turn the guy off, in refusing a date from him. In fact, although, he didn’t show it in his face, he, probably, was a little tipped off with me at that time.”

“If I was you, I wouldn’t worry about that guy, because to me, he has seemed to be a bit turned off from you from the very first time, I happened to see the two of you, standing jus outside your door. If he, really, likes you, I’m sure he’ll change his mind, and then, wait for you to make the next move.”

“I was wondering, since, I, really, have nothing planned for tonight, would you like to stop over for a late dinner? I know that this is a late notice on dinner. However, you, usually, don’t seem to arrive back home until real late at night. How come you decided to come home earlier tonight? Did you happen to have a certain case, that you couldn’t find a lead on, or jus happened to get around to solving one of your cases sooner than usual?”

“I don’t understand why you, suddenly, seem to be so interested in me, because from the very first day, I met you; you never seemed to care a hoot about me in any way, jus because you were dating other guys.”

“Let’s not get into all of this, because if I seem to be interested in you, all of a sudden, it must because I’ve had a bad day, today.”

“Aren’t you, going to invite me inside your apartment? Because after all, I, really, loved your cooking that last time, I came over for a visit. I would, really, enjoy another dinner of yours, especially, made to your perfection.”

“Okay, since, I’m, really, not up to working on my lessons for next week, tonight, come on over whenever you feel ready to. I jus know that you seem to act independent, and tend to keep to yourself. So, jus come over whenever you feel you, really, want dinner. Or do you want to come into my apartment, and watch me cook?”

“I’m famished, but I don’t want you to feel that I’m spying on you, or following you. So, are you serious about wanting me to watch you cook, or are you jus being extra polite to me?”

“No, I, really, mean it, this time, and if you want to change first that’s fine with me.”

“Okay, how about if I come over in about an hour? By that time, I’m sure you won’t feel like I’m jus nosing in on you.”

“An hour it will be. See you, then, Mike, and by the way, bring over some of your favorite wine, because it will be a good compliment to dinner.”


So, then, while she went inside her apartment, he jus stood, there, at his door, jus feeling like something is going on with her. But at this time, he jus can’t seem to figure out what’s really cooking in her life.

Since, he felt like he would be intruding in on her life, he jus decided to wait on the situation. He jus walked inside his apartment, and got himself, refreshed. It’s jus that he would feel more like himself, tonight, if he did, because he wasn’t about to turn down that dinner invitation, either. He jus wanted to wait until she decided to feel him out, and decided to come and get him to come over when the dinner was ready.

So, about an hour or two later, she couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t shown up over at her apartment. And she wasn’t about to set up a dinner for two, and then, eat by herself, either. When the cooking was completed about an hour later, she, already, had the table in her dining room area, set up with the best silverware, she had along with red cloth napkins along with two lit candles in the middle of the table, which had the scent of musk.

It took her a lot of guts to do this. But she, already, changed her clothes to something dressier. She, then, walked over to his apartment door, and rapped on the door, very lightly. She wasn’t about to walk right in because she didn’t feel this was the proper thing to do, either.

So, she was surprised, when he came to the door, and opened it, wearing jus a tee shirt and jeans when she was dressed up. At first, she felt uncomfortable about the situation, however, anyways, she said to him at the door, “Well, are you coming over for dinner or not? I have everything set up on the dining room table. And you’re going to be surprised when you see what I have in store for dinner for the two of us.”

At first, he didn’t know what to say, however, then, he said to her, “I see I can’t turn down dinner, tonight, because you have gone through all that trouble to make it for me. So, let’s go have dinner, and after dinner, I’ll allow you to decide what is to be next.”

That night, the two had a romantic dinner for the very first time. Since, the two have known each other all these months. The reason, she had held back on dinner, was because until tonight, she had been trying to jus be independent, and allow him to come over at his convenience without planning the evening, so to speak.. And the two had a very elegant dinner with music in the background, very soft music, along with the white wine, he brought over for dinner, and a dinner of crab legs along with shrimp scampi.

