Friday, June 27, 2008


MI 48054



While Mary Fenton, a head nurse, and her boyfriend, Dr. Dave Nugent is on their shifts over at the Chicago County General Hospital. On that day, Dr. Nugent has ended up losing his fellowship and the head of the hospital will not offer him another one. So, he approached Mary and took her to the side in a supply room where no one’s, likely, to find them. In addition, as he locked the door, the two jus stood there inside the supply room away from the door, so, no one would spot them inside that room.

So, Dr. Nugent happened to catch her off guard, and he has loved her for some time, so, he said to her, “Don’t know how to say this any other way, my dear Mary. Have had you in my heart for as long as I can remember. However, feel that being I cannot get another fellowship…well, what I am trying to tell you, is that I have been thinking this situation over, lately. In addition, cannot to find a job, elsewhere, in the city. So, feel that I should jus move out of the city. Have found a house in Seattle jus by the water.”

“You are not trying to break up with me, are you? Love you will all my heart. In addition, have been in love with you for a couple of years. However, cannot understand jus why you backed out on me. And broke your promise to marry me.”

“No, my dear, found a new home because I’ve been having this plaguing desire inside to take you with me to Seattle. Thought you would jus love living with me by the water? Also, have no choice to move because all the major hospitals in Chicago have been checked out. In addition, cannot seem to find even one hospital that will take me on as a doctor. So, want you to come with me to Seattle.”

“Can’t jus go ahead and leave my job. Have, finally, been accepted in med. school. Also, am well settled where I’m living at the present. It’s not that I don’t love you with all my heart. It’s, mostly, that all of the staff at this hospital like my work. And if I move to Seattle, might not ever be able to find another nurse job.”

Jus because she would not speak another word to him, he, then, left the supply room. In addition, she could not face anybody, else, so, she jus stayed inside the supply room for about a half-hour. And while there, jus help going into tears.

Finally, Dr. Korvac, a new doctor on staff, happened to come by the supply room to get some supplies, he needed. And as he couldn’t help bumping into her, he said to her, “are you alright, your face is red like you’ve been crying.”

“No, I’m not. Dr. Nugent and I jus had a serious talk. And jus because he’s in a situation, that the hospital head doesn’t want him working here at this hospital anymore, he’s moving to Seattle jus because he hasn’t been able to find another job as a doctor anywhere else in Chicago. In addition, at the last minute, he wants me to move there with him being he has found a house there on the water. And figured he could talk me into living with him at his new house.”

“So, I grab, that you are not going to move to Seattle with him, after all. Why do not you go; you, always, can find another head nurse job there. It’s not that those kinds of jobs are scarce. There’s, always, a demand there in Seattle at the hospitals for head nurses.”

“Although, there is, can’t jus get up, and leave my job here at the hospital. Have been here at this hospital for many years, and have been lucky to be able to work myself up as a head nurse through experience. In addition, cannot just throw my job and seniority down the drain. Also, have been getting good raises on my job, and have a part-time job at running the clinic. So, although, I love Dave, feel I’ve to stay here.”

“Try to put the situation out of sight and out of mind for now. How about going out to dinner with me, tonight over at Doc Magoo’s; don’t have any plans with Dave before he leaves for Chicago, do you?”

“No, in fact, I don’t. Dave didn’t even ask me about going out on any date, tonight. All that seems to be on his mind, lately, is getting away from his job at thehospital, mostly, because he never liked the way, any of the staff has ever treated him. As a doctor, always, thought that when taking care of a patient of his in pediatrics, those things, always, had to be done his way. Also, has figured, he never had to consult any of the staff when any treatment or procedure to be done on a patient, ever is in question.”

“What you’re trying to tell me, then, are that, he, always, thought, he jus could go ahead, and breaks any hospital policy as he saw fit. And that’s why the hospital head won’t offer him, another fellowship, and jus because Dr. David Lowell never liked his work.”

“That’s, exactly, at what I’ve been trying to get.”

“So, if you decide, you would like to go to the restaurant across the street after your shirt, let me know.”

“Okay, thanks for asking me out on a date. I’ll take you up on the offer.”

“Jus meet me over at Doc Magoo’s, then, about let’s say, nine o’clock for a couple of drinks. See you, then.”

Therefore, then, the attending physician, Dr. Paul Harrison, approached her jus as she’s making her way over to the main desk. In addition, while she is, he wanted her to take on a female patient, who’s been complaining of bad headaches, paged Dr. Korvac. So, as she ran into Dr. Harrison over at the main desk, he, first, said to her, “you look, as though, you are upset over something. What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing, I can change. All of a sudden, Dave approached me inside the supply room, not long ago, and he wants me to move with him to Seattle. Jus because he doesn’t like his job here, any longer, he went ahead, and bought a house there in Seattle, and wants me to move with him.”

“Well, are you going to jus quit your job, and go with him?”

“No, Dr. Harrison, I’m not. That’s what I told him. He thinks, that I can jus go with him, and leave my job as a head nurse. What I think, is that he jus never cared enough about me in the first place.”

“You’re jus going to have to try to adjust to the fact that he is leaving you. It will take some time to get over. Life jus has to go on. Cannot just throw your life away jus because someone, you thought, loved you very much, wants to break up with you. That’s the way, it appears to be anyway. And that’s the way, the ball rolls.”

“I was going to give you, the chart on a case of a young woman, who’s having a lot of pain on her left side. However, do not worry about it. I will take on the case for you. You need a break. Go; get yourself, something to eat before emergency starts to overflow with emergency cases.”

So, Mary took ride in the elevator down to the main floor, and as she arrived there in the cafeteria, she did not seem to feel that hungry for dinner, so she jus walked over to the salad aisle. In addition, she jus got herself, a chef salad with low calorie dressing and a smoothie.

After she had her salad and smoothie, she, then, took an elevator back to the second floor, and then, over to the main desk. In addition, as she did, as she, then, checked her watch realized it’s getting close to the end of her shift. In addition, as she’s ready to leave, the physician attendant pages her, so, he jus happens to run into her at the main desk.

So, he said to her, “I’ve been tied with three cases, so, why don’t you check on the woman in exam one she is the one, whose been complaining of pain on her side. In the meantime, have ordered some blood tests to rule appendicitis, and any kidney problems. However, all the blood tests came back negative. So, go and check on her again. And if her pelvic pain becomes worse, be sure the patient gets checked out for pelvic inflammatory disease, and a possible entopic pregnancy.”

Then, Mary walked into exam one, and the patient, there, is crunched up in pain, so, Mary, immediately, paged Dr. Harrison, the physician attendant. Upon him, arriving inside exam one again, Mary said to him, “overheard her, screaming in pain. Suspect a possible entopic pregnancy.”

So, Dr, Harrison said to her, “stay with her, and immediately, administer two hundred milligrams morphine to her. She’s definitely, a surgery patient. I’ll page the chief surgeon, Dr. Davidson, and his assistant, dr. hefner. The patient needs surgery right away, or her ovary can burst and kill her.”

Upon the physician attendant paging the chief surgeon and his assistant, they came running into exam one where Mary had to strap the patient being she’s in so much pain, that she, almost, jumped out of bed.

So, Mary along with the chief surgeon and his assistant, grabbed onto the bed, and wheeled the bed into the surgery room, half running across the hall. In addition, while Dr. Harrison, Dr. Davidson, and dr. hefner were scrubbing up, Mary, immediately, page the anesthesiologist, and he ran into the surgery room, and administered some to the patient. Only a couple of minutes later, the physician attendant along with the two other surgeons, and a medical student, Joe, didn’t waste any time, getting into the surgery room.

As Mary left the surgery room, and walked right over to the main desk to take up another case, suddenly, she’s overcome by nausea, and had to sit down at the main desk there. The nurse chief said to her being she’s right over by the desk, “Mary, you do not look good. What’s the matter?”

“All of a sudden, a wave of nausea jus hit me.”

“Think you should go lay down in the lounge for now. I’ll have someone else take on your case when she gets out of surgery. Do not worry about emergency being overloaded with cases. If we do, I’ll call in a couple doctors for the midnight shift in earlier. Okay, jus go get some rest. You might have come down with a bug.”

So, Mary, then, took the elevator down to the first floor. As she arrived there in the lounge, she ran into Dr. Korvac. His shift jus ended, and as he jus was through looking for her in the cafeteria, he headed towards the lounge.

As he bumped into Mary, he said to her, “Did you forget, we had a date, tonight?”