One thing about him was that she never could tell if he was ever interested in her, because he never seemed to be around enough. So, she could get a chance to know him better. One thing, she did know about him, which she found out from another neighbor of his, was that he seemed to be the type of guy to be used to reading a person’s mind. And that if he, really, was on the road to try to get into another person’s life, one thing about him was that he, actually, could manipulate someone to talk if he, really, wanted to do so.

This was one reason why he became an FBI agent, and to have something exciting to do with his life, besides living alone with any family, which job as an FBI agent, really, gave him, a change of life for the better.

Though, in being such an agent, could turn out to be a very dangerous job in the long run, especially, when he was about and around, trying to track some criminal with a lot of warrants against him. And one of his ways, through what, he, usually, ended up tracking down clues about different cases, and also, about Danny, was through having the ability to read between the lines.

Because of this one trait, which Danny could, always, see in him, to her, it seemed like he had a really tricky personality. Even though, the two never seemed to have the chance to get to know each other, personally, at least, not deeply, in the long run.

The impression, that he, always, seemed to get about her, was that he thought of her as being beautiful. And that the way, she, always, seemed to catch his eye, gave him, the idea, she was a looker to him in various ways, especially, having that urge, to want to stare at him right in the eye, whenever they would come across each other, which wasn’t that often.

What seemed to, really, annoy Melody, is how every time, she would happen to come in contact with him, he seemed to make her heart, skip a beat or two. And he, literally, would make her have to stop and catch her breath, and that something about him, made her body, tingle all over.

It seemed like she, hardly, ever saw him or talked to him more than a few words, most of the time. In him, being an FBI agent, he, actually, would be gone on what he referred to as being on a mission rather than on assignment, for no more than about a week at a time. For all these months, he’s been living next door to her, that to her, it seemed like she hasn’t, actually, seen him any more than about ten times, jus because his job, required him to have to move around and be on the go a lot, covering a lot of territory.

For one thing, though, she has found him to be extra-attractive looking; having those big shoulders and a very noticeable wide masculine build. Every time, she seemed to happen to come in contact with him whether it be in an elevator or in the hall, the looks about him, made her, want to get away from him, and to want to fly away with the wind.

She made it a point, to avoid getting entangled with any men, she would come across, whether it is at the high school, at which she taught, or over at the apartment building, whether she bumped into a guy inside or outside the building. Most of the time, when she would run into a guy during the evening hours, it seemed that when summertime was around, she would happen, sometimes, to run into some good-looking guy around the pool area.

She wasn’t interested in finding a guy to begin with, especially, FBI agents like Mike, who came across to her as being very rough-looking and dangerous type, because if it was the last thing, she wanted, was an FBI agent, prying into her life.

Because she had made many mistakes in her past in seeking out the wrong men for her type, she learned all about guys, the hard way. For the last 20 years of her life, she has never seemed to be able to land the right guy for herself. So, for this very reason, she has made it a habit to avoid getting involved with men for the last year or so. No longer, did she, seem to be interested to looking for any affection in any of the guys, who she happened to come across.

She wished to stay away form all the guys, and stay independent on her own, because she thought she wasn’t meant to have any more guys in her life. Though, some day, even though, she never may realize when it could happen to her, she jus may find Mr. Right, some day, to be the FBI type, who lives next door to her. But even though, this may not be for her to know, that this jus could end up happening to her, even when she isn’t in looking for any more men in life.

She was dating a guy, Anthony, and was trying to create a front, jus because Mr. FBI sexy agent caught her with her date, one night. So, she tried hard not to hurt Mr. Sexy feelings as he glared over at her while standing by his door, aware that she was with a new date of hers. She expected her man, if she ever had one like Mike in her life, to realize, she wanted to avoid all guys at all costs even if any of them, thought her as being beautiful and if she happened to catch their eye.

Every time, Mike happened to run into her in the hallway, he was overwhelmed by an urge to take her out, but ignore this feeling, because he didn’t think, she was ever worth it. But he didn’t know he was trying to entice her, because she has been going out with this Anthony guy, lately.

When Mike and Melody jus happened to bump into each other like in an elevator, she, always, had the impression, he was good-looking. So, though, she kept having a temptation, every time, they met, she seemed to notice, he had an exceptional build for a guy his age. Thought, she didn’t want to get involved with sexy-looking men, she felt she was missing out on good fun, being she felt a physical attraction to him.