“No, I didn’t. It’s jus that I have been tied with an emergency case of a woman, suspected of having an entopic pregnancy. In addition, right now, she’s in surgery. So, jus as the nurse chief was going to hand another case over to me, all of a sudden, I became nauseated. Therefore, she told me to go, and lay down in the lounge.”

“You have been getting like this, quite often. Don’t you think, you should have a pregnancy test did you skip a month?”

“Yes, I did. However, I didn’t think anything of it at first. Thought I jus was going through an early menopause.”

‘No, don’t think so. Jus take my advice, and get a pregnancy test done as soon as possible. Are you, feeling like a date, tonight, or do you want to want to another night?”

‘‘Guess I’m feeling better now.”

“Okay, come with me. Let us check out, and go on this date. Your shift is over, anyway.’

So, after checking out, the two walked across the street over to Doc Magoo’s. Once, they walked inside the restaurant, the two sat down at the bar. Since, Dr. Korvac suspected a possible pregnancy in Mary; she did not want to order any alcoholic drinks. Therefore, she jus ordered some sparkling water while he ordered a cocktail.

In addition, after the two received their drinks, she couldn’t figure out how she got so much energy inside her all of a sudden. Therefore, she’s in the mood for doing some dancing, since, the disc jockey jus put on some slow music. So, Dr. Korvac said to Mary, “your face, suddenly, is appearing to be very peppy-looking. Are you in the mood for any dancing, tonight, or are you jus too tired from working, tonight?”

“Feel like some dancing, tonight. I’ll take you up on it.”

So, she couldn’t figure out why, she, suddenly, felt very comfortable with Dr. Korvac; as soon as the two got out on the dance floor, she felt, as though, she has known her, all her life.

The next morning, as soon as Mary arrived over at the hospital, she, still, has time before her shift began. She’s surprised, not to see Dr. Dave Nugent at the hospital as he’s, usually, there, by now for his shift. Therefore, she jus knew, he had left that morning for Seattle. In addition, she didn’t seem to miss him yet.

Once, at the main desk, she found out, she has not needed for any early cases. Therefore, she found one of the nurses not to be busy yet. So, she said to the nurse, “have skipped a month, so, I’m here, earlier than usual to get a pregnancy test done.”

So, Nurse Marilyn said to her, “jus follow me. Will take you to exam one. That room is empty at this time.”

As they arrived inside the room, Mary sat down on a bed in that room and Marilyn took some blood from her. Then, the nurse went, and had it, examined. A few minutes later, she came back and said to Mary, “has some good news for you. You are two months along in your pregnancy. Do you want to go through a special test to find out if you have a boy or a girl during the later half of your pregnancy?”

“If you mean taking fluid out of the womb, the answer is no. Jus think that it’ll be too risky on the baby.”

“Well, the test showed two cells present. Therefore, you are, definitely, pregnant with twins.”

One night, Mary thought on the way home from the hospital, “Jus cannot believe this. Here Dave jus left for Seattle. Now, have to face the fact. When these twins are born, they could end up without a father.”

Mary’s, still, excited over being pregnant with twins being she’s due to have them in about seven months.

She’s so happy, she’s pregnant, that once, she ran into Dr. Korvac, she said to him, “guess what, Dr. Korvac, I’ve jus found out, that I’m pregnant with twins.”

‘‘Boy that is a surprise. What a time to find out when Dave has jus left for Seattle. Are you going to call him, and tell him about it?”

‘‘No, I have to get used to the fact, that I am pregnant, first. Don’t think, I’ll tell him about it right away. Want to wait a few months. Don’t know how he will react to it, if I let him know right away. Want to wait to hear from him first. I must find out, if he, really, still, cares about me.”

“Well, the attending physician jus paged me. Must go, and take care of a woman, who’s complaining of bad headaches, and vomiting. Sounds like it could be a real serious case; I’ve got on my hands. See you later.”

“Jus have been paged for a case of a woman, complaining of nausea and extreme fatigue. I must get to my case too.”

That evening around eight o’clock, Mary was resting at the desk, answering phones for the nurse chief, and resting her legs on top of a stool. As she is doing so, she’s paged for what she thinks, is an emergency case. In addition, during the page, she is jus walking over to exam one, and the woman’s case, she had before is in question. A nurse jus told Mary, that the woman’s nausea and extreme fatigue are being accompanied by more serious symptoms.

Jus as Mary walked into trauma one, all the nurses are there, and they yelled out, ‘”surprise, Mary, baby shower time.”

Mary has a surprised look on her face as she said to all the nurses, “oh boy. I did not expect a baby shower so soon. How did you all know, I was pregnant. I know, Dr. Korvac must have told everyone all about me, going to have twins.”

Then, one of the nurses said to her, ‘go ahead. Open the biggest package, first. It’s something, you, really, will like.”

So, with a big smile on her face, Mary opened the first one, very eagerly, and jus after opening it up, she said, “oh no, you women did not have to do this. Oh my, something for the twins in which they can be rocked after they’re born. Would not you know it is a baby carriage? Oh boy,” she said as she opened the next one, “this is so cute. The twins will jus love sleeping and being rocked in this one.”

“Okay,” said one of the nurses, now go ahead, and open the rest of the packages. Most of the smaller ones were baby outfits. Mary, also, received some rattles, and a baby mobile of blue, red, and green colors. “This mobile will jus look so cute in my white wooden crib,” replied Mary. Then, right after she opened the entire baby shower packages, the last thing, she received was a bottle of sparkling water.

“Now, know, you nurses have something up your sleeves.”

“Yes,’ said one of the nurses, ‘we all would like to have a special toast in honor of you, going to have twins one of these days. First, how far along are you?”

‘‘About two months. In addition, already, I’m starting to feel like a blimp. And I’m not even that far along in my pregnancy yet.”

“Now,’ said a nurse to the other nurses and Mary, as she poured a glass of sparkling water for everyone at Mary’s surprise baby shower. Then, a nurse said to all the other nurses and Mary, “okay, everyone rise your glasses of sparkling water, and clink them together. This is in honor of Mary, going to have twins in about seven months. Everyone drink up. By the way, Mary, I bought this sparkling water jus for you because we are aware, that having any alcohol during your pregnancy, is bad for the babies, and also, can cause low birth weight and abnormalities.”

Therefore, after Mary’s baby shower, being it’s time for her shift to end, a nurse paged Dr. Korvac into the conference room. And it’s a good thing that he isn’t tied up with a patient because Mary needed his help to carry all the big presents out to Mary’s blue Chevy truck. In addition, after the nurses carried the smaller presents out, and placed them in Mary’s truck, then, Dr. Korvac, along with attending physician, carried the baby carriage into his truck.

Then, from the hospital, Dr. Korvac jus followed Mary all the way to her apartment. In addition, once there, as the two got out of their trucks, he said to her, “Do not bother to carry any of the big stuff inside. Will do it all for you.”

So, once, all the presents were inside her apartment, Dr. Korvac, even, stayed over a little extra time to set up an extra bedroom with the crib and other baby things. He even set up the baby mobile inside the crib, as she’s going to have her babies, any time now. Then, as soon as he’s done, he has to get going as it is getting a bit late, and she has to get her sleep, and so does he as they both have to get up for work tomorrow.

So, Dr. Korvac said to her, “okay, Mary, have to get going and get home. Lives, at least, a half-hour from your place if not more. Goodbye will see you tomorrow at the hospital.”

“Goodbye, Dr. Korvac,” she said to him, “doesn’t mind me; calling you by your professional name as I, really, don’t know you that well yet.”

So, jus before he went out the door, he took her hand, and kissed it. This, really, surprised her because she did not know that he liked her. She thought as she got ready to hit the sack, “maybe, he’s jus trying to be nice to me because he knows; I’ve been feeling quite lonely without Dave in my life. On the other hand, maybe, he, really, has taken a liking to me. Seems like a real nice and polite guy. If Dave never comes back into my life, maybe, one of these days, Dr. Korvac and I’ll end up in a relationship.”

About a couple of months later, when Mary jus arrived over at the hospital for her shift, Dr. Korvac jus arrived there. In addition, as he walked up to her, he said to her, ‘how are you doing, dear Mary. Have you heard anything from Dave? Has he called you?”

‘At least, he has been sending me, letters, every month, letting me know how he’s doing over in Seattle. Jus loves living on the water and going fishing in his boat. In addition, he, at least, tells me in his letters, that he has been thinking of me. So, I guess, it means, he, still, care about me.’