He, really, didn’t want her, going out with Anthony or any other guy, because every time, mike would give Anthony or any other guy, this look, he never wanted to see the guy’s face, ever again. This odd feeling, he would get inside him, every time, he would bump into one of Melody’s dates. But it didn’t seem to please her at all, every time; Mike would give one of her dates, this evil eye.

So, since, this guy, Anthony, noticed this jealous look on Mike’s face whenever he saw him, come out of an elevator, neither Anthony nor Mike seemed to be able to get along with each other. Sometimes, the two of them, almost, got themselves into a fight; jus because of the jealousy, Mike was having towards him.

As things happened to be, she jus came back from her date. And as her date bid her, goodbye, and wanted to see her, again, being a new date, she, with a sly smile on her face, noticed the guy from next door, Mike, give her’ this odd look. In him, being an FBI agent, jus happened to be jealous about seeing her with her date, because he had an attraction to her. Though, he hasn’t, actually, seen her, but a few times, in the hall or an elevator.

Mike expected her to start reacting, making some friendly action towards him, because after all, he didn’t have the time or patience to cater to her wishes. So, he, really, didn’t prefer her being the beautiful type. Though, he jus wanted her to ditch Anthony, because he, Mike, was finding her to be so irresistible and sexy.

Mike didn’t want to go as far as to ask her out on a date. But her recent date didn’t seem attractive to her. he was able to sense about her. So, Mike wanted to get to know her better, if she, only, would ditch this other guy, because he was in great need of a girlfriend to ride along with him on his job. With having all this attraction, to her, he thought, she would be jus his type.

In spending endless days at his computer at his office, and moving around a lot on his job, he was in great need for a beautiful woman like her to make his life more interesting. But he’s been hesitant about going out with her, jus because she, always, seems to glare at him while in the hallway.

But what he didn’t know, was that she jus wasn’t interested in him, because she hasn’t ever had any guy in her life either, who she, actually, could have called a boyfriend, jus because she was used to be independent of guys. But something told her, the guy next door, Mike, might want to take her out, sometime. However, she jus didn’t dig noisy clubs, which he loved hanging out at jus to have a social life.

He didn’t even seem eager to go out to the clubs, anymore, that evening. In fact, Melody was surprised; he was even taking some interest in her, because he seemed to live a complicated life. This was the last thing, she could put up with a man, an FBI agent, who was strong and totally dangerous like Mike.

One thing, he was good at doing, was making her, become speechless, and really, could tamper with her ego.

She started bumping into him, more often, as if he has wanted to get to know her better. He was playing hard-to-get on her, and shoving himself towards her. Also, she noticed, casually, that he has had those curious eyes of a dangerous man.

This was going to turn out to be just an impromptu night, but no real date and jus being neighbors with each other, was what he was going to do with her. Though, he, really, wanted this to turn out to be a real date, when she was ready for one like this. He didn’t want to force her into anything; she didn’t want to do with him. So, he was jus playing it safe for awhile.

Jus before this, he had left her apartment after having visited with her for awhile. She was a bit bemused, when she found out, he wasn’t about to ask her out on a date ever, because she jus wasn’t his type. Since, she has been becoming so engrossed at night in making up lessons for school, she hasn’t had much of a chance to meet or even talk to Mike to get to know him better

Her past boyfriends, especially, this one guy, really, stuck out in her life. Among social and unsatisfying relationships and empty ones, one of them led to a disastrous affair with a man, who’s gone out of his way to try and destroy her pride and self-esteem.

Also, this guy had pulled physical violence on him, actually, once, raping her, which affair with some French guy had turned out in her breaking up jus when he had been trying to force her into marriage. And she had met him amongst other losers at clubs.

Her family, being over protective at that time, made her bends towards her destructive ways. But her family would be, there, to get her out of trouble.

The last year, she had spent not dating much, but working on her schooling and lesions for her teaching job in English and Math along with gym..

Mike got to the point; he couldn’t get her off his mind. And couldn’t figure out why he, suddenly, was aware, he had been getting himself into a bad habit of visiting her often, more than he thought was good for him. This was because he thought she didn’t like him in being the dangerous type. But it was wearing off on him, and he didn’t know how to handle her being more and more a part of him.