The next day when she was over at the hospital for her shift, dr. Korvac came up to her while she’s sitting at the main desk, answering phones, and told her, “the mailman must have been here, earlier, than usual. Here, found this on the main desk. It’s a package for you.”

As she took the package from him, she said to him, “Can’t believe it. This card on the package has his name on it. It says, ‘to my love. Miss you. Still, love you. Wish you would change your mind. In addition, move to Seattle with me.”

As she opened the package up, she said, ‘it’s beautiful. It’s a stuffed toy dog of a black and white color. In addition, its eyes even look real. I wonder why, he would send me, a stuffed toy.”

As she took it out of its box, as she pressed its stomach, it played the song, “Broken Wings”. “Jus could listen to its music, all day and all nightlong. It, really, touches my heart,” she said close to tears. Then, she put it back in its box, walked over to her locker, and placed the box inside it.

Then, she said to herself, ‘I guess, I’d better give him, a call. However, that will not work because I do not have his telephone number. When I have a chance, I’ll write him, a letter. In this letter, I’ll let him know, I’m pregnant, and also, am sure; he would like to know how the twins are doing.”

Then, as she walked up to the main desk, the attending physician came up to her, and said to her, “have you heard from Dave, recently?”

She said to him with a look of awe on her face, “in fact, I have. I had the surprise of my life, today. Dave sent me a blackened white stuffed toy dog. It plays the song, ‘broken wings’. In addition, I have been receiving a letter from him, at least, once a month. In addition, every so often, he calls over here at the hospital. However, never seem to get the call. Whoever answers the telephone, must not think, that his calls are very important to me.”

Then, the attending physician said to her as he handed over to her, a chart, her first case of the day, “here, this guy has been complaining of headaches and backaches. Want you to take this case over for me, and get him taken for a head CT. Want to rule out meningitis or sinitis.”

Three months later, Mary’s on her way to the hospital on the el because she is having her truck, fixed since she’s been having trouble with the gas pedal. In addition, Dr. Korvac jus happened to be sitting in el beside her when, all of a sudden, he overheard her, saying to herself, “oh no, can’t believe it. I’m not due for another two months yet. And, already, can feel the contractions coming on.”

He said to her, “do you have any idea about how far apart the contractions are.”

She said to him, “yes, about five minutes apart.”

“Okay, jus try your best to relax. Are you sure, you can make it to the hospital, or should we get off at the next stop? If we do, we, always, can get a cab, quickly, as there are many cab drivers in Chicago.”

“No, I don’t think, I will be able to wait that long. The contractions are coming on, strongly.”

“Okay, will tell you, what I’ll do. There is a store jus around the corner. Jus get off on the next stop with me. In addition, from there, I’ll call an ambulance for you. It’ll be there in no time at all from Chicago County General.”

“Let us do that, then. Surely, don’t want to have my twin’s right here inside the el.”

So, as soon as the next sign came around, Dr. Korvac pulled the cord, and helped Mary out of the el. Then, as they approached the store, there’s a bench jus outside the place. So he has her, wait there, since, she cannot walk into the store. So, then, he said to her just before going over to pay telephone, nearby, “jus try to keep taking deep breaths. It’ll help the pain. I’ll be right back.”

So, as soon as he called an ambulance over to the store from Chicago County General, he, then, walked back over to where Mary is sitting, trying to keep track of how many minutes apart, her contractions are. And in no time at all, the ambulance is there, and jus as the paramedics come out of the ambulance, Dr. Korvac said to one of them, ‘this woman over here on the bench is going into labor, and her contractions are getting very close together. Hope she makes it in time to the hospital and over to the OR.’

So, along with the doctor’s help, Mary is placed onto a gurney, and wheeled into the ambulance. As the ambulance is on its way to the hospital, Dr. Korvac watched over Mary. And, since, he has taken Lamaze before, one time, when he used to be married, a few years ago, and jus before his ex-wife had their only child, a boy, the doctor is staying at Mary’s side. He’s going his best in trying to coach her breathing.

As they arrived at the emergency entrance of Chicago County General, the paramedics, quickly, wheeled the gurney out of the ambulance. And then, with Dr. Korvac following the paramedics through the emergency entrance, once, they arrived at the main desk, Dr. Korvac said to the attending physician who’s standing near the front desk, ‘Mary has gone into labor. She’s about to have her twins’ right here if we don’t hurry, and get her to the OR.”

Therefore, then, the paramedics left, and the attending physician along with Dr. Korvac, quickly, wheeled Mary down the hall to the OR. And once, they arrived at the OR, and got Mary inside that room, Dr. Korvac stayed at her side, while the attending physician paged another nurse, who, usually, helps out on the deliveries. In addition, once, the nurse opened her or bag, she, quickly, got out the necessary supplies for delivering babies.

While she is, Dr. Korvac assured the OR nurses, “Mary’s about to have twins. Therefore, you should know that I’m willing to stay right here in the OR to help her along until both babies are delivered. I know how to cue her in her breathing because I have taken Lamaze. So, nurse, let me know, when you’re ready to shave her, and anything else, that needs to be done. Then, I’ll come back inside or, and help Mary through both of her deliveries.”

The nurse wanted to be nice to Dr. Korvac, so, she jus said to him, “Jus stand behind her bed, and keep reminding her to do her deep breathing because these will be her first babies. Also, she might end up being in labor, quite a few hours being she’ll be having twins.”

So, that’s what he did, and during Mary’s first labor, she had a hard time, taking the pain. So, she ended up yelling out to Dr. Korvac, “What are you trying to do to me? Come-on, you can do better than that. If you’re not going to stay beside me, and take my hand, you might as well leave.”

Then, she started giving him, every name under the sun. However, he wouldn’t leave her, trying to go at her labor alone.

So, he, then, reassured her, “know the pain is getting unbearable for you. Would you like an epidural? It’ll kill the pain, but then, you’ll be able to stay awake during the deliveries of both of your twins.”

‘Okay, Dr. Korvac, hope you don’t mind me, screaming bloody murder. Am jus getting out of control because I am not used to having babies? Come on, doctor, get a move on. Get that nurse on the ball. If you don’t, I’ll ask you to leave the room.”

So, he administered the epidural, himself, and in about fifteen minutes, she started to simmer down. In addition, he hoped, she would stay that way. However, he knew it’s unlikely; she could stay settled down throughout her whole labor.

“Okay,” said the nurse to Mary, “your first baby’s ready to come out. Use all your energy, and push the baby out.”

Therefore, she tried hard to push, and in no time at all, she could hear some crying. Therefore, she knew, the first one was out in its New World. However, jus as the nurse handed the baby over to another nurse; it seemed to Mary, that it was not long until she’s in labor again.

This time, Dr. Korvac could not bear her, screaming any longer. So, before he lost control of himself, he said to the nurse, “Please get another nurse in here to help Mary out in her breathing. I can’t take any more of this.”

Therefore, the nurse paged another nurse to the or on the double. In addition, although, Mary kept screaming, and crying throughout the whole labor, she’s able to endure it. If it wasn’t for her, having a lot of patience, and being able to cue Mary in on her deep breathing, she, probably, would have left or before the delivery of Mary’s second twin.

When it came time for Mary’s other twin to come out, the nurse told her, “come on, Mary, you can do it. Put your whole self into it. Jus keep trying to push. The baby will be out in no time at all.”

Although, Mary pushed as hard as she could, she became listless. Therefore, this became a tough labor for her because she couldn’t be given another epidural. If she had, she would have lost all feeling, and would have ended up, having a caesarian section. Jus as it’s time for the baby to come out into the world, she yelled out, “hey, your nurses, can’t stand you all being around me anymore—why don’t you all jus leave—if you don’t, I’ll jump out of bed, so, my baby can come out.”

This, really, got the nurses mad, and one of them, strapped her down. Therefore, finally, as Mary tried one more time to give it all she had to get her baby out into the world, the last twin, finally, came out. At this point, Mary is sweating like a dog, and so happy, that many tears are rolling down her face.

As Mary is holding her twin girls, one in each arm, she is ecstatic. In addition, she’s eager to get into breastfeeding, and learning how to take care of her twins. Right away, Mary learned how to breastfeed, and burp her twin girls, Lisa and Linda.

And, once, she’s released from the hospital, Dr. Korvac drove her back home to her apartment.