To his friends, he seemed to be acting different. However, he didn’t know, he has been falling in love with Melody from the very first day, on which he had moved into his apartment. He’s been mooning over her, and her not even knowing he has or why he has been doing this.

To her surprise, he started showing up at her door, regularly. And at those times, he when he did, he, always, claimed, he waned to take her out to a movie. But he didn’t want to go about this as treating her like a regular date. He claimed he felt like he needed something else to do with himself besides working all those long hours during the week.

But to her, it seemed, he was trying to follow her around. Because he knew, she didn’t like men, going after her, that he wasn’t about to entice her in any way through making any moves on her.

He was being charming and friendly to her. Thought, he wasn’t aware of this, in some way, danger had its part in her life, now. However, she has been trying hard to read between the lines, because she knew, he has been having something up his sleeve, lately. This caused her to end up under his spell, in order, to make her, feel she was obligated to please and impress him, jus because he wanted more from her than what meets the eye. .

She, only, wanted to be a friend to him, jus because he’s an FBI agent, the dangerous type. What she didn’t know was if he jus wanted her for companionship, or wanted something more from her like sex. But even if she went out with him, this would mean taking a big risk on her part, to, possibly, end up turning into some suspect, again, on some criminal case if she wasn’t careful.

He could be playing games with her mind, which she didn’t know anything about going on before her very eyes. If she tried hard on her part to allow him to keep seeing her, often, this could turn into a dangerous relationship, one she wouldn’t be able to get out of. Any guy, who carried a gun, she had to learn, couldn’t be trusted to mingle with.

Because one of these days, she could end up being dead meat on no fault of her own. It was bad enough that she had an attraction for him. So, she couldn’t resist him in any way.

One thing, he has figured out about her, was that she could have been hurt in her past, one way or another, because, once, she had taken up self-defense classes. And these classes had helped her out, protecting her against bad circumstances. One thing, that self-defense helped her in was that he found, she could lead him around by the nose, which didn’t seem to bother her, one bit.

Then, he had to take off for a few weeks on some assignment, jus after she was tempted to give into her attraction to him, which he couldn’t do anything about yet. This attraction had to happen to her, jus when they were getting close to each other. He had to leave her, which seemed to, really, bother both of them in a way.

When he went away, she found, she was missing him, which feeling seemed, suddenly, to creep up on her. What was she going to do, if he never came back to her, like if ended up getting himself, shot down during his assignment?

During the next few weeks, he was gone; she couldn’t help wondering if he was going to become caught up in some danger. And she kept dreaming about him, getting killed off, which seemed to haunt her in a way.

What she couldn’t comprehend about guys, anymore, was that she couldn’t tell she had a good trustful guy in her life, whenever she met one. and Mike could jus end up being the right guy for her. Though, she never thought, the dangerous type was for her, she came to a conclusion concerning other guys; she has had as boyfriends when she was in her teens.

Back then, she had her hands full of them until the bad ones crept into her life, and made a mess of her life.

One night, when she came home from shopping, something, some weird feeling had reminded her to go back to her car to get her keys, which she left inside her car. But jus as she entered the elevator, some large male figure tried to grab her. But she tried to dodge out of his way. As he tried to go after her, again, he slipped onto the floor. And then, to her surprise, she found Mike on the floor with bruises all over his face along his clothes being tinged with blood.

As she fell down to her knees in surprise, he turned unconscious on the floor, with her not knowing what to do, at first. She wondered if he tried to attack her or trying to grab her to prevent t some other guy from doing so. She wanted to call an ambulance over her cell phone, which was locked up inside her car.

So, she was a lucky, one of her other neighbors happened to walk by to help her out. But Mike got up upon coming out of his comatose state. And he didn’t want either Melody or her other neighbor, Pat, to call an ambulance, because he has something against hospitals.

Though, he admitted to him, that he jus has been beaten up, and knew how to handle the situation on his own. But neither Pat nor Melody were about to jus allow him to go without any emergency treatment, because he had gotten himself into a bad situation. And then, it made them, feel bad that he had been beaten up.

So, upon Melody and Pat taking him to Melody’s apartment, Melody got busy taking care of his face with her first aid kit.