So, the first night, he stopped over at her apartment, she blurted out to him as he walked inside, “hey, dr. Korvac, whatever you do, if you ever get to talk to Dave, don’t tell him, how you’re looking over my shoulder. He might jus get jealous.”

And every night when he came over right after his shift, he would stop over at her apartment, and help her out with her babies until she got used to taking care of twins. It turned out to be a big job for her, but she took, at least, two months off jus so that she could get the hang of having twins.

One night when dr. Korvac was over at her apartment, watching the twins for her, jus before she’s going to try to get a few hours rest, she decided, it’s time, that Dave finds out about her, jus having her twins. That’s, although, in one of her letters, she told him about her pregnancy. Also, whenever she felt like it, she had let him, know how her pregnancy had been coming along.

So, since, he had given her, his phone number in one of his letters along with sending her, the stuffed toy, when she called him, she said to him with a surprised voice, “hi Dave, have been missing you a lot. Seem to have you on my mind, every day and night. I have some good news for you. I spent, almost, twelve hours in labor in delivering my babies. I’ve jus had twin girls, and named them, Linda and Lisa.”

Dave, really, didn’t say much to her, that night, since, upon hearing the good news about the twins, he became choked up. However, he managed to get some words out.

He said to her, “I’m very happy for you, my darling. However, don’t forget, I, still, love you. In addition, ever since, I’ve moved to Seattle, have been missing you. Therefore, if you ever change your mind, I’ll, always, be waiting for you.”

Neither one could say anything more; so, Mary jus said goodbye to Dave.

One time, he sent her, some things for the twins, two colorful rattles, two nipples for when they started teething along with a case of baby food with one of his letters.

In addition, in response to his letter, she wrote, “maybe, some day when the twins get older, I’ll come to Seattle. However, have not decided whether I’ll go there to live with you since I haven’t found anybody, who will take care of the twins for me. In addition, don’t know if I could ever have the heart to give them up for adoption. Think that it would be too much for me to take. Also, it’s because you’re the father of these babies.”

After Mary went back to work, she had to take the twins with her, and put them in the nursery while she’s on shift. In addition, she’s aware, that Dr. Korvac has fallen for her, but she didn’t know what else to do. It’s getting too much for her to try to take care of her twins, and go on her shift as a head nurse. In addition, the twins were, at least, a year old by now.

Therefore, one day when Mary’s on shift, and jus got through taking care of a patient of hers, she decided, that this was it. She felt that she had to take charge of her life, even if it meant giving up the care of her twins to someone else. However, on second thought, she didn’t want to abandon the twins either because the last thing, she wanted, was to have the twins, grow up without their real mother and father.

Therefore, when she bumped into Dr. Korvac, that day, after taking care of a patient who was dehydrated, and had to be given an IV for a few hours, she’s aware, that he likes her a lot.

So, she said to him, “have this feeling inside me, lately, that being Dave has been sending me, all these letters, I, really, have to find out the bare truth if he, really, loves me a lot. Also, have a gut feeling inside, that he and I are made for each other. Don’t worry; jus know you will find someone else, the right one for you. Know you will miss me, but some day, the woman who was meant for you, will come along. Therefore, it’s been nice knowing you.”

Right after kissing him, goodbye, she, then, went right to her locker, and grabbed her all her things out of it. Then, she had to rush like crazy, and walked back to the room where he happened to be jus finishing up with his patient. So, she said to him, “would you mind going down to the nursery to get the twins for me. Want to catch the next plane to Seattle.”

So, he said to her, “Yes, will be more than glad to help you out. Jus wait for me in the lobby. Sit tight. I’ll be right there as soon as I get the twins from the nursery.”

Then, he rushed down to the first floor with her. In addition, they took the stairs because they are faster than waiting for an elevator. Therefore, as soon as Mary and Dr. Korvac reached the first floor, he hurried over to the nursery, half running while she walked down the hall over to the lobby.

As she reached the lobby, she thought, “Boy, jus cannot wait to see Dave again. Bet he will be surprised to see me again. Probably, has been waiting, very faithfully, for this day to come. Know he’s anxious to see the twins. After all, he’s their true father.”

In no time at all, Dr. Korvac walked into the lobby with the twins. Then, he said to her in an anxious voice, ‘would you like a ride to the airport? My shift is finished for the day. I’m not needed in emergency anymore right now. Therefore, I can leave now.”