While Melody was taking care of him, he, finally, admitted to her what had gone wrong with him, “I made some dumb error, which, almost, cost me my life, because some gang members. I was supposed to arrest them for causing a disturbance in public, and they all had been convicted of man slaughter. These guys were under investigation, but a couple of my agent buddies showed up over at the club. And they helped get all the gang members into custody, after a couple of the gang beat me merciless. So, I don’t want any report made up about anything concerning this incident, and me, getting beaten up.”

A buddy of his had drove him back home in his car without taking him for emergency treatment, jus because Mike didn’t want him to take him anywhere for treatment. Then, he was treated for by a neighbor of his, Melody. However, when she was treating him, what he has on his mind is about going to bed with her. So, he wanted to lie down in her bed. But in sensing what he wanted to get into, she made him stay on the couch in her living room.

When they ate dinner, together, that evening over at her apartment, he was feeling an affect of touch on him. What was on his mind was that he was ready to get her into bed. Then, she got him away from that thought, and invited him to go to Georgia with her to visit her family for a holiday.

As they arrived at their destination after an eight hour drive, all he could think of was something seductive, how a hot drink and bed would be so enticing to him being he has fallen for her after knowing her for about eight months.

She didn’t seem like someone, who would get herself, mixed up with the wrong guy. But he wondered if some incident in her past, had made her, put up her guard when it came to have self-control over the guys, she’s picked out in life to be her boyfriends.

To Mike, it was obvious, after all these months, that he was a guy, she, easily, got herself into a relationship with. What, really, gave her and Mike, the chance of their lives, was when all the family left after the holiday. And the two were left over at the family house, alone. So, this gave Mike, a big chance of his life, and a change of heart, on how he would follow Melody around, and sees if he could talk her into going to bed with him.

Would they, also, try sleeping, together, now that all of her family has left for home? But for now, the two’s relationship might take a new twist, if the two decided to go off to a club. So, she can run into some of her old friends, who hang out, there, at the club, he has picked for the night.

But over at the club, one of her old friends kept placing her hand right on Mike’s thigh. And this woman, also, tried to smooch him on the cheek, while she was making Mike, jealous and teed off, because Melody was supposed to be his date and girlfriend. And this, also, teed off Melody as she was singing with the band, that night. She used to be a singer over at this club when she was younger.

But what Mike wanted was having her in bed with her, because he keeps having dreams about her, every night, and can’t seem to keep her off his mind.

When the two arrived later that evening back over at the house, he let her know, he wanted her, now, and not for her past or future. And if she didn’t want to go any further into a relationship with him, it was up to her. But she didn’t want to make any commitment to him.

Then, that night, she walked right into the room, which he was using over at the house for himself. Upon her doing so, the two wanted to do this, and really, got into some good romance, that night. And after this night, she wanted to go back to jus being friends with him.

But whether she could go to bed with him, and then, go back to jus friends, would be a big risk for her, because being she has this attraction for him. That she, probably, jus find him, always, to be irresistible to her, and this could cause her attraction to him, to become so strong, that she won’t be able to find any way out of this route going to bed with him, again.

After they were back in Arkansas, one time, when she happened to have gone out with a new date of hers, which she had met over at the club, one night, it jus so happened that Mike ran into them right at Melody’s apartment door. And since, Mike gave her date, the evil eye, jus like he does to every other date, he catches her with, the other guy, her date for the date, didn’t like this at all.

So, then, this started a big fight between the two guys, and Melody didn’t know what to do. So, she, then, quickly, walked inside her apartment, and closed her door. However, she jus stayed by her door, watching the two guys, getting into their fight. So, what she did right after the two was done fighting. And her date ended up with a black eye. Jus because he has started the fight with Mike, she ditched her new date, and refused to see him, anymore.

She didn’t want her new date, Dave, around at her door, anymore, jus because this wasn’t the first time, in which the guy, has started a fight with Mike. And she got the impression, that he jus might start a fight with her for no reason at all, jus because he knew by now, that she and Mike have been getting closer to each other. Also, her new date grew afraid of Mike; because he might jus get another threat from Mike to be killed off with his gun.

At first, when Melody came home from teaching at school, she seemed to keep catching Mike’s gaze. And she kept finding him, very irresistible and by now, has a strong attraction to him. Though, at first, she didn’t go for dangerous guys, like agents, because of the mistakes, she had made in her past in getting mixed up with his type, the dangerous type. She didn’t know what to do with herself, at first, because she hasn’t bumped into Mike enough to keep inviting him inside her apartment.

But one night, when she least expected this to happen, her last date, who she wasn’t seeing anymore, happened to appear at her door. And right at the door, when she had the guts to open it up, he placed a threat on her to chase Mike out of her life, when he didn’t even know her to begin with.

So, being she refused to go out with him, anymore, at any cost, he snuck into her apartment, that night, and demanded a date from her, which she turned down right away. She wasn’t about to admit any of her feelings to him, which she thought she had for Mike. So, jus because she wouldn’t reveal any of them, he tried to force her to go out with him, again. And he was going to force her to go on walks with him or even the movies, that night.

Because Mike happened to catch the guy in the hall, trying to grab onto her throat, he rushed over to her, and knocked the guy down on the floor and free from her. She was gasping for breath and in tears. So, since, she was on the floor, half aware, Mike was around her, at first, jus after he shot the guy down dead in self-defense, she wasn’t aware of Mike, carrying her into his apartment to give her, first aid. But after him, performing CPR on her, and giving her, some smelling salts, when she came to, she didn’t remember her last date, almost, strangling her.

So, she was going to run out the door of Mike’s apartment. But he told her that he saved her life, because her last date, almost, strangled her to death. So, she, upon having some seizure medicine, which he knew, she had to take because the near strangulation, made her go into a seizure, she took his advice and then, rested on a couch in his living room until the next day.

Also, Mike called emergency care for her, and her doctor, to give her, urgent care, because he was afraid to move her. Since, she jus had a seizure inside his apartment.

In the meantime, he got the key to her apartment from her, and got some necessities for her like her medicine.

When he came back to his apartment, a few minutes later, the doctor was, there, at his apartment, giving her, emergency medical treatment.

But then, being Mike’s an FBI agent, he was cleared of the murder of Melody’s last date, because it had been an act of self-defense on his part.

Then, Mike wouldn’t allow her back into her apartment until the doctor got her a live-in-nurse.

Now, that a live-in-nurse and her doctor have her, thoroughly, checked out, she jus found out, she has a concussion. So, she has to go to a nursing home or stay at Mike’s apartment. So, she chose Mike’s apartment, because she’s afraid of living alone. At his apartment, there, he has the live-in-nurse give her care, while he was gone on his job.

But since, the cause of her last date and his strangulation on her opened up; again, by Mike. She joined him on the case, because he needs her and she has a physical attraction for him, too, and can’t seem to resist him.

In him, sensing this about her, he had her become his partner, in helping him, solving the strangulation case. So, since, she was well enough to be his partner, the -live-in-nurse, still, lived with her at Mike’s apartment when she wasn’t riding with him along in his car.

She moved out of her apartment and stayed in Mike’s apartment, permanently, partly, because her last date couldn’t be trusted not to break into her apartment, because he, still, could be, partly, alive. Even though, Mike thought he had shot the guy, dead, when he had been shot dead in a self-defense situation.

Being that she started having seizures; again, being a regular partner was too risky for her, if she had to ride along with Mike. The live-in-nurse would allow her to ride with Mike when she was sure her seizures were under control.

But then, she did work for him on computer over at his apartment under the live-in-nurse’s supervision. Melody’s attraction to him was getting stronger and so, he was getting attracted to her more jus in living with her and the two sleeping together at night in bed, whenever he was home at night.

The two started making love and made love in his car, whenever they had the chance to do it.

Then, one day, when they thought, the self-defense case was ready to be close, her last date was found to have been hiding after being at a mental hospital, and broke out of the place.

One day, in him, appearing at Mike’s door, she wouldn’t open the door for him. And after him, almost, taking mike’s life, Mike got a court order on the guy, and this guy was taken to jail by police. And Mike, too, along with the policemen, made sure he was put in a locked jail, where he didn’t have any access to any other prisoners.

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