So, she replied, “that would be a big help to me. In fact, would like to catch the next flight if possible. The weather is nice, so, there shouldn’t be any flight delay, today.”

Dr. Korvac grabbed both of the twins for her, and handed them over to a nurse, who is ready to leave because her shift is over, Therefore, while she fed the twins, their bottles, Mary waited with her just inside the hospital. In the meantime, Dr. Korvac walked over to his red Chevy truck, and met Mary at the hospital entrance.

Just after that, Mary said to the nurse, “Tell the chief nurses to announce, that I’ve quit my job, so that I can be with Dave again.”

In addition, she replied, “everyone on the staff is going to miss you. Hope you made the right decision to leave your job. I’m sure, that Dave wants you back into his life. Bye, see you, Mary.”

Therefore, Mary grabbed the twins from the nurse. Then, once out the doors, Dr. Korvac is nice enough to strap the twins in their baby seats. Jus after Mary set the portable baby seat in the back seat, and got into the front seat of doctor’s truck; they are on their way to the airport. In addition, on the way, he broke every speed limit, but not even once, was he stopped by the police.

Once, they arrived over at the Chicago airport, jus before she entered the airplane terminal, she said to him in a sad voice, “well, Dr. Korvac, it has been nice working with you over at the hospital. I’m going to miss you a lot. Will give you, a call, every so often, though, to let you know, how Dave and I are doing.”

So, he said to her, “Will miss you too. Has been nice having you as a good friend. Bye for now.”

Therefore, then, she walked as fast as she could over to the airplane terminal. And she made it inside the plane jus in time as its’ ready to take off. The stewardess grabbed the twins in their baby seat from her. Then, she strapped them down in the seat next to Mary. In addition, before she even realizes it, the plane is taking off, and she and the twins arrived in Seattle in about an hour.

Once, Mary and twins arrived at Seattle airport, a cab picked them up, and since, Mary requested, that the cab driver take her right over to Dave’s house, he drove her over there.

On the way to Dave’s house, she thought, “hope that when I arrive at his house with twins, that he’ll be glad to see me again. Also, hope that he will be all heart to see the twins. After all, he’s their father. In addition, he should be eager to see them. Has never seen them before. But hope that he, still, wants to have a life with me, even though, I’ll need his help in taking care of the twins.”

Once, she arrived at Dave’s house, she has a funny feeling inside, that he’s in his backyard. Therefore, she didn’t bother knocking on the front door.

As she walked to the back yard with the twins in her arms, he jus happened to notice her, walking towards the docks. Therefore, his eyes were jus beaming as he walked away from his gray fishing boat. In addition, as he caught up to her, he took the twins in his arms, and gave them both, a big kiss.

Upon setting them on the grass in their baby seat, Dave jus smothered her with kisses for a few minutes. In addition, because the babies were starting to cry, he picked them up into his arms. Then, he said to Mary in an anxious voice, “how about if we all go for a ride. Am sure, the twins will jus love it.”

So, she replied, “boy, Dave, can tell, that you are going to be a good father to our twins. I’m more than glad, that you, still, love the twins and me too. Yeah, let’s all go for a boat ride. Jus hope the twins don’t start crying while we’re on the water.”

So, Dave kept the twins in his arms, and acted as if he never wanted to let go of them, as they all boarded the boat. However, they all went for a ride in his other boat, a blue and white speedboat, and, once, inside the boat, Dave strapped the twins as well as Mary down.

In addition, Dave took off so fast, that Mary said to him, almost, screaming, “Hey Dave, don’t go so fast. It’s scaring the twins. That’s why they’re both crying.”

Therefore, it’s obvious, that Dave’s glad to be with Mary and the twins too. In addition, he is glad to be a father to the twins. Certainly, with all his heart, he loves Mary along with the twins. Also, he wants to keep the twins in the family; he never wants Mary ever to put the twins in someone else’s care unless it’s, only, temporary care.

In addition, to Mary’s surprise, he has reminded her, many times, that he wants more children in their family, even if Mary ever has any more twins. And if may can’t get pregnant again, he loves the twins so much, that he’ll do Mary, a big favor, through considering adopting one or two kids, maybe, even twins.

